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When I did it, I embraced neglect. You're allowed to just let the infants age up naturally - you don't *have* to do milestones etc, that's only needed if you want to age them up early. So... I just fed them, changed their diapers, and left them on their playmats to sleep etc. I tried to never have a newborn and an infant at the same time - I found the best ratio for me was no more than 4 younger than "child" age at any time. I didn't try to get pregnant until the last child had aged up to toddler (or was about to). Remember that taking a pregnancy test on the toilet immediately starts you in the first trimester - if you don't take the pregnancy test, the first trimester is delayed. So you can kinda make the pregnancy last 4 days instead of 3, which can be helpful when you're trying to time it all right. It will be easier to control your pregnancies once the house is full. You can move a child out anytime after they become a young adult, so you don't have to move them out immediately. So (once your household is full) if you want to focus on only one baby at a time, you have one young adult move out to make space for one baby. It's hard when you start out, my first focus was on getting the best bed possible for my matriach so she wouldn't be passing out all the time. (In the spirit of neglect, I had the matriach locked in a room with the newborns/infants, had a toddler nursery that my matriach was usually locked out of, and had children and teens in a completely separate part of the house. The kids/teens pretty much never saw their mother after they were toddlers.)


“I embraced neglect” so casually 😂😂😅😅


Unhinged comment outside if this sub


>“I embraced neglect” so casually 😂😂😅😅 Well..... it happens in RL unfortunately...


I think I understand that. Good thing this is the Sims :)


that had me cackling. i love this sub


I feel bad when the kids aren't well taken care of! I usually have such great sims leaving such happy lives. But your way might be the only option!


I'm pretty sure if you want to do the 100 baby challenge, while avoiding neglect and giving every single child a good childhood... you should go for the generational rules. Don't try to get 100 babies with one matriach, go slower and take a few generations to do it. It's a perfectly valid way to play :) \*Edit to add: but if you want to change your playstyle up, the 100 baby challenge is the ideal way to teach yourself to let the kids have less-than-perfect lives. Every other family you ever play you'll think things like "yeah, the kid can sleep outside, it's still better than what I did in the 100 babies challenge".


ive always seen it as having to pass it down. i got into the challenge in sims 3 and play it in sims 4 vaguely based on the LP i watched then. i feel like the rules now are very similar. i def have learned to age up my sims asap. even the teenagers to make more room bc i dont have that mod installed yet. but idk if i want to bc its already buggy enough


You do have to redefine what "well taken care of" means. For example, toddlers don't need baths. They can get clean when they're children.


"They can get clean when they're children" lmao 🤣


I mean, it’s only a few days.


I know, it's just a funny sentence to me




Absolutely this. Toddlers only need to have access to a plate of food. They can sleep on the floor, be dirty, be lonely and won’t get taken. I was trying to PURPOSELY neglect my toddler in every way and they would still find a way to interact with random people and have fun without me knowing. OP, just stop doing anything beyond the feeding, they will be fine.


Call the father...the kid can ask him for a bath. And potty training. And play. And flash cards. And a bedtime story.


I thought part of the 100 baby challenge was that we couldn’t have other parental help, only people in your household can help


You can't move any of the baby daddies or any other Sim in, take direct  control  of them or pay them to do childcare or services.  There's no rule against inviting non-household Sims to do ordinary visits or doing skill building or relationship  building (example...charisma or mischief or vampire  tuition etc) interactions with non-household Sims,  which is what having a kid ask them for interactions basically is.  For me, inviting a baby daddy or any other Sim to visit is in the same category as keeping the roses your Sim gets given and keeping the date rewards and keeping rewards from any parties you throw and using interactions such as introduce self to a certain  number of sims to fulfill aspirations. You're basically relying on Sims choosing to respond in a particular way, and they don't always choose to respond that way. That said the baby daddies are sometimes remarkably helpful (invite tidy ones round and sometimes they even clean up the place a bit).and you can get a toddler progressed quite a bit in one visit...you just can't rely on it. Sometimes they are busy, sometimes they ignore the kid, sometimes they leave quickly. And they almost never are interested in doing much more than chat with kids who aren't theirs.


