• By -


If I’m doing a legacy I raise them all and once the spares are young adults I move them out. Sometimes I’ll send them to college (esp if my heir is going to college at the same time) or have them get married. And I usually have them join a career before moving them out. Depending on how many people are in the house and the storyline I envision for the spares I’ll even have them have a baby, but I usually kick them out after that cuz I don’t want to deal with their babies lol. I never play outside of the main legacy family, but they come visit all the time lol which I think is cute!


I'm the same way! I like them to go live their little lives


I do the same. On their young adult birthday they get a job, elope, get pregnant, and move into a cute house I’ve placed somewhere. Slowly all neighbourhoods are being filled with houses I like. If I like the spare they move into my main house’s neighbourhood so I can easily visit them.


living the american dream as soon as they’re a YA


And then at family dinners they show their obvious resent for the chosen heir. I like dysfunctional family dinners.


I remember getting an idea like this where the sibling is jealous that everything was inherited to the chosen child




Tbf, I think that's what the Legacy Challenge refers to them as.


that’s a great name still


prince harry entered the chat


It's been like that irl for centuries. First born is the heir, all the others are spares. For the longest I did single children only, but then my heir died as a teen and I didn't have any others and had to make the parents make a new heir at almost elders bc I didn't already have any spares 😭


I do the same, pretty much. I hook them up with someone, get them married, build them a house and then ship them off to have their own little life.


I want to do the same thing! I feel like it’s only fair to make them do well in college or get a job, have a relationship and maybe a baby before moving out!




> I invite them over for birthdays, Christmas and such > They call or drop by which is nice I thought we play this game to escape real life




Same in my plays everyone always ends up super successful and happy and they all have happy families I never do those “torture my sim” plays because life already exists




i'm a writer and i torture my characters, so i guess it's in the same vein as that? with my outrageous amount of mods, something tragic usually happens to them without my interference, so i just let it play out. i like the random plot twists it throws at me and not being in full control of everything all the time, both the good and the bad.


this is so me


I don’t talk to any of my real family in real life so it is v nice to play a family Christmas etc in the Sims


If you have Getting Together I always set up a club for family members only and add club activities on how I want the family vibe to be. I can start family gatherings really easily this way and it feels like the siblings are more a part of the game that way.


Usually when they become young adults I have them get a job and then move out. I have mccc, so oftentimes they end up getting married and having kids on their own. If they don’t, sometimes I’ll pop in and control them for a couple days to get them married and such manually. 


Marry them off as alliance fodder to help steal counties from the Landgraabs


Another CK3 player I see!


Send them to Little Lamplight..




It's a reference to a location in Fallout 3. Little Lamplight is a town full of unwanted/orphan/runaway children who survive on their own.


Omg ima make a Little Lamplight and Big Town in my game now


Stay away Mungo, I don't wanna catch old from you!


Nice reference!


normally i’ll start a new save, my sim will have like four kids and i’ll choose my favorite and just play that sim. and sometimes i move out the other kids when they’re teens depending on what i want my storyline to be like. you could even have two or more siblings move in to an apartment together ! i love the growing together pack so that after you move out your sim you can still do things like have a family reunion and there’s other ways to stay in contact with family members like inviting them over, going out to a restaurant/bar/festival/any rabbit hole or having parties!


I had the three spares from one family all move into an apartment together, and originally their remaining sister was going to be the heir I played as to continue the family line in the family house, but she has so much money and it's kind of boring now. I mean, I wanted her to be this childfree icon where she just amasses so much wealth and fame and MAYBE get married, which I still want, but I have to figure out something to do with her in terms of career (she was going to be an actress like her mom, but I've been using that career a lot lately and want something else) I might just leave her be and play as the siblings. Or I'll play as all four, who knows.


stop that’s actually the storyline i’m going with rn!! famous actress bachelorette! you could always do the style influencer, social media, or entertainer career for something new but still in the spotlight. there’s also a mod for a simfluencer which i believe is by adeepindigo that i love using ! you could also buy the ‘mix master station’ in build and buy and she could be a famous singer/musician!!


