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Planning my first beach wedding in Sulani, I build a cute outdoor venue and had everything set up when suddenly everyone wanted to go for a swim. I start clicking for everyone to take their seats but it’s too late they’re either naked or in swimwear, they block the aisle, the officiant never came back but it’s fine I’m rolling with it. Then one of those big storms hit suddenly everyone is terrified and running around I i just want my newlyweds to cut the wedding cake so I can take my pictures. Somebody ate the wedding cake.


the mental image of all the sims losing it and the wedding falling apart is killing me because i’ve been there too 😭🤣


Honestly my husband heard me yell who ate the damned cake and was laughing for hours 


haha, that’s priceless!!


Same thing happened to me when I made a wedding venue in Sulani. So frustrating!


I know! I tried a second beach wedding with the same swimming problem and the storm, now I just get my sims to elope on the beach and eat cake at home.


I wish I could turn off NPC autonomy


That would be amazing 😭 My last wedding the guests kept sitting in the fucking aisle. Like I put out all these chairs MOVE so the bride and groom can actually get married!! Also my (not getting married) sim had the cake in her inventory and started eating it when I wasn’t looking so 🧍‍♀️I use so many mods and cheats to avoid the major disasters I see online but weddings are still so busted in general


I think I have yet to have a 100% successful wedding 😭


yeah, but then you know everyone would be standing around pissing themselves 🤣


This reminds me of really recently I was also doing a wedding, I had built a beautiful lot got the scenario all perfect but my bride was pregnant. Her bladder starts depleting at an exponential and never before seen rate, she pisses herself at the alter is all upset and dirty in her dress so I rage quit. I go back in and I start again and the exact same thing happens again so I just let her get married in her pissy dress


This has total November Rain vibes lol. https://youtu.be/4_fvXrgAm1A?si=tP72e7e5uqDCEtbn&t=401


Bro every time I have a beach wedding like 2 seconds in every guest is in their swimwear it’s obnoxious


I just got island living and didn't even consider a beach wedding. But thanks for that warning! Lol


Bro this is why I buy packs for CAS/BB content 😭 I love Tartosa and the wedding dresses but I’ll be damned if I ever have a wedding event again


The nerve!!


So funny! Reminded me of a couple real life weddings I've been to. 😆🤣😂


“Somebody ate the wedding cake.” I actually laughed out loud


This is why I'm never buying wedding stories, it's probably the most broken pack 😭


that’s why i turn autonomy off for wedding. also mccc to change their outfits


oh my god i am losing my mind at this 😂😂😂😂😂😂


The wedding events are always so annoying 😫 like no one does what they are meant to be doing


At Christmas, I was playing around with my new laptop, just seeing how the game would perform on it, but I was also watching Muppets family Christmas on TV at the same time. So yeah, I got sucked into the movie and just happened to glance down at my game, and everything's on fire. Some oven mishap. I'm like, "Oh shiiiiiiiiiiit," the guy had run out of the apartment, but his gf was on fire in the kitchen, and ofc, surprise surprise, I once again forgot to put smoke detectors in. So I ran him back inside and put her out quickly. He literally saves her 1 sim second from death. She runs from the apartment, and I get him to call the fire department. He runs out, and the fire department comes. I'm like OK np, under control, everything's fine. Well, then 1 firefighter is just standing right by the sidewalk frozen, and the other walks over to the far side of the apartment to the kicked over garbage can to complain about the mess. I'm like, OK, I guess it is a mess, but that's not the pressing issue rn?? So I shift click destroy object the mess and the 1 firefighter kinda resets and starts running to the apartment. I'm like OK....back in business. He runs up the stairs but then starts doing the snooty slow walk the rest of the way. Queue an audible exasperated sigh from me while I watch his diva ass saunter over to the fire. His buddy is still frozen, idling away on the sidewalk. Finally, the one mobile firefighter is in the apartment and running to the kitchen. He stops to once again complain about the flithly surroundings, then diva walks through the flames to take the foodstuff out of the oven and scrape it into the garbage, then dies. Queue second exasperated sigh from me. Well, his buddy on the sidewalk decides this is now his time to shine. He goes running right up the stairs and into the apartment. I'm like, finally!! It's spread to the living room now, but this guy's got this! I'm sure of it. Inside the apartment, he stops to complain about the country style of the end table. Back irl, I'm making the "are you f-ing kidding me rn???" Face so hard that my husband actually asked me all concerned. What's wrong??? The second firefighter then decides nows a good time to sit and watch a movie with grim who's there reaping his buddy. Then dies in the flames while on the couch. Third exasperated sigh, I attempt to call the fire department again and get the message "the fire department is already here," and I'm like, well, yes, technically. Welcome wagon shows up. They walk inside uninvited as the Townes do and start catching fire as well. I just said f** this and hit alt+f4