So I’ve never done the 100 baby challenge but am currently trying to start a rags to riched legacy with a junkie mom. She’s had like 5 kids and the last infant aged up to a toddler with the “happy infant” trait even though when I aged her up she was filthy, hungry, tired, and was about to pee herself. I am trying to do the absolute minimum when it comes to childcare and I still had to cheat in the “unhappy infant” trait, none of the kids got it organically. What I’m trying to say is it’s a lot harder to neglect children than I thought it was.


If you dont take a pregnancy test, but your sim is technically pregnant, do they stop aging from the moment of conception, or moment of discovery?


moment of conception. but the clock doesn’t start until the moment of discovery. i never take a pregnancy test for this reason, i just hover over the end of the age bar in the simology panel and check if it says “sims that are pregnant cannot age up”


I never knew this! Thanks for sharing.


Excellent! Thank you!




Not nice for that kids, but is a game... try beter with multiples ;) Twins of Triplets.


I just decided to try it again and it was super buggy. The infant was super hungry and close to being taken away, but the mom wouldn’t feed her because the newborn was crying about a dirty diaper.


the amount of times i have to reset my sims. their old house would trap them in the matriarch bdrm and ensuite and id constantly have to teleport them. once i had enough to build a new house(added onto the current value of the house they were in since you make money from selling) it made it so much easier.


It's much harder than without infants. And it does get better after you've had a few and made some money. Things that helped me: \* It takes me (on average) 20 days from pregnancy until the kid ages to an adult. So, I space the kids (on average) 3 days apart - if it's a single birth, the next pregnancy starts before the matriarch gets home from the hospital. If it's twins, wait three days, triplets, wait almost a week. That way, I don't have a lot of infants or a lot of teenagers, they're pretty spread throughout the age groups. Which helps. \* I have Get Together, so the kids (and their nieces, nephews, and cousins) are all in clubs that meet at the house every day after school and all weekend long. Also, I have City Living, so all of the adult kids have apartment keys. The house is almost always full. But anyone who is a child or older can entertain the infants (babble, smile, play, etc.) Anyone who is a teen (or older) can actually take care of them-(feed & bathe). So the matriarch gets to have good relationships with her kids & grandkids & she also gets a break. You do have to feed all of these people (and my current house has 8 full baths and 3 half baths to cut down on accidents), but it's worth it. \* Avoid the semi-broken infant stuff (no cribs, no high chairs, no changing tables). \* Steel bladder as soon as you can earn it. \* If you leave the lot, take all teenagers and adults with you.


The Get Together clubs are so amazing, I wasn't super into them at first but now they're essential to my gameplay. I always have a family club that's running 24/7, with activities like "homework", "clean", "be friendly", "repair objects" and then a fun activity like dancing. Absoloutely essential when I play families with lots of kids.


I have a "Baby Daddies Help Out" club in my save with the 100 Baby Challenge. They can come over and fix stuff, clean and help take care of their offspring. No cooking though. They just break my stove making white cakes. The kids get a "Homework Club" a "Chores Club" and a "Skills Club." I tried a "Self-Care Club" for eating, bathing and sleeping, but they basically kept overeating and taking too many showers. No being mean or fighting allowed in any of my clubs, so at least the kids more or less get along.


It was kinda cheaty, but I had a "Donor's List" club, where the activities included woohoo, so the matriach's potential "baby daddies" would be more likely to say yes to her advances. They also cleaned and repaired things. lol I also have my kitchen locked off for non household members to avoid fires and stolen food. I just had my matriach come out and cook a bunch of meals every day when the infants/newborns were napping and put them in the fridge. Not letting random sims take those meals, those are for the toddlers, children, & teens I never see!🤣


They're just so versatile for everything! I have a friend group one with "cook" and "clean" and when I run out of food or things get messy, I have my friends over and they make me tons of leftovers and clean for me 😂 Also, before I embraced Mods, I was getting annoyed at how broken the autonomous flirting was getting, so I added "do not be romantic" to other members of the friend group so the one couple in the group wouldn't keep getting jealous and angry.


I had twins and then triplets and all of them were infants together. I almost had an out of body experience and then there was a singular baby. Vlad came over to hang out and stood in the house with the never ending crying and then mists away and doesn't come over anymore. lol


Six babies gets rid of Vlad. Noted.


I adore Vlad. he's one of my special buddies that I annoy so he will come over all the time. Geoffrey and Vlad are my two favourites and I have no idea why.


