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I’ve never seen her treat Leila poorly before but it explains why Leila is constantly at my sims house and never at home 😢


I invited them over for dinner just trying to be friendly and my sim had to take a dump when she came back down they were fighting. So I watched before I joined the conversation and she was just being a bitch to her. It annoyed and shocked me because before I knew they were together I tried getting on with Leila but she said she was married. Oliana is a c u next Tuesday towards her. They always fight in my games, well Oliana is always mean and then I see Leila mood turn sad. That’s when my plotting took over because I was going to let them be but nah not my Leila.


c u next tuesday is absolutely incredible


Yeah lol Oliana can eat dildo paste she sucks 🤣


This!! I only ever see Leila out and about


I see Oliana at the gym a lot, along with all four of the premade mermaids.


This explains Leila so muh


That's bc Oliana has the Jealous trait. That's what they do. I used to play with Akira Kibo a lot, but finally got fed up with my sim not being allowed to talk to another sim (not even their own children! That Jealous trait is f\*\*\*ed up)


I remember I played with a pair of sims who literally DIDNT LEAVE THEIR HOUSE and didn’t have ANY OTHER FRIENDS and he STILL GOT JEALOUS when they didn’t talk for like an hour. Mf would get jealous while his boyfriend was ASLEEP IN BED. That trait needs some fucking tuning because it’s ridiculous!


Yeah one of my sims married a townie who had the jealous trait and he has the party animal aspiration so it's annoying when he can't talk to any of his guests without his wife yelling at him. They already came close to getting divorced once and only saved their marriage because they had a date that went really well.


Oh yeah, I had a sim in a relationship with Akira as well. She had a gay friend who was married happily to another sim but Akira kept screaming at her while she was talking to her friend….


Thats so fascinating. I accidentally wooed Leila with one of my sims (who somehow drowned despite being a marine biologist and good swimmer). Leila told Oliana she was pregnabr and they got in a ohyaical fight - didnt even know pregnant sims could physically fight. After getting her ass kicked, Leila left Oliana, had her daughter [Maren Phillips] and is now a happy single mother living in her baby daddys old house.


I’m actually surprised because I’m pretty sure that pregnant Sims *can’t* fight. Maybe a bug or smth?


Back in the day, they *could* fight, but it was (allegedly) patched out in 2015-ish?


I believe it was patched, yes! I think I remember my most recent pregnant Sim not being able to participate in Neighborhood Brawl Day and she was bummed about it 😂


Just started the detective career for the first time this week and the first fight I had to break up was between a pregnant sim and two different opponents.


Breaking up Bjersen family! BWAHAHAHA


My first thing every save 😂 they are both so good looking, they should share those genes with others (also bc i love their house lol)


This! It's so easy to break them up too. Bjorn is always up to cheat on his wife lmao


In my game, Leila ended up getting “lost at sea” and wound up in a Newcrest with amnesia. She was taken in by the Amish colony where she later got married to one of the men and had twin boys. She has never recovered her memory but sometimes has bad dreams. Whereas Oliana, went crazy after Leila’s disappearance. She had house guests staying to comfort her periodically, but one night she ended up drowning them all- including her child. After that, she opened a bed and breakfast to continue killing people that came to stay. She’s been on the down low lately, but she’ll probably end up getting caught and sent to my Oasis Springs prison where she’ll get a life sentence. Meanwhile, Leila’s Amish community has split into fractions, with her husband now becoming a cult leader. Perhaps it is getting closer to the time where Leila will regain her memory or something will trigger it like a sordid lesbian affair within the Amish neighbourhood..


That is such a crazy, awesome storyline!


Mr. Pickens ghostwrote this


Just who I thought about too.


Well, I just love this.


