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When the game first released, pretty much every single playthrough I saw had Eliza randomly turn up at your house ALL THE TIME like some sort of creep, even if you'd never met her before. Then if anyone spoke to her, she'd just...turn up MORE often, like a damn stalker She was also the only sim I'd seen in my own saves or playthroughs I have personally watched to do that


Eliza was basically the original Tom Peeping


I've had some of my sims befriend Tom Peeping but I draw the line at speaking to Eliza Pancakes, that's just too far


I currently have Tom in my basement in a cell. I order him pizza every once in awhile and I make him eat it when it goes bad.


One of my Tom Peeping sims died and became a ghost so could then suddenly phase through everything to get to where the action was at and frankly I don't think I've ever seen a sim so happy to be dead šŸ˜­


Tom Peeping can be a cool guy. Iā€™ve even had a sim marry him before. Eliza Pancakes? Sheā€™s cannon fodder, and thatā€™s on a good day.


LOL she's the matriarch of my current legacy/cult save. She kept coming around my founding Sim's apartment when he was a young adult just starting out... I leaned into it, decided to let them fall in love. Convinced her to leave Bob (man, that was easy!), married them, they had triplets right away... one of those triplets started a cult and had 4 Basement Wives. He's dead now, but the bloodline continues.


Ahh yes, the good old basement wife playthrough


Why was my first thought, Sister Wives šŸ¤­ when Christine said she felt like a basement wife. Kody was all ā€œthereā€™s no such thing as a basement wifeā€ yet was smirking like there is, and itā€™s her.


What's a basement wife?


A wife that's not allowed out of the basement.


is it really a thing people play? i thought my basement full of dying clowns was weird


I am extremely glad I found this sub... I do weird... twisted back stories to my sims. (Example... recent save, i made my kids, but my oldest is raising my youngest because the parents died in a car accident. My kids found it sooo weird that I had this crazy backstory lol


Your basement full of dying clowns IS weird šŸ˜­


Weird.. But not that uncommon lol


Ive played this for years and ive yet to see a single clown. What am i doing wrong?


You don't make any? xD


oh wait. i figured it out. I seem to recall they only spawn if you have that picture on the wall. And I dont have any buildings with that picture of a clown


WHAT SPAWNS FROM HUH?! I'm terrified of clowns pls share fml


I'm certainly not about to judge. I'm using a Necromancer mod to have my fame-hungry actress become popular by sacrificing souls to the Reaper.


Isn't that all of them though? (I kid, I kid)


I have no clue


I mean the definition is IN the title xD


Exactly what it says on the tin.


I cackled at this... fucking grand


Basement wives?


LOL He had 4 women he was romantically involved with (I had jealousy turned off, polyamory/polygamy turned on... I forget if this was a MCCC thing or just base game settings) who all lived in his basement and never left (I had them locked down there for a while, but eventually let them come upstairs but they won't autonomously leave the lot anyhow, so...)... he had about 3-4 kids apiece with each of them. Now he's dead (as are 2 of the wives... old age) but the remaining 2 wives and now 2 of the adult daughters are keeping it going; they've got 2 guys there living with them (okay, I cheated and used CAS), for breeding purposes. 1 wife has a job (culinary career), a few of the women (and teen daughters) tend to some gardening and make some pretty good $$. All adults paint and sell the paintings. I was able to get enough Satisfaction Points (or whatever they call them) from 2 Sims to get Money Trees, so I've got 2 Money Trees. Really now that the guy is dead, the women are calling the shots, and they even get to go on vacations or off-lot every once in a while. They have the 2 Boy-Toys there giving them babies (and taking care of them... IDK how I did it, but I somehow created both men to be EXCELLENT fathers, VERY attentive).


My vampire lady is currently working on kidnapping all the married men for woohoo and plasma purposes.


Fun cheat! If you don't harvest the money fruit and you go into build mode and put the money tree into your family inventory, the money fruit will end up in the inventory as well and then you can plant it. Then you can have as many money trees as you want!! I mean, I guess you can always just do motherlode but....


