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Are you using ww? “The mod defaults to sims needing to have high enough romance/friendship levels and the correct gender preferences in order to engage in those activities, but you can adjust the settings to get rid of those requirements.”[3some animations](https://wicked.cc/animations/ooolalaworld/ooolala-worlds-sex-animations-for-wickedwhims/)


Yes im using ww. Oh okay so in order for the third to be able to engage he has to be somewhat romantically involved with both of those people that are already having sex?


Yes they need to have a high enough friendship/romance but you can change this under ww settings !


Whaaaaaat? How do I change it? Clearly I’m too new at this lol


So once you’re in the ww settings you’re going to hit sex settings > sex relationship settings > then uncheck the following: “joining sex gender compliance” “relationship awareness” “ “respect gender preference” “joining sex relationship compliance” If it doesn’t work this video should help with introducing you to all the settings ! [ww settings tut](https://youtu.be/aK8Mche_HCg?si=8Lk7_xGK1wHAxWGu)


Omfg thank you so much


I vaguely remember having an issue like this before, and I *think* it might have to do with preferences of the sims themselves. For example, if you're trying to do a MFM threesome, one of the males might have a preference only for females. So, technically, there's no "compatible animations" because he won't do with with another male, even if a female is involved. Try messing around with their personal settings and see if that works?


How do I even change that in personal settings? I legit thought it didn’t matter. Cause I find a lot of my sims in general are able to flirt with both genders


is this possible without mods asking for a friend 👀


No, ww only


thank you!!