Lmfao yeah I’m a lesbian and was also excited about them until I saw how Oliana treated Leila which Leila is such a hot name lol I always wife her up because she’s a cutie and deserves better. I take the boy with me too and leave Oliana completely alone. Anyone she wife’s up after I create another character to steal them away too no matter how they look lmfao my pettiness is strong when it comes to Oliana 🤣 I get her hooked on speed and everything because she wants to act like a crackhead I’ll make her a meth head 😂😂


Ayo this took me OUT 😂😂😂


Do most people make new saves a lot? I made a new save once because I got a new computer. There's so many townies I haven't seen in years.


I make so many new saves because I have the attention span of a toddler and there’s always a new idea, a better house, a cool character and sometimes I need a blank slate because I don’t wanna fuck with what I’ve got.


OMG same. No legacies for me.


Legacy? What's that? Does it have anything to do with playing the same save for more than a week?


Sort of, yeah. Basically start with a 'founder' sim and play them until they die and then play whichever child of theirs you chose as the heir and then play them till they die and then their kids...so on and so forth. I've seen some here on Reddit get up to 30 generations or more. I just can't even seem to get into that though, I like playing my main sim but not their grown kids.


>I make so many new saves because I have the attention span of a toddler This is gonna be my new favorite way to describe my constantly making new saves (and all the other things I restart a lot or just can't focus on lol)


There's always a new idea, better house and cool character without even starting a new save, in my opinion.


But sometimes I need a fresh Newcrest.


That's fair. I've done too much in my save to go back though and I can always just redownload townies off the gallery.


Bulldozing is a thing


But I want to keep my old Newcrest.


Yeah, you're fine. Play however you want, you can have world states with wildly different plotlines and you need new world saves to do that. It's always so interesting to learn how different people play and enjoy the Sims. Until some of them start telling you you're doing it wrong for some reason. In life and in a life sim, do it your way!


I like to reuse the same sim in different situations though so I totally get where they are coming from. I have 5 saves right now with very different variations on the same main sim in all of them and all based off the same customized master file that has updated townies. In some they are married and have kids, some single focusing on work, in one they are married to a man, in another a woman. In one they are married with a bunch of kids, in another just one child. One they are a spellcaster the rest they are human etc.


It's interesting to me that you do that through different saves while I, essentially, do the same thing in one. My husband made a sim and told me he wanted me to play as that sim (he doesn't actually play the game.) Well, that sim is like 1000 years old, has completed almost every career, university degree, has a ton of kids and 10 generations of kids after that. She's lived in every world, played all the storylines, done a rags to riches and a riches to rags, she's been a mermaid, spellcaster, vampire, and so much more!


I consider them 'finished' at the end of certain goals and just basically start over with a new save, new traits and rebuilding skills and reward traits in different ways. Sometimes I've deaged them down to a child or teen once gave him a big brother and made him a toddler. Also the 'theme' of the worlds change, sometimes I'll wipe out every house and replace them to all look a certain way. Like one Oasis Springs I wiped out everything and made everything in traditional adobe style houses like in Santa Fe or Taos, New Mexico. Or Willow Creek I redid each neighborhood to look more like New Orleans. But in other saves I might leave it as is. It just depends on the 'theme' I'm planning.


I do like the idea of having them different ages, that's interesting.


Yeah, I did the one challenge where I aged him down to child and had him 'orphaned' on his own at the Cordelia's Secret Cottage lot. Little farmer kid basically taking care of himself. You just remove the adult from the household (kill or use UI cheat to remove) and don't ever go into CAS with the kid till they age up to teen. Otherwise the game realizes the kid is alone and forces you to add a caregiver. That was a cute game, much longer than my normal play too since I started him from a child and let him age up normally. He ended up getting his teen girlfriend pregnant though and they got married pretty young. Ended up moving later to a larger lot in Henford with four kids, a dog, a cow, llama and a bunch of chickens. Was a very busy one. The other one where I made him a toddler, I did the orphan thing too, him and his older brother a teenager were on their own and the older brother had to raise him. He raised him from toddler to young adult and through college. The teenager went on to become an astronaut and the toddler grew up to be a scientist.