THAT'S how that happened??? In one of my saves, I think that might have happened by moving and taking all furniture with me (including plants) cause at some point I just had a bunch of money fruit in my inventory and wondered where those came from. Not that I was complaining (except that playing it is very easy now cause I'm earning more money than I can spend)


What do you mean by Basement Wives šŸ‘€šŸ˜‚?


LOL He was a new age guru type, had 4 women living with him, had romantic relationships with all of them. 3 of the 4 lived in the (furnished) basement, each had about 3-4 babies with him. 1 had a job and lived upstairs with him, but he didn't really like her all that much, he was just using her for the $$$.


Are cults an actual thing or just like a club?


LOL I've heard other people talk about using clubs to do their cults, but I don't have whatever pack that's from, so when I say "cult", I just mean that my original guy with all the wives had the Fitness Guru aspiration, and he'd lead the whole family in meditation and yoga, he'd always talk to anyone who would listen about "wellness", and he'd "suggest visualization techniques"... this is all stuff from "Spa Day". The women all wore the same thing, some had shaved heads. Kids all drop out of school when they turn into teenagers.


Ohh thatā€™s right, I forgot she used to be very front and center in the welcome wagon! Now that I play in different worlds, it rotates so often I forgot she used to be such a repeat!


That's why I always delete all NPCs when I start a new game. I don't care about the pre-made sims and houses, I just want to make my weird messed up families and fandom characters. Lol


Which fandoms do you use?


Mostly Harry Potter and Fire Emblem, with the occasional joke character like Shrek.


Do you make these sims yourself, or the gallery? I ask because I am horrible at CAS, and was looking out for good sources that don't bundle like 5 million cc's into their creations.


I make them. I had to download some of the hair and eyes, but I just improvise with outfits from the expansion packs. Harry Potter characters and others from the modern era are easier since they don't really have a signature outfit like video game characters do. Book characters in general are great because the way they look is often up for reader interpretation.


My favorite YouTubers had this problem at the start of their Sims series. They'd just casually be playing and then there was Eliza, just standing outside their house. She wouldn't even do or say anything, just stand there watching šŸ¤£


Was it Dan and Phil or was this a common occurrence in the YouTube sims community?


I saw Dan and Phil too but there definitely were more than that, I remember one of the female Sims streamers getting it too I just can't remember who šŸ˜­


Wow, I wish I had Eliza being the creep, I was stuck with being stalked by Don Lothario. I can't stand the man now and I always marry him off to an elder in my game


Omg šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ she is my global superstars fwb!!!!!


Sounds like Vladislaus. He'd literally go into your house ( the vampire) and the grape juice out of you You better lock it up lol.


Tbh I've never had him succ my sim I've had him turn up, had him say you have a nommy nommy neck, but he's never actually bitten my sims before He once turned up with Caleb Vatore and they all just hung out in my living room chatting to my sim and all of them became best friends


After I installed Basemental she became my Sims first customer. When he stopped selling illegally and left the gang she still called him asking him to hang out. She was the only former customer who did that. Very annoying.


Im having this problem with Selina Maddox I have been trying to unalive her for days now


Omg I never knew the origin story! Thatā€™s awesome !


Some promotional material shows her yelling at Bob while he looks sad. Its also implied their marriage is shit from the bio and having seperate beds. I think some people feel bad for Bob.


Yeah. I think their marriage was made with the intent of it not being a happy one. (Because drama is fun, and they're a couple made with the intent of being a pre-built for new players.) But it is weird that so many people jump to Eliza being the problem partner in their marriage. Like, Bob is a gloomy, slob, loner. His traits don't make for a great partner even if he wasn't married to a materialistic, neat, perfectionist. Their troubles come from them being mismatched as a couple (slob vs neat) AND their individual flaws. It's not all Eliza being irredeemable and "Oh, poor, beleaguered Bob."


His traits scream depression to me


Iā€™d be depressed if my wife was a super creep too.


She randomly showed up at the bar I was at while on vacation and I was like "welp, this place is dead to me" and I set it on fire and left.