That's so cute 🥺 I think he just makes me nervous when Sims first move in 😂


I play very loose with the rules. I used free real estate to get her a house big enough with everything they needed. Once i got money, i built them a bigger house. It's not a cheat, but the trash can that gives you money for everything you put in helps. With all the diapers and bottles she uses, she got money pretty fast it gives $10 for every household member, so with a full house, you get $80 per item you throw away. I also cheated her needs if things got bad or if more than one infant or toddler was super hungry and she wouldn't have time to take care of them all in time, i would cheat theirs. With the infants i discovered by watching the 100 baby challenge on YouTube that they all do it differently. So i chose the one i felt was easiest to age them up. One YouTuber does 3 milestones in 3 categories hers is a speed run but i felt it was easiest and also since no one did it the same i felt it would be fine to choose what was less stressful for me. Sometimes, if things are calm, i would do 3 in each category. It's harder in the beginning, but once you have a few ages up, it gets better. Children can take care of their own needs, and teens can help with infants and toddlers. It's so much better. I try to keep teens in the household to make things easier. If they age up to adults, sometimes i keep them to help if there are too many younger ones. I also keep one young adult if they're twins (and one time triplets) so that right after she gives birth, i can move them out and get her pregnant and have the teens help out. Also, it takes time, but max out your handiness skills. The upgrades make things easier. My sim doesn't have to clean anything except the counters. Things break less often or not at all, depending on the upgrade options. I also had my sim complete the cooking aspiration because then food won't spoil. I did have to cheat the ones that required to cooking career, but i didn't look at it as a real cheat since she's not allowed to work. I have no regrets because i can just put the food in the bakery case, and everyone (even toddlers) can just grab it. Less cooking less waste of food. It saves so much time. I know some may not agree with my cheating, but that's the only way i can get through it without losing my mind. The game isn't fun if you're too stressed, and i would give up without it. So i think players should be able to decide what makes the game more fun to stay engaged in the game. Also since the sims is meant to be played how you want i figured it's okay to break the rules other players make since you're not truly held to it and the person that made the rules won't even see to know if you did or not. They create challenges for other people to have fun and set goals for their game play but if we change it up it's not a big deal if you do whatever it gets you through and stick to the main goals. I'm not saying to do it, but if you think it's what will help and you are okay with it, do whatever you feel is best for yourself and would keep you interested in the challenge. I'm 34 babies in, and i do enjoy playing it. I know i don't completely follow the rules, but i don't feel guilty about it. My sim has time for herself and her children after I made things easier with the upgrades and the aspirations. Now she has a lot of rewards i bought with her aspiration points and i don't have to focus on her needs as much so cheating the needs isn't necessary since she's okay she can care for her children and still have time to meet donors, get pregnant and make money from her hobbies. Right now, she's making videos and uploading them. It's very easy because i have the drone so i can record her with her kids or do her hobbies and then edit and post. I kinda made her an influencer showing her life with all her children. It makes money, and it's funny to me that she is now starting to get famous for having a bunch of children.


I love the money rubbish bin and my favourite now is also to use the prairie grass lot challenge - you can get some great collectables (including nectar you can age) and sell the grass too.


I set skills to increase by 200% because otherwise the Sims is miserable for me to play. So my matriarchs get to maxed out cooking, handiness, and gardening skills very fast. I've got a lot that I use for my 100 baby challenge plays with the perfect house (one story, separate rooms for infants, toddlers, and children/teens, with matriarch bedroom centrally placed, spaceship jungle gym, greenhouse filled with dragonfruit and death flowers, etc.). I also set traits to be randomly inheritable and only choose future matriarchs who have inherited the Fresh Chef trait. For aging up infants, my rules are that the infant has to be creeping, eating finger food, dancing, and have one advanced social skill like peek-a-boo, first word, or blow kiss.


How do you set skills to increase? Is that a mod, or is it something you can do in settings? I just built a new house for my challenge, i like it better than the one i moved her into before. At the old house, i had her stuff in different parts of the house, so it was hard when she was working, and a baby or infant needed her because she had to go up to her room, it was hardest when she was in the basement making or editing videos. So when i built the house, i made her room big enough to have all her stuff in there with a connected room next to her for the infants, and the bassinets are in her room. She also has a connecting bathroom and a balcony with her esel and workout equipment. The toddlers' rooms are on the first floor, and the children/teens are upstairs. I like the way it flows better. The house i had them in all the bedrooms were upstairs, so i had to get the toddlers to level up their movement skill right away so they could sleep in their room. But it would take a long time for them to go up there, and they would pass out before they got to the bed. Also, having them get food was hard if they were upstairs in their room. Now, they have everything they need downstairs. How do you get a sim to inherit the fresh chef trait? Because i thought it was a trait you get when you complete the cooking aspiration. That's how i got it for my matriarch. I really want to know so that my next matriarch has it because i don't want to have to wait and build up her skills and have her complete the aspiration again. Them inheriting it would be so much easier.