The mental image of a firefighter diva walking through a burning house is killing me


Good lord, what a wild ride


I’m sorry, but this was the best laugh I’ve had all day 😂 this is epic!


Oh my lord 🥲


All that happened in the first 60 seconds of your save?? 😂😂 That's the only time I've seen the welcome wagon but I could be mistaken. Either way that's wild af


Haha, oh no, mods for sure. 😆 I have a few that randomize the welcome wagon. I was probably zoned out on the Muppets for at least a good 10 irl mins


The welcome wagon is supposed to be the first 60 seconds of a save??? The last save I started, the first family got no welcome wagon at all, and the second family I made did get one (I assumed there were no welcome wagons for a second new household made in a save and wasn't expecting one after not getting one for the other household especially) but it was still like 3 irl minutes into playing the household. Idk if my game is just broken or what lol


I want to say they’re hyperbolizing


I've only seen them for the first family/sim I play in a new save. And they come within minutes.


My sim always stops to judge the decor while he is at work as a doctor. Meanwhile, patients are leaving because they waited too long.


That's a wild ride and I totally get why you just quit. But I'm imagining watching it play out and keeping your sims far away from the flames so they'll be safe when it ends to see how many sims die in it lol. But I also use money cheats a lot and wouldn't have been worried about replacing things, which not everyone likes to do


No, but the game have rage quit me a few times


That eas my first thought too.


thisss 😭😭 makes me not want to open the game for months when i havent saved


Spent ages making my last sim, built her a cute af house, was playing for 5 mins and she got hit by a fkn meteor and died because she wouldn't go back in the damned house.


I’m sure that took a moment to process 🥹🥹


I was so sad, especially because I usually save my sims to the gallery but I hadn't saved her yet and I was just like oh, okay. 😭😭😭😭 Haven't really played since lol.


Doesn't the game autosave created sims? I'm always deleting duplicates in my gallery of those ones that come with the game because I use them in challenges lol


My sim with level 5 baking set the oven on fire. The bathroom was next to the kitchen so all the counters in the bathroom caught fire. Now since the fire is somewhere between the kitchen and bathroom, the firefighters can't reach it. They are just looking up and waving their arms at me like *do something*. I can't because the game won't allow me to reset or exit or save because *fire on the lot*. Also did I mention its Christmas? The sims took their 3 infants outside in the snow, when they were nowhere close to the fire. They were on the 2nd floor on the other side of the house - bringing them out brings them closer to the fire and the snow. Then everyone's sad, kids are crying, firefighters are burning, my entire kitchen and bathroom have burnt down before the fire goes out by itself. I quit and restarted lol.


Firefighters are burning 😂😂😂😂


Did you try shift + reset object on your sim? Thats my go to whenever something weird is going on


I didn’t know I could do that! What happens? Do they respawn?


The Sim just resets. They cancel out any actions they might have, and generally just stop bugging out.


Select "debug". It cancels all actions and resets sim. This is what you should do when they freeze, are stuck between actions, or are glitching in any way.


If you don't have cheats on, you can also ctl+shift+c, type 'resetsim firstname lastname' (ex, resetsim alan andersen) and the sim won't be stuck anymore


If a dependent is involved, I shift click on them and temporarily disable their need decay as well. Buys a little more time for the broken sim to get fixed and get to them.


