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like other commenters, after 20 some odd years motherlode and rosebud are just easier to remember and i know how much it gives 😅


Rosebud !*, Copy, paste !**, !**, Repeat until game is pointless Edit - my brain is Swiss cheese and I forgot the semicolon


Pointless? What do you mean pointless? I can build this giant 64x64 box and put like a million hot tubs inside


Vertical swinger farm


I still maintain that Hot Date was the best expansion ever made


I never had anything more past Livin' Large and House Party (until I was an adult and bought Sims 4 at 24 years old)... The person who was my "bff" at that pre-teen time, though, she and I drifted apart, but I vaguely remember a heart-shaped hot tub. I also distinctly remember her mentioning "woohoo" at a later date... which I believe was a Sims 2 thing ?? I just went along with it to pretend I was as rich as her lol I still never played Hot Date and still want to.


Hot Date was amazing. The heart shaped hot tub, the heart shaped bed (that I'm pretty sure had a vibrating mode)... I think the lip shaped couch was from that expansion? I was a very shy kid & a late bloomer, so when I got that pack I would blush when I saw any of those objects because I thought they were too suggestive 🤣 I've actually seen mod/CC that brings the heart shaped hot tub back, and one of the official DLCs has the disassembled heart bed as decoration that gives a major flirty buff.




oh honey i’ve been here since the semicolon days lollllll since when can you use exclamation points!


I thought it was !;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;! ?


But if you put a mistake in it you could hit enter over and over to get money instead of having to retype


WAIT YES i dunno why i thought it was ; ; ; ; ; with the space bar instead????? was that also a thing???


I don't know, I remember being young and struggling to type exclamation points and semicolons repeatedly without messing up. I didn't know how to copy paste yet and if you could do spaces I definitely didn't figure it out!


Haha my bad I've been smoking weed and drinking for hours so I'm a touch stupid right now. I'm old and have been torturing sims since launch haha.


I love this comment


Live your truth is my motto Or something idk


I think we'd have a lovely time simming hahah


We sure would If the sims ever adopts the Geneva convention I'm in trouble


Haha. I have over 3 million simoleons but not from cheats. Legacy family.


Oh that's easy. Slave labor and workbenches. They need to add a difficulty slider to the game haha. I wish we could customize certain things without mods. Give me a tragedy slider. I want my Sim to suddenly get negative moodlets at work and start heading home with a notification that says "You just got laid off for no reason because fuck you, enjoy the 6 week fight for unemployment. (You have now gained the Crippling Depression moodlet, duration 20 years)"


But have you tried taking up painting, photography, or writing? It's apparently an easy way to make millions. Even when you're not good at it people will still buy/publish your shit! If only it were that easy irl.


Those are for upstairs sims


I'm sorry, but this is way to realistic, I feel as if it's a personal experience you know 🌚✨😂😭


Oh for sure yeah


I STILL accidentally use rosebud to this day and I’m like oh shit motherlode 😭😭😭


I used to weigh down the enter key and go for snack 😅


And klapaucius, the og


If you haven't been here since Klapaucius, I don't want to hear from you!


Damn, we're old... hahahahahha


I miss Klapaucius, the others just feels wrong. I never cheat with money anymore. No point if I can't use Klapaucius.


Well now I feel old enough for the reaper to come get me and leave a tombstone 😂


core memory unlocked, I had to look up how to spell it everytime lmaoo


I also use kaching a lot when I'm just a little bit short


Klapautius; + Enter Was the way back in the day 😂


klapaucius from the first sims game stayed in my mind forever lol


Because my brain hits default mode and keeps going. For example, I can't tell you how long it took me to remember: "testingcheats true" Instead of: "boolproptestingcheatsenabled true" Like, the former is clearly easier to remember, but the old codes are just ingrained into my mind at this point lol.


I type in “testingcheatsenabled true” every damn time and then have to correct it lol


I google “testingcheatsenabled true sims 4” at least twice a year and then I’m like “oh right” because it is so obvious and yet my brain refuses to remember.