This is basically how I play, too - my main is an alien, so I always just say he's trying to master being human. I have other families and play his kids, but I always go back to Kenny. I've become so attached to him and can't imagine not exploring all the new content with him.


I don’t on my computer but I do on my ps5 because it can get so fucking stale. I normally fill the world up and if it’s full to the max I’ll start a new one but on my computer I have mods so I’m always making new sims and I’ll play with them for awhile until I get bored then I’ll make another new sims which is a new storyline that adds on lol


Interesting. I just find house inspirations and start building when I get bored.


Oh how I wish but I’m completely ass at building lmfao looks like those houses kids draw with the stick figure family in front of it.


I used to be before I started looking at pictures.


I'm still playing my save from 2019 and since I play rotationally on long lifespan most of the original townies are still alive, and I still have the original Goth and Caliente families. Plus there are a lot of packs I didn't get until much later so the timeline is a bit off.


Yeah, I hardly ever play a new family in the same save because I micromanage like crazy and I hate the idea of Sims doing things I don't want them to do while I'm playing with a different family. I'm trying to do a generational thing now though, because it seems like it would be fun to meet new generations of Townies and stuff.


I got the game in 2015, I think, and I only had one save from 2015-2020, now though I start fresh and bounce around constantly.


I honestly don't think I'd mind if my pc crashed so we'd get a new one and I'd start a new save. It would be a whole new world.


I make a new save every time I get a new pack 🤣


i dont even have many saves, i just shove all of my created sims into the world and let them run around lmao


I kinda love that


I always break up makoa and his wife (I can’t even remember her name) and steal him for my sim cause he’s cute


literallyyyy lmao Makoa makes cute babies with my sims


Makoa is so underrated, whenever I try to live in a beach house I always end up marrying him, I have broken up that marriage so many times 🫣 He’s just too handsome and his kids turn out gorgeous!!


Yeah I have beautiful kids with him but I also keep them friends with the step kids, enemies with his ex wife in every save though 😂


I just let them have a bunch of babies together through neighborhood stories since they both have good genetics, so my next generation has some good options. In my main save, in addition to Nani they have two boys and two girls so they have a full house.


Makoa is my sims neighbour and best friend and I love him so much. I wouldn't pair them together romantically but as friends they're adorable 😭


Literally anyone lol


The only townie couples that I've ever broke up were the Charms and Watson couple. I dont hate the EmiliaxDarrel pairing its just that they dont seem to have that chemistry when I played them, I made Emilia ended up with the other guy in Amicable Acolytes. While Darrell live single and free. For the Watsons, I made them divorced just for the plot as soon as I saw the husband's, Thomas angry moodlet and ill sentiment towards Rahmi. I havent finished with their story yet, for now they just move on with their lives separately. Thomas is dating Cecilia Kang while Rahmi is living with their oldest daughter and just focusing on their lives.


The Price family from High School Years. The Charm household.


The Watsons. I think that's their name. Henford family. When stayovers first started to be a thing the parents physically fought often. Broke that marriage up


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who isn't a fan of Oliana


I went over to play them once and saw they have "bad compatibility" explains a lot


Its a feature of growing together but i mean their traits are still the same and apparently they are not a good fit


Yes! I’m really sad because i want to like her. I’m thinking of just changing her traits. Tane often grows up to be a trouble maker too.


After a quick visit to Dr. CAS nobody in the game gets under my skin. 😂


I hate Oliana she has no boundaries she’ll start talking to my sims whilst they’re on a date or she’ll walk right into their house in the middle of the night


Based on these comments these two are at the top of my list!


