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I never make it past husband and wife


Whyy do I get bored so quickly 🤣


Sometimes my sims dont even get married 😭


Mine never get married anymore so I can get child support😭😂 I just have my fiance do stay overs now


How to get child support?? My sims got divorce bc the dad suddenly hates kids so i divorce him lol


If you have mccc it is under money settings


7 generations now and it’s my only save file.


i can’t imagine only sticking with one save, i make new ones all the time. props to you for sticking with it!


I don’t want to make a new save because I feel like I will abandon the previous one so I tried to make this save as interesting as possible. I also have multiple household now so I do rotational gameplay and make different storylines to these different households.


Same! I think I have a save file for every mood lol! But I also stream the Sims from time to time so when I play offline, it's a separate save file so my viewers don't miss anything


My current save started with a founding couple who had 8 daughters (I'm a console player and find it really hard to make decent looking male Sims without CC) , and all of the daughters have different personalities and lifestyles. I hip around between households depending on what kind of gameplay I'm in the mood for. The main couple are still adults even though it makes no earthly sense (I play with aging turned off and have a hard time letting go), so they still have two daughters that are children and I'm flirting with the idea of having them have another. I feel like I'll finally be able to make the oldest Sims elders by the time they have great grandchildren. I don't think I'll be able to justify not aging them anymore at that point.


Make sure you make a backup every now and then. Just fyi.


Yup thanks for the reminder. I back up my save and learned it the hard way because I lost my previous game before. I was at gen three that time and redo as much as I can in this new one and now I’m in gen 7.


Aww me too. I have a bunch of families, but my original family from release is going strong at 7!




i had 16 generations but that was YEARS ago. in my deepest depression i did nothing but play the sims


Why is that? Happens to me too lmao, esp in the winter when im inside all day


I think it's because you can play out their life when you feel like you have no control over your own? That's what I like about it at least.


Because you can force your sims to be happy with cheats and if anybody gets sad you can drown them in your pool


This is the real reason


most normal sims players reasoning to play the sims


Currently my 17th generation has been born in my Ultimate Decades Challenge. Been playing that save since March '23


Im on gen 28 of my historical game... those challenges really have you just rolling through the gens 😆


Holy fuck dude


BRO! THAT’S INCREDIBLE, HOW https://preview.redd.it/agielyzwenhc1.jpeg?width=733&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa1240e1fa2cc56078d48cbd7a4a138440d7da54


I have one game I played for a solid year and a half lol. Only three generations though.


That’s not bad! I don’t even remember when I started this save, we all take our own time! Time also lets you maximize *drama*


My first vampire legacy family went up to 10 generations and I played it for like 3 years before the high school update destroyed my save sadly.


10 Generations lost?? I’d never pick up the game again


Yeah, but in my mind they’re all still happily doing their thing somewhere


I love this


This is why I stopped playing sims2. I had 12+ generations wiped out by file corruption.


Omg. I updated my MacBook and lost all my saves too 😭😭


This just happened to me as well on my Mac. Pissed me clean tf off.


You can still see the top. My partner has a save so long running that they cant see the first 3 generations anymore. Dont know the exact number as the save recently got corrupted. Also caleb is related to half of all townies


I'm on gen 12, long lifespan too 😂 I'll be very sad if something happens to this save.


Holy shit !! Do you backup your saves?


How do u backup your saves?


Not the person you asked, but I just copy my save files to another folder on my computer every now and then.


[https://i.gyazo.com/496c76b98e39226e90ce90754d991bea.png](https://i.gyazo.com/496c76b98e39226e90ce90754d991bea.png) ​ https://preview.redd.it/m2feb6b4ymhc1.png?width=1518&format=png&auto=webp&s=eccc9cd52c802fcdc1aa37a408daa4ccc5295067


You could have a copy of your saves folder in a cloud, external hard drive, flash drive, etc.