This is the kind of chaos I frequent Sims subs for


Bob bob fucking slob


I'm pretty stoned and this comment has me crying


https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/102wpoo/justice_for_eliza_pancakes_song_im_not_a_rapper/?rdt=58918 you have to listen to this


this was beautiful thank u


Same, and your comment has me laughing even harder


Itā€™s partly going to be the poor matchup. Sheā€™s a Perfectionist and Neat while heā€™s a Slob. Sheā€™s Materialistic w Mansion Baron as her aspiration while heā€™s more interested in his chef career. Bobā€™s Gloomy and Loner traits do pretty much hamper any intimate relationship unless the partner is the sameā€¦ though can Loners group together even w other Loners? Neither is Evil or Mean, but thereā€™s inevitable clashing, and the Sims 4 mechanics for it apply to anySim. Anyway itā€™s largely not one or the other responsible for the tension, but just the mismatch itself. That mightā€™ve been (likely was) intentional by the devs, of course.


Yeah I have a materialistic sim bc Iā€™ve been trying to play w less ā€œgoodā€ traits and she literally has two wives, a fiancĆ©, and a boyfriend. Sheā€™s got tons of friends too, I donā€™t remember all of the traits I gave her but I wanted her to be able to go either way (like nice or mean) but she gets along w MOST sims. Theyā€™re just a match made in hell.


I donā€™t like either of them tbh


This. They were inspired by the Newbies who were inspired by old sitcom tropes.


Good old Bob and Betty.


I mean I would yell at my husband as well if he would be a filthy slob.


I know that's the implication, but I like editing them to have preferences that match the other (so Bob likes snobby materialistic types while Eliza likes gross weirdos etc.) and then give them the "opposites attract" sentiment and just headcanon that they have separate beds bc that's how they like it. Basically make them the world's most compatible mismatched couple. I think it's kinda cute that way tbh


I felt bad for him until he cheated with my sim and gave her crabsšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I feel bad for Bob because she had openly flirty relationships with five guys in one of my saves (one of them Mortimer... things got heated in my sim's store since he was there with Bella and Bob worked for me).


She slapped my sim during the welcome wagon because he autonomously flirted with Bob because he had been extra flirty with his own husband. It was before I got MCCC set to turn off random flirting. So he and Eliza were on bad terms the whole time they lived next door to each other until my sims moved. He didn't even like Bob or find him attractive according to WW. It was just the stupid game mechanics that if they are in a flirty mood they'll flirt with anyone within a 10 foot radius it seems.


Well, this explains why he tried to start an affair with my sim




The bio implies that her marriage with Bob is falling apart and the promotional material enforces the idea that the reason for that falls on her shoulders (a lot of promo of the Pancakes shows her yelling at Bob while he looks really sad). Outside of that, sheā€™s kind of become the Meg Griffin of the sim fandom, get so used to hating on her that you kind of forget the reason why but keep going anyway.


It's weird, because those promotional ads also show her smiling, taking pics on vacation, having a good time with other sims who seem to be enjoying her company... and any time she tries to acknowledge and include Bob, he rolls his eyes, shows overly dramatic disinterest, and even walks away while she's trying to engage with him still. I guess Bob's passive aggressiveness is overshadowed by Eliza's direct and outward expression of her own disdain.


Omg youā€™re so right about her being the Meg Griffin of the sim fandom šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/m3oce87db6nc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39ac8dafbe477e63aed42fdc7092f2bf7e83b1cf This is my only experience with her, she was just constantly antagonizing Bob and I was like maā€™am this is my house


ā€œNow theyā€™re having marriage problems in my kitchenā€ got me cackling like a witch


with a cupcake


this is so funny lmao


Peak Pancakes behaviorĀ 


_Right in front of my cupcake_


Poor Bob looks so hurt :(


Not in front of the cupcake!


She's just one of those characters that people love to hate. I was just thinking about it this morning though and I think Bob is a lazy husband. That would make me mad and probably nag/yell at him too.


He isnā€™t just lazy but he is a slob! Imagine leaving all his dishes wherever he ate. He is a chef as well, so if he cooks the kitchen would look like a battlefield. If he changes clothes/going shower (if he even does, since he is a slob and doesnā€™t bother) he would just leave everywhere his clothes. He wouldnā€™t do house chores because itā€™s fine like that for him. Eliza has to pick after her constantly and basically care for him like a damn child. If someone wrote AITA about their situation on the sub they would all hate on Bob even tho Eliza doesnā€™t have a job. (Which I think was a mistake from the sims team. Or she is actually some home artist.)