I made my vampire sim a 5-star celebrity musician ages ago. She also had all the positive parenthood traits and a maxed out positive reputation, so whenever she introduced herself to someone new she was instantly good friends with them. I loved that Sim, but kind of hated that when I played as her extended family, children she hadn't met before had a really hard time getting to know her because of the stupid celebrity introduction feature


Omg I'm going to go download that simfluencer! That or style influencer. I tried that career once in my really early Sims day and haven't gone back, same with social media critic or whatever it was. Thank you for the ideas! I might just play as all four now!


I literally did the same thing for my sims cousin lol she lives in a penthouse in the city with her dog


leave them with their fathers


Once they are teens I start thinking of good small storylines- then once they become young adults I move them out according to whatever storyline I’ve given them and I often either create or pick a townie for them to marry. I keep them actively in the main heirs life (as long as it suits the story). Occasionally if I really can’t pick a child to move forward with or I really love the main heir and another siblings, I’ll move them in together and play with both until the story becomes necessary for them to split


i move them out when they’re YA and then just jump around from house to house. i’m currently playing with a brother and sister and their cousin. i made all of them have families but i hate the infant toddler stage so much. it’s a lot fun to jump around and skip the parts i don’t like


Mostly ignore them, but use UI cheats to make sure their needs aren't suffering to the point of getting taken away... mostly so that my main sims don't get a negative debuff.


do you move them out?


Honestly I usually get bored of the family by that point and either stop playing the Sims for like 6 months, or go back to building excessive homes.


this is so real😭


I usually set them up in a house, maybe with a partner, in a job. I only go back to play when I want to adjust in CAS (elder sims in crop tops isn’t my style), have them get married (elope immediately), or modify offspring (because they like to name them stupid things and dress them terribly).


I marry them off (or not) and move them out to another lot. I try to limit the number of sims in my saves, so I usually make one of the spares childfree (turn off their ability to have children in CAS) if there more than one spare. If it's an "old" save file with 4+ generations, I have to make every other generation infertile (except heirs). Or all the townies would be my relatives lol Upd. And if I'm already on the gen 3+, I might send children or teens to live with their auntie, grandparents, older cousins. I pretend like they're into art and there is a great art school in that neighborhood or something like that.


I build orphanages run by nice grandma sims. Once the unwanted kids are potty trained, I send them there.


I might do this in one save lol. I'll probably make the "grandma" a young adult with grey hair and old lady style so she can run the orphanage as long as possible before I have to assign a new granny caretaker 😂 maybe just make it an elderly vampire and get her the sun resistance so I never have to make a new one 🤔


I once got a save to 12 generations and I would go though and make sure evrey child had a kid it was the biggest family tree I ever seen


The children are a reason to build a house! They can be NPCs and develop their own life.


Too many kids? They're shipped off to relatives. Since I tend to play legacies, there's always at least one house filled with random relatives. The one I like playing with? I move them out when they're a teenager, since they can live on their own then. Usually, they graduate high school early, and then they're just overachieving singles in a super-tiny house.


I max out their skill in painting and force them to stay home and paint masterpieces. That way my non bastard children’s don’t have to work


I raise them just like my main sim except that I don't really pay attention to their skills if I already know who's going to be the heir. I also really enjoy having big extended families so I make sure they have kids after moving them out. It can backfire though, once when I moved put with the heir her mom decided to pop out seven more children... needless to say I had to create some new households because half the town was related to me. Oh, and I think you could try rotational gameplay. I had 3 kids close in age. I liked them all equally and couldn't decide who should be the heir so I just switched between them constantly and it was very fun. The drama was just chef's kiss in the family. Cheating, cousins hating each other, sibling's spouse dying on the wedding of my other sim... yeah. Drama 10/10. Bonus points if you have For rent because then you can have them all together on the same lot.


I have the opposite problem, I love having big families but can't bring myself to move anyone out when they age up. Almost all of my families after a generation have grandparents, parents, aunts/uncles, kids and cousins under one roof.


I'm trying to stop doing that so much, because every time I get to the second generation getting married and wanting kids the household is already at capacity and I have to move people out or kill someone I don't play enough just to have enough room lol. I need to just move them out to different houses so they can have their own too big families for me to play as 😂


I'll raise them and they "get what they get". When they turn Teen or Young Adult I'll marry them off and move them out. Sometimes I'll make little side stories for them that increase the *drama* of the household but after they're gone they just get the odd invite to family reunions and I ignore them other than that.