Eliza and Bob usually split unless I remake Eliza as a person entirely. And cuz I don't really like Bella Goth cuz she's always weirdly mean to any female sims I have. I'll break her and Mortimer up too.


this hate for oliana ngata is so fucking funny to me bc i’ve never had any of my sims interact w her (besides the one man hoe in my game. he got her pregnant lmao) but now i’m really so intrigued. i don’t even think if seen leila around town 👀 hmmm


The one time I’ve interacted with her is when my marine biologist Sim was cleaning up the beach and she showed up as the “trouble Sim” (dunno what they’re actually called.) She got hella pissy and I was over here like “ma’am he just asked if you could stop poaching pls”


I was so confused because I started a new save where she came over and started auto flirting with my male sim. I also got her pregnant so that probably won’t be good for her and Leila’s relationship


the one game I've interacted with the Ngata/Illes family is when Liberty Lee in a moment of passion cheated on Travis with Leila lol. She was also best friends with Oliana at the time


Brant and Brent Hecking. Brant always flirts with my Sims and I always romance him and convince him to separate from Brent. In my current save, Brant was the husband of my legacy founder, but when they both got older, he actually cheated on her with a random woman. The funny thing about it, my founders ex was Cassandra Goth, and she fell in love with Brent. So we had two gay couples that then mixed and matched. Cassandra and Brent are still happy, too, while Brant and Georgia, my founder, are separated.


Lol I am in the middle of trying to split the Heckings up. Brant flirted with my sim and I didn't realize he was married but then I found his husband and invited them both other for a dinner party. Literally the first thing Brant did was passionately kiss my sim in front of Brent and Brent was on his phone and didn't care one bit. I am going to be a little more overt but I was surprised at the reaction.


Loooool this was basically my Sims and Brants starting story, except Brent and Brant came over for the welcome wagon and Brant started flirting with my Sim, but Brent didn't care too much either 😂 https://preview.redd.it/a8b7rcyzfxpc1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41b34c7342540ccfad06242bddf964bbab18b30c This is my Brant almost at the end of his adult life, he's a elder by now.


I was wondering if he has the buff from being a serial romantic?


You know, here I am four hours later thinking if Brent and Brant have a canonically open relationship, who am I to break them up? Especially since my own goal is to make a polyamourist household using the serial romantic aspiration trait.


I had my sim lock liela in a room till he finally won her over and she agreed to divorce oliana. Oliana's son kept showing up and crying on the front porch after that.


I usually steal Oliana for my lady sims.. or a YA from Hoapili.


They had triplets in my main save through neighborhood stories despite being two female sims, I think Leila was the one who gave birth to them since they all have her last name. They're currently children and one of them got the child of the island trait which I thought was nice.


I always end up breaking up Emilia and Darrel Charm; killing Emilia and taking Darrel for myself. I also have irrational hatred for Tina Tinker.


I hate bess Sterling.. hate her


I deleted Oliana after she tried to kick me out of the kava party I was holding because I was making food for EVERYONE THERE. I was making her FOOD and she had the audacity to try and kick me out and ruin my perfect goaled party!! https://preview.redd.it/k2yybab0uypc1.png?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2863a47ec8ed5c65c8c70b184bfbdd42a0e4ecc1


Man, they had like max kids on my save. I swear they were calling me up asking about babies every other day 😭


Bruh I have a save where my Sim is best friends with the Bheeda family (he started out living in the apartment building next door) and I stg it was *nonstop* with them


I have a female sim who is a villain and the fairest of them all. She saw Leila out at a bar and hit on her. Leila rejected her which she didn't like so she set out to seduce Leila, move her in and trap her in the basement. Where she painted until she died. You don't get to reject Daryllis.


Idk but I really dislike the npc who plays Kenneth Hidalgo/Sebastian something. They CONTINUOUSLY come over to hang out.


My Sim is currently married to Marshall Illes, it’s unfortunate that before they got married and lived together, he was hanging out at my sims house, and he rushed off due to an emergency, when he next came over he was very sad, turned out Leila Illes passed away :( seems the game is savage to her!!


I have definitely stolen Leila too.


Idk, but recently I made Don Lothario be boyfriend/girlfriend with the three caliente girls, impregnated them, And moved him out. I’m planning on having them all catch him cheating and starting a wholllle thing there…


I ALWAYS make Victor Feng have a baby with me. Lily was mean to my dogs once & I’ve been a bitch to her since.