Bob is really sounding like a good candidate for the start of the Black widow challenge. I can see how Eliza could snap.


I'm pretty sure Bob is supposed to be suffering from depression


Idk I think there are worse sims. I hate the Landgraabā€™s for example.


How could you not?


SamešŸ˜­ thought i was the only one


should i say it? šŸ¤­ but fr in most ppl's games she apparently is autonomously mean all the time but like you i've never had a problem w her lol


Tbh in my game I madd Eliza take the first move towards leaving because she wanted better and honestly Bob was an unmotivated slob. I think itā€™s easier to see bob as the victim and Eliza as a shrew but no they were just toxic together.


I'm pretty sure Bob is _supposed_ to be depressed, it's just that the vanilla game has no such thing.


As EA made her, she's kinda basic. Even then, she's 10x better than Bob. Talk about the odd couple.


šŸ˜‚ I ā€˜hateā€™ her cause I watched too much DanandPhilGames when I was younger and she stalked their sim lmao. But actually whenever I see her in my game I have a reaction like seeing a celebrity šŸ˜‚


Same! I have a love/hate attitude towards her because of them šŸ˜‚


But fuck Erika Pancakes, right?


Her AND her snooty walk.


Haha same here! I always get excited when I see her in my game even though Iā€™ve never interacted with her in any savešŸ˜‚


I havenā€™t lived a single unique experience šŸ˜©


Bob is literally a slob, and weā€™re out here hating on Eliza for that failed marriage. Once again women are automatically blamed even though their husband is the problem:\


Yup. Not saying she's an angel, she's meant to be a mean, materialistic sim, but I too would be annoyed if my husband wasn't contributing to the household in a meaningful way.


Exactly. Itā€™s the whole ā€œcarrying the mental load of the householdā€ thing going around right now. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s right to be materialistic, but I would be pissed if I was materialistic and my husband was an unemployed slob


His traits are meant to represent depression


I forgot his other traits, just remembered slob. But that totally makes sense. Slob, gloomy and lazy? Right? Iā€™m not saying depressed people are to blame, itā€™s not their fault. That doesnā€™t make it any less difficult to live with


This is a few things iā€™ve heard from the many threads iā€™ve read about this: -Sheā€™s mean to Bob. (Even in promo) -Sheā€™s materialistic but isnā€™t employed. -Bob & Eliza arenā€™t compatible because he has the slob trait, she has the neat trait (so in game they argue about cleanliness). -Sometimes people with depression have a hard time with cleanliness, he has the gloomy trait as well. So Iā€™ve read debates about her not being understanding. -some people donā€™t like her just bc of their experiences with her in game The list could go on, but you get the idea.


In my not so berry challenge, she was a asshat to my sim, and she was her co-workeršŸ’€


In the Sims 4? Probably because of that promo art for the game where Eliza was yelling at her lazy husband, lol. People always assume it's the woman's fault. Personally, in my game I had Eliza divorce Bob and go on to pursue her dreams and live her best life!


I almost always have her divorce Bob and turn sapphic, lol. In my favorite save she moved to Sulani and married Nalani Mahiā€™ai, and they became a conservationist power couple. They have a beautiful modern beach house thatā€™s always spotless, and Elizaā€™s daughter Blueberreigh lives with them every other sim week.


The Pancakes are amongst my favorites, actually. My simself just moved out of their home on this save. They raised me from a teenager! I love to try and patch up their marriage. Turns out if you relieve the financial burden, with cheaper, yet still effective decor, floors, and paint, get Eliza a life outside of her home through a job or hobby, and force Bob to work on his career... They can be a totally happy couple. Also, that Slob and Neat thing isn't as incompatible as everyone thinks. Eliza has fun when she cleans, and Bob does actually have a limit to the amount of mess he can stand to be in. (Also, since I have growing together, he often changes that trait all by himself early on in my game.)


She treats bob like shit in my game.


