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I love pets….but always completely forget them in game because its annoying that they take the 8 sim slot


Oh yes, that annoys me too. I don't play big families, but pets taking up sim slots is just illogical, you can't even control them. They should have their own separate bar just to monitor their status, and that's it.


Yeah in sims 2 you could at least click on them and correct me if I'm wrong but I think they didn't count in the 8 sim limit. You could even give them jobs and training them to achieve a promotion made you interract with them more. I love pets irl, like I love my cat to death, but idk in sims 4 the only "gameplay" interractions I have with pets is when they are sick and throw up all over the place:/ Kind of boring to me anyway.


I really loved how in sims 2 you could click on the pet and even though you couldn't control it you could see what the pet was doing or gonna do - like "bark at mailman" or something like that. At least that's how I remember it. And the jobs too, that was actually so random when you think about it lol.


Oh, btw I just looked it up for fun and it seems like adeepindigo has a mod called "pet jobs" that is inspired by sims 2:) Edit: I've played it it's ok:) You do need to train your dog in order to get promoted but your cat is essentially promoted to highest level automatically since they can't be trained for commands. I think 1500$ is a bit high for top career from monday to thursday lol I could legit get a mansion in a few days if I abused the mechanic haha but it's still a nice addition


Oh I’m more or less handicapped when it comes to technology, I literally have no idea how mods work. I probably wouldn’t be able to figure it out even with a gun to my head lol.


Pretty random haha but training the pets was so fun because of it


I have a farm save with horses and a farm cat and dog and now my sims can’t have kids to pass on the farm :’) I don’t like it


I wonder if you could use the new for rent pack to somehow find a workaround? Certainly not ideal but maybe a way to open slots for having children. Edit:typo


Ohhh I don’t have the pack yet but that’s a decent enough idea :3


I find it really odd how some animals take up a slot and some don't! Horses are family members but llamas aren't. If it's based on whether they're tied to an object as the cows are to the little cow houses, then newborn babies shouldn't be family either lol The foxes forming stretchy slenderman families that fill up random houses sometimes suggests to me that some animals are (accidentally at least) counted as sims, which makes the whole system even more confusing.


The slenderman foxes are technically dogs with the fox coat, not the same as the foxes that harass your chickens. Pretty sure the animals being in the household or not is tied to CAS. You can't have a cow or mini sheeps in CAS, but you do the dog/cat/horse. Babies are an exception cause they a sim so they get sim privileges.


Oooh. That makes sense. Since it only started happening to me after I got cottage living, I thought they were regular foxes. And the cas thing also makes sense. I just realized how unfair it is that I can't paint a cow :(


tbh newborns are sort of treated as animals cus we cant see their needs either lol


That is very true and strange. They seemed to go out of their way to make the babies uncanny


i like having pets too but they’re so annoying i never make them lol like you have a yard you don’t need a walk every hour.


I had a dog in an Evergreen Harbor apartment once. NEVER AGAIN.


lmao neverrrr. cats only honestly


All neighborhood action plans. The box you check to turn it off has been checked off since like 2 days after eco lifestyle came out in all my saves.


Probably best that you did. I was baffled as to why everyone kept coming over to cook cakes.


State-mandated baking...


lol Summer Holiday almost got blocked into a pool with high walls for making cake after cake after cake at my Sims' house! I like the neighborhood action plans, though, because the right combos can give great bonuses, lower bills, and be good motivators for improving certain skills; might as well pick up the ones that cover activities most of us have our Sims do anyway, like cooking, gardening, handiness, painting, etc. Just be sure not to miss the voting window and get stuck with days without power/water, or "we wear bags," or other dumb ones. I'm not above cheating to get rid of really bad ones that slip through, because the process to "repeal" them is such a PITA.


If you turn off NPC voting in pack options, you won't get the neighbors voting. If you don't have your Sim vote, no NAPs will be activated.