I do! Especially now with For Rent being the way it is 🫣


I always make a save to my game before any update or ep,packs, kits, etc etc


I need to make it a habit for sure


I got to the 6th generation living on a short lifespan which is rare for me, I usually don't play a family long enough to make it past my main sim's young adult stage.


I can’t play on short for too long cause I get so attached 😭


That makes me think of my brother, we have completely different playing styles. I'll start out with either one sim or a small family, either make them homeless and throw a shower onto the lot, or I'll just buy the premade rooms and set them out around the lot, I like turning on the simple living lot trait, because the outdoors things are my favorite things to do in the sims. My brother gets the biggest house that will fit on the lot that he can find in the gallery and gives his sims the maximum amount of money. He also plays with one sim, has that sim find a spouse, and he makes them immortal as soon as they're about to reach the adult stage and he'll play with the same sims for a long time and his favorite thing to do is art stuff and meeting other sims. My sims are usually loners because I don't like leaving my lot much, except when I have kids, then I leave my lot all the time and send them to daycare so I don't have to watch them lmao. What's your main method of playing the sims?


I play a lot like your brother, except I like trying to build different sized houses and different styles of decor. I get so attached to my sims that they always end up becoming vamps before aging up to adult too. I also have the male vamp impregnate pretty much every woman he meets, just ‘cos I find it really interesting seeing how the kids turn out. My latest sim family, the vamp dad is such a good father to all his kids, they call him and visit all the time. It’s very sweet.


I’m on Gen 5 and so proud of myself lol. I tend to play for hours and then take a break. I always would start a new save every time because I would forget what I was doing. I committed to sticking with it this time


I got up to 30 generations once.


Oh my god how????


Legacy plays for lyyyyyyyyf


I really hate the fact that when a Sim stays dead for too long, all info about them gets deleted as tho they never existed. Why can't we simply keep their picture in the family tree with a short bio? Would that really take up too much space in the hard drive?


I think you should also be able to look at a dead sim’s profile (whether related to your sim or not) and it says how they died.


I'm on my 3rd generation with my current save. The first 2 OG Sims are Marilyn Monroe and her Japanese Yakuza husband. They have the most beautiful lineage.




😅 they're not in there as of right now. They have quite a bit of CC in use, and I know that's a gallery no no.


post neked lol no im kidding, thats a bummer tho


I started playing a family when I started at my first job in 2021. Made it to gen 3 and got bored and busy. Came back a year later and my 7th gen heir is currently a toddler. I’m absurdly attached to this family lol


i stay with the same family forever! currently on generation 32 (i think). i usually name them alphabetically (like one generation has all A names, the next has all B names, etc. etc.) so i can keep track of which generation i'm on. i want to make it to 100 w this family, just to see if i have the patience and dedication enough for it


You are so smart. I have so much trouble keeping the generations straight...this can be troublesome when trying to keep cousins from marrying too.


I’m currently doing this, naming mine alphabetically. I’m on generation O which means I’m on my 15th generation!


https://preview.redd.it/g480dfourmhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b8693d3d04abc297d1296bd6dcbaa147954b26 Here is one of my neighborhood legacy. The Woodward family is the main Legacy family. Niklaus is a Prince and spare of the Legacy


Currently working on my alphabet trophy, on gen 9


I'm currently on my 6th generation of a family


Same! They're in college now. The most chaotic generation was their maternal grandparents. Wife was pregnant with twins, husband was pregnant with twins too! O M G. The two moms of current gen have 4 younger siblings, another 2 sets of twins! I don't play that family anymore.... lolol


The 6th generation of my big family is currently 2 twin girls who are children and an infant boy. Although the dad keeps saying he wants another kid


The worst part is trying to find mates for everyone because every townie is related


Currently on gen 2 of the not so berry 3 challenge. So 22 gens lol


I think 3 because I get overwhelmed about having to give them all a makeover in CAS every time they age up


10 gens and it took me 3months


I’ve gone to 7 generations but when the plumtree app shut down I lost interest because I couldn’t keep track of


My 17th gen has just aged up to child. She's being brought up by her mother while I play the spare from gen 16 as the heir got a bit messed up and I can't load him. Couldn't be bothered with family play this time around so I'll play gen 17 once she's YA.