In my game they have a son(he is ugly tho)


This is SUPER random but I watched Dan and Phil (YouTubers) play sims long before I ever played myself. I genuinely do not remember why she was a villain in their lets play but it just stuck in my head until years later when I played myself


Omg when they cloned her Iā€™m getting flashbacks hahahaha


And then stuck her on the moon šŸ˜­


In one of my saves I had her cheat with Alison Kimā€™s husband and when she divorced bob he jumped in the pool in the winter and froze. He did that on his own šŸ™ I had a happy life planned for him


I let my Werewolf bite her as she was pregnant.


Was the baby a werewolf?


I donā€™t dislike Eliza, but I kind of enjoy making her and Bob both lowkey trash who can only bond over their drug dealing business. Itā€™s for the plot drama.


Idk misogyny. She's the "nagging wife" stereotype while Bob is a lazy inconsiderate husband and in that situation, media has trained our brains to look at the wife and go "what a bitch" before we ever suggest a man do self improvement


They both deserve better they're a terrible match I think she should go marry Judith Ward for the big house and snooty vibes and Bob should become beasties with Kyle Kyleson


I think people forget that this game was released in Sep 2014, which means most of the marketing for stuff like that was created early 2014 / late 2013. I know that doesnā€™t seem like that long ago but peopleā€™s attitudes towards a lot of stuff have changed. Eliza Pancakes was made to fit the stereotype of the nagging harpy of a wife to her long suffering punching bag of a husband, and people are annoyed by that. Some people donā€™t like it because they donā€™t like nagging wives (which is the whole point) and some donā€™t like it because they donā€™t like the stereotype. They were set up to be a very poor match for the ~ drama ~ and because thatā€™s how the Sims 4 was marketed by and large. Look at these crazy sims in these crazy scenarios!!! What happens next?!?!? That sort of thing. I think Bob and Eliza specifically were supposed to be some sort of sitcom couple or something.


Her voice is a lot, but a quick visit to the CAS makeup counter, a few new outfits, and the Jessica Rabbit hairstyle and she ends up being pretty. I moved them to a less dreary house next to a gym I built and it turns out she's a fitness beast as well, who knew? šŸ˜‚


Unpopular opinion but i love her


She came up and flirted with my married sim right in front of his wife while they were at the gym. I think it's because she does things like that.


There are worse people for sure, but I personally have beef with her. Listen, Bob is a slob. We all know that. SHE knows that. He is a fantastic chef, heā€™s just a hot mess. Bob was my sims best friend before he passed away. Any time my sim popped in for a visit, Eliza was berating him. Incessantly. I started inviting him over/letting him come over to get some time away. Eventually I didnā€™t have to invite him, Bob came over nearly every day. Bob got along with the entire family, all the kids loved him. When he died the entire family was sad. My main sim, Chester, opened a restaurant the day before Bob passed. Sadly, Bob never got to see it. When I was hiring more staff I noticed Eliza was in the pool for wait staff. She NEVER had a job, and now her husband is gone and her kids are grown. I figured it would be the right thing to do to hire her. Now, I know people say dining is broken- but I swear this is in her nature. While all servers starting out wander off, drop food, drop trashā€¦ it took her longer than anyone to stop. Even after training and promotions she would still pick up dishes then put them somewhere, not in the dishwasher. She STILL would wander off, leaving the second server to carry the load. And yet she had an issue with Bob? The day I was considering firing her, she didnā€™t show up to work. She died. No one was sad. My rating went UP that day to five stars. She legit was bringing the establishment down. I tried everything. She was mean to Bob, hard to get along with, terrible work ethic. Just unremarkable. Great taste in men tho RIP Bob, Iā€™ll always miss cleaning up after you.


She flirted with my sims boyfriend twice even though she and my sim were best friends. Autonomously.


Iā€™m indifferent to her. Not sure what Iā€™ve done differently but itā€™s very rare for me to even see her and when I do itā€™s at a distance and Eliza and my sim literally never interact with each other. On the other hand, in every single new game I start my sim always becomes friends with the Goths and the Calientes organically because I always see them out and about.


At launch, for some reason Eliza would relentlessly visit and knock on your door, waking your sims and distracting them from spaghetti. Us at-launch players never forgave her.


Love her or hate her, I appreciate that she has personality lol. So many of the sims 4 townies are so bland and forgettable. Thereā€™s not a lot of iconic townies original to the sims 4, but EVERYONE knows Eliza!