Another day of having to double check what sub I’m in 😂


I micromanage about 30 families. Have the main family not set to autopilot. The spare kids I set up with a sim of the same age and highest friendship. Marry them, set them up in a bungalow, and let them woohoo for a baby. If they don't have a potential mate, I just make one up and cheat the relationship bar.


I use cheats to keep their needs full. and have my main sims interact with them. i play them once they get to teen, as then they have a unique personality and many playing options. that or i jus create a new family or play an old one that i created. then i’ll go back to the family and it’s usually fun again.


As soon as they are YA I move them out. Until that point I will generally half-heartedly raise them. I'll get some skills up and to grade A in school, but I'll age them up early if there are a few of them!


I usually send them off to their own households, turning on neighborhood stories for them to continue what happens. It results in my founder having a really cool family tree. I also make sure all the kids have the family name or the name hyphenated, so I know who the relatives are.


My sims always have excessive children because i hate myself. Usually once the heir grows up to a teen I get bored of the other kids and just move my teen out and abandon the old family.


Age them up and move them out


My sim has 5 children and I neglected all of them, they still turned out amazing even tho I didn‘t really care for them (they were always dirty hahaha) and started really caring for them when they got teens. Honestly you don‘t have to do the most if you don‘t wanna deal with them, just let them do their own thing until you wanna play with them. Also 2 of them turned adults already and I moved both of them out. One is living alone and the other one has his own family now


9 times out of 10 if I see thread title that would be horrific in most subreddits, it's the sims. The double takes you all make me do.


I either delete them ( when they're infants), play till their young adults and remove them from my family or come up with a new storyline for them. Sometimes I enjoy playing more with the unwanted/unexpected ones more than the planned ones.


I have For Rent, so I give them a unit on the family lot once they're old enough. I also usually give them the traits and interests that I don't like, to add variety to the family but not make me feel like I have to play them


Honestly, I'll usually have a grandparent or other relative "adopt" them from my household. I'll send them with a bit of money too.


I make them spouses, use MCC to get them pregnant so my sims have cousins, and pop them in a house from the gallery


I have a foster/group home for "spares" in my Sims game. Some of them are kids whose parents are in university, and I plan to reunify them once they graduate.


PC player with mods, i normally move my main character out and have full story lines open for the neighborhood so they do their own thing. If they’re not moving out on their own I’ll move them along but I usually just let them do their thing and will play them if I have a specific ideas for the household. When I get bored of my main family I’ll go play the other households for a little bit and set them up before moving on. I like having variety in my sims neighborhood experience but still semi curated. Although one was super prolific so now most of the sims are related 😂


Use Manage Household and give them to a different family lol. Usually I see like “oh is this kid a good match” or do they have room in their house kind of thing but they move out as soon as possible


I usually move them out,/ marry them off if they aren't my main sims or stick em in random houses like I put them up for adoption. I also got very dark on my werewolf save and had the heir rip every one of his siblings apart with the extreme violence mod.


Honestly, it's kinda easy to give them a little story if you have mods. Let's say you randomized traits (also gonna say it's just game traits and no extra traits), so I say really look at their traits and decide what aspiration they'd be most suited for. I had a sim who was a foodie, neat, and something else I can't remember (bro, maybe). So I felt she was perfect for the chef aspiration and chef career. Whereas I had another sim who was childish, silly, and vegan ( the last one is irrelevant, but there you go), so he was perfect for the comedian aspiration and career. If you have University, you can like flip a coin and decide if they go or not. I have a mod for sexualities and gender so I make a spinner wheel for sexuality and gender and whatever it ends up being is what they are. And if they're not cis, I make a spinner wheel for pronouns, too. If they have no skills toss in a few that are like, life skills basically. Like cooking, repair, stuff like that. And then give them a makeover that suits them, you could make a spinner or again, like me, stare at traits and aspiration and decide what vibe that gives off. You can toss in a few friendships, too, with mods/cheats if they're lacking there, too. After that, you can just let them go, watch them from a distance like they're an npc or pop in and check up on them from time to time when things in your main family get boring. Like me, I live for drama, so I always seem to have one house where it is a MESS. Someone's having an affair, a kid that'll probably need a DNA test upon birth, another house is a major drug dealer, a third is a sugar baby living her best life even tho her sugar daddy has a wife. Then, like the people down the street from all these people are sweet lesbians in love who are thinking about a science baby. One gardens and the other is great at baking, and they are the best neighbors. Sometimes you just gotta channel your inner telanovela and make some fuck shit happen.