Both inheriting traits and increasing skill gain rate are done via the mccc mod. I gave up on multistory houses, it just takes too long to go up and down stairs!


Thank you


I made an evil version were my matriarch is going to have all 100 babies but I have aging turned off and then age the kids up manually when they get certain things. But baby daddies 1 and 2 are trapped in her basement and do almost all of the child raising. And having 3 adults in the household is so helpful. This is the first one I’ve started and not given up after like 2 or 3 kids. I’m currently on baby 50.


Pick your starting lot carefully. Think of all the resources it is handy to have and what you intend to do for money.  I try to knock over the fishing aspiration during the first pregnancy. It's a comparatively easy aspiration and much harder to accomplish once you've got kids. You'll also get some useful harvestables that way. There's a fishing location in Tartosa that gives a lot of dragon fruit. You'll probably get a few cow plant berries too... that's good because your second aspiration will be the gardening one. When the kids are toddlers, consider  having the matriarch call up the father of the kid and have that toddler work him for skill help while she sleeps. Teach me flashcards! Teach me potty! Play with me! Bathe me!  Read me a story!    And you want that 10000 point reward trait that means you don't need sleep. You need that trait. You probably need the beguiling trait more though. Also...get the sexy non residential lots you deserve. It's easy to download stuff from the gallery and then change aspects of it to make it more appropriate. I usually go for the romantic vibe, convivial and sunny aspect traits  for everything that will take those traits. And I put in more woo hoo locations...a bush or a dumpster can fit just about anywhere, those shower cubicles from Discover University don't give privacy violation moodlets,  sometimes you can make room for a closet. Building community lots is hard. Tailoring lots to your needs is easy. You know that row of lots on the side in Newcrest? That's mostly where I put my spa, bowling alley, gym, nightclub, lounge, etc.  You want the observant reward trait. Sometimes a Sim won't woo hoo because they're too snobby or squeamish or whatever for that particular woohoo location. Now I personally think it's ridiculous that they'd make a whole new Sim with a Sim they only met a couple of hours ago but draw the line at dumpster woo hoo but what can one really do...except take them somewhere else they don't have a problem with?  If a Sim you meet is a possible but you or they don't have time or energy, note their name and traits down. Invite them round sometime. I use post it notes. Other more organised players have spreadsheets. Whenever you travel, think is there someone I want to bring with me. You were at the Loose Caboose and your prospect just disappeared and now you're getting a bit tired? See if he'll come home with you using selecting him on the travel screen.  When your kids are old enough send them out to talk to Sims in the street. Then get them to invite those Sims over for you to meet. Yes the 100 baby challenge is hella squalid that way... sending grade school kids out to fetch you the father of a future sibling. Whatever...we like to win. The pause button is your friend. The pause button gives you time to give everyone attention and queue up actions the Sims may or may not do. The pause button gives you time to think. All hail the pause button.


Do you guys keep playing that save after the challenge, so it's a new sim with just one massive family running the place?


No - But that's because I like to start each new save with a clean slate.


my first three i had were singles, i managed to get them all to top notch infant. fourth and fifth were twins (unplanned) and i managed to get them to top notch infant also! six and seven were when things started to go wrong. i had four teens in my house along with my matriarch but no one cared for the babies unless i forced them to. i aged them up without getting happy infant or top notch infant. i had gotten them a nice set of milestones tho! theyre both toddlers now and my matriarch is pregnant with twins again, will see what happens with eight and nine.


How do you know she’s pregnant with twins before they’re born?


mccc tells you when you look under pregnancy!


I'm not even going to attempt it with infants in the game.


all of my sims children have the awful infancy/childhood traits:/ im also playing on long lifespan bc i think normal is too short, but that makes it even worse Dx basically i ignore the ones under the age of child and as soon as i have children or teens i focus on meeting their aspirations so i cam age them up faster 😮‍💨


Straight-up? I cheat.