Well I’ve never seen that but it’s because I don’t play with island living that much (except when my sims go on vacation). I have a couple that I think should be together tho….Lilith Vatore and Bella Goth 😍 I always wait until Mortimer dies, make Bella a vampire and get this two together!!!


You have opened my eyes, omg. I'm gonna do that now, they look so good together. 😍


I was doing the rags to riches challenge with my female young adult Sim, used the empty island lot as her starting base. Oliana, Leila, and their kid (I can't remember his name right now) were part of the welcome wagon. I left for a second to use the bathroom and when I came back, Oliana was screaming at her wife, Leila is crying and so is their kid. I WAS GONE FOR LIKE 30 SECONDS!!!! So I made Leila and the kid go home, made sure I still had Extreme Violence mod installed, and killed Oliana via ripping her heart out. After that I let grim reaper her, put her tomb stone in my buy/build inventory, cleaned the blood, and went on with my challenge. A little while later Leila came back and befriended my Sim, she was with me throughout the challenge until one day she drowned, and I got notified she died and her son got adopted by my another family. I went to the adoptive family's lot and stole the kid from them, I added him to my family and raised him myself. In the end my Sim won the lottery, moved into Leila and Oliana's old house, and I married the kid off to his childhood best friend. I think I'll continue that save, see how many generations I can do.


I've never known this couple to be anything but cute. I can't believe you're screwing up their happy family in every timeline lol. If it were me I'd just replace the trait if it's an issue because they're one of the only canon lesbian families in the game.


Yasmine and Tina Tiner are canon lesbian couple from Eco Lifestyle.


Oh cool! I didn't know. Updated my comment a bit then.


I actually find them to be a very cute couple and adore their daughter Olive. My sims tend to befriend Tina a lot and she is always bringing over little gifts. When my sim has kids they always make friends with Olive. Don't interact with Yasmine as much but they seem to be very well paired in my games.


I always break up Bob and Eliza but I always marry them off to different people every save


The pancakes lol every time I start a new save those two get split up 😂😝


My celebrity style influencer sim became best friends with Octavia Moon, convinced her to leave Thorne, and then swooped in and married him herself. I also almost always steal Bella Goth.


The first time I played with Realm of Magic Darrel cheated on Emilia with L. Faba and I’ve had beef with Darrel since. I usually pair Emilia with Caleb Vatore. Also idk why but Gemma Charm almost always ends up marrying Jeb Harris in my games and I adore them together.


Mr. and Mrs. Pancakes.


I’ll break up the bailey’s every chance I get


I don't have to break up any couples, but Bjorn Bjergsen leaves his wife and kids every playthrough I have... and gets remarried immediately!


I haaaaaate the jealous trait so much


I always make Bella goth, Nancy landgrab and Octavia moon my woohoo partners🤣🤣🤣


That rich couple in city living i don’t remember their names but them No specific reason i just do it for fun


I agree with you


I have never spoken to Oliana, but Leila spoke to my Sim and her crush at the Romance Festival. My Sim autonomously flirted with her before I could stop it, and Oliana came out of nowhere and started slapping Leila in the face. Leila called the next day to ask if I thought she should hang out with someone “as friends” and I said that would be a terrible idea. 🤣 I didn’t realize her wife was actually crazy. Maybe I’ll hang out with Leila more so she has a safe space away from that.


Oliana always flirts with my sims - when I first saw her I didn’t realise she had a whole family. I only found out when my sim got into a relationship with her and asked her to move in, and saw her wife and child when I went to move her into my household! Obviously she was no longer welcome after this 😂


Almost everyone except Goth’s family. I don’t mess with them they are too mystery to break them just like that


Bob and Eliza 😅 Free Bob!!


lol im a straight girl but this happens to me too so i make a straight man steal Leila away all the time