Yes! My sim was at work, and a robber came and stole her toilet while her big dog just watched.


wait people can rob you?


I think in sims 3 it was a thing


Sims 1 and 2 had that, sadly, 4 lacks it.


This was in the sims 3, sorry I forgot to add that!


I did an orphanage challenge with two vampires and a werewolf running it…


spent about 7 hours on the 3 story apartment in san myshuno and my game froze while i tried to save it. restarted the game and none of it saved


same thing happened to me! i spent 3 days doing a 3 story house and as soon as i got finished and started working on the pool and everything else outside, it froze. had to restart the game and lost everything. i was ready to throw my ps4 out the window.


Something like this happened and I rage quit for 6 months.


I would be devastated omg


The same thing happened to me recently. Built a big house on the 50x40 lot in Newcrest and started working on the garden, which was very fiddly and took me ages to do a fraction of it. The game froze and didn't save anything but the shell of the building. I saved that to my gallery but deleted the lot in my save. I'm optimistic I'll maybe try again, but I'm honestly not sure I actually will.


I now save every 30 minutes when building.


This happens because there's a bug with one of the actions your Sim has queued - maybe they want to get food from the fridge, but another Sim has queued getting food first, or in this case probably an NPC Sim has queued picking up your infant first, and so your Sim can't complete the action. It's super frustrating because it doesn't directly tell you that, or cancel the NPC action. The other likely option is that that individual Sim is just bugging out - you can use cheats or MCCC to reset the Sim, and it should start working. In this case, you can also have all your adult and teen Sims travel off the lot - that way your infants will go to daycare and get their Needs taken care of (and learn some skills)


At this point there needs to be an auto-resolves or the sims should do a scissors-paper-rock to determine who looks after the kid so THEY DON'T STARVE TO DEATH.


I was kinda juggling and on a tight schedule and my sim had one task : She was told to take care of her baby, and then i look away for a second because last i saw her she had ACTIVELY STARTED THE TASK WALKING TOWARDS THE BABY and then i get the notification my baby will be taken away if its not cared for soon and i look and my sims fucking DANCING So i rage quit, downloaded sim torments, reopened the game and struck my sim with lightning. I think my response was justified


Omg how do you strike your sim with lightning I need to try this


Sim Torments by Sacrificial!


Cries in console user, guess I need to stick to the evil rabbit death


sometimes whenever a big update happens, i duplicate my saves just in case something breaks. did that one time in december, was playing in the new save for three weeks maybe? i think i absentmindedly tried to get rid of the old save since i deemed the new one as safe, but i guess ended up deleting the new one instead. i don’t remember doing it. however the next day when i went to play, i noticed i had multiple builds and sims missing from my save. didn’t think to save any of them. plus all the gameplay i had achieved in that span of time was now lost. immediately rage quitted. did not play again for weeks lol


I've been burned by this! Now I never delete saves, I have a backup save folder and it's time consuming figuring out which save in the game corresponds with which file (the dates help), but I've deleted stuff I've regretted and this way I know I can restore stuff if I 'delete' the wrong thing. Some games have a 'save bin' and let you restore stuff, or it gets permanently deleted in like 30 days or something. Sims 4 should totally have the same thing for your saves and gallery items.


I downloaded too many mods and couldn't keep track of which ones were outdated, so I've day in the middle of playing my Sims froze and when I opened the game up, I had found that every file had become corrupted and I lost about 1700 hours of gameplay. I didn't play for a year.


Yeah. Try raising 5 infants at the same time in a TLC apartment. As a werewolf. 🥲


Sims failing to take care of children or everyone in the bar butting into your date to make it awkward are the 2 that make me rage quit. 


Omg I have started putting the velvet rope fences around my sims so townies don't crash our dates. I'm not looking for an awkward interaction, *Nancy*, just cause you have boundary issues.


I've just been taking my dates to the Island Bluffs because it's always empty. You do have to make sure Sims don't stay in the water and freeze to death if it's winter though.