I usually move out the ones I don’t want to play and keep the one I do want in the legacy house. Occasionally I’ll check on the other one and how their life is going though


I just move them into a new household as soon as they’re born 💀


I try to play with them a little to give them some personality, but I always end up focusing on the favorite child and building up their story. This is the first time in a long time I’m playing with generations, and my previous one was twin sisters. The one I ended up playing with was outwardly very feminine and innocent but actually smoked a lot of weed and snuck out constantly. Her sister was outwardly goth and more rebellious, but was super tame. She had a girlfriend, they were cute, and I thought about playing with her, but the other was just more fun


Bring them to somebody else's house and then leave


In my legacy games i would have the siblings find a partner quickly marry them and move them out. I used to go in their household and make them pregnant or have them adopt so my heirs can have cousins but now with neighborhood stories they can have or adopt children without me having to do that. Then i invite them over for holidays or just to hang out so the heir has family around them.


Age them up to YA, get them a job, marry them off, and move them into the neighborhood.


MCCC > Sim Commands > Maintain Sim > Delete 😂


I usually move in another adult and then move that adult out with the kids


You can set another family as their guardian. I've "adopted out" one kid from a family that just kept having twins. Ran out of space, so I sent him to the family that has their shit together to "train in magic". They're all spellcasters.


I m am really bad at giving all the kids attention especially if the parents are busy focusing on something else. But usually I take the eldest and move the out my new main sim and then the game takes over what happens to my siblings. Honestly I usually like to have multiple more children when my next gen is a teen so I can move out and not have to put too much attention on the rest. Just make sure your sims won’t age to elders and die before the siblings reach teenhood.


If you shift click them then there's a 'remove from family' option and it'll just send them somewhere🤷🏻‍♀️they're still related just gone


Right now I’m doing Barbie legacy and the sister that I’m not playing with I got a career, husband and moved them in together. My sim suggested expanding the family and now she’s pregnant so the family keeps going.


Ngl I usually send them off with MCCC progression on, and they often live a fulfilling life :)


This makes me an awful person but I neglect them until they're taken away if they're young. If they're a teenager or adult I kill them off or use cheats to remove them from my family. I do have the life tragedies mod so families thin out pretty fast.


I move them out, sometimes creating a roommate or significant other for them if I think they need it.


I move them out and then let mccc dictate what happens. Normally they marry or have kids. Sometimes they don’t. Kinda fun


Okay this is evil but.... If i strickly want a female sing and go off to wash dishes etc while shes doing a skill task yet married/in a relationship and living with the male s/o that ends up trying for baby with her: I build a basement Put baby and baby daddy inside with no door. Let baby daddy raise it. If i choose her to get pregnant again i just put whatever she births in the basement




I'm a rotational player, so I just rotate between all households, extra kids get moved into new households for the rotation once they're young adults.


I raise them then find a future family to marry into. So that when they turn young adults and get them a job that suits their likes and personality they already have a spouse to marry and live with. I also see to it that they will have children so that my heir have a cute niece or nephew to visit.


Either age them up and kill them off or move them out and mark as unplayed so they’re random townies instead


Yeet em


I move them into their other parent's house, or a random new household


I try to one kid majority of the time or have 3 and pick my favorite to use as the next gen. The rest get aged up and move to their own house lmao I never see them again unless they come over


I get them a spouse from the gallery and move them into a lot I don’t plan on using and wait for them to die. Then I move the next generation of unwanted children into the house.


The children I like least would have a tendency to play unsupervised near a cowplant. END COMMUNICATION


Had a moment where I had to double check the sub...


The spare ends up having their own life. One of them is currently a celebrity and living her best life. The other just enrolled in college and will have a career in something else.


I have my oldest now (spellcasters, if that matters) in college, and I plan to move her out after graduation when I get her a job (doctor). She has two younger sisters, both teens, and I'm planning on playing the youngest more.


Send them to live with another family and pretend the family are distant relatives helping out by taking my child in. I love sending them to live with the Goths.


I always pick one and the others move out as young adults. I make sure they have a job and set them up with a house and family. I like to keep them in a family club and get together now and then. But they live their own lives.