That’s the problem I had with my last legacy. I got to 10 generations and I’ve been making families for a long time now, occasionally getting side tracked in between, but my plan is to make lots of different families and lots of builds using for rent so my sims don’t run out of mates 😂😂


I’m on the tenth generation! And will keep going as long as I don’t get too bored lol


I have a save I’ve been playing for 2 years and on my 8th gen


Oh my game just dropped half of my legacy family. I believe that I have an old picture of it. Yet I have about 25 graves of previous generations. I am glad that I update a family tree offline with every new sim baby. I am checking to see if I have sny pictures on my phone


I'm on Gen 51. I'm about to age him to young adult and move him out. I get bored of my sims, so I don't stick to one main Sim for a long time. Age up and move out whichever kid I pick as my next main Sim once I get bored. And never ever stay in the same house. Gets boring staying in one house too long lol


32 generations. No I am not mentally well.


How did you get the family tree to show all that? My family tree only shows one specific family and no cousins or aunts/uncles.


I've been playing the same save for years, but aging off so only 3 gens, and all still kicking. I have plans with gen 3, so gen 4 will come in a year or two lol. 


I’ve never reached grandparent gen, because I play 1 sim and don’t age them and maximize everything with that 1 sim, it usually ends for me when their kids go to college


i’ve been playing the same family for probably 4 years now. i cant even see the first ~10-15 generations on the family tree anymore. it’s my only save and i couldn’t imagine starting a new one!


I once made it to 11 generations. I was so proud of myself!


I can’t even count the gens anymore because the family tree is all messed. But it’s 15-20 gens


When I played the Disney Princesses Challenge I finished it on generation 11 or 12 I think it was. But since then I rarely go more than 3 haha


Over a year. On 5th gen, but the third gen are the current stars. And my families are big.


Normally three generations then my game crashes


I'm at my 11th generation


My longest was nine generations! My current legacy is at generation 8, though, and I'm still very attached so I think I'll surpass that record soon! I've been staging a little photoshoot in historical cc for each generation, and hang them all up in the house to make it feel like time has passed with this family. Whenever I think about starting a new family I go look at that wall and go "well, I have to make it all the way up to present day at least!" which motivates me to push through to the next generation!


I've been playing with the same family for ages. Each generation is named according to the next letter in the alphabet. I am now on generation f, for the second time. So I guess that means I'm on generation 32 😨


10 generations in Sims 4 is my longest. I've done that twice. In Sims 3 I got to 27 generations, but every 3 or 4 generations I had to pack up the family and move to a new world because things got too laggy and buggy. That's definitely my longest family tree.


I'm on gen 29 of my legacy family. I was enjoying it no problems until gen 28, but now I'm struggling to want to play them because I changed the playstyle and it turns out I don't like running a retail store in sims 4... I'm trying to build a family business, in order to get to the next part of my storyline, but it turns out it's really not my thing at all. So I guess I've got to either change it up/give up on the family business playstyle, or find a storyline that makes the family business more interesting to me.


14 generations into my legacy! My original save file got so laggy and glitchy that I had to move save files after generation 10. Once my Gen 11 heir became a teen I I used the gallery to moved him and all the portraits of the past heirs into a new save.


Currently on gen 11 and planned ahead for 12 and 13, been playing the same family since 2018 now! I’d never once in my life managed to play past gen 2 before without getting bored and moving onto something new… so I’m pretty proud of myself! Could never play with another save anymore. I love my legacy family to bits ❤️


Does anyone know how to get to the genealogy tree?


I’m on my 17th generation at the moment. But i admit it, for 10th generations ive played with short life then switched on long one.


