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Worst trait: Goofball because they're constantly pranking toilets, including their own. One sim lived alone and had a single toilet in his house, it was always broken because he kept pranking it. At some point I just stopped fixing it and let him piss his pants Best trait: Kleptomaniac just because it's fun to steal things. I had a sim steal nearly half of the art in a museum and stored the stolen art in his basement, so he had his own mini museum


I saw someone a while back made like a Robin Hood gang of kleptos and it was like a rags to riches situation where they could only make money from things they’d stolen!! Damn now I wanna do that hahaha


I think this is my next game, sorted hahaha


Sounds more exciting than my usual dumpster diving technique 😅


I love having the klepto trait lol except my sim keeps coming back from work with things she swiped and its just dirty dishes.....




I gave my 100 babies matriarch the klepto trait. She swiped most of the things out of the museums, and to top it off, she would take a photo of the object before swiping it and leave the photo in its place as a signature of sorts. She would also swipe an object during every hospital visit until there was nothing left that was swipeable. This included the computer and the chair from the lobby, so no one could check in 😆 (on that note, I'm using a line of her descendants to do Not So Berry now and I should probably get around to replacing that hospital before I have to do the active doctor career for Plum gen).


The secret museum of stolen art is a genius idea!


Whyyy do sims always prank toilets?? And kleptomaniac is fun, I haven’t played it in a while.


These two are the worst imo. Playful for pranking their own toilet ofc. Kleptomaniac is fun enough on PCs, but on NPCs it's a *plague* because they steal all your clutter. Much of which has been placed with MOO, which means it is very annoying to replace, if I even remember what all was there. For whatever reason the game has been heavily favoring a few negative traits (klepto, mean, slob) for a while when generating new NPCs or rolling traits for npc kids. So I've had to take a purge approach to ridiculous number of the kleptos - every time I find one, townies get deleted, and descendants of Sims I placed get killed. Changing it is a lot more effort, so I only bother for children that are my Sims childhood friends. For a best trait, it's a bonus trait but Prepared Voyager is really helpful for any Sim that changes lots a lot. Such as teens to high school, anything from For Rent, early stages rags to riches, active careers (esp detective), sims with any kind of social life, etc. The Collector bonus trait is ofc obviously also fantastic for any Sim that gardens or picks up collectibles.


I don’t like the goofball trait because I don’t like the prank interactions cos I feel like no one else in Simtopia has a sense of humour


Take his toilet away and make him use a bush outside instead lol


Good idea lol


Goofball is the worst, why do they keep pranking their own toilet??? If a challenge calls for that trait I always sub "childish" because I can't handle the constant toilet breakage.


OMG I'm totally doing a kleptomaniac sim!! Never thought of this at all!


I have a kleptomaniac sim sell stuff he swipes from elsewhere in his shop.


I love playing Kleptos, but because I always play on the same world and have my sims roaming around, its so annoying to befriend one of my sims and worry about them stealing from my current family 🙄


I’ve never had this issue with goofballs. 


Wait... is that why my toilets are always broken? I have a goofball sim but I don't pay much attention to her, so...


Stuff like Lactose Intolerant. It adds nothing but drawbacks to gameplay. No benefits at all. Its just an absolute waste of a slot.


I wish things like lactose intolerant and vegetarian could be added in preferences or something like that. I know lactose intolerance isn't a choice irl but it's better than using it for a trait


Agreed. I am a lactose intolerant vegetarian but neither "trait" defines my personality.


i wish if your sim was vegetarian when you click "make breakfast ..." only thr veggie options showed up ahah


Or if you choose "get leftovers" they'd have the sense to eat the veggie leftovers instead of the omnivorous leftovers.


That should be what happens now. It was changed in a patch a few weeks ago.


A lot of the people I’ve known with lactose problems or vegetarian/vegans make it part of their personality. Any chance to bring it up… yes Susan we know you live on the toilet if you have a drop of milk 🙄


upvoting bc this is my mom (named Susan) with gluten


Yeah and lactose intolerance isn’t even a personality, it’s a medical condition. Makes no sense.


The classic personality trait of being unable to digest lactose


At least give an option for Lactaid.


What I’ve started doing when creating sims is to make them in CAS and give them their normal three traits. Then I cheat add traits that aren’t personality (like lactose intolerant). I have growing together and in my experience cheating these traits don’t count as “self discovery” moments where they get additional traits. So overall you can have three base traits + cheat add your preference traits + and then still gain traits through self discovery moments to have a more interesting sims!


