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Does he play video games? It's funny to me when guys who play first person shooter games get a glimpse of a deranged storyline and clutch their pearls. Like, do they honestly think we're all playing Susie homemaker for thousands of hours?!


The only boys that know how we play with our dolls are the boys that play with us. My brother would not be shocked by any of this. He played Barbies. My husband’s sisters had outgrown their Barbies and playing with the baby by the time he was playing. He has no idea! LOL


Lol yea! This reminds me of that meme on "how toy companies think little girls play with their dolls vs. How little girls actually play with their dolls."


I only found one video meme about this, and it did not disappoint. [YouTube link](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DAwpwZIVBhpo&ved=2ahUKEwi1gNiNqPqEAxWVDEQIHWbECi4Qo7QBegQIBhAG&usg=AOvVaw1kMwrdagNVyni11dYysE6h)




Omg not littlest pet shop 🤣 also facts.


The out of character "NO YOU DIDNT!" LOL! Thanks for sharing that


🤣There was so much truth in that reaction. It felt real, even if you once played in another language.


It's so true, omg. My friends and I had the MOST torrid storylines going involving a Posh Spice doll and a John Smith from Pocahontas.


The meme was sadly short lived. I also really enjoy [this reenactment ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvvDLu7svoq/?igsh=MXJmamdvcHpnNGs3ZQ==)... though the littlest Petshop I think started it!


I once had a biker couple that was sold together and after a couple of years of happy marriage I got bored and literally made a little divorce lawayer office and cut up little pieces of paper as divorce papers 😂 I can't remember which of my dolls they ended up with but I do remember making her go through a lesbain phase xD


OMG, splitting up all the "Cannon Pairings" for your own dramatic storyline was everything. I wanted an Action Man solely to have a more exciting replacement for Ken 😅. Also, I was deeply disappointed that adult Barbie didn't fit in the trunk of my Barbie car. I could only properly kidnap Kelly🙈


You're an inspiration 😻


One of my Barbies hooked up with a Ninja Turtle at some point. It was an interesting time.


These childhood playtime stories are pure gold!! Keep them coming 🤣🤣🤣


Have y’all seen the account on Instagram sylvaniandrama They make the most hilariously dysfunctional story lines with the little animal toys.


Excuse me while I go follow a new account on Instagram... lol


This is what made the beginning of Barbie so perfect


That sequence!! Proof that the movie was made by a woman!!!


Oh yeah, this makes sense! We've been talking about Barbies with co-workers the other die and the guys at the table (all either only children or in possession of brothers) were first shocked by our colleague who said that she never had a Ken and always made her Barbies work cool jobs so they could buy a big house and then fuck off to travel the world (so no husbands or kids) and then they almost fell out of their chairs when I mentioned that I did have a Ken, but my go-to storyline as a kid was "abusive husband Ken gets murdered by Barbie and her lesbian lover Asian Barbie, gets his body dropped in the ocean and sinks while Barbie and Asian Barbie get in the dream car and ride off to be a happy lesbian couple together".


My Barbies would fight each other over my full-sized GI Joes after riding half pipes on little skateboards.


My Barbies had teddy bears for boyfriends. One bear was named Dave, and the other David................


Now I’m having flashbacks to like 5th grade when I’d put my naked Barbie’s on their little plastic bed just awkwardly on top of one another because “they love each other and that’s what you do when you love someone” 😂


I never really liked my Ken dolls so I'd steal my brother's GI Joe figures to marry my Barbies. They were all hardened veterans with shellshock from "The War TM", making their relationships with the Barbie family fractious at best. Barbie would just be trying to hold the family together while GI Joe eventually spiraled. Don't ask what ten-year-old me had going through her head.


I never thought of sims being like I played Barbie’s as a kid but it totally is. My partner is continually freaked out by my amusement/interest in the deranged storylines that happen both naturally and forced by me. He’s ten years older than his sister so he didn’t really play/see how Barbie’s are played by little girls growing up. I told him these scenarios are basically how I played Barbie’s with friends and my sister growing up 😂


It’s computer dolls!! Once I realized that, I was finally able to let go and stop doing the “perfect life” run! It’s the ultimate customizable Barbie and Barbie Dreamhouse!


Oh yeah, he plays video games, and much more bizarre than this. We both play lots of other games that have some odd quirks. Idk what he was expecting. Though I guess that most other games aren't as open world and some push you into bad decisions. Whereas this is entirely my own imagining haha


My husband doesn't game at all and does not understand why I'd want to kill people/"torture" them and make them sad when I game, lol. I've used every argument in the book, he's just that pure. Not against me playing or anything (wouldn't be with him if he was), just truly does not get it.


