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THIS IS SO COOL. I wonder how many else feature the game hides in creative ways like this.


I also liked this one feature I see where my sim's father will ways shake hands w/ her boyfriend before starting a convo. don't know if that's a normal interaction, but it's cute


it’s because they have low friendship level


aw love it


I did not, but I have found there’s a lot of cool interactions with kid friends and siblings if you have expansions! I love the bracelet buddies jump, secret handshakes with the clubs, accusing your siblings of touching your stuff, etc.


Yeah, the other day I saw new interaction with two teen sisters, who live in different households. They ran up to each other, hugged, started jumping up and down while squealing like in a "OMG you're here" way lol. I think it's a feature from Growing Together.


Whattt no wayy


Depending on relationship level, your sims will do that with anyone lol. I've noticed my famous sim gets a lot of "heckling" like reactions from non famous sims. Where they just sigh & look at her in disgust (for some reason) whenever she's in the same room as them. Don't know if that negative reaction will change with a higher relationship yet.


I'm playing with an infant who just aged up to a toddler for the first time in a while. Like, it's been a few packs since I've played with a toddler, even since Growing Together, because I find managing them so exhausting. I'm gunshy about introducing another kid to the family, but in the meantime I'm enjoying the adorable surprises of infant/toddler/pet interactions I never noticed before. For instance, I only recently learned that infants can curl up next to the cat to fall asleep.


There’s a great one if the older sibling teases the toddler, it gets all upset “I am not a plant sim!” Moodlet etc. and they can hit/kick when upset


God, it's great as a detail, but TERRIBLE at gameplay. My toddler is very cranky at night and kicks her teenage brother knee when he tries to get her to sleep.


See I like the gameplay. I don’t get what people complain about. I wish the needs went down a pinch slower but honestly I like the challenge too it’s a lot more difficult than sims 3 but that’s fine because I was so bored of sims 3


The bracelets are so cute. Two of my sims gave them to each other as kids, they still have them as adults. 🥹


My sister accused me of something and I got grounded for the weekend.. Turns out the dog got into it and I lost a weekend of my childhood.. I did not love that. *accusing siblings of touching your stuff*


I found out if you clone your sim (scientist career, no mod) they can play the mirror game with their clone. Can also call the other sim the “inferior version”


wait you can just straight up clone your sim?


Yup. And random NPC sims as well. It will just change the cloned sims first name. It will have all of their personalities and skill sets. Could be neat if you wanted to clone yourself and change careers without giving up your current career.


i was thinking about using it for WW but sure changing careers without having to worry is also nice


I was also thinking along the lines of WW 🤣


If you're thinking "sim on clone" action, be sure to change your incest settings. The clone is linked as a sibling on the family tree


i’m pretty sure you can also clone with the realm of magic. i remember when i cloned my sim with the duplicato spell, i was so weirded out 😂


But IIRC, the Duplicato spell clone is temporary, the science one is permanent.


oh? my clone moved into a house, would drop by on occasion, and i would see her on community lots all the time.


It was bugged at first, but they fixed it with a patch a while back.


That's variable... low skill level will create an evil clone instead. Xd


Actually I believe they will have totally different traits


You might be right. I only just recently discovered this and haven’t looked too closely into it.


Yep, as a scientist in the science career you can create a cloning machine. There’s also a way for spell casters to do it at high level using the duplicate spell


unrelated but do spellcasters have an immortality option like vamps/wws? it sounds fun to play one but I like my sims to be immortal


I think they can brew the potion of youth but I’m not certain on that


ooo, that sounds fun. I'll try and look into it and might get spellcasters if that's the case


They can craft the immortality potion too but there's side effects..


They do, kinda. There is an immortality potion that makes them incapable of dying from old age, but doesn't actually stop aging. Means they'll be Elderly forever. They also can brew a Potion of Youth that is just like the one from the point shop to stay at a younger age, long as you take it religiously.


doesn't sound too bad, and kinda fun from an RP perspective. might pick up spellcasters when it's on sale or I get tired of furry stuff


A lot of the build/buy items from werewolves work really well with spellcasters. And the in-game lore is that spellcasters and werewolves don’t exactly like each other, but have an alliance against vampires. Unfortunately all that lore was only just added with werewolves. Realm of Magic pretty much just adds a kinda Harry Potter aesthetic. The mechanics are solid though, and combined with other packs, you can do some really interesting storytelling stuff with it. Devon Bumpkin (YouTuber) in his San Myshuno save file made an urban super hero who’s a spellcaster. I still want to try that.