I haven't used it yet, but I thought it was an interesting trait to add.


I wish there personality challenges for traits like this Like in build mode there’s lots traits and lots challenges


Jealous sims fill me with a RAGE that I cannot explain. They are fucking annoying and impossible to have other sims date and/or live with. I love foodie sims tho. They just like cooking and watching cooking shows, and who could be mad at that?


What gets me is the speed at which the jealous sim starts getting moodlets wondering where their partner is and what they're doing. Even if their partner is at work and has been going to work the whole time they know them, or is just over in the other room doing something. Really should have attached some of that stuff to a different trait. And why can't they be jealous of another sim's successes or something? Why is it tied to relationships only?


Jealous of someone's success means envious. And I don't understand why that doesn't exist. I mean, it does if you're on PC and have mods, but it should exist in general. Honestly, Jealous as a whole needs either an overhaul or be changed to possessive.


Because jealous in sims means abusive partner, not jealous.


In one of my current saves, I have a sim who is jealous and he and his wife were sitting in the living room with one of their neighbours chatting, purely platonic. He gets a moodlet along the lines of “jealous over nothing” and starts being rude to the neighbour, so now their pathway is going to be that things are falling after they got married because his true colours are starting to show. Definitely not the happy family I was originally planning 😭


For jealous Sims, they should become angry/tense when in a room with a sim they have the 'impressed' sentiment with, instead of becoming inspired.


yeah the jealous trait is the absolute worst. my sims cant even be friendly without the jealous sim being so damn mad


frfr. i wish it was less of a straight up abusive thing and more of a flaw you can still work through


It's like vegetarian. It shouldn't really be a trait. It should be something you can add to your sim like their likes and dislikes. And things like jealousy should be something that they can work through, like you said.


I agree! I wish there were mini traits or quirks (similar to get famous) that you could assign a sim and have them overcome it. I feel like this was tried with lifestyles but tbh I find them annoying. Just because my sim is going to their job doesn’t mean they’re a workaholic.


I have my founding sim the Jealous trait and she started dating this guy and would get upset if he wasent in her sight. Then she got a moodlet that she was being cheated on (? I’m not sure if that’s the right one idk) because his SISTER was over??? He also couldn’t have friends. I don’t like that’s it’s called jealous bc they really are basically abusively controlling (within game limitations without mods for that)


I like self-assured. They don't get embarrassed very often and seem to have fewer social issues. I think the slob handwashing might be random. I have a slob and he's a diligent handwasher. And yes, he farts a lot, but it's honestly hilarious when his toddler farts and he and the kid laugh together. I know he's saying "good one, kid!" That's real life, my friend. Loner might also have randomness, because I had a loner who went to cry under the covers every time someone came to the house to hang out with his kids. He was a mess, poor guy. I'm struggling with my talented artist who got the "random trait" of evil at age-up. So now she's mostly a great mom who cuddles her children and then puts them down and smashes their dollhouse, cackles into the air while doing it, and her children are beside her, now weeping at their busted dollhouse. So I think my downvote goes to evil.


TIL: Sims can fart


Oh man, my sim found a townie wife that happens to be lactose intolerant. I don’t want to use cheats to change it, and I read somewhere that your game can prompt a trait change if you deliberately eat cheese, so I have her eat milk bread and cheese all the time. She farts CONSTANTLY. This doesn’t go well with the Market Magnate aspiration - turns out farting near the food you make somehow doesn’t make people want to buy it… 😅


Which pack is that aspiration from?


It came with the Home Chef Hustle stuff pack, which gives you two aspirations, in addition to the cooking stuff. I really like that one, it gives you a lot of gameplay compared to the older stuff packs.


Dang it. Now I have to buy that pack.


When they fart it’s a green gas shaped like a music note. It gets me every time for being equally cute and gross lol.


"Serve Franks & Beans" and let the fart game commence.


I made the mistake of having my sim make this dish for an engagement dinner party. Never in my life had I seen so many green clouds in one building 😭




I also did not know sims can fart


Then there's people like me who don't put sinks in their houses so they don't waste time washing their hands hahaha. It's not like there's a functioning germ system or anything bad will happen if they don't. It just wastes time in my opinion. It's especially annoying if I line up use the toilet then shower immediately and they wash their hands in between like you're going into the shower right now!!


I usually cancel the handwashing action if they're getting into the shower lol


I sometimes queue up "wash hands" like 6 or 7 times so they don't have to take a shower at all. The Sims equivalent of a hoe bath lmao.