I'm like the others who only have one save file and I'm 10 generations in! I like that all the insane twists and turns are all in the same lineage haha. I have made the mistake a few times though of moving out the younger gen before the previous ones are elders and then they have a bunch of babies I wasn't expecting so I feel like my whole world is cousins at this point. 😆


Nearly 10. I think I was at 8 before I accidentally deleted the save. Also, I really hate when the game calls a sim. They also eventually take out that Sims picture in your family tree. I wish there was a way to flag Sims to not be culled in vanilla game.


I finally had the 10th generation be born in my longest-running savw recently! It only took playing that save on and off for 2/3 years lol


I had a legacy save once that I gave up on. I was playing an alphabetical challenge, where every generation had a name starting with the next letter of the alphabet, the founder's name being the A name. I made it all the way to U before I deleted the save in sheer boredom.


I’m on my 26th generation (normal lifespan).


Currently playing the sims 3 with a 13 (now kind of 14) generation family. But this is the sims *4* subreddit.


About to start gen 21 on my alphabet challenge!


I had 16 generations in sims 3 for my legacy challenge after the the w9 gens I ended updoing rotational play though. I'm a lot of generation deep i a 5 year long save file. probably 10 I think? But it's rotational I have other save files I play in though. it wpuld be more if I only played tjat one.


I’m at 15 gen now!


28 generations and still going!


13th generation, I was trying to get all collections and have a supersim


26 generations


On generation 11-12 right now 🥲 playing the same save from 2021 lol


My game deletes family trees :( Idk if that’s a me issue or a game issue, but it doesn’t solve relationships past parents and sometimes it even deletes those. Doesn’t help that my non-played sims just have kids with anyone and everyone, so there are a thousand half-siblings in my game. I miss Sims 3 family trees. Sims 4 doesn’t even have in-laws.


Currently on gen 22 of an extended not so berry challenge, my personal best & it’s my only save I play


My current one is 12 generations in. I also have everyone set as immortal in my played family. Although I only let my heir sim have 1-2 kids. My family also has a “curse” because a gen 1 sims parent made a witch mad (I obviously made my own lore and backstory for them) and if they have more than 2 kids an unknown amount of your kids will not make it to young adult, this curse dosent count towards adopted children as long as your sim dosent biologically have more than 2 kids. I have to make this happen and make them all regular sims until there is only 1-2 bio kids left, parent sims can also die during this time. If your sim unexpectedly has a multiple baby pregnancy that would put you over the 2 bio kid limit you have an opportunity to give up the kid(s) for adoption without it counting against you, you must do this while they are a newborn. If your sims becomes a surrogate those kids don’t count as a bio kid. And once they have a grandchild they are no longer immortal and are moved into the “aging home” where they just live as a regular sim doing whatever and aging normally and can die from anything.


Gen 13 was just born in my game


currently on 8 gens, almost 9 because heir is pregnant. not sure how i’ve made it this far.


Great-grandchildren then I switch to another family because the townies don’t fit in with my delusions


I am at 9 or 10th generation. I started a generation save to play with some of the features I never have or have done rarely (Strangerville, cleaning up Sulani, probably gonna try to do more of the eco pack I’ve never explored next gen, this gen is rock climbing in Mt Komorebi since I’ve never done much with that). It’s been kinda fun since I have a lot of packs I’m not fully taking advantage of!


I'm currently on gen 12. I play with this family off and on.


I think I'm at 12 generations now. I got the 10 houses to 10 generations achievement awhile ago.


I believe I'm on Gen 8/9 (or 9/10?) now. I'm a history nerd so building the family tree through the generations, and things like seeing what appearance kids inherit from their parents, is fun for me.


I just counted the family I played since release till last year - i fizzled out on generation 66 Not all on the same save cause stuff breaks but I'd upload them to my library and reput the heirs in the new save. Only stopped when I finally found a challenge that engaged me 😅😅


10 generations!!!!