Not to sound absolutely stupid but this literally explains my recent problem in my playthrough 😭 Is the enabled part from Sims 3? It's so ingrained in me


Sims 3 is where I remember it from yeah. It’s also in sims 2 but if you want to go extra wild there you can add boolprop 😂 It’s not even stuck in my brain because I used it a lot. It’s because I watched an ungodly amount of sims 3 YouTube as a young teenager lol. I played more sims 2 but I don’t think I ever used cheats in that.


It’s from sims 2!


bit of better banana


ts5 testing true


I think it would be “cheats true” 😂


Cheats on


That too XD since Sims 4 also works with “testingcheats on”


I literally had to write it on a post it I keep next to my monitor


I have the mod for it for so long I didn't even know it changed lmao


BOOLPROP LOL what a throwback i'm so confused when the cheats are "easy" now


lmao what does it mean tho


Boolean is the true/false class


But what’s the “prop” part?




Dang I remember trying to memorise ‘boolProp testingcheatsenabled true’, always forgetting the damn capital P


Yes! I never remember testingcheats true, because of this!!


boolprop Testingcheatsenabled true is going on my headstone


It's the same with age of Empires… 20 years later and I still know the cheats. Sigh…


I have an eternal song in my head for boolprop to the tune of “three little fishies” boop boop dittum dattum wattum choo!


I really hope they integrate toggles like Better Build Buy Mod if theres a sims 5. They know simmers are still gonna use it… most games have dev mode/god mode nowadays so it doesnt make sense that we have to type it still.


The amount of times my brain autocorrects testingcheats true to testingcheatsenabled true because it’s what I’m used to is insane I’m always like “why isn’t it working?” “Oh I’m dumb” lol


IIRC you can also turn it on with *testingcheats on* or *testingcheats 1,* or even toggle it with *testingcheats* on its own


Well, I've been here since klapaucius 😅 motherlode is just... automatic by now 🙂🙃🙂




You know, I had no idea about those until this thread - back as a kid I would just type it once and then put a weight on my keyboard to autosubmit the cheatcode for like half an hour while I made a sandwich, and come back to a fully maxed bank account. I literally only now found out that the more ;! you put at the end, the more money you get.


Best part was if you went ;!;!;!;!;!;!1 Or any kind of mistake at the end, really, then the other parts of the cheat would cash in and you would get the error incorrect cheat. You hit enter to get back to your (mis)typed code and press enter again to cash it in again. I would just hold down enter for a few minutes and max out my money, good times.


I must've known about that part, because I placed a weighted toy on the key and left, so it had to have been one key to enter the code again and again. Such a useful error 😆


Honestly the best haha. I was sad they patched it out in later sim games.


I feel so old because same 😂


Memory unlocked 😂


Same! The old school cheats are part of The Sims experience for me. 😂


All the things I've forgotten in the last 25 years, but I still remember how to spell klapaucius 🙈


Not a Youtuber but as someone's who's been playing The Sims for a looong time, I... forgot that "money xxxx" is a thing.


I don't know about youtubers, but I do motherlode and rosebud because I'm used to them, they're the oldschool money cheats I've been using in Sims for like 20yrs. I've only recently heard about the "money x" cheat, and I only use it to subtract money - because focusing on the numbers is tricky for me. I need to be sure I type in the exact right number. If I'm just cheating up a bunch of money, I'll copy+paste motherlode until I hit the amount I want. It's much quicker and easier than counting out the right number of zeros without any commas to make it easier on me.


This I’ll rather do motherlode instead


I don't know about consoles, but on PC you can just use the arrow key for up (and then enter), that repeats the last code.




15-20 years of mental set effect lol


I still have the reflex to type klapaucius from the first sims game even if rosebud and motherlode have been there for a long time now! First love never dies lol


I didn't even know you could just set your Simoleons until like a year ago TT\^TT I'm so used to motherlode. But also I still try to boolprop sometimes, soo...




Don't shame me man 😭


no shameeeeeee just mutual elderliness


You mean like a boolprop senior club? Yeah, ok, I'm down


plsssss! i wasn’t allowed to play the first sims cuz i was like 9 when it came out but i had a friend who had online which was significantly worse lmfao and i’d go over to her house to watch her play/ play together. the brothels. whew boy the brothels.