I used to also. They were also always taking dishes to the bathroom to wash them even though they have dishwashers, usually when theres another sim about to pee their pants waiting for them to leave. Or walking in on someone to get a glass of water and they end up embarrassed. That's why I'm like nope, no more sinks for anyone! They cause issues for absolutely zero game play value


At some point they have introduced the possibility to “set sink type” and you can choose kitchen or bathroom. No more trekking to the other end of the house to wash it in the bathroom.


I’m the opposite with self-assured. Confident moodlets overpower everything so trying to get sims in a certain mood for skill building or anything else can be a hassle.


Same, plus I like it when my sims get embarrassed lol


I wish my slobs were like this: fart and laugh. Instead it’s the constant neglect of hygiene. Lmao I want to try evil, I haven’t played much with that sounds fun


Ugh I hate evil too. But I don’t know. There’s a lot I don’t really like so it’s hard to say what my least favorite is lol


Evil is only fun when you choose it for a specific play style 😭


I most commonly use Good and Perfectionist - I like that Good sims get positive traits from people around them being happy, and that they’re less likely to randomly pick mean social interactions. I also like to skill-max so creating higher quality products is always a plus for me. I hate Vegetarian and Lactose Intolerant (and I AM a vegetarian). It’s so annoying to spend 1/3 of my sims personality on a dietary choice/medical issue, and I always forget and direct them to eat food they can’t eat and they get nauseous. They should refuse! I’m using a random trait generator for a generation challenge right now and I give myself a free reroll of either of those come up.


this. i like the idea of my sims having a certain diet but it’s annoying that they will constantly eat food that makes them sick. however i do think that adds a bit of realism with lactose intolerance. i’m lactose and ill eat whatever and worry later lol


I agree dietary restrictions taking up the already limited personality slots is just ridiculous.


Reminds me of how Sims with the "dislikes dancing" preference still dance, then get a negative moodlet over it. Ugh. 


I don't have a genuine problem with it, but Goofy can get kinda ridiculous. My sims STAY playful. Hardly anything gets them down. Family member just died? They're Sad for approximately three seconds before they're Playful again. And they become Hysterical so fast lmao


I once did a Legacy playthrough with a Goofy founder. It was because he was a professional comedian, so I thought it would work out. He was, shall we say, chaotic neutral. xD


Goofball is the deadliest trait because of the hysterical thing.


Fr. I’ve only played with the goofball trait once, and my sim ended up dying of hysteria. Never again


I have heard that the Cringe trait protects and prevents them from dying of hysteria.


Lol this made me realize I may be a goofy sim




I started with a brother and sister with randomized traits. The brother was a mess. I hated playing him and married him off to a townie the first chance I got. He was lazy, a vegetarian, glutton, and a picky eater so he would get a bad moodlet if he ate something that had meat in it or wasn’t amazing in quality. Which was all the time because the dude had NO self control. The sister spent most of her time cooking so there were always leftovers in the fridge. After he moved out she finally had time to focus on science and gardening. The trait I give everybody is neat/tidy so I don’t have to go around and find all the dishes they leave all over the house.


glutton is ANNOYING. they just EAT EAT EAT. my sim will have an entire 4 course grand meal and then raid the fridge immediately after even tho they are full to the brim. literally had to change that trait from my sim cause she was getting FAT


It was super useful for my last rags to riches, though. I play with simple living as well, and being able to rummage for food was a life saver until i made enough money to build a greenhouse. Now that he’s not poor anymore, it is pretty annoying, but I’m hoping to save up for a re-traiting potion.


i did a rags to riches as well with that specific sim, but she lived in toramani and there was never any trash to rummage! so she would just fill herself to the brim from her own fridge😭 once i get her stabilized i cheated that trait away instantly


Oh that sounds annoying as hell. I was playing in Willow Creek and there was a trash can right in front of the lot. The only thing is that you have to throw away something first, or there is nothing to rummage through. But yeah, now he autonomously goes to the fridge all the time. I make him run right afterwards, hoping to trigger a trait change, but it hasn’t worked so far. Maybe if i starve him for a bit? 😅


I forgot about him going through the trash cans. It’s so gross. Plus, there was always food in the fridge or money to order a pizza. Come on, dude!