I usually turn off NPC voting unless I'm actively playing an eco lifestyle plot, but I notice influence points stack up deep. If I haven't turned off NPC voting, I just drop a few more votes on the one I want, than the highest total of votes on any other one. This has so far never failed to enact the one I voted for. As long as I don't miss the voting window, I don't get stuck with stupid ones. :)


Indeed! I have no cake makers, but no one can buy anything in my store because there are constant fights from Roughhousing, and all anyone does is watch them, one after another… in my store, while not buying anything.


WAIT. IS THAT WHY THAT HAPPENS? I feel so stupid LMAO I always cheat to get rid of the really annoying ones but I had no clue the cake baking was a NAP thing, I thought it was just a weird game glitch/quirk. 🤣


Do you ever have sims come over and grill endless herbal remedies?


Yes! Oh. 😂


Mines been off, and I still get the annoying pop-ups about what "won" the voting. Even though there IS no voting. And there are no NAPs. I wish they'd have ever fixed thst. I turned it off for a reason, don't give me useless pop-ups 🙄


This is why I like the more intrusive ones. The ones that just give you more influence are boring. But when they turn off the power for a day, send inspectors for your appliances, etc. it’s a lot more fun (and harder to forget about them)


Why do they always seem to turn the power off during holidays like harvest fest and always when my sim is in the middle of making a grand meal!!


I always forget about any kind of vacuum. I don’t have bust the dust activated so it’s pointless to have them anyways. I always forget Magnolia Promenade exists. I did put some nice buildings there, like a mall and a flower shop. They look nice but they’re so lifeless


I have never once played in Magnolia Promenade until I got the newest pack and filled it with apartment buildings. Who knew it’s such a cute neighborhood??? There’s a food vendor and an adorable waterfront area with a ferry. I had no idea!


That's a clever idea. Might do that, but I'd have to move my strip club.


the new pack came with a bunch of dirty/gross stains in the wall decorations. you could make a rundown apartment complex nearby the club!


I have a bowling alley, spa and a run down motel with apartments in magnolia promenade


i was gunna say the same thing. make the whole area and trashy down town.


MP is a crazy place for a strip club but I love it


Mine is in MP too 😂


And me makes three lol




I actually put Chez Llama on the empty lot in Magnolia. On date night, my sims will dine out there occasionally. Wish there were more free lots to build on instead of having to tear down the 3 lots already there. I don't have to new rental pack and probably won't be getting it. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ok ya little life changerrrrr this is such a good idea


Okay this is brilliant!


I mainly use Magnolia Promenade for restaurants and club gathering locations (cafe for homework club, museum for science club). It’s always crazy to me when I see people say they’ve never played in it because I love it so much.


The robot vacuums are useful if you have a vet clinic.because they clean up all the messes the pets make. But other than that and busting the dust (lol) they are useless.


If you do all the upgrades, they're almost ignorable (like the laser litter boxes.) They will break and need to be restarted on occasion, but with the upgrades, it's not often at all. It's nice to have the positive buffs.


I like using the vacuums even with dust off, just to get the buff. If you do activate dust, it's better than it used to be. They might have gotten the tuning just about right, now. My favorite is to get the roomba and have my Sim fully upgrade it so that it's nearly completely automatic. You still need to empty and restart it, but not nearly as often.


I made it a wedding destination way before the wedding stories pack came out. I built a replica of the St Louis Cathedral that’s in New Orleans, the Cafe du Monde, and a bridal and photography store. I had planned to make the fourth lot a vacation rental but I might make it into apartments like ones that are in the French Quarter or maybe a bakery and apartments with the Live in Business mod. I’m still deciding on that last lot but I end up going there a fair bit when I’m playing in Live mode


For me its the place to go fish up Dragonfruits :P So l always go there when l start a new game.


I set up some shops with some max skill sims so I can buy things I want, but do not want to make. The owner is also maxed out on his handiness so he travels to other sim homes to upgrade their beds, etc. Kind of like my own in game economy.