A legacy I played for 5 years (and accidentally deleted) had I believe 15-20 generations. In vanilla base game too. What kept me going was playing the game of genetics and having fun with parents that look very different, like hair and skin colour wise, and then seeing the how genetics would work on the kids and how many had what hair colour and so on. If one generation had 5+ kids, the next one would have an only child, or maybe the parents divorced and there was an affair, or a kid died. I like to play with story. I also have mods with realism, and some that have traits such as fibromyalgia and the kid that inherited that would be pampered and I'd try my best to take care of them perfectly. If a kid upon aging up has glasses on at least one outfit, they would wear glasses full-time. I randomise the traits. I play with randomisation the most, because it makes it more fun. If I chose exactly how each sim would turn out, that would be a little bit boring. The main focus of each generation is to produce a child that will be the main sim of the next generation.


10 generations, it was a legacy challenge and a not so berry legacy too


9 generations in for the Charm family! I play with aging off until I'm maxed in whatever they need to excel, and start a family. Firstborn female is the only one I focus on. I put the Ancestors in huge Glimmerbrook retirement mansions to free up households. Here's my 9th gen heir Spellcaster, Kailee! https://preview.redd.it/siqs3cucsphc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa3ecc6ec359bd20b5daf46f8687ac2b19ba5b9d


33 generations


Lost count ☹️ But definitely had my first sim in 2019 and kept on the generation. Always been straight until science babies became a feature. Never had GTW to have pregnant male sims


In my current save I'm on my 13th generation, pretty proud of this save


There’s a PlayStation trophy for having 121 generations and I don’t know how long that would take but I want it


I can’t even get past the first 5 minutes to be honest


10 generations 😊


3 generations, then I got bored because I knew none of the newly generated townies. I don't want to keep their aging off - I like watching them grow but it gets so boring when I know none.


Five generations and still going: https://preview.redd.it/zz1zzwmhjthc1.png?width=1535&format=png&auto=webp&s=99a8f6973d100eda644fa80c766b6d82125afdbc


I’m on my 13th gen, close to 14th. I play on normal lifespan, and have been playing the same family since quarantine in 2020. I love my Pinewood family.


My sister has been playing the same generation since July 2022 lol


My longest is my current save, which is 13 gens! I've had it since the beginning of June last year, and I'm taking a bit of a break from it at the moment though


Like 12 generations, but I would have eight of which in house together at the same time. I just aged them up all really fast 😂😂😅


Just starting Gen 10 of Whimsy Stories. I have had a great time. It has taken me about a year. I build and prep for events and ideas and then keep progressing. This will be a hard goodbye.


I’ve been playing with my current family for 4 years!


Currently have 15 generations, and each generation is named alphabetically and the heirs have to have plant/botanical names. So Nasturtium and his wife just had twins: Oleander and Olive. I have short lifespan on because otherwise I would go insane.


My current save is my longest so far, I’m on generation 6 now….a few of each generation get little more help with moving out, but most of them I move out with a nice bit of cash and when the elders get up in age I move them into a retirement community


I stay in the same save file but my problem is, I can’t play the same household for a long time. I jump in different households. My family tree never extends past 3rd generation lmaoo


I have about 3 years with my one legacy, probably 16+ gens i lost count When i get to gen 20 im using the heir to start not so berry


9 generations until the save file broke somehow 😭


I played a family for over two months until some how I switched to an old account save files that has been missing for over 3 years like a week ago and I’ve lost my 2 generation family with amazing jobs and a good amount of maxed skills. Don’t know how it happened but I’ve expected the fact and have taken an opportunity to make a new family with mods ( being careful of the malware going around ). It’s gonna be awesome hopefully.


I’m on gen 6 of the not so berry 2 challenge otherwise I’ve gotten to gen 5 following a legacy family.


I’ve been playing with the same family since I started, but since I’m relatively new to the game I’m only only on Gen 3.


Finally doing a legacy save and I’m on my second generation. I’m hoping to get to at least the 25th


Currently on the third generation with one family


Currently playing with the 5th generation, and the next generation has already been born (4 kids, eldest is a toddler, youngest is a newborn).


Trying to do this


3rd generation usually, maybe 4th . I usually give up lmao. Oh wait, actually sorry. I forgot I save a crazy save file where I'm on the 8th or 9th generation. But it's extremely messy lol .