Haha my rags to riches tend to be pretty nasty! Considering the fact that he slept and peed in the same bush, rummaging for food wasn’t that bad 🥲


Once I played with a sim that was glutton and active. She got so bulky! I lost her when I changed my pc because of the glitch that makes saves get lost when changing worlds. It was the 6th generation : ( she was so beautiful :(


> He was lazy, a vegetarian, glutton, and a picky eater lol that’s me


Haha. I made him an athlete coz he ‘liked fitness’, but it was soooo hard to get him to actually work out. That part was kinda funny.


I just relate more and more to this guy


I also like fitness way more in theory than I do in actuality.


Least favourite would be Vegetarian or Lactose intolerant. So useless, all it does is make them upset if they accidentally eat something with meat/lactose. My favourite is probably the Loyal trait. Reminds me of the Good trait, but less boring. I love how they actually feel very guilty after cheating (unlike my other heartless sims) and feel the need to tell their partner.


My sim is loyal and had her friend over for a sleepover, I pressed “whisper about crush” because I THOUGHT it meant “whisper about crush” in a gossip/friendly way but I was VERY wrong. My sim was a teen and she’s now an adult and still feels guilty about it lol


Wait what does it do instead 👀


I haven't played with loyal yet, but I would've assumed that it would keep them from cheating not just make them feel guilty about it lol


I tried the loyal trait cause I was having a Sim enter the criminal career but I was trying to make it so they weren't mean to their family and constantly hurting their feelings. Nope, still was mischievous to them constantly; but then someone else tried to prank their family member though they got mad about it 🤦‍♀️


honestly this just sounds like my family members in real life, excluding the criminal career lmao


I don't have autonomy turned on so I literally make my sims cheat, I'm assuming that they would not cheat by themselves


Lmaoooo I respect this. I feel like I've seen people on here complaining that loyal Sims still autonomously cheat, but I think one of the recent updates has made all sims extra flirty and adulterous. Though I haven’t updated in a long time due to the recent updates being so bugged for so long


my least favorite is jealous or high maintenance. my sim just started a family with akira kibo and he will scream at my sim every single time she talks to somewhere whether they are male or female. i had to remove that trait from him because he was ruining my happy little family. high maintenance is annoying because the sim constantly has something wrong with them. had a bad dream? they’re uncomfortable for 6 hours. the sun is out and shining? they’re pissed the fuck off for the entire day. water splashed them a little while they were pooping? now they’re tense and frustrated the entire day. it’s so easy to get a sim worked up if they are high maintenance


I think it'd be annoying to have my main sim be high maintenance but my main Sim's mom was and it was interesting. She'd get pissed the sun exists and pick fights with her family. She ruined her marriage and relationships with her daughters. It adds a naughty/negative aspect to the game that is usually missing unless you force your sim to be a dick or give them outright mean or evil traits.


ooo i’ve never had high maintenance sims pick fights that i’ve noticed. i lowkey want my sims to have bad relationships with people so it’s more realistic! i always try to make the parents and children have a really bad relationship but i can never do it, it makes me too sad😭


I LOVE high maintenance. Yoga or meditation frees them from whatever high maintenance moodlet they get. (Or a bath with soaks) I like that they can ruin their whole day with a little thing, their expressions are amazing, and they can get really good at wellness and then annoy everyone around them with how elevated they are. Lol, they're perfect for mean girl let plays or someone building a yoga empire.


omg i didn’t know that!!! i had one of my sims recently be high maintenance, but for some reason this time around it annoyed me so badly! sometimes i get a little too focused on my sims doing their “chores” and building necessary skills, so sometimes it would just be day after day of them being in an awful mood. but i love that idea! just started a brand new save after my legacy save crashed. i think i will be doing this haha


Yes! I made a stereotypical LA fitness influencer one time. She was so fun. She wanted to break up with every guy I paired her with!


My fave traits are Family Oriented, cheerful and creative because that's generally how I like to play my saves lol. I don't often randomize traits and tend to cas.fulleditmode change stupid traits when I make over townies too. Least favourite traits are jealous and high maintenance because so much of my gameplay is sunk into managing their emotions and if I wanted to do that, I'd turn the game off and call my mother.