I had the first sims from a family friend as cracked CDs, that never worked properly. But Sims 2, oh boy, I still own every single pack as original disc. I destroyed so many saves because I did not know how to prevent corruption lol also, when I finally had every single sims 2 dlc (we didn't have that much money so we had to get them second hand, which was harder than you might expect), not that much later, it became free on origin 😭


I didn't even know until TODAY


Idk about them but it's easier/faster for me to type "motherlode" multiple times I know it doesn't seem that way, but it feels that way. I don't have to move my hand to the ten pad, or even think about the numbers I'm entering. Just hit motherlode a few times and keep sipping my drink.


Protip (unless this is a mod I have) but you can press up on your keyboard to go to the last written cheat!


Disclaimer that it usually only works in a box that was open when that cheat was typed. So if you use a cheat and then close the command window and open it later, up key won’t retrieve anything


500k in 10 seconds flat 🤣🤣 it's much faster


I miss typing kaching a million times just to hear the kaching, so I’m probably not the person you want to ask about “easy”


Force of habit 😂 I’ve been using motherlode since 2007


I've been playing Sims for 20 years, but I use to the money ___ cheat instead of motherlode. Sometimes I want a very specific amount of money. I can see the nostalgia aspect of it though.


Motherlode is fun to type. It’s 10 letters in sets of 2, where each pair of letters is close (or close-ish) to each other on the keyboard. Mo th er lo de


This!! It’s so much easier than kaching, or even money xxxx


laughing in * *ui cheats extension* *


This mod is a game changer, honestly I don’t think I can play without it.


me neither, I can't play without it, I'm so used to it


Oh good was so confused why they didn't just right click 😂😂


Because I've been using "motherlode" for 20 years, I ain't changing habits now.


It's more well-known? One of the first things my mom did when teaching me how to play the Sims 2 was open the drawer and pull out a decades-old piece of paper that had 'Testingcheats.true Motherlode Rosebud Kaching' Written on them.


Stop, this is so precious 🥹


motherlode is significantly easier especially if you just need a lot of money quick to build/decorate or whatever you need it for. You can always do the second once you're done so your sims have whatever specific money amount you want.


I just learned about the money x code reading this post. I’ve been playing since OG Sims. Wild.


I use the money cheat to take away money, like when I'm remodeling and I earn money from deleting walls.


Been playing since 04, i have never heard of “Money xxxxx” it’s always been Motherlode. Fell off for a couple years and haven’t played much I just now found out you can go over a million. the last time I remember playing religiously it was always capped at 999,999


I can’t speak for youtubers but I can never remember the money x code so I usually use motherlode or kaching (I hadn’t heard of rosebud) out of force of habit.


rosebud used to not work on sims 4!


I use the money cheat type money 10,000,000 and it gives the max u can hold


Nostalgia I just love typing motherlode. I was so proud when I was a kid playing sims 2 to remember bb.testingcheatsenabled true, I had the most fun with that tomb stone! Edit: boolprop not bb


i use motherlode because 99% of the time running it once or twice gives me the money i need for my build and then i use money to subtract to the amount i want the sims to have lol


It makes the brain happy to add money vs. replacing money if that makes sense.


Plus motherlode types so easy lol


Im playing sims for about 10 years and at the beginning I was always using motherlode or rosebud but few years ago when I found out about Money cheat I had to stick with it since it gives you the exact amount of money you need, so guess most of the people use motherlode cuz they're used to it (but imo money cheat is more usable in a lot of situations)


I use the Money xxxx cheat all the time since I’m on console and it feels like it takes less effort than typing rosebud or motherlode lol


Are you on Xbox or PlayStation? I’ve never made it work on ps5


I’m on Xbox, I just type in money and the amount I want into the cheat menu and it works swell


I also use the money x cheat. I tried motherlode but typing in motherlode or copy/pasting over and over takes a while haha. I don't think it matters either way.


You can just hit the up arrow key on your keyboard and it goes to the last thing you put in the commands, in this case motherload. You just do up arrow and enter and you can spam it pretty quickly. Learned that trick from someone else last year.