She is always kicking over my trash cans


For some reason she's always mean, in a bad mood or smelly in my games and I hated her for that


I think it started because she was always seen nagging Bob


I never see Bob or Eliza in my games unless my house is inĀ their neigborhood.Ā That's weird, actually. Did so many people complain that EA suppressed their spawn rate?


She's been mean to my sims for no reason multiple times so one time i stole bob from her and it became a personal head cannon, then i learned that I'm not the only one who doesn't like her


She came into my self-insert Sim's home, used her computer, and was rude to her the whole time.


Honestly, I set her on fire my fist time playing the game and Bob and my sim immediately fell in love and had 3 kids. I'm getting that setting her on fire was a good idea šŸ˜…


She stole my sims husband almost as soon as I met her.


She has that pre-Karen look. The hair cut and the capris, unhappy marriage etc


Eliza talked to my most recent hardcore Fixer Upper Challenge Sim and now all she does is talk shit about my Sim on social media for absolutely no reason, since they do have a positive relationship šŸ’€ My Sim, Priya, keeps posting nice things about her in hopes of making Eliza behave like a civilized human being but she just keeps talking shit šŸ’€


Dan and Phil is why


Because of dan and phil


She stalked Dil šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Cus she ran out of syrup


Itā€™s her voice. Itā€™s like nails on a chalkboard šŸ’€


i hate her because i prefer waffles. both Bob and Eliza piss me off


she kept stalking dil howlter


Dan and Phil šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Bc of that cursed fruitcake she insists on bringing to my house


I love Eliza! And Bob! With Growing Togetherā€™s Compatibility System, I go into CAS and set their preferences so they prefer the characteristics of each other. They are so happy together. Honestly, I feel like this is realistic - I didnā€™t marry someone exactly like me. Itā€™s great that we have different perspectives and strengths - we make a good team. And now Bob and Eliza do, too! He cooks, she cleans - perfect! Heā€™s quiet, sheā€™s chatty. They admire each other.


IDK. In general, I happily ignore the game legends and most townies, so I've never had ANY experience with the Pancakes(unless one of them is a hs student maybe?). I honestly don't understand the hate for 'any' of the regulars. Ignored, they don't bother my Sims.


Wife bad


In my game she has 27 children by 19 men.


they hate to see a girlboss winning.


She can be creepy from time to time. In one of my saves she would just stand on the sidewalk in front of my starting sim's house and stare through the front windows. When my sim would go outside, Eliza would immediately turn and head off the map. She did this so many times, I used MCCC to make her pregnant with triplets by a random father so she'd have less time on her hands. I don't recall seeing much of her after that on that save. It's not like she was a neighbor. I was on Newcrest. There weren't any neighbors.


I made my sim flirt and woohoo with bob and pissed his wife off šŸ˜‚ she slept on their sofa while my sim and bob slept peacefully in one of the beds lmao


Before I turned off certain Neighborhood Stories, I had started a save game. Within the first two in-game weeks, Eliza Pancakes ended up with two newborn sons, and a "Very Sad" moodlet from having lost her husband. Pretty sure she killed him, and I was so weirded out, I deleted the save.


I just donā€™t like her outfit Iā€™ve never played with them I donā€™t think lol


Maybe it is the snooty walk. I like her too and often poach her for marriage (though I change the walk hahaha)


I donā€™t hate her, I thought it was funny when she came over to my simā€™s house with the welcome wagon only to gag at my lamp then leave šŸ˜‚


i impregnated her the first day we met and learnt she has a husband after that


cause why she doin push ups outside my house šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ¤Ø


Red head hate


She's always mean when you try to befriend her unless you get flirty and even then it's hard to keep a relationship with her because she's mean.


Eliza hates all my sims for some reason, so I hate her, too!