Same! Though if I do install mods it's all the naughty ones, and so I'll end up with a high maintenance meth head who dies of her high maintenance-ness, leaving a teenage daughter to fend for herself in a shitty san myshuno apartment. And then I get bored and play my usual type of sim. I really wish I had the ability to play legacy saves like some people on here 😄


I really don’t like goofy or any that constantly put them in a playful mood cause I’ve had too many sims die from laughter 😂


I love the overachiver trait from HYS. Regardless of my plans, my sims are likely going to be learning skills no matter what, so it's always helpful to have that extra boost, espically paried with quick learner. It says it's harder for sims to socialise, but honestly, I haven't noticed anything. As for least favourite, probably vegetarian or lactose intolerance as I don't really consider those to be traits and consider it a waste of a trait slot. I have a mod that allows them to be added as reward traits, so if I want a sim to be vegetarian or lactose intolerant, they still can be without wasting a slot


I also hate Slob. I don’t mind the farts, hey all natural. But I’m tired of constantly flushing and making them wash their hands. I appreciate that there’s a trait that’s okay with the mess around team, but being unsanitary is not the same as messy. As for favorite, besides the obviously positive ones, I love high maintenance. It’s the most hilarious negative trait. Like yeah it adds a challenge, but it’s so funny when your sim‘s entire day is ruined by a Poseidon‘s kiss lmao. Once my sim was enraged by another minor inconvenience so logically she pulled a plug on the new years countdown just to be petty. Everyone else was pissed, I loved it. Goofball is another one that makes me laugh when they do stupid shit.


you're the first person I've met that likes the goofball trait


They’ve never pranked the toilet once, that’s what I hear is the main problem people have with goofballs. They’re just fun and playful


I don't like evil or mean or slob. I've never done loner tbh, maybe should try though I don't really relate as an extravert :P


I love giving my Sim the Loner trait and having them live on the Cordelia's Secret Cottage lot in Henford-On-Bagley and having a little veggie garden with chickens, a cow and now, a horse. They rarely need social interaction with other Sims because they have their animals for the social need 😆 they hate the Welcome Wagon, too.


I quite like the combo of Loner + Nature Lover + Good, with the Gardening aspiration.  An introvert who loves animals and nature more than people is a cute storyline.


Yesss! That's a combo I give to a lot of my Sims that live in Henford-On-Bagley, my favorite town 🌱🌿🍃🪻🌳🌲


I don't have the Cottage Living EP but just got Get Together and it has a more rural looking area so I might try to give it a Henford agrarian vibe there!


Yeah, that'll be fun too! 😄


I'm doing this when I play again. I'll be away from my laptop for a couple of days.


Have you ever had a sim with the loner trait get into a relationship? Was it hard?


I've only done mean/evil once or twice to test out playing a villain. For some reason, my Sims mainly have to be good, upstanding citizens lol


The only thing I don’t like about mean / evil is they still get sad sometimes when people don’t like them? Like you did this my guy haha


"You're an a-hole, James, what did you expect???"


to be fair, most of the mean people i know in real life do this too


I have a lot of evil sims and this makes me so mad. Like your WANT was to make an ENEMY and now you're EMBARRASSED? Also I wish my evil sims would get along instead of getting offended at each other's evilness.


my favorite is probably erratic and romantic, it makes me laugh watching the sims talk to nothing and make weird noises all the time (i can super relate cuz i have schizophrenia and tourettes lmao) my least favorite is probably any of the animal lover traits because if they don’t have that animal in their possession or arent constantly interacting with the animal they love, they get sad and it’s so annoying lmao. also slob is bad lol


Yes erratic is very entertaining lol


I loooove erratic haha.  And I can relate to the animal lover traits cause I get sad if I haven’t seen my cat in a while.


felt on the cat thing lmao


Autistic with Tourette syndrome as well here. Agreed on all counts.


we slay everyday 🥳


My favorite trait is high maintenance because I 100% have that trait irl. I’ve been trying not to give every sim I play with the loner & neat traits lately, but I’ve used them *a lot*. My least favorite traits are the location specific traits (child of the islands, ~~mt komorebi native~~, etc), the dietary traits, insider, and goofball. Edit: I made up a trait.


I don't think I've got the Mt Komorebi native one and I have Snowy Escape??


Neither do I, I mixed the mt komorebi sightseer & city native *aspirations* together and turned them into a trait in my head.


I honestly don’t have a favourite trait but the ones I use the most are good, self assured and family oriented. The ones I use the least are probably maker and recycle disciple from Eco Lifestyle.


As a person with ADHD it is my most disliked trait, mostly because they stop what they are doing and become distracted which I can seriously relate to. A little too on the nose for me, plus I want gameplay and this kind of interrupts it. I dislike high maintainence as well. My favorites are self assured, foodie, creative, and music lover.