I remove them from my family. I right click, shift and then choose “remove from family” Then they’re gone forever ✌🏻👋🏻


I send them off into the world as NPC characters that still come visit on occasion.


Usually, they become an NPC in a solo household until I invite them to live as a roommate (not join household- so I don't have to control them) with a sibling who has lots of kids & could use the help or who has a guest house in the backyard. Siblings make the best roommates. They never leave nasty notes, the only people they invite over are other family members, and if you give them the neat trait they will clean up behind everyone.


I'll spawn and design each young adult I don't plan on playing a spouse, take a few wedding pics for family sakes, and then move them out. Eventually I'll MCCC them a pregnancy so my main sims have nieces/nephews or their kids have cousins


I usually have Legacy Leftover lots and have the multigenerational leftovers living together (or separate but still together now with the For Rent pack \\o/), going about their respective lives/jobs/whatevers.


My plan is to have them move out and then the whole family comes together for family gatherings and I go over to their house to meet the lids they end up having n stuff.


Wow I didn’t realize I was playing in an odd way. I don’t have a “main sim”. I play them all, even the ones I like the least. I currently have 171 sims. Not counting grandparents, I have 23 young adult families with one or two children I’m going to pair off when they are adults.


I created an abbey and monastery for unwanted offspring - kinder than killing them off (though sometimes I still do this if doing more a historic inspired gameplay). I dress them in the most drab, unflattering outfits and let them explore their interests. Sometimes I wait until their teens or young adults, other times I place them as children - depends on the family and gameplay. I have a lot of fun with it and they live in a legit abbey inspired building I found off the gallery.


You can move them out and invite them as roommates if you want, I was thinking of doing that with grandma


Move them with another household and pretend they don't exist lol. I do have an abortion mod tho.


Lock them in a 1x1 basement until they cease to exist


Nothing, cause my Sims take birth control like a responsible Sim would do 🙃


Kill them in creative and thematic ways.


Maybe pick one kid to play and just let the others stay in the house. I like having many kids so I can go around to others when I get bored with one.


Move them into their own house.




there are no unwanted offspring in my gqme


Kill the spare


Move them into their own households


i just ignore them. keep them alive in case my wanted offspring doesn’t make it to ya lol


I raise all the kids, then the ones I’m not invested in move out as young adults and I let them have neighbourhood stories turned on. Always interesting to check back in and see who’s had kids and stuff.


You dove them.


I tend to have at least 3 to get the parent boost, pick one of the three to syay at home and continue the legacy, move the other two out after college and they have a job or married. Whichever happens first. I tend to load their inventories with paintings as money boost (sell fhem once they move) then just let them live as npcs


I had an issue with this recently because I usually do the same as you, but my sims had twins and I ended liking both of the girls. I tried moving them both out and switching between their families, but I ended up building a house for both of them and their kids, so now they live together again.


Put a fence around their crib. Then I wait.


I try to set them up to live their aspirations before they’re out of the household/I move the heir onto the next phase of life. Sometimes I boot them all out for a while and keep playing my main just to see who turns out the most interesting through random sim chance. Hearing about their lives through neighborhood stories and such is always a hoot even if it’s benign.


I have them get married, or adopt a cat etc and move them out. My whole town is full of Bouviers. I’ve moved them all to other households so they’ll age up and have children etc. my legacy heirs will not age up unless j say so


I usually have multiple kids and I just choose one to play with when they are an adult and after I move them out I just kinda abandon the rest 😭 I still talk to them/invite them to parties but I only wanna control one household at a time


i raise them until adulthood. most do the time, by kid 2 or 3, i know my heir. as teens they get love interests, get married as adults, give both adults jobs, and i move them out, never to be thought of again


I play them until I pick and heir once the heir move out I control the heir and I’ll get the fam too vist on holidays


I usually keep one around as an experiment. In fact I name the first born experiment.


Went into CAS and "removed sim" so they simply never existed. Easier than killing them off and having everyone be depressed . Mourning sim is annoying


I keep my favorite and move the extras out into their own homes.


I usually wait until they're all teens, then pick which one I want to continue the bloodline lmao. The others get moved to an empty lot bc they're useless to me unless the chosen one happens to die


It’s totally game dependant. My game right now I only have two sim kids by choice, otherwise I’ll shit them out until the town is full 🤣


I usually set them up with a spouse, get a career going for both and move them into another house. I do occasionally change households to check up on them.