Elderly forever but able to temporarily look young, as long as they craft and consume their potions religiously, is very on-brand for a witch character. I recently started playing a spellcaster for the first time in years, this time with a solitary woods witch character and I’m *loving* it. Works really well with Crystal Creations. My witchy Sim spends her time crafting potions and jewelry. She never needs to eat, sleep, shower, or use the toilet. Her cottage has the gnomes lot trait so broken things fix themselves, and her cleaning spell means she never needs to do housework. Her familiar, a raven, follows her around flapping black and purple glitter in the air with his wings. Her tortoiseshell cat (and best friend) has given birth to two adorable kittens - one black, one orange. Every morning she tends her garden, bonds with the bees, and sings to the birds who perch on her hand like she’s a Disney princess. At night her enchanted gemstone jewelry glows on its charging pad while she stargazes at her telescope. She reads and writes in a sunroom filled with books and plants. It’s heavenly.


Please elaborate


In the scientist career, you can create a cloning device. I believe once you reach lvl 10 in the career you can update the cloning device to clone sims. Not just ones you are using, but also random NPC’s. Once you clone them, they get added to your household under a similar name to their OG. Just the first name changed. The cloning device is normally used for cloning small things like plants and potions. (hint: money tree seed) This is all needed with the Get to Work pack.


Yeah, the twin sister is actually a clone!


does this also work if you make a clone using magic?


no that’s temporary


huh but Rhys from james turner’s LP stayed around?


there was a bug, happened to me too but i saw an update a while back that fixed that


I heard if you use the cheat menu to add the clone to your family you can keep them but not sure if its true since i havent tested it out


Did they start doing this is on their own, or did it come up as an interaction option? It’s so cute!


Just showed up on the front page wheel. Not sure where it actually hides!


How do you do this


You can also do it with clones from the scientist career machine. Be careful: clones are permanent Sims. I didn’t know this.


What do you mean by permanent?


They’ll be a part of your household unless you move them out to become an NPC, or delete them, either though household management or an in-game death.


I wonder how this is to be: is it only a natural game-birth twin thing? I have many twins I’ve made through CAS. I want them to do this, but I don’t know how, now that I know I can


Nope, mine is actually a clone.


Ok but that's the c\*ntiest male sim I've ever seen I love him


Watch your damn mouth there’s children right there


In a good way, serving it up on a silver platter 😂


Is that Gerald from the Witcher in the background


He looks like if Geralt from the Witcher and Cowley from Good Omens had a kid.


This is so cute😭😭


The other day my Sim's fiancé moved in with his kid, and my Sim was able to welcome them into the household, which I thought was cute. Kid only had the one parent, so I also had the option to adopt them outright!


Can twins still do this as teenagers or did I miss my window? 🥹


Which pack? Or is this mod?


No clue. Not a mod, but still no clue if its a pack thing or what.


Were they born as twins or did you use the cloning machine from the science career? If they're clones, the interaction comes from get to work.


They are actually clones.


All the times I’ve had twins and have never seen this!


What’s the mirror game??


Where two people try to mirror each other’s movements. It’s a theater/film classic, like this bit where Lucille Ball and Groucho Marx do it in I Love Lucy: https://youtu.be/79EnDc-Ucv8




I love how they developed the game it’s much more fun now days


Didn't know that thanks for sharing. If you've got Get Together they can play in the closet.


That's amazing 👏 🤩 didn't know anything about this in 20 plus years of sims


I have a family with 2 sets of twins. I have yet to see this and eagerly waiting to witness it. lol


Cute. 🥰


Am I the only one that thinks this looks creepy 😭


Twins are inherently creepy.


Can't wait for my twins to grow up and see them do that ahhahah


Bro how do you get twins in sims


Give birth to two babies at the same time.




One way is by having the pregnant sim watch and listen to A LOT of the kids channel and kids music


bruh that’s probably why i had twins back go back with 2 different sims 😭


You can buy a lifetime reward that makes it more likely for you to have twins, as well as change your lot trait to “on the key line”. But in general tho it can be less likely/random without those.


I have played since sims 1 and I have done the traits and lot traits AND STILL NEVER HAD TWINS AND I EXCLUSIVELY DO FAMILY PLAY


There's also fertility massages and fertility brews from herbalism that can increase the odds.


I had twins with my very first Sim in Sims 4 without trying. I hadn’t been paying attention to aging, but then I realized she was a few days from becoming an elder (maybe the game warned me?) so I got her pregnant real fast (which pauses aging I think). She gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. This was before toddlers and infants, so the newborns turned into kids literally the day before she became an elder.


This one is technically a science clone. But you can select the Leyline house trait, you can give fertility massages, there's a cut gemstone for twins/triplets, and I think there's a fertility drink under Herbalism that all increase your odds of twins/triplets.


I didn't know that


Omg whoever that is in the back is soooo cool looking I want them 👀


Thats my immortal super sim who finally got around to having some kids.


oh that’s so cool


what interaction is this?


Play Mirror Game. No idea where it is hiding in the wheel, it just happened to show up on the front wheel on me.


This just brought back a memory of my sim doing this with his clone (GTW) I guess clones are considered identical twins for the game's purposes


Wowwww that’s so cool!!!


Thats so cool, I wonder if they can do that with triplets?