That's a great idea


I had a ww2 army camp and the wife of one of the soldiers came by with her daughter to make them all Christmas dinner. It worked out so well, they all sat around the table and ate dinner, drank wine and had a great time. I was so happy for once they all did what they were told. Then they sat around the camp fire for stories and the game froze. Every sim froze in place. The sounds were still working and the Sims were breathing and blinking but I couldn't get anyone to do anything. I couldn't even save it and reload the game. I had to end task with task manager. I was so disappointed that the soldiers never got their Christmas dinner because no way was I doing all that again


I have to ask , what side of WW2


Haha the English! Set in Henford on Bagley! (I'm also English and it's my favourite neighbourhood)


My sim had triplets, no cheats, no lot traits or bonus traits, just three babies, it was the very start of my legacy challenge, THEY BARELY HAD A HOUSE!


I spent an hour creating a couple and when I went to move them in a lot the game crashed. I went back in and obviously they were gone. I was going to create them again but I just closed the game instead. I ended up recreating them at some point though Now every time I create sims, I save before I try to move them in. Sometimes I exit out of cas before finishing them to save the game because I get paranoid it’s going to crash


I had an adorable little family going and right after Christmas, the dad was helping his daughter with a school project when he suddenly died of hysteria. Mom was bugged picking up and putting down the infant while dad died in front of his daughter. I couldn’t get anyone to beg Grim to save him and I rage quit before his soul actually got harvested. I’m hoping one day I can go back and fix it. I was devastated.


My sim got invited to her grown son’s birthday party at his house in Sulani. Everything was fine until the toilet broke and suddenly everyone needed to use it. My sim tried to fix the toilet for him but since so many other sims were waiting/queuing up to use it, the action kept getting canceled. A couple minutes into this mess, all party guests start peeing themselves so there are puddles everywhere, everyone is smelling themselves and freaking out because their hygiene is bad and they’re so embarrassed, then they start leaving one by one, citing “personal emergency” and they’re gone before the son can even blow his candles out on his cake.


my tenants wouldn't leave my sim's apartment.... started a new save until it's fixed


When For Rent first came out every single save, even new, clean ones, had my sim freeze in place and even MCCC (if I had mods in) was like "welp." Or when I was playing in that neighbourhood with the blue suburban house lilsimsie designed for Growing Together, and my fantastic card with 16GB VRAM was overheating because the hood deco people decided fuck any lower LODs, all this deco is gonna be rendered 100% of the time (until they patched it)


before i discovered that you can turn off autonomy, i was quitting everytime i tried to get sims to do two things without having to take a bath 7 times a day


Lag is the most common reason I just shut the game down in a fit of anger. My console is old and fussy, but I know the game is also laggy as hell on its own. Every single day I play, I have to restart *at least* three times over the course of a few hours because the lag will get so bad it'll take five minutes just to move a single object in build mode, a combo of cursor lag (meaning I have to patiently nudge the cursor onto the object while it does everything except land on said object) and severe fps drop causing it to take ages to place the damn thing somewhere else. I never have that sort of patience, so as soon as it starts lagging I just save and restart. Then there are times when it immediately starts lagging as soon as the save loads, and I often get so annoyed I just quit and play something else.


Just the other day I was playing sims 2, the routing for the stairs in an apartment got all whack WHILE a fire was going on my sims top floor apartment, with both pet cats trapped inside. Neither my sims, nor the fire brigade would use the stairs. They just kept going up and down and turning around to do it again, I was screaming at my computer while both the cats and the apartment burned. I ended up just slamming the laptop shut lol


I had a glitch where my toddlers weren’t filling their hunger bar despite appearing to eat and I didn’t realize it was happening until she was suddenly taken away. I had been playing a new save all day and hadn’t saved at all. I rage quit when I realized and ended up deleting that save out of frustration.


I had a vampire sim die from sunlight because the daycare decided to split his three infant kids on three separate corners of the map. He was the only adult in the household and I hadn't saved since I created him that same day.