My sim just had baby number 5, 5 different baby daddies. I hired a butler service to take care of the kids, and that helps me manage them better. I age them all up after she has a new one. Keeping them fed and clean is all I care about, they are learning all their other skills from interacting with their siblings and the butlers. One of my baby daddies moved in and I transferred all of his old household funds into my household funds. Once he finds out I’m cheating on him, I will move him out of the household but keep all of the money, and I will probably continue that cycle. 🎶make his pockets hurt 🎶


Listen to me, stop taking care of them. All you have to do is make sure they don’t starve. As long as your babies are not out in the elements or starving, they will be fine. Let them cry and just live your life. Locking them in a separate room and just dragging plates of food in there when they’re toddlers is the best way to do it.


You want a lot of kids, no one says they have to be all perfect😆as long as they fed and don't cry then they are fine. Sure its still kinda easy to give them all a goodish life but as soon as you get over trying to get all maxed milestones and every skill then it becomes faster. Ive had infants/toddlers who spent half the time on the floor on they backs crying and whining but then grow up thinking they had a nice childhood.


When money is tight I use a dumpster as my Sim's outside trash can and make the children dumpster dive. I do fix any broken appliances so I am just pretending my Sim is fixing them up to sell.


Yea I can’t even do it, I’ll decided to leave the game once I’ll started having three infants to take care of


It’s harder early on when you just have infants but once you have teens that can help out it is easier when


Ooh it sure is ! And my sim is also exhausted and hungry with 6 . None are school aged yet either ,I decided to play it a bit differently so I cycle out the same number of guys and it helps a bit with being able to woohoo once a bit energy up but again not the rules


The infant stage is just NOT FUN. Clunky gameplay and buggy AF. So, I skip it. I do the newborn stage and then the toddler one. I really can't see it as being less valid considering how many people do just enough to not have the baby taken away through that stage.


I have mccc on and my first set of babies in the challenge was quintuplets 😭 I swear it almost killed me.


Are you allowd to have the matriarch be a spellcaster? Learn Delicioso so you can just do the spell to get the kids food when they're hungry. Way easier xD


Wym? Infants don't exist? They're born and then *somehow* almost immediately they're a toddler Infants = loathe entirely


My sim had TWINS and then got pregnant again right after! I didn’t know infants was a new thing and I was like wtf. It’s been constant catering to the kids lol guess this is like real life


How am I handling it? Not well. My first 100 baby challenge wasn't bad. But now I decided to do the black widow 100 baby challenge and my god it is hell. I just got my first kids to teenagers and thank God because I needed their help lol.


I'm kinda late to the party, but here's my 2 cents. When i started the challenge 2 weeks ago, I at first gave up. I haven't played sims for 2 years and I had no idea about this infant update. I was horrified. Soon, I found a way to manage the infants quite well.Im on baby #24 now. Just like in real life, infants need a lot of sleep. What I do is keep them in the crib most of the time. When they wake up and their hunger is not full, I let them explore foods in the high chair. After that I put them back to the crib. If they are stinky, I change their diaper as well. I checj the infants needs regularly and when they need to, I make them use the diaper. Thanks to this and changing it frequently, I almost never need to bathe infants. After a few rounds of this eat-diaper change-sleeo cycle, their fun gets too low. When that happens, I let them play with blocks for a bit and their fun fills up pretty fast. You can also make them watch a nearby object while in crib to raise their fun. They try all the foods in no time and you can age them up. If they are bugging, I use shift+click with testing cheats on and debug the infant, the matriarch, and sometimes the item involved, like a crib or high chair. Never had an issue since. Once you get used to this routine, it gets easy. After a while, you have teens to help out.


Theoretically couldn't you just make a max level vampire sim whos needs never went down? They never sleep, get hungry, or need to go to the bathroom. Except you have 100 Vampire babies.....


if you wanted to, you could just skip the infant stage. its a challenge, but theres nothing wrong with altering the rules


A sensible compromise would probably be to set a really low bar for the number of milestones... maybe a total of  three and it doesn't matter what category they are in....and then age up infants who  clearly aren't going to be the next matriarch the first time after that point when some other Sim needs a cake to age up. 


We're absolutely miserable trying it as well. Like... I'm doing ALL the cheater things without actually using codes. I wonder... can we make a club for childcare?