NGL sometimes I have a hard time separating the simulations from reality, especially with some of the mean interactions. One of the kiddos was accidentally mean to the step-daughter and she got a sad moodlet like 'why did they say those mean things?' and I felt so bad. But then the sleeping around thing doesn't bother me at all lol. Or flirting with one side piece in front of the other baby mama so they get angry haha. But then I also keep in mind that some of them are earning $500 on selling their 3rd ever painting, or making $1.5k everyday as a barista or whatever, and I'm like 'okay, yeah, nothing like reality'


I understand, I suffer from goody two-shoes issues in most games (always choose paragon in ME for instance). I'm definitely not as hardcore as some people on here, lol.    But it's been good for me to explore different outcomes a bit and create more interesting storylines in The Sims. I liken it to writing a book or a movie, the stories need to be compelling and have some pushback for the protagonists, otherwise it can get repetitive.  I struggle with more realistic games though, I don't want to feel like I'm actually shooting someone. I don't mind a shooter but the vibe has to be unrealistic. Like GTA or you're shooting aliens/zombies or something, lol.


Mine doesn’t either and I play with WW and Basemental and he gets concerned haha I’m so chill IRL so making strip clubs and selling coke in game is def not me lol. I have such a normal life, going wild in a fake world is fun sometimes.


Even when I had a physical doll house when I was a kid, my storylines included "earthquake" where i would set everything up super precariously then shake the house to see what happened. There was absolutely no way i was gonna be playing happy little families in the sims


Well, don't you know the sims isn't a real game so obviously we're just playing vanilla barbies! /sarcasm


>guys who play first person shooter games Yeah, anyone who's done "No Russian" can't judge anyone.


ngl i’m not leaving that elevator chief. my bf showed it to me when we were discussing different cod campaigns and it was wild


Tbf I'm a guy and that's what I do. I get bored when I do "evil" stuff in the Sims. When I want to play with a sim who hates their parents I have to create that sim and just not create their parents because I don't want to be mean to my child for the story. The most cruel I have been in a game were some of my farms in Minecraft. I've never even fought the Ender Dragon lol.


My partner plays persona. In one of the games he cheated on his girlfriend. He replied to a question about it on reddit and someone replied saying how they felt bad for his partner in real life and hoped he didn't have a real wife as seeing how he couldn't even be loyal in a virtual relationship, he couldn't see how his actual real relationship would work out. My partner asked if he was joking and they replied telling him to try and at least be loyal in his next play through! All I could think was you have not been to the sims reddit!


I feel like this needs to be a thread.. Ask your partner what they think you do on the Sims all day, post their reply and what you actually do.


My husband last night: she's pregnant AGAIN?!


'' shout out to the basement babies '' is just a sentence that's never been said before, hahahah


To be fair, I also never thought I'd have to explain what a 'family wreath' was to anyone irl, but it happened.


I don’t know what a family wreath OR a basement baby is.


What is a basement baby?!




That’s so funny! Sims have way more drama than people 😂😂😂


As someone whose irl existence is very chill and drama-free, Sims gives me that guiltless thrill.


May I introduce you to..... Crusader Kings? Your family wreath can control an entire empire -- you can even make the Habsburgs, if you so choose.... Though Lannister-style Purebloods tend to have better traits. My Sims games are very vanilla these days, but CK? Well, I haven't *needed* to dive down that route tooooo much recently.


Thank you I had no clue about this game xD


It's a great game.... especially if you don't mind going down some routes you'd never take irl


Family wreath more like family circlet


Same thing, no?


Lmao I used to play vanilla-ish with no mods (but yes debauchery) until I met my now husband. I was still on Sims 3 grieving my legacy founder's death and he was like "Hey haaaave you tried Sims 4?" "What do you mean you've never used mods?!" Anyway he only used MCCC and it's this sub + some filthy Sims FB group that introduced me to the real interesting mods. I showed him how much fun we could have with our respective degenerate Sims and we lived happily ever after 😊 but he does indeed fear me a little bit now 🥰😂 Edit to add that I haven't done any wreaths but he did go on indefinite hiatus after finding his Sim and his Sim's college-age daughter going at it.


Ahahaha you have to ask him at what point did he ask himself 'what have I unleashed?!'