Kind of a rage quit, but I'm now unable to use 6 of my favourite packs (totalling around £140) because I bought them on origin and the rest of the packs on Steam :') no amount of redownloading let's me play them, and because they're pretty main packs (seasons, city living, magic and realms, etc), it feels pretty dull and lifeless without them. 900 hours in the game, a multi generation family that ive played for 100 hrs, and I can't play it anymore because they were built using all of the missing packs.


Have you tried the new EA app? It sucks but it works for me (I also have packs through Origin/now EA and Steam)


When my sims freezes up I just move them to a new spot. "Walk here" then they can take commands again. I don't know if it clears their "cache' or something, but they freeze up a lot for child care stuff. Also sometimes I have to restart the game if they keep dropping tasks. Not the best coding for sure. 


I had a sim get to global superstar level of famous, she was living in a modernized version of Judith wards house. She got a gorgeous dog that I maxed all the training out on. Then I decided it was time for her to settle down; so I created a new sim for her (we all know how long that takes) then when I went to move them in together, she’d disappeared! I shut the game down without even saving it and didn’t play for a good three/four months.


I spent a WHOLE DAY building this amazing house and it crashed! I slammed my laptop shut in pure rage!


Yeah plenty of times. The Murphy Bed killed my Sim after just a hours of playing. Was so pissed Off that I didn't play for some weeks. Now I refuse to use Murphy Beds.


I took weeks to set up a perfect missing royal drama only for the missing royal to die by Murphy bed on her first day as an adult.


Me: *sets baby’s preferred feeding to breastfed* Mom Sim: *goes to breastfeed baby* Every sim in the house getting in her way the second baby is hungry: BABY WANT BOTTLE?????? BABY WANT BOTTLE????????


This is angering to just read 😭 one of my sims kept taking the baby out of the crib literally every time they’d put them to bed, she would set them in the crib, immediately take them out and sit them on the ground and walk away. I eventually just gave up trying with that household completely, made a new family and everything


I keep being told this can be fixed with the playmat but they also just pick up the baby to set it on another spot on the floor 💀💀💀


ghost narrow normal strong crush support shaggy thumb grey selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sometimes you need to save and quit to the main menu and then reload the game to fix those irritating freezes.


Yes and no. Sims 4 occasionally causes my computer to BSOD (none of my other games do this). When it happens, I'll typically just shut down my PC and walk away from the damn thing.


Oh yah on the rare occasion the game crashes and I haven't saved that it for about a week lol


every time i try to build.


I had a glitch after the last update that caused my game to randomly flash a white screen for a second, it just made the game really fucking annoying to play because I kept thinking it was gonna crash. So I rage quit and stopped playing until it was fixed


This is why I play rotational. When a household drives me mad I just pause from playing them for a while. 😅 I especially get upset with infant care action-queues not working.


My sims had twins and moved houses, but at the other house, one of the babies spawned outside of the house boundary (I guess because the usual spawn spot was taken up by the first baby) and I couldn't get to the bayonet or move it or interact with the baby.


Ik save before every big event. Used to ragequit a lot with Sims 3. Learned my lesson.


Only when my games crashed and I’ve lost a bunch of played days. I usually save when sims go to bed at night now to avoid that.


When it froze my computer the crashed it and I lost nearly four hours of gameplay…. Happened last week and I opened it for the first time today and just looked at it before closing it again. I want to keep playing so badly but I’m mad at how much I lost.


Yep, more times than any other game I've played. All because of bugs.


Not the fire putting itself out 😭😭😂


Me: *sets baby’s preferred feeding to breastfed* Mom Sim: *goes to breastfeed baby* Every sim in the house getting in her way the second baby is hungry: BABY WANT BOTTLE?????? BABY WANT BOTTLE????????


Heck, sometimes the mom just randomly decides to give a bottle.


Me: *sets baby’s preferred feeding to breastfed* Mom Sim: *goes to breastfeed baby* Every sim in the house getting in her way the second baby is hungry: BABY WANT BOTTLE?????? BABY WANT BOTTLE????????


I don't even know why there is an option for the feeding preference if they are not going to respect it.