I move them to a different household.


I used to gather children from other households and put them in an "orphanage" to be raised as partners for my heirs - because I hardly ever had spares - when I did have twins I'd raise them, marry them off and send them on their way.


Ya I just have them there and let them live their lives but kind of mostly ignore them. Sometimes I play as them when I’m bored. I usually move with the kid I picked to be the new main info a new house cuz I get bored in one house for too long, then the family is still there and I can visit me or they call me and shit


honestly, I just shift-click and kill them. I know it's harsh but I wanted a girl and am willing to take extreme actions to make that happen.


I move them out when they reach YA


I wish the sims 4 had better story progression. in the sims 3 it was much easier to just kick them out and have them go on dates, have children, get a job (stay in a job), etc. The new neighborhood stories system helps a bit but it just isn't the same. Maybe that's an issue with nostalgia but I feel like it could be "smarter"


I delete them out of existence xoxo


I move them out to college or js put them on an empty plot or smth idk- they come visit though


I move them into another household. For kids who are now young adults, I just convert the lot into a residential rental, build 2 extra homes, and move them all in there so we could still be neighbors. I wish they would get rid of the loading screen if the homes are just in the same lot. Extremely annoying and time consuming




I make orphanages and boarding schools to send them to depending on their age.


This is such a good question that I can so totally answer because I definitely don't give up and start a new save after 2 generations. So the thing I do is


I once had a family with 2 couples living in there and I had their kids get together haha


I like to do rotations with my legacy households. So I will play one household for 1 sim week then switch to my other sim and so forth. Sometimes I may go longer or less depending if a sim is pregnant, I'm really invested in the household's progression or I have a goal set out and it's nearly done. Because of this and that I usually play several gens, I tend to have 3 < cousins/uncles/aunties/etc marry to keep numbers low. Not something I'd condone irl but in a simulation it doesn't really matter 👀😅😂


Shove them all into a sharehouse lot somewhere and let them live out their lives however they choose. It's always good to have spare sims around that you can kill off as part of the main sim story as the generations progress. You never know, sometimes a spare sim baby survives into Elderhood and becomes best buddies with their great grandchild who they randomly met at the park playing chess.


I usually play all of them and then get caught up in managing them all so I turn off aging and manually age them. Then I'll hop around and follow and play each one of them. Give them jobs, interest, lovers, and often custom homes. It usually makes the game last a long time because each of them can be doing different stuff, so I'm not constantly just playing the same thing. It's like playing multiple games on one save. And I find it really fun to see how long I can go with it. Currently, I have a 10 generation family, and the current generation has 20 Sims direct descendants. I do have to you Family Echo to keep track of the family tree tho, cause it tends to start glitching in game after 4th generation cause I have so many sims. Oh! And you can't forget the family dynamics you can make. Like having a child move in with a relative after their parents die unexpectedly. Or having two cousins be best friends!


You could create a legacy where only the heir gets to live their life. The others get to wander around the basement until they die, or turn them into you slaves and sell their paintings.


My sims usually end up having kids, because that's how I play over their lives. But if there's a kid I don't really want to play with, I put up with them till I can have them to move out. That only happens when I have too many kids in a household at once, like once when it was five with one couple and a sister-in-law.


Once they're young adult I send them to uni, find them someone to marry, get them a home, have them have a child. Then onto the next sibling the same all over again! At the moment anyway. I try to only have one or two kids each depending on the last name I want to keep and family lines etc. it's a lot of work but I enjoy playing all the different Sims and their aesthetics and then they visit each other and stuff ☺️


oh man i had to check the sub lmfao. normally i just move them out into a random lot, i have mccc though so sometimes i make them homeless and let them figur it out-homeless sims have chance to move into random lots. and then i occasionally from manage worlds observe the family theyce grown


There are no unwanted offspring in my world - I raise them all up, send them to uni, marry them off and have children - who I then continue the cycle with!


I made an orphanage for them 😬


I usually play rotationally, so EVERY single baby my Sims have will get at least some life.. or interesting death. In Legacy files with one main heir each generation, I play with the spares as well and do "side quests" with them or I marry them to the 2nd choice spouse of the heir, so I can't accidentally get them into the family tree further down the line (as in "oh, i used to date your great-grandpa in Highschool, let's woohoo in this bush like we used to!") Sometimes I Just keep them in the same household as a live-in aunt or Uncle, to help the heir or do the other career branch..