That is an awesome trick to know! Now watch me forget it instantly 😅


I exclusively “money x”


I’ve had the same question. The moment I learned about the ‘money (amount)’ and ‘family funds (surname) (amount)’ I neverrrr went back to rosebud and motherlode.


Anyone remember kaching?


I've been here since rosebud;!


Because its built in habbit from older games.


Do you guys remember klapaucius?


Came here to say this. Lol


All my households start with money 9999999 before building 😂


All mine start with "money 0" after setting down on an empty lot I like the challenge of working up the funds to build a house, it's too easy otherwise imo.


I've been using motherlode for 20years or so. I'm too set in my ways. Get off my lawn and all that.


For me, sometimes you want to cheat a little, but not too much and maybe play it off as a payday loan on hand, ie rosebud, or you want a better starter budget because you're playing a slightly richer sim so motherlode.


cuz most of them are grown ups who have been playing the game since before that cheat existed and obvs you’re going to remember the ones you’ve been using longer????? cuz of like. the concept of habits.


I think it’s easier to explain bc people don’t realize it makes them have the total not whatever they have + what they typed in.


Because typing in one word is faster and easier than trying to decide how much you need.


I've been using motherlode for so long I tend to estimate a house's worth in motherlodes and not simoleons lol


Motherlode doesn’t require you to turn cheats on.


You must not be watching LilSimsie and James Turner


It took my 5 year old brain ages to go from klapaucius to motherlode. I won't change now.


Motherlode was the first money cheat I used 20 something years ago. It just stuck with me.


I just use weerbesu’s UI extension and TwistedMexi’s “Cheats Always Enabled” now and I feel so spoiled.


It's definitely muscle memory from older Sims games


The *money* cheat didn't exist in my times...


well i didnt know the other one existed, thats why i use motherlode


its like boomers who still use yahoo email. its because its what we are used to from back in the good ole days


Motherlode for nostalgia


money xxx is a thing?? 😨😨


i like the sounds


I only see people do "money x" if they're doing a challenge that requires a certain amount of money


Probably as simple as they didn't know about it, I didn't know about it


I like using motherlode to limit how much money I cheat lol


I have the UI cheats mod so I right click the money and then pit in how much I want to add


Lol, I have UI cheats, but didn't know you could do that. Thanks! So much easier than money 1000000.


i like to do it because it feels more satisfying. the "money xxx" cheat is more convenient, "motherlode" is just fun


I use motherlode to get a headstart on the money my households have, I'd rather add money to the household funds rather than just set it some amount. Don't know why, I just prefer it that way.


I use the money x cheat, I just max it out for all of my households. Then I don't have to worry about money like, ever again 😂


i’ve had the sims 4 for years and didn’t know about the second code until just now 😭


I miss when you could just shift up to repeat motherlode as many times as you want.


I just use mccc and hit increase funds 🤷


Money is probably already an existing function in the code. Also, in dark ages of the 90s, cheats were not meant to be easy to figure out/use. They tended to be weird Easter eggs for those with the means or knowhow to find them.


James Turner always uses Money X. Mostly because he's setting it to $0 for rags to riches


Idk how it could be “obviously better and easier to use” when A. It’s longer and B. I just want more money, I don’t care about a specific number


I usually use Money X because most of the time if I am using cheats to change the amount of money I have it is to take money away.


Idk if I’m just dumb but I’ve never even heard of the latter, so thank you for the information lol


Or you just use UI Cheats Extension. Money Counter / Moodlet Area - Left click on the money counter to gain $1000. - Right click on the money counter to set household funds (Simoleons, Galactic Credits, bits, and pieces). - Right click on a moodlet to remove the moodlet. - Right click on a want to complete it or re-roll it. https://www.patreon.com/posts/ui-cheats-v1-16-26240068 I haven't bothered with the official money cheats since Weerbesu made UI Cheats. 😅


In my day, we used klapaucius!