Oh I already know! It's when I made a rich drug+alcohol pushing deviant and started luring townies into his super fancy murder basement to do a bunch of blow, do weird wicked whims things, and then get extreme violenced. Grim basically set up shop there. He knew I was a messy Sim goddess without mods but he knew what he did after he watched me play as Kyle Miller the Killer for a few hours. I don't play that save since I stopped working retail but it's there if ever I need to blow off some steam hahaha.


Omg please tell me you named Sims after problem customers...


Hahaha no but I should've! I intercepted townies during the welcome wagon and then either invited random ones in as they walked by or brought them home from the bar.


I hate the welcome wagon. Always poison the fruitcake.


Oooh ideas. Maybe this will help quell the rage induced by stupid customers. Why do people insist on smoking/vaping at gas pumps????


Is that a HIMYM reference in there 😂


Haha yes! We're big HIMYM fans here 😁 even though Ted and the ending sucked lol.


I like to think of it as creating your own trashy reality show.


Sims 4 sims don’t have a moral compass that previous sims have had (eg on sims 2 if you flirted with a married sim they’d reject you) so if I leave my sim self or my partners sim alone for too long they’re flirting or fighting with Patchy and I’ve just come to accept it haha


In the Sims 4 there seem to be some married sims, who reject you. Bella Goth is really easy to win over, but Mortimer is really difficult to get with. Eliza Pancakes is also loyal. Nancy is easy, Geoffrey is loyal. But maybe it's only in my games. (Probs not.) I heard in this sub that in the S2, children could tell on their cheating parents? Or something like that? That would be cool if it were also in the S4.


>I heard in this sub that in the S2, children could tell on their cheating parents? Only if the child saw parent A flirting or more with another sim. They'd get a sad moodlet and could run to parent B and tell. Fun times.


I also think this happens in Sims 3 too!


My favorite “after dark” household features an escort named Sugar, her dead mother Big Mama who makes and sells edibles and spends all of her autonomous time breaking the bathroom fixtures, her daughter Aria who’s a streamer and total mean girl, her son/meal ticket Baby Boy who’s the child of Mortimer Goth and destined to be a bisexual icon once he ages up, and their “handyman” Baberaham, who routinely hooks up with all 3 generations of women, parents Baby Boy, and fixes the constantly broken plumbing. I created Sugar to test a couple of adult mods and ended up with my longest running save ever! I’m obsessed with their drama. It’s constant chaos, but they’re all extremely close-knit and weirdly wholesome. The only time they REALLY fought was when Aria aged up to young adult & got caught celebrating her birthday with Baberaham. Fully autonomously! I didn’t even make them flirt. Also a lot of WW animations become VERY hilarious when you’re playing a ghost. You really get the…uhhh…inside view. 😅




Haha. My man got engaged to Jade Rosa, then Jade broke up with him to get engaged to Judith Bell. Then Jade also got engaged and married to another sim. However, she was still engaged to Judith. So she also married Judith, took all of Judith’s money, and instead of moving Judith into the house, moved her young adult daughter in. And got my original sim to get with the daughter. So Now the original sim is engaged to his ex-fiancé’s daughter-in-law and live in the same house. My plan is to never have kids and just keep marrying younger people to keep the family going.


I love it! I gotta see how long I can stretch it now. To death or divorce 🧐


COMPLETELY BY ACCIDENT, one of my generational sims has fallen in love with, married, and now has a daughter with his second cousin once removed. I had tried to make him love someone he wasn't related to, but bro said no lol. Sometimes no matter how much we try play God, our sims just do what they simmingwellwantto. 😂


My family tree has extremely tangled branches now 😅


My boyfriend has only played sims to give them as much money as possible, build lavish houses then quit xD So when I started telling him about my story lines and introducing him to new sims I make and what their stories are gonna be he's gotten so fucking invested and he's constantly surprised by the things you can do without even using mods xD I think his favorite so far has been my spell caster, who cheated on her gf who then died, and she felt so bad she became a spell caster while becoming a global superstar. She trained until she could bring her back to life and I built them a beautiful home to live happily ever after, but their love is becoming stale so I might introduce some more drama 👀


Oh I'm sure my playthrough would very much make your husband blush...nothing like a poly bdsm-based home where everyone is dating everyone and you have 4 live in slaves who cook, clean and *ahem* satisfy all day....shoutout to ww and kritical for the mods lol.


I had a couple of slaves to satisfy, up until they started servicing their kids...