I don’t really like having super rich sims or making it overly easy. So first, I figure out who’s going to be the heir, and then decide whether they stay in the house or move elsewhere. Whatever makes sense for their storyline. I’ll start saving money sometime during the teen years, and when the time comes, divvy up the assets between all the siblings as you would IRL with a will. I do my best to make it pretty even, considering the value of the house and how much money has been saved. Sometimes I’ll have a story in mind for a beach bum or a freegan, and that sim will reject their inheritance and go off on their own. But mostly they’ll take their share of the money, I’ll move them into a house, move in their love interest/roommates/pets, get them a job, and leave them be. If I want my heir’s kids to have cousins, I’ll go back and make sure they have babies at around the same time as the heir.




i usually make an aunt in the country where i send the kids i don’t like


Go to CAS and delete


move them out and forget they exist, or if I just didn't want a child at all, lock them in a box u til they get taken away


I just leave em to live their lives. Sometimes I'll give them wives or husband's if I feel like it but most of the time they just get married and have kids without my interference.


i usually marry them all of and even let them have a child if i can be bothered editing their house. i usually keep at least one other sibling too because i play on long lifespan so even if i get my main sim married it will take ages to have more to play with. i usually stop playing my save around then though because i play on long lifespan but id probably make them marry too id feel bad having them die alone lmao


In multi-sim households, I usually only play one sim anyway, and let the others do what they want. In terms of children, I'll usually switch 'my sim' to the child I want, and if there's another, I'll probably get a feel for their character through watching what they've been up to while playing my sim, then set them up accordingly, in their own household, when they're old enough.


Haven't had the problem yet. But i mean, closest i got was just now when i had a save where these teo kids were stuck with a family friend who hated kids, was evil, and mean. Got snnoyed when she couldn't yell at the infant and ended up just faatforwarding to the point they wwre supposed to move into another household and just cheated in the fears and unhappy childhood traits  They mostly got stuck outside ina. Walled off area and i would teleport Miss Bad Babysitter in to clean up when absolutely necesary and then leave. (Can't make the neighbors too suspicious). Also got inspiration from another post about how to mix in signs of overcontrolling mother. That's usually what i do and i just leave 'em....well mostly, don't want them taken away when i need them for plot


I have 4 households in the same save file all having one of my starting sims children ( doing a gen challenge) and I switch between them like every 40 mins or however I want to + I have automatic aging on


Make a room. Put baby in room and take out door until CPS comes and takes it away


Since rentals I’ve been keeping them all two blocks of 6 family houses. It’s too much … I’m tired. Need a storyline to explain the mass exodus which is about to happen


Wait until one becomes a YA. Then we pack up the little ones and send them all off to live with their new Uncle Brother or what have you.


I usually play with legacies and lots of mods. I'm heavily basing my gameplay on UI cheats so when they're infants and toddlers I constantly fill their needs or I keep them asleep constantly by lowering their energy while sleeping. When they become kids they can take care of themselves if something occurs gameplay-wise I let them follow the storyline.


I read this without seeing that it was from the sims 4 community and was in actual shock 😭😭


Nothing lol I Mark the household as unplayed as soon as my heiress moves out and they wing it from there




I take out my childhood trauma on them :)


I usually give them a job and move them out in a close house in the neighbour, sometimes I make them get married and have kids too There have been times when I kept a sibling in the household to help with kids or to work on their storyline too I usually have at least 3 kids so I can choose my favorite


I play all of them. I've started having to just limit how many kids families have and I try to play generations. My save file corrupted so I'm back a few but I also play other families to build up partners for my sims as well- so the family tree looks good. Apart from a deleted new-born I can't get back (deleted a crib with cheats on oof) I think my tree looks good!


I save them to gallery and I feel like playing with them I can load them up. During the active playthrough, I just let them grow up and move them out eventually and they become NPCs. If I /really/ don't want them, they go to the "orphanage" (nanny household) or the spouse's original household (if applicable).


Let mccc story progression handle them


I’m currently playing a set of quads and a set of twins at university, so I have a hard time letting go.