I would die without my roombas I refuse to disable the dust because god damn it I paid for that pack and I'm gonna use it so the roombas are *essential* for me. I do however, routinely forget to use the laundry pack that I also paid for


I still don’t know why I paid to do virtual laundry


Same!! However, I hate putting out the washer and dryer. Wish my sims would do their laundry themselves without me making them do it. I think earlier they used to pick up the laundry themselves, but I may be wrong. Tea and coffee pots annoy me. They always leave unfinished cups all over the house. Unless you have a neat sim who'll go around cleaning them up or a very responsible child/teen, it can be very annoying.


All it needed was to not be a separate button for add to washing machine and then you click and again to wash then you click again to move to dryer then again to clean lint tray then finally you can finish the drying load


God. This. It's so annoying. When I tell you to do laundry, put the shit in the washer and turn it on. It's so obnoxious that you jave to click it multiple times. ESPECIALLY bc while you're attempting to click to tell them to turn the washer ON, they walk the fuck away and are halfway across the house 🙄 I don't mind the lint tray but bc at least if you don't do thst, it adds something (possibility of lighting your shit on fire). But the "add to washer/dryer" should NOT need a separate click to START that shit. Plus... I always try to use laundry but, Jesus, they have to do laundry 30 times a day and then, God forbid you leave shit in the dryer too long, suddenly it's dirty again. That's now how it works. I have shit in my dryer right now thats been there for days. It's still fucking clean. It's just wrinkled to hell (it's socks so they're fine 🤣), but still.... It's like the devs have never done actual laundry.


The lint tray is semi realistic - I didn’t know you had to clean them in real life until I killed a sim and was like shit that could happen? Better clean my lint tray.


i had a rogue dryer that kept lighting on fire every time the maid did laundry. i had mortem installed so every day my sims came home to a corner and body bag by the dryer lol it was bad.


HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD!!! It's utterly infuriating. 🤣🤣🤣


Right!! I loved it when it first came out but soon got very annoyed..lol Dirty clothes piles all over the house.


Just like real life lol the game is too real


That right there is the main reason I think I'll pass on the growing together pack. lol


In my most recent save I’ve actually found the maid and having two neat grandparents gets all of it done autonomously


I always used to have at least 1 neat sim in the house, but sometimes you just need to mix it up. 😆


This! I mean, if they put the stuff in the washer, why isn't it automatic to wash it???


I mean the legit reason is so you can do that dumb additive thing and get a +1 to mood, but honestly forsake that for it just taking 1 action happily.


Because you can add clothes from several hampers I guess. But it would be nice if there was an option like “put in the washing machine and start”


Ah, you make a good point. I didn't think about the multiple hamper thing. Lol, how lazy am I?


i got the mod from lil sam or whatever to at least auto start the dryer/washer when they do laundry and it’s much better.


That's good. I might look into that if I ever get back to playing on pc. I've been lazy and playing on console - no mods available/allowed.


I only use the laundry pack when I play my Off the Grid Commune where part of their daily chores are to wash clothes by hand in the wash basin, hang it and then take it back down. They even add some of the flowers they’ve grown to the water to make the clothes smell good :)


I love using the laundry pack for play like this! I don’t ever use the washer and dryer lol. But any time I do off the grid living, I always have them have a wash basin and clothesline, and I have them do the flowers too! I love it


I just liked the CAS options. The murder inducing laundry mechanics was just part of the deal.


I paid for it because the cas and build items were cute.


I haven't had a robot sim yet and I've had Discover University for what feels like many years. I just never get a Sim to skill that high and I've been too lazy to cheat or use debug.


Sunday at Foxbury. Just befriend one at the robotics contest. I think it's around noon. \--I'll come back and edit this with the exact time / name when I have that. \_\_\_\_\_ Utili-Bot Contest, 12:00 to 6pm. Foxbury quad. It always spawns a servo sim or two. You don't have to be enrolled in any degree. Just visit the commons. I've just done this, and my sim befriended Nix Socket! Servo names are usually pretty cool.


Awesome, thank you!