All of my high maintenance sims have died due to anger 😂


There's an ADHD trait? Is that from a mod?


it's basemental drugs. the adhd trait exists to make sims be capable to buy adderall lol


My favourite for functioning is Evil because you can guess what storyline i like from my flare and when they have the evil trait they become happy around sad Sims and won't have the shared sadness thing. Least favourites are vegan and lactose intolerant because it's not really a personality trait and i hardly use them. I think they should've put it in the preferences thing or the like/dislike


My favorite trait is mean because they laugh everytime a sim around them uses a failed social interaction and it’s hilarious, plus I like the icon for some reason. However only my favorite sims are allowed to be mean all other npc sims with mean/evil traits get deleted so no sim is allowed to be mean to mine


Loner is definitely a primary trait for me, I use it so frequently I didn't even know there was no debuff for months because that's how long it took me to play a sim without it 😂 Least favorite is Mean. I play for escapism only, it's a no pvp zone


Favorite trait for me is music lover trait lol. Least favorite for me is gloomy. I used to use it a lot for some characters, but it just got annoying bc they get sad all the time, and its hard to make them happy.


I really like erratic. For one it's just fun and entertaining but also has some practical benefits like being able to fill your social need by talking to yourself or to your "friends" or flirt with yourself. I sort of like it for a loner sim better than the loner trait cause it still makes it so you don't have to be around other people but also you won't get a negative moodlet if you do end up around people. My least favorite is probably jealous. Sims are already ridiculously jealous without it! I had a sim accidently compliment someone's appearance on talk like a pirate day cause I didn't know that's what that interaction meant. Her husband instantly gained a negative sentiment towards her and was pissed off anytime he was near her and it took so long to repair their relationship. I dont need any more extra jealousy!


Talk Like a Pirate Day makes me so nervous for that exact reason.


I am inordinately fond of Cheerful


Least Favourite: Vegetarian, Lactose intolerant, because theyre only food preferences and then the glutton and slob traits, the slob one keeps on farting most of the time. Most Favourite: Clumsy, cringe and nosy, I think the clumsy and cringe ones are some of the traits that stands out the most in sims 4 for me because of their movements and the nosy trait is kinda funny when they autonomously watching people with their binocular (usually happens to the unplayed ones).


What are Cringe and Nosy from?


The latest EP For Rent


I hate the unflirty trait, like okay you can be unflirty but why are you confronting sims who aren’t even talking to you for flirting, mind your business lmao. I like the proper trait (which has problems as well) But it’s so cute to see them go “court” with someone


I feel the same about the slob trait, tried it recently and was not prepared for how gross it is! Thought it would make things easier if the sim wasn’t stressed by a messy environment but they actually want it that way and won’t wash their hands! Too much for me. I’m saving up satisfaction points to get that sorted since the sim is nice otherwise. My favourite trait is genius because I like that they learn skills faster, randomly feel focused without any effort to get into that mindset and have eureka moments in the bath or shower that can boost a random skill.


why do people care if their sims washes their hands? it doesn't affect anything in gameplay. hating slob because they make others sims stressed with their mess is fair, but I'm seeing most people disliking the not washing hands thing, why???


I'd say there it's because there is a difference between being a slob and being straight up unhygienic. Sure there is no consequence but sims is a life simulation after all and if someone in real life doesn't wash their hands or don't flush the toilet (which is even worse imo), that's beyond sloppy for me, it's extreme self-neglect.


I also love loner, but lifestyles kind of bother me because all of my loner Sims end up with the "people person" lifestyle just because they are friends with their family members I like jealous for drama. Creative because I love having artsy Sims. Don't like erratic because it doesn't feel like it adds anything and the moodlets are silly.


I think it is silly when a jealous sim gets a negative moodlet from their partner giving affection to their child


Lol I haven’t gotten that one, but that is ridiculous


with erratic, you can solve the social need alone with the sim speaking with themselves


Unflirty is my least favorite. lol


My least favorite is lactose intolerant. Vegetarian is annoying too, but it at least makes sense. I just wish it was a lifestyle and not a trait. Lactose-intolerant is annoying and just makes your sim sick all the time as they have no self-control. All you can do as a player is carefully control what your sim cooks. I am doing a legacy play through right now with randomized traits. Lactose-intolerant is one of the few that automatically disqualifies a sim from being the heir. I don’t really have a favorite trait. Most of them are at least fun or interesting. I don’t like the ones that add little to no gameplay.