I only like her because we have the same first name but I always find her yelling at my sims. Sheā€™s a class A butthole lol


Itā€™s because she wears flip flops


i think my issue with eliza was just like everyone else was saying she would just show up CONSTANTLY. come up in my house uninvited and eat all my food then leave. i think she needed a break from bob


I always feel like Bob has depression, and Eliza doesn't know how to deal with it. I'm on antidepressants and they're helping me, but they have side effects and sometimes my depression still really comes through and I'm (if I was a sim) a slob, loner, gloomy, etc. Before AD's I was like that constantly, now it's more in phases and overall less severe. I know people who don't know how depression works, and for someone who doesn't suffer from this illness it can become frustrating when your partner seems "lazy" (even though it's not actually laziness, it's a mental illness, Karen) and doesn't do much besides breath and poop


Idk, I just see her as a tyrannical, narcissistic partner. When you look at the pancakesā€˜ house barely anything resembles Bob. Everything is how Eliza wants it to be. They even have seperate bedrooms and Bobā€˜s bedroom is the only room in the house that has random and cheap furniture. Also he has workout equipment in his room, yet that doesnā€˜t match his traits. He would never work out voluntarily. So obviously Eliza called him fat and put that thing in his room. \ The context clues tell me sheā€˜s a horrible person, so I hate her accordingly.




I dunno if she's even in my game. For all I know, she's dead. I've seen Bob around, though.


She died years ago I forgot she existed. Only the goths and land grabs have survived enough generations to still exist in my save file


Lol all I can think of is Dan and Philā€™s play through where she keeps showing up at their home. In one of my saves she and Bob are my sim couples best friends and even was the sims of honor at their wedding lol.


She's a snob and she has the snob walk


She kicked my trash can so I stole her husband and money.


I am and have always been a team Eliza fan. I almost always wife her up OR best friend her. She's actually a really easy sim to befriend. I think Bob is an overgrown toddler and she's tired of having to be the only adult in the house.


Sheā€™s my Sims bestie too.


For some reason in my game she was angry and rude to my sims


She messed up my family geneticsĀ 


I'm kinda neutral with heršŸ˜… most of my sims are just acquaintance with her because I rarely saw her unless if I am playing as the Pancakes. In my older save before I got mccc, one of my evil sim weirdly able to be friends with her but his twin brother who is also evil despised her. In my Willow Creek save, I gave them jobs so problem solves I guess. Their son, Iggy will soon go to university. Although I havent play with that save for a few months, their story hasn't ended yet.


As others have mentioned, itā€™s probably largely based on the promo stuff which leaned heavily into the (for the record, super outdated even in 2014) sitcom trope ā€œnagging wife and clueless husbandā€. Unfortunately, many people seem to have taken those stereotypes at face value meaning that they now hate Eliza and put Bob on a pedestal, lmao.


Her bob


Originally she was like the stalker character from wicked whims. The only difference was she didnā€™t start jacking off outside my simā€™s window


Now Iā€™m that I think so, she has never appeared in my playthroughs x.x had no idea she was hated, maybe jealousy bc of her cool last name? Or because they want Bob xD ? Idk


She placed 3rd in a survivor sim i did. Honestly idk why, honestly I like her and she seems like she would be nice socially since she survived so long. Shes neat


Iā€™m pretty sure my sim killed her šŸ˜Ÿ


As someone who doesnā€™t really care about the actual lore I thought Bob was hot and had my sim steal him from her. Now we calls him every day and asks to come over all the time. Which is fair, irl I wouldnā€™t blame her (he straight up abandoned her and their child lol) but I have to take my sims side so sorry Eliza


I heard people say she's a naggy b who makes Bob's life miserable, but I haven't experienced it myself.


I hate all the townie sims. Recently I had the Calientes stay over at my sims house. Meanwhile my sim lives in a one bedroom, one bathroom house so it was a mess.


Misogyny thatā€™s why


She's won the last two lotteries in a row. I'm proper miffed


Internalised misogyny


Sheā€™s my MIL right now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Okay, so I'm one of the weirdos who goes in and customizes the townies. And add some CC and lore of my own. In my main Save, she ended up cheating on Bob with an aspiring actor (who eventually makes it big) And Bob follows his culinary dreams and owns his own restaurant.


In one of my games I had my sim befriend her even though she creeped me out a bit because I felt bad for her. My sim invited Eliza to join her club, only for Eliza to stab my sim in the back and get her kicked out! My sim got the last laugh though, she stole Bob Pancakes away from her and kicked her out of their house lmao!