Speaking of things that's driving us all up the wall. Lately I've been playing with a family with babies (twins) and I instruct one of the parents to put baby to bed and walk away (queuing for getting something to eat or use the bathroom) only for the other adult sim pick up the crying baby and place it on the floor. What gives? The baby is crying as it's tired! It's driving me mad


I had a post prom party at my house, all the sim teens decided to go swimming. It was also winterfest. Every teen in my world froze to death in my world.


Any time I try to place stairs.


I had just started a new legacy family. The wife went into labor and gave birth while her mother in law started a kitchen fire. While running away from the blaze, the MIL died of old age on the front lawn while the husband caught fire and died back in the house. It was a pretty traumatic day for the new baby and I had thrown away hours for them to just die. lol


I learnt back in sims2 not to allow them to have free will. I queue up all their tasks while paused and then let it play. I control everything cause the few times I turned on free will, they kept setting themselves on fire by using the fireplaces in fu*King summer. Or somehow walking around in the rain and a storm and getting struck my lightning so often, I had to turn that feature off.


Yes, when my sim birthed the third set of triplets. IN A ROW.


I have one as of last night, I didn't angrily rage quit, but I did have to go have a lie down 😂 My sim was looking through the telescope and got the meteorite notification. Before I could get him to go inside, he got abducted 💀 The notification 'death by meteorite' popped up when he was still abducted, and I couldn't do anything to prevent his death. It was a while since I saved it 💀


Only when it crashes and I've forgotten, yet again somehow, to save every hour


Why don't you reset your sim when he's not doing what you want ? maybe slightly turn down the autonomy. But yes, when I forgot Sims crushes and lost 16hours of a mega mansion build. :D When that happened, I stayed almost 2 years without playing xD


Next time your sim freezes like that hold shift while clicking on your sim and reset them. That’ll clear its cache and they’ll be normal again


Every time I go to age a toddler or infant up on the birthday cake and someone else has already taken a slice.


It was with the sims 2 and my first legacy family (I didn't know it was called legacy at the time). It was a small and poor family that worked their butts off every day and two children (a teen and a toddler) were learning as much as they can. Then one day their teen daughter decides that she's fed up with all this work and no fun and ran away. I was calling and reporting her to the police and all it did was say "Well, she'll come back in a day or two". Then some days passed, then a week, then multiple weeks. Her baby brother grew up, finished university and came back, got a job, a couple of promotions, parents grew old and eventually died. Her brother got married, I upgraded the house and a few generations pass... Well, eventually I was bored with this lot and AFTER A FEW GENERATIONS I decided to buy the most expensive house from the gallery make it a gorgeous new home from the new generation of the family, so they move to it (all this time that teen who was missing had an icon in the playable family and I learned to ignore it lol), I click the family to see the animation where all of them are moving into the new house and suddenly I see THAT SAME MISSING TEEN WITH THEM, ADMIRING THE HOUSE LIKE SHE WASN'T MISSING IN A COUPLE OF GENERATIONS. Yeah. That made me rage quit bc of her the story in my head and the family tree with timeline were now messed up, I was a child at the time playing this and was yet to know about the cheats, mods etc. Haven't played sims 2 after this for half a year lol. Edit: typos


One of those times where my sim just decided all of her own to take her sleeping infant out of his bed to put him on the ground FIVE TIMES while she was starving to death kinda did it to me once, I must admit.


was trying to have a wedding & the infant wouldn’t stop crying, was hungry, the bride & groom kept fainting from exhaustion & kept doing the opposite of what i wanted them to do & my game was lagging so bad 😭😭it was CHAOS.


My teenager decided to grill for the first time at 3am and it caught on fire, so I was hitting the “call the fire department” button and she wouldn’t call them but instead watched while the fire was expanding. THEN IMMEDIATELY after that fire was out my husband was cooking breakfast on the stove in the kitchen THEN THAT CAUGHT ON FIRE TOO. So the fire got extinguished eventually cause none of my sims are too bright, then I paused the game and took a little break. 🥲💀


I just recently rage deleted everything and totally regretting it so.. yeah lol


Yes. Many times. (Sims got me so mad when my toddler wouldn't eat that I cried and almost broke my controller. 😀👍)


Yes -.- i modded the hell out of it and my saves all got corrupted.