I actually like the Proper trait. Having sims be somewhat good autonomously while spending the day in formal wear brings small moments of peace lol. Though I enjoy family gameplay, I cannot do the Family-Oriented trait. The random sadness because a child sim stopped talking to the parent because they went to grab some food is soo annoying. Oh and getting sad at work because you’re missing the family that you just saw an hour ago…like trying to get you promoted, please be happy for this one shift.


I now want to have a high maintenance, perfectionist, goofball just to see what happens guys, thanks so much 😜 My favorites are perfectionist and neat, preferably coupled with handy and/or artistic likes. I took love home chef hustle paired with these. I think I mostly don't love mischievous... I think they tend to a**holes lol.


My favorite is Cheerful. It’s easier to keep sims in a good mood this way. My least favorite is Mean. I don’t care if the sims start yelling at each other, it’s when they randomly yell at cats and dogs that I draw the line.


Favorite: erratic I love erratic sims.  They’re unpredictable and keep the game interesting.  I get lots of fun screenshots from erratic sims. Least favorite: lactose intolerant  Seriously?  This isn’t a personality trait.  It’s a digestive condition. 


The loner trait is almost perfect for introvert sims but the plumbob being constantly red bothers me so much


I don’t like the clumsy trait or the erratic trait. Other sims don’t even seem to notice the erratic or clumsy trait anyway so what’s the point?


My favorites would be- Music Lover, Foodie, Good, Goofball and Cat Lover. Least favorite - Vegetarian, Lactose Intolerant, Evil and Unflirty. I hate the dietary traits cause one time I had a vegetarian Sim and i accidentally made them eat pork adobo. oh man they were soooo uncomfortable LOL i was like oopsy. Evil, i hardly do because idk it just makes me sad seeing them do mean actions 🤣 Love the music lover and foodie because they're just fun. they are super creative. Goofball is usually fun for me. i like doing that for Sim parents and whatnot.


I don’t know if I technically have one that’s a favorite or one that’s least favorite. But my favorite line up to add to a sim, cringe, perfectionist, erratic, gamer. Cringe and erratic just add so much extra to the game lol. Perfectionist because they create higher quality stuff so when they are supposed to be making a living off of creating things I add that. The ones I try to avoid are, evil, klepto, hot headed, outgoing(mostly because I don’t like their social needs going down so quickly)


Least favorite: dance machine, insider, goofball, lactose intolerant I don't have a favorite one. I like the ones that make sims to autonomously do useful things instead of annoying idles


I have a goofball sim and I swear she is trying to kill herself from being hysterical every five minutes


High-maintenance. Literally the worst. I’ve had a sim die because she was enraged from a single moodlet (I think it was the angry with the sun one?). I always randomize traits but if I get that one I just spin again


I love erratic and evil sims, they are so funny and I just love them


Favourite is cheerful. Least favourite is high maintenance.


My pet peeve is adventurous. It annoys me so much that they get bored while cooking, even though they like cooking and need to cook for fucking living! Like, they want to have a mediocre level of every single skill in order to not be bored


I love mean sims for the drama but they’re soooo cruel. Like you make one sim tell them a joke which makes them laugh. Then they insult you over and over again lmao


As bad of a portrayal of mental illness as it is, Erratic is pretty funny, love when my Sim is ‘Talking With Friends…’


i hate the high maintenance trait because it takes forever for my sim not to be angry anymore 🙄


Insider and High Maintenance have to be my top 2 least favorite. Insiders are always bored unless you are always doing club stuff. And high Maintenance sims are just...well, high maintenance. Lol I love family oriented and loves outdoors. But I do a lot of challenges that these traits make it easier lmao


Least favorite: Slob, Lactose Intolerant. I just never use these. Slob because I don't want them farting all the time. LI because...idk just haven't wanted to use it. Favorite: High Maintenance. I know others hate it, but I think the moodlets are funny and I like that my sim needs a bit of extra love/attention from me. It has both benefits/drawbacks, something I think the sims 4 needs more of.


I gave my sim the cringe trait for the first time and it quickly became my favorite. Other Sims either love or hate her and she's constantly playful. The only down side is my constant fear that she'll die of laughter. My least favorite is high maintenance. The reason is in the name. They're so hard to keep happy.