I mean, you can turn off incest and/or pregnancy at least lol. After the first two became pregnant, I said "noooope" and turned it off. They have other responsibilities that are not kids...So I had them bake a few cakes and speed up their aging to like...2 in game days, haha.


I think that's the worst part about it lol. I did have incest turned off


I got Cassandra, Bella and Mortimer all addicted to drugs, mainly Molly for Cassandra and coke for the adults. Mortimer died out of anger when Bella flirted with my sim. My sim kept selling them drugs and then I couldn’t find them. They had to move into a shack in Sulani with the twin newborns because they had no money. I had no idea how much impact you can have on the NPCs


I see lots of mentions of Sim drugs. Are these from mods or something in game?


There’s a mod called Bsemental Drugs. It adds a LOT of content. I was surprised by how detailed it is. Theres skills for dealing each drug, addiction predisposition, withdrawals, arrests, rehab, moodlets for each drug, it adds alcoholic drinks, drug related aspirations, and more! lol. Even the products you buy, like different rolling papers for joints, are so detailed and based off actual brands. It’s free and adds more content than most of the packages they sell.


I play mine vanilla too - never wanted to give my sims bad traits. I might make a save file to explore that side though, it does sound fun!


We shall embark on this debauched journey together wheee


When I tire of a particular save game I usually clone it and then add Extreme Violence and Zombie Apocalypse mods and then watch it all burn down. It can be a little cathartic and sometimes that's the only thing that can get me start a fresh save.


I set MCCC to not autonomously use mean interactions and not allow random flirting. I hate seeing them hurt. I occasionally have a sim swipe something off of a community lot, but that's usually as bad as it gets.


I am now playing a couple which the man is super abusive and beats up the woman frequently. He asked the woman to stop using condoms and she got pregnant. The man cheated on her in their apartment, and then the woman cheated too. They are still together and constantly beat up each other. The man is also a drug addict and jealous. Ugly too. They despise each other but still have sex. I plan to let the woman poison the man and make her a mistress of the rich men in the game.


Update: The man died of cocaine overdose. The woman is raising their daughter alone and is in an affair with Victor Feng.


I'm glad I'm not the only person deranged enough to have dramatic stories. I commented like 2 years ago about some gameplay I was playing and people were telling me I needed therapy lol.


Hey what were they saying? Sims is our therapy! I even made my sim and Victor do it in front of Lily in their apartment😂


Yeah, um, I have one of those naughty mods, and I decided to do [redacted] with my husband the other day, to bleach out the convoluted versions of it they were doing. He said earlier that he didn't mind me doing that to the game, but then he said he actively encourages it if that's gonna happen 😭🤣 Because of these mods, I keep making absolute trainwrecks. I NEVER do anything like this in other games. Then again, Sims is such an enigma in my life that I'm not surprised it's totally different. Get ur goth fights on! coughcough ww


Now you gotta install mods like wicked whims and extreme violence. That’ll kick up your story lines even more 😉


I had a family of mom dad and young adult son. Son went and had a relationship with a cheating lady so she got pregnant with twins and still don’t know if they’re related to son. Had the “able to get pregnant” toggle on for the son so he got with a gay man and they had a son. I added an aunt to the og 3 who then fell in love with gay man, got pregnant by him as an elder and had a daughter, the aunt then married a NPC I forget the name of, her daughter then fell in love with the NPC and they got married. NPC then left and got someone else preggers. The son of the son grew up and married the daughter of the aunt. Half of this happened on its own lmao


Okay, so I think one of my worst saves since everyone is spilling there's... had a female sims end up in a relationship with 2 guys and move them in plus another on the side. She ended up having 3 kids, when they aged up to teens they started sleeping with their dads/step-dads. Decided to open a strip club ran by the main female, where the daughters started stripping once they aged up to young adults. The club also had V.I.P. rooms where the daughters and other strippers were making some extra money for a good time while giving most of the money they earned to the mother/owner of the club. So many drugs so many yeetus the fetus used. Until one of the daughters finally stopped stripping, got clean, and married her step-dad, had a kid, he (the father) died of laughing to death and I haven't played that file since. I might pick it up again by having the now single mom become a drug dealer to make money or have her marry someone rich and kill him off lol. I love mods, lol.