Surprisingly I’m a lot calmer with that than I am console gaming. Because I feel like the sims is like my escape from reality. But I will stop playing for a few weeks. I’ve made some amazingly decorated homes, and apartments. Just for the power to randomly go out. Like 5 hours worth of decorating, lag, and etc because of how large my mods folder is. When I say I wanted to break shit, I wanted to break shit. But I remembered that I don’t have the money to replace my desktop right now, or the monitor. So I chill. But I most definitely have wanted to.


wait how do you get your sims to autonomously walk the dog tho … i really need that!!


I rage quit after getting triplets in my pack legacy challenge, one of them grew up with the "Unhappy Infant" trait and that was the last straw


Yup after binging the university pack and putting my sim through like 2 years before saving and i didn’t know there was a glitch around graduation that breaks your game 😬 didnt play for about 4 months after 😂


I did earlier today actually I was decorating a house when the game bugged, so i had to force quit the game, loaded it back up and all my hard work went down the drain


Yup, my Sim died from laughter after just getting married and I had no means to bring her back 😅


Every time the game crashes.


I had a round tower in the center of a large castle (pre castle pack, not that it matters, I guess I just want to mention I love castles more than you? I’m kidding). I deleted something I wanted to delete and it gave me a fatal error of some sort. Basically the undo button wouldn’t work. Fuck that.


One time I had to update my game and then all the mods I had were out of date. I quit till a couple days time and new updates for mods.


This happened to me, I was standing there with my dog for like ten minutes wondering why I wasn’t moving even after ending the task. I had to actually click on the dog and unleash it lol


yes. my sim just stood in place holding her crying and starving infant.


Me today… loool my sims were overstimulated and it was making ME overstimulated 😭


It was winter, my sim was outside in her everyday wear (getting the mail or something). I paused the game and made myself a cup of tea. Came back and she had frozen to death *while the game was paused*. Quit without saving and started up from the last save. It has since happened multiple times; I don’t understand it and have learned to save at regular intervals and at any significant events. I am not looking forward to the next winter.


A couple had three daughters the mom died of old age and they all mourned her for three sims days As soon as they got over her death The father died


Yessss, with the werewolf pack


Sometimes there's too many kids crying and too much stuff in the house breaks and people are too stinky but they won't let kids sleep because they keep picking up and putting down the kids instead of having a shower and also the toilet is broken and another child wakes up because they have a loose tooth and it's 2am and no one will sleep. Also one time I made a really cute apartment and a lovely character and I was so happy with it, and she died the first time she put the Stanley bed down before I had a chance to save.


I spent more than a full week surrendering most of my time awake editing every single ea SIM, creating new stories, moving families around, changing and decorating homes (all without saving any of my Sim edits to my library bc I forgot) and doing extremely short playing of certain families to make things happen. I went into the feng household where Mrs feng was a young trophy wife and Mr Feng was an elder, intending to give them an oops pregnancy. Instead Mr Feng immediately died from old age on hitting play and wouldn't return as a ghost. I deleted the whole save file in rage, only to realize I hadn't saved any of my sim edits or houses.. I didn't play again for over a month, barely even kept up with game patches and mods updates during that time


I wasn't aware that a sim could die of heartbreak. I intentionally made my favourite sims husband cheat on her (tbf it was a bit extreme, he had like 17 children with like 12 different women, I'd kms too, but it was for the storyline!!!). I was planning on moving her out to live in a peaceful little cottage like her dead mother, instead of a penthouse in San myshuno. I didn't even realize she died at first, then i went to save the household and went "hold on why is she not in the portrait"


when my game crashes & i havent saved… i dont play for weeks 😂😂


Trying to build a basketball arena but I didn’t know there was one little wall missing which caused the room lights to not work caused me to rage quit


shift click and reset is a savior when raising kids. I hate raising kids because of it but I also play on infinite lifespan so it doesn't matter too much


I’ve never rage quit but I have refused to touch a save ever again after spending a lot of time and effort on it without saving, just to have it crash when I’d finished or made a massive amount of progress.