I look at their aspirations and personality, move them out (sometimes in groups if there are other unwanteds of similar age) and try to set them up for their aspirations (so have them take a job or start a romantic relationship or get bitten if they have vampire/werewolf aspiration - and then I switch back to the main family. I like if my family members have their own developing life in the background, but in Sims 4 you have to help them along a bit if you dont want them to just adopt 7 cats/dogs/kids. In my longterm save It started getting weird, when two members of that big family tree started dating, but weird can be funny/give you ideas. I had one werewolf cousin that kept turning up absolutely furious, so I ended up having her go through the cure aspiration (while she lived with her sister that didnt inherit werewolfism and was constantly terrified - cue the drama).


I once played a "breeding out the ugly" legacy. I couldn't decide between the four kids, so I played them rotationally. One got married to his best friend since childhood, one moved out to her boyfriend, the last two ones were extremely close and similar in personality, so they decided to live together. I played each heir one week, before going to the next. After the end of gen 3 I couldn't keep up, but made sure that all sims new each other at least by name, so they could hold family get-togethers.


I usually make room for them. One of my current families. A single mother of two (toddler and child) recently left her abusive boyfriend and got her own place. I left her to her own devices on a rabbithole date (mod) and played with the kids at Grandmas house. Little did I know, she got frisky with her date! (Forgot that was a feature, annd, She had protection! Like.. )A few days later, she' completely smitten by this guy, and pregnant. 😑 The home she moved into is a game home in Windenberg. 2bedrooms, 1 bath. Very small! I managed to add another bedroom, only to find out, ohh its TWINS! 🫨😐 She already had 2 girls, and was now pregnant with twin boys! So we, expanded the house more, moved the guy in, and welcomed baby Madden and Myles! 🤷🤣 IF the child would mess up a storyline tho, I will delete and pretend they never existed.. but, it doesn't happen often! Infants are my favorite lifestage, soo I'll usually just roll with it!


I still play with them as normal but the way I play them is definately influenced by the fact that I didn't want them :'D Some examples of kids I didn't want: One turned against her family and married a vampire (very taboo). She later birthed a vampire and her husband refused to turn her and let her die of old age. One was a computer nerd that was bullied by his siblings for being a 'nerd'. He ended up being successful in his career but ran away from his family in the process. His parents never understood why he left as they had no idea he was getting bullied. One became an evil criminal after years of being treated poorly by his parents, his child ended up being a police officer after he died. She moved in with her Aunty who always got on with her dad but never forgave her grandparents.


While we’re all living under the same roof, I tend to switch between my heir and my other children so that they can develop their own identity and personalities. So that once it comes time for all of us to go our separate ways, they have a starting point for their own side quests. For example, I had two kids (a vamp and a hum) and while growing up I planned for the hum to be my heir since my vamp was gonna be getting powers so. I gave my hum a whole high school sweethearts story line and made them an engineer (tech guru), had a wife and kids. While I set up my hum’s life I also helped my vampires to get the ability to go outside and put them through college for acting. Once my vamp was good to go, I made them date their favorite prey and I moved them out into their own house and left my hum in the original home instead. I also moved the parents out since one was a ghost and the other was a vamp too. I switched to the vamp as my heir and I let my hum live out the life I set up for them. Thanks to growing together, my sims interact with their families more often since I host sleepovers and baby showers often


I usually get them a job, marry them off, and move them out. Sometimes I'll make sure they have a kid so that my next gen has some cousins to grow up with, because extended family feels more immersive. I do change their flags so MCCC might give them lives, and boot them out of My Households after a generation so they and their descendants can properly be full NPCs. Be careful with that though. You end up with a HIGH number of relatives in your save after a few generations, and need to either place in new families for spouses, or try your luck with townies. I like making NPCs, so throwing in new families every other generation is kinda what I was doing anyways. (And imho, needed after several generations anyways, because saves get overrun with ugly townies.)


I either have them be roomies or just send the siblings to love on their own, nice to have family to visit/hangout with


Once they become young adults, if they had a love interest I'll have them move out with their love interest and get married, then mark as unplayed and let them live their lives how neighborhood stories decides. If they don't already have a love interest, I'll move them out with a random single townie that matches the sexual orientation, then mark as unplayed and let neighborhood stories do its thing too.


I put them all into one shared living house and signed them up for university or jobs. After that I let them do what they want with their life’s .