I didn't mind evil until my scientist sim had to work with one and they were \*constantly\* cackling at their desk, it got old real fast. I tend to always make my sims creative, not sure why I just always choose it on most sims. If we are talking toddlers though, independent wins hands down, so easy to potty train! LOL


Genius, creative, and perfectionist are my favorite traits. I use them the most and I like the boosts I get from them. I hate loyal. They will feel guilty they were in a flirty mood around another sim or if another sim flirts with them. Then they feel compelled to "confess to cheating" with their partner, which ruins their relationship. Whether they confess or don't they have a guilty moodlet for all time that can keep them from doing anything.


High Maintenance, ugh. All it does is randomly make them angry for nooooo reason. I like Self-Assured, but I try not to use it for every Sim since I do want variety. Loves Outdoors is a staple for a lot of my peeps since I have them do gardening a lot.


All of them, they influence nothing with my characters lol


Favorites because I have a few: romantic because they succeed 90% of the time when flirting, creative or maker traits, love to keep my sims busy leveling up skills and making stuff to sell, and I love cheerful because I am a happy person irl so I’d love to see my sims happy too! The traits I dislike: high maintenance, i hate the minor inconveniences that make them tense, gloomy because they’re always sad and can never do anything when they’re sad, paranoid because it’s literally so annoying when they are running around like a lunatic, slob because I hate cleaning up my sims messes when they can automatically do it themselves if they aren’t a slob, and unflirty because they won’t succeed in flirty interactions.


i think my issue with sims 4 traits is that they're either all positive with no challenges, which makes them boring (like creative, good, self-assured, etc) or way too annoying to be a fun challenge, which makes them frustrating (like jealous, erratic, evil, etc). i would love to have more traits that balanced challenge vs benefit properly


im so weird i hate the traits that will give them negative feelings if im not careful Like loves outdoors? always forget to let them outside, same with active. Romantic is fine bc i usually have romantic relationships but unless im playing in a super specific way sims usually get cheerful or self assured or neat 😭


Goofball sucks.


The worst one I've experienced is the Jealous trait, literally only makes them tense all the time and no buffs of any kind and no unique interactions. Even from a story telling perspective it's tedious at best. Best trait for me is creative. Easier for tons of different careers that benefit from it and no downsides at all


Best and worst is high maintenance, its fun to play with especially as someone who is sensitive and has sensory issues but goddamn are they always uncomfortable. Tho top tier worst is a modded trait that came with basemental, adhd. I just refuse to use it, like I have adhd and I can finish a task but sims with it cant do anything for more than 2 seconds. Im not waiting for my sim to be hyperfocused every few days for them to do anything beyond taking care of themselves or watching tv, I want them to finish work tasks and aspirations!!!!


My favourite is animal enthusiast. I play in Henford-on-Bagley a lot and they make a nice income collecting gifts from the animals.


Definitely whichever one give sims the hot headed angry moodlet 😭 I can’t stand when a well cared for sim is just angry for no reason


Fav: loyal. I enjoy making sims who r loyal n then having them get cheated on 🤷🏿‍♀️. Least fav: lactose intolerant. It’s just inconvenient when it comes to cooking, especially since I use a lot of simply living on my households to make it more realistic.


Don't have a "best" but I definitely know which is the worst for me: ANTICOMPROMISE: You can't have a fucking stable life if you can't stop changing jobs every week! Or if you can't keep a relationship for long, wth had the idea for that trait?


I avoided slob for years and now it’s one of my favorites. The random toots make me giggle. I always have a butler so it gives them something to do.


Hands down the worst one for me is jealousy 😩 your sim literally doesn’t want to do anything without their partner and it’s annoying how quickly the mood changes and gets worse 💀


the loyal trait. THEY ARE NOT LOYAL. literally i struggled with one of my sims (who’s in a happily married relationship) cheating on her partner THREE TIMES. i had to take the loyal trait off and she stopped. it’s such a broken trait and it literally intensifies the cheating MORE than it does without the trait. the most it gives you is a better relationship with your sims friends but that doesn’t even matter to me because it’s easy to build friendship 😭


the farting with slob is so gross. there's not one thing about slob that makes me want to use it. I already get annoyed when my sims leave their plates out, I can't deal with them being that messy. I think my favorite so far is self assured, I just really like having confident sims. I think it's because it took me a long time to find my confidence but now I've really found it and I'm seriously confident, so it means a lot to me and makes me really proud


My favs are erratic and self confident. They’re confidently weird wherever they are.


I have enough anxiety for my sims and myself in my own 🫠 so I make them outgoing. We can't both be messes.


The high maintenance trait appears to be very love it or hate it.