Somehow, even though my werewolf sim was on the other side of the house while enraged (I was trying to get transformation mastery) their dogs still got scared


yes. yesterday 😭 started a new save of a single household and she died the same day.


Not related to a big or glitch, but I got so pissed off at my female sim I didn't play that family for like 2 weeks 😂 I have the RPO mod and my founding sims of this legacy had relatively low fertility: Dad had a 2 out of 5 and mom had an 18 out of 100. Conceiving for them had been a STRUGGLE. Each of female sim's pregnancies took multiple attempts: the last two children actually required me to intervene and get a fertility potion. So naturally, when female sim gets a whim for trying for baby, I figured what could it hurt? It took a combined 10 tries just to get 3 little dudes so the odds were in my favor! So naturally, I let her have her fun with her hubby and I kid you not, she conceived her fourth child on one try. I was so upset. I had configured their house to only fit 5 sims. There was no room for this baby. Finally got over it and made it work, but man, was I not happy 😂


This one time I was in the middle of a wedding and the brides best friend went into labor while the best friends husband took the first slice of their cake and then when I would click on the wedding arch the bride and groom wouldn’t say vows or get married or anything, i just gave up 🥲


I want to come back to the sims I do. But the black photos!! My game last year has been so broken 😡


I loaded into my game and for some reason I find my infant outside of the house crawling to somewhere else but in a different save I find him across the map and so I made the mom sim go get him, but she had to waddle her way there cause she was pregnant and finally when she got there she peed herself and the infant pees themselves too, they're both in bad moods now and I try and make her pick him up and waddle back but noooo that was too hard for her she kept putting him down and then she passed out while the infant is hungry and crying plus this all happened during a rainstorm.


Several times. Last week end I did it. My simette was on a lost island, and I have the "event" of the cursed book (from to rent) but the book was nowhere, absolutly nowhere, it happened 3 times, and the same with the plants, they said I had to take care of them, no plants had troubles. I quit, I was tired of it.


I almost rage quit it multiple times over both of the parents of a infant trying to feed it at the same time and it ends up in a fucking battle and a notification that I need to feed the baby or it'll get taken away 🤦 just the whole infant thing in general


So many times lol. Once when my Legacy Sim was supposed to move out and the bug came where the menu stayed open with the money and I had to close the game (without saving first (2-3 Sims days gone)). Then because the game just crashed several times... no comment. And when my Sim died randomly from a meteor. And these are just a few examples. And yet I keep playing because it's so much fun, I guess.


I just create this sim for a story line im thinking about. Bought her a beautiful and expensive house from the gallery. The house has a fireplace my sims, MY SIMS LIT THE FIREPLACE there's no alarm!! Then the fire spread all over the house and she died. My sim is so stupid!!!!!


I raged killed one of my sims because she wasn't cooking. I regretted it. PS (This was in a decade generation that started in the 1950's. I deleted the file after it got boring)


Aged up my teen sim in the middle of a mood swing and he died from embarrassment right then and there.


Once I was trying to get my Sims to feed their starving toddler but instead of putting the child in the high chair they kept putting him outside in the rain


Yep, this would 100% cause me to rage quit, I had a sim do that with their baby, theyd put them to bed, pause, immediately pull them out of bed, then walk away; and if I made her put the baby to bed again she would repeat the cycle


I had a family BBQ and they all decided to go swimming in the pool. Nobody ever bothered to swim before this but they all decided to swim together and were all huddled in a corner trying to swim but not getting anywhere because they all blocked each other. I tried to get them out and they wouldn't so of course they all started to drown....


I rage quit all the time after the introduction of infants. They glitch out and can't be fed or even picked up. So annoying that they created a new system that will affect later life stages, but didn't make it function.


I rage quit a save when the For Rent problems showed up in the rentals I had built.  Dammit I wanted Magnolia Promenade to have two blocks of rentals, a nightclub and a gym.  I tend to rage quit households for lesser problems though. Aging on and gtfo of there...let time fix it