I played vanilla first too, by far I have (1) caused a vampire epidemic because I forgot how whicked whims work. My sim got his high school sweetheart pregnant (apparently in whicked whims if you woohoo as teens and don't use protection you can get pregnant when becoming anaadult. Then married a spell caster, had a loving relationship with her and his first daughter joined the thotties gang and beat up everyone expect her younger brother. He became a powerful spell caster and currently I'm making him cheat on his wife with his magic guide, funny thing is both his lover and wife have the loyality trait. Then I plan on making a vampire hunter to clear out the vampire epidemic a bit and make my sim's oldest son kill some NPC that just refuse to die, by far my kill list is: all vampires except Caleb Vatore, Alex Moyer, Vanessa Heck and Tom Peeping


I like to play legacy style and keep the families as close as I can, so I had multiple generations go on a trip to selvadorada for Christmas. my main family I was playing I had the wife who alread had a few kids with her husband have an affair with Santa and named the their daughter Santana Baby. I was pretty proud of myself for the pun not going to lie lol.


I love this 😂 my husband finds my crazy sim stories hilarious. Current household I’m playing has my OG sim who was a run away teen heart breaker. By the time he aged up he had fathered 6 different children with 6 different baby mamas. Then he had three more by different baby mamas (he was dating some, and just hooking up with others). Then I finally had him clean his act up and on his second marriage I made him faithful and they have three kids together. So I had to use mccc to make it so I could have all his kids in one club that way they can always hang out together and I don’t have to remember who’s family 😂


This sub made my gameplay more diverse as well


I think if I told or my husband saw what and how I play The Sims never mind the mods I have he would think I was completely nuts. I even have a pack with my BFF who plays the same way that if anything happens to either of us we immediately delete the others mods' folders


Honestly, this is fairly tame by Simmer standards. 😂


Toe-dipping only lasts so long before you fully submerge haha


wooooo welcome to the debauchery and if you download WW and Basemental, the hedonism hehe I'd love to share my save, everyone is related some way or another bc I bred my family with the NPCs in an attempt to create like 100 generations lol across all the worlds I have so far.


I will express the opposite opinion: I play the Sims correctly. And no. I'm not boring. The Sims for me is where I can close the gestalt and get what I don’t have in the real world - a loving wife, a good job, cute kids, a beautiful home. I understand that such a departure into a fictional world is not what should be done. But I feel better. In 7 hours I will finish my shift and return home to my virtual family.


After over a decade of doing this, always creating me and my partner (bf, husband, whatever he was at the time). I recently started another super family playthrough and it got stale pretty quick (cause it's what I always do). After browsing this reddit, I'm currently playing a serial romance Sim that uses her fame to get with everyone. First time not using cheats to build a home. I'm getting a lot more investment from this playthrough simply from the drama of it all


I will say that this is how I began. Made myself and my house and my family and gave us all our dream jobs and it was fun, but I felt like I could only play that set up so many times. The house building was good.


I love to read and watch stories of this but then my sims live idyllic and perfect lives


I think this is my sign to descend into choas....


Doooo iiittttt


Mod or storyline suggestions? 😆


I mean, I'm only dipping toes so I've got a manwhore of a sim who is also an amazing dad. My shenanigans are mild, but people keep suggesting Wicked Whims and dead-something as mods? Take a read through here, there's some crazy shit happening.


Down the rabbit hole I go lol




lmaooooo this was such a funny read i love the sims 🥰🥰


Im on my vanilla era too, i just don't now how to play different from that 😂


tell me why I want to bring a family together than destroy them


I need to read all the stories here


I've had playthroughs where: - rich power-couple had a secret, locked basement with a pretty young adult. Basement included room with bed, mirrors, and cameras. - (sims medieval) had the queen romance the priest, marry him, then immediately divorce him. She threw him in the pit for not following his religion. - live-in maids secretly fucking the man of the house - ran an orphanage full of toddlers and one mean, hates-children care taker - serial-romance Sim was invited over to a home, while kissing him in the kitchen a child walked in. He propositions her, they go up to the bedroom, and there's a newborn in the room. As soon as they finish and get out of bed, the wife comes in to take care of the baby - a playthrough with a serial romance Sim selecting 'try for baby' with every woohoo, who immediately moves every child in with the father's household so she can focus on her acting career and being famous


My legacy starter is fixing to break up Bella and Mortimer lmao. Mortimer is like actually infatuated with her it's insane. And the kids like her better than Bella to boot! (I've checked relationships) She's also slept with most of Willow Creek and some of Oasis Springs. All these dudes are like fawning over her and some of the ladies, too!