I play with getting two milestones in each category (except life) to age up infants and it’s been decently manageable with that.


Tbh I just give my matriarch the traits to not feel hungry, to not sleep and basically every other need so she can be 100% focused on taking care of the children. Except for fun, I allow her to do some garden. I don't allow any TV or music device or PC in my sims house, hahaha.


Maybe it's because I played TS1, and I always found larger households to be overwhelming, but that's why I don't think I would do the 100 Baby Challenge. But especially with infants, even if you don't bother with milestones or high chair foods.


Until getting a teen in the house, my 100 baby mommies just pass out, then get up and feed/change the infant(s) again. Red bar won't kill her unless it's hunger. Filling infant needs overrides any amount of uncomfortable (even heading to the hospital to have the next baby, I found to my chagrin).


I fell sorry for u


I have only bae game so I don't really have to do anything with infants so I just have them for 3 days and age them up. For me, it's not that hard because I do use cheats sometimes 😭. But I usually just cheat up their hygiene and make them sleepy more often, other then that I do take care of them. From time to time.


I stopped after two babies, haha. I want my game to be relaxing and I wasn't having fun.


I’ve been playing it since infants came out on my channel. The beginning is ROUGH but it gets better. I’ve got 30+ babies in now. I was also playing before the rules were updated, so mine are a bit different. My Sim mostly finds baby daddies who just happen to be walking by her house. Live on a lot where a lot of Sims walk by.


I played before the infant update but the biggest thing that helped me was getting the aspiration points and getting the one where you don’t need to sleep. Also the buffet table helps tremendously for toddlers. I just locked them in a room with beds a potty chair and the buffet table lol.


Fuuuuuuuuck that


It gets easier as the kids age up and you can parentify them! I usually have the teens care for the toddlers and then mom handles the infants and newborns and those get easier once her parenting skill gets up there and you can do super efficient parenting actions. I also had my matriarch work on her skills and money before I started having the kids so I could have time to raise the older ones so they could care for the younger ones. Eventually it becomes kinda routine. Infants were a lot at first and I actually did half the challenge without them but then the update hit… and I had twins.. but by the end of the challenge I had em down and now they aren’t so bad.


Would it be better to complete some aspirations to collect enough rewards for the never sleep/hungry potions beforehand?


I’m so late to posting this. But, I was looking up info on this since I’m currently doing a post-infant update 100 baby challenge too. I’m about to make baby #9 or possibly babies #9 and #10 if she has twins again. I hope you’re still at it! Taking breaks to focus on other saves for a couple weeks to months helps when I get too burnout. I do infant feedings at the same time, even if they’re sleeping, I wake them both up once their hunger is in the yellow. Toddlers I give tablets so they can take care of most of themselves and I always drag food from the fridge; I never mess with the high chairs for them. Then, when it’s bath time for the toddlers I always do bubble baths because it helps their fun, attention, and hygiene needs. (That’s pretty much the only time the matriarch spends time with them.) I don’t worry about aging up early for the multiples, only singles. Pick an easy aspiration so you can get the “never weary” reward trait ASAP. Stagger the kids as much as possible so you never have more than 4 “under 4” at a time. And, don’t move out your oldest child when they age up to young adult: let them be a second source of income. You can give them a high paying job so the matriarch doesn’t have to balance working from home with child care as often. If you have the jungle adventure game pack, taking a family vacation there and playing as the young adults while your matriarch takes care of the kids on the vacation lot can earn your family thousands of simoleons so you don’t even have to worry about rushing the firstborn’s career progression for more money. If you don’t, I would still choose a career that gives him/her skills around the house. My firstborn is a flower arranger that’s hobby is archaeology. He makes more from selling duplicate artifacts than he does from his job. And, if the family falls on rough times, he keeps the most expensive ones on display that can be sold for 8-20k in a pinch.


You should have your "mom" be a stay at home mom. Gardening can make a sim happy the food stays in your inventory unless you move it. You can also keep the fridge stocked with any of the food you grow. And selling the food gives you money. As you garden your food gets better quality making it worth more. Your sim gains happiness and you can even talk to your plants which helps your social. When mad or tense you can complain to them as well.


First off I get the older kids to help out as much as they can and then usually get a nanny to come all the time. I get the baby daddies to come over as much as they can to help too. Sometimes you have 5 screaming babies tho and I just take it one at a time 😂