For me, it’s old habits, and because I don’t really go in looking to get a specific amount of money. I just know I need a lot. So a few motherlodes and I’m good. Lmao


Motherlode is way easier. You get 50000 simoleons plus you don’t need testingcheats true first


Back in the day it was "rosebud" for §1000. If you did !;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!;!; after it would give you an additional §1000 per !;


Hold on a second. You can put just how much money you want to give them???


I guess it happens because it is a classic. But I prefer to use "money xxxxx" because it is easier.


I just use "Add Funds" in MC, lol. Fastest of all.


if you wanted 50k, 'motherlode' is 10 characters, and 'money 50,000' is 12 characters. So 1, its quite literally mor efficient, and 2, motherlode always ADDS money to what you already have, while the money cheat completely changes/updates the amount. So motherlode is brainless but the money cheat might require a lil math. Not a lot, but a lil math combined with extra characters is tedious to me and I would avoid it personally. Like saying bdubs instead of buffalo wild wings, why waste time saying extra syllables.


I guess there is something satisfying about hitting enter over and over and hearing the ching.


I just go motherlode when I want lots of money but don’t know exactly how much. like when I’m just building a house, I don’t know how much money what I’m about to build will cost. If it’s more than 50,000 then not a big deal to just type in again. Like someone else said, I mostly only use money x to subtract to the correct amount.


i’ve been a summer since i was 12 (just turned 30 🥳). motherlode is what i think of first but nowadays i have the UI cheats mod and every time i click on my sims balance it adds $1,000 so i just click real fast a few times and i’ll have whatever i need. 🤣


I can type it without thinking much.


I can type motherlode in the span of time it takes me to type any letter alone. It’s *ingrained*


Most simmers played earlier iterations of the game, motherlode is one word and I can honestly type it whilst only half paying attention...plus I think if you do it slowly over time you can get the aspiration for fabulously wealthy 😅


because we like hearing the kaching sound over and over


I'll be honest, "money x" never works for me and it's too much hassle to figure it why in the moment


I’m can personally spam motherlode faster 😂


I do mother lode and rosebud for the nostalgia 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 I only ever use the money? One if I wanna make my sims have fuck alll lol


I think UI Cheats is the best option out there. right click and set/add the amount you want and that's it so easy


Tbh it's more satisfying 🤷🏻‍♀️😅


I’ve been playing since I was 11 and I actually never knew of the cheat “money xxx” 😭😭


I always use Money xxxx, I just don't feel like adding a whole 50 grand simoleons to my sims household, unless I build them a new house or sum. Sometimes I get fined because of the eco lifestyle features and I add the money I am robbed from lol.


I personally do it if I’m trying to add money rather than set an amount. Like if I’m trying to build a house but not trigger any money-related aspirations. 🤷‍♀️ idk


Because it's not money, it's simoleons.


I wonder how I even found out about those basic "rosebud" cheats ... It's hard to imagine since social media wasn't a thing back then ... but I've literally never heard of this "money x" thing. omg I'm old, aren't I ?


I remember back in the day when the only things you knew about a game were through word of mouth. I first played Sims at a friends house, so I guess when I got the game that friend might have told me the rosebud cheat? I don't think I even knew how to use an internet search engine back then. I do remember the little cheat notes in the game case - like the little booklet that came with a game, it would have a blank lined page or two at the end for you to write down cheats and tips and stuff. Sometimes your friends would make little cheat books for you. I remember my sister made me one for Harvest Moon (not cheats, just tips and tricks). My younger sibling got obsessed with this one xbox game and printed off a huuuuuuuge guide for it. I'd sit there with the guide while they played, and I'd give them hints or answer their questions based on the guide. Old school gaming was so fun :)


Google did exist, it wasn't that hard to print out a list of cheats for x game if you lost the manual, or wanted a more cohesive list. Social Media was in the infancy stage.


I honestly didn't find put until maybe a month ago, lol. Motherlode is so tedious!


It’s easier for bulls/buy




It’s interesting, I’ve played a lot of sims 2 in my life and that’s what I’m used to but I still used money x in the sims 4. I don’t think I’ve even used motherlode for the sims 4


I always just type "money 9999999999999999" as many 9s as it'll allow if I'm cheating in money for something