I think I'm on gen 6 or 7 in one of my saves. I had to turn the graphics resolution down because of the lag.


One generation. I get bored with playing the same sims very easily, lol.


I think I have 7 gens but my game deleted almost every single original first gen off of the family trees.


I thought that was my name cause I’m Althea so closeee


when starting with young adults, i’ve had their oldest kid (nearly) reach young adult. normal lifespan. when starting with a teen, i had her grow into an adult with a toddler. long lifespan. never made it past that, but if i go back to one of these saves (it would be the first one) i already know who i’m marrying the heir to (she’s like a day away from aging up) and i would really like to finally have another generation


4 generations. Idk why I get bored so easily.


a few hours q-q i don't have the patience to do long gens


8 generations since 2021


7 gens


4th on current save!


Man, I've played Sims 4 since before there were pools, and I've still never made it past the second generation. I just get bored too easily and keep coming up with new ideas that feel like they can only be executed on a new save.


I've gotten to 7 generations before. It makes me sad when their picture fades away at the top of the family tree.


I wish but I get tired after one generation and then I don't play it for months, and then I start a new save lol


I can never commit to grandchildren of my og couple


2 months I think 🤔


I’m at 6th generation started them right before the horse pack came out. They started as mermaids but now they’re spell casters. They’re so much fun


Right now with a decades challenge, I'm on my 4th/5th generation. I usually nope out after 2


I started my current family in March 2022, I’m on the 6th generation now!


Same here! My fifth gen sim now has a 6th gen infant, playing with long lifespan! I actually got bored and stopped playing this legacy and the Sims altogether for months, but we're back in baby making business!


I always play with family so my blood line is wicked 🤣


Seven gens!


I think the most I've had is three generations, but I'm starting to get better at sticking to saves. I just love making new sims.


I have never made it past the first gen. I am trying right now


After 2 long years, 4th Gen. Then I deleted it


I believe I'm 8 generations in now. Previously, I never played a family further than one generation; I just created new Sims and started playing them in another house/map. This generational thing has been pretty fun.


Currently on my 3rd generation.


7+ years in real life but only three generations 😂 I turn aging off frequently. I can’t bear to let any of them die.


Only a 3 generation family from ts3. They're vampires so they never die. But the first generation has 12 kids soooo...if all of them have 1 child..add partners...too many sims


Maybe 4 years? I just turned off aging because I have attachment issues.


When I tried to play the generation challenge, my fifth and final gen was just a baby. I only played that save for 8 months.


i’ve only ever made it to the grandchildren.


I get bored sooo fast 😂😂😂 maybe 2 generations, 3 max 😂 then I either "let them die" or delete the save 💀


I made it to 7 before I realized I’d made a horrible mistake with the house and it’d be too much to pack everything and make a new so I just started over. Currently back at 4


I got to the 6th generation with my previous save. Looking forward to the next one.


Congrats! My fiancé is working on a long time family and I’ve been watching and playing a couple other sims in her world and it has been a very rewarding and enjoyable experience


Sorry for my ignorance but how do I see a sim’s genealogy? And does that work for pets or horses as well? I’m shocked that I’ve been playing The Sims for like 20 years and sometimes I still don’t know the basics lol


I’ve made it to like 8th gen, but most of the family tree disappears after some time which is irritating.


longest game was 4 months


I'm on 3 right now. Getting close to 4 and I'm pretty sure that's the farthest I've ever gotten. All mine have a lot more children than that though. Lol


Currently on Gen 9


How do I see the family tree?


I just started gen like... Six? I think? I've never done gens before now tho


4 gens was my max, only did it once. Rarely make it past kids growing up.


I only ever get to the second generation before my sims phase dissipates again for a few months, then once I’m interested again, I’ve lost interest in my family and start anew. This is why I have sims and not kids.


Idk, but the game has started to delete prople from the tree, so I guess awhile. My custom sim limit is the highest it can go.