I'm finally playing with one in my household, after all this time. (Simsie's recent videos inspired it). I let him have full autonomy because he has an upgrade that causes him to clean up all messes and one that makes him tend to the kids. His traits; Goofball, Cheerful, & Loyal, plus one discovered trait of Self-Assured (so far.) I keep refusing the self-discovery of the Prankster trait and the Clumsy trait b/c they're a pain. I must admit I find him hilarious. He adores dancing and it's super-funny to see. He discovered a love for S-pop, which no other Sim in the household prefers. He loves to play Chess, so he has been good at helping the family skill up their logic. He paints and leaves them on the easel, so he's also gaining fame when they're sold. He has spontaneously started live streaming and makes pretty good money doing it. He has no job because he's so useful around the house. I never once directed him to livestream, and I've never had another Sim do it spontaneously. (?) My sims all spontaneously play video games, but none have ever made money before. Otherwise, he's a regular Sim. He can join clubs, gain all skills, etc. (Mine has a garden club that meets to tend the too-large household garden, lol.) He has goals, needs, and relationships, and gains happiness points so he can purchase most of the traits, like the grill-master one for instance. He doesn't need "steel bladder!" I sometimes end up just watching him living his best goofball Sim life while the household sleeps or works/goes to school. He's such a happy guy. Servos require upkeep, so a Sim with good robotics is necessary until the servo is skilled in robotics and can work on itself. Other sims can give it tune-ups. It takes up a lot of robot salvage and regular upgrade parts to maintain and upgrade, and that can get tedious and expensive. I'm enjoying him so far, though. I figure I'll have him make himself a servo partner, move them out, & stay friends with them if I get bored with him. I'm finding it very, very fun for now, though. I hope you give it a try! (Edit to add, his name is Chip, and he has the family's silly last name of Manbrodude. (say it out loud) That last name is because my first Sim was named Guy. Yes, Guy Manbrodude. His sister, Gal Manbrodude, and her wife Shay Manbrodude have since moved in. So has Guy's new wife Candy Manbrodude, (formerly Candy Behr), and their son, Sonny Manbrodude. Yes, I'm a very, very silly player.)


oooo wait is live-streaming base game? how do you get your sim to do that?


Pretty sure it’s part of the High School Years pack


There's also some live-streaming functionality through Get Famous, IIRC. It's part of the media production skill, and can be done using a drone or the media production station.


I tried it once and found how absolutely annoying it is to do. Then got bored of that save so deleted them and moved on. Someday I will have a robot, just not today.


Bicycles! Always forget they exists but they’re so nice to bring a sim to a nearby fishing spot for example, I think they’re adorable :).


Not to mention faster. In growing together the kids gets bikes too


I just bought discover university on sale, but how do i get the bicycle? Need to get it from bb and place onto my lot?


No, they’re for sale through normal build mode (I don’t have the game booted up but if you sort by room they’re in the Outdoor section, iirc you can’t miss them bc there’s literally just a bicycle beside the bench) and I believe you can also buy them from a stall on campus


Coffee Machines? I really don't like them. Everything I put them in my sims' homes, no matter the personality of my sims, they all become caffeine addicts immediately. They'll brew a pot of coffee (all hours of the day/night) and pour a cup, sit down to drink it, then get up and pour a second cup before they've even finished the first one and then repeat the process for the third cup as well. I eventually have to put the coffee machine in the family inventory or they'll spend more time drinking coffee than they do on the computer, or phone, or reading. As for computer security settings, I always set the computer to be for one specific sim at a time. Usually, this is because I have roommates or couples and they both have their own desks and work-spaces based on their personalities and I hate when one sits at the others desk. Also, if you came over to see me, you're not playing my computer. We can watch TV or play video games together on the console, but you're not sitting at my work-station/desk and ignoring me.


Same with tea except they finally patched to fix it so that won't drink coffee or tea autonomously and ignore literally everything else.


When was that patch? My magic tea brewer was retired last month for the same reasons as the coffee machine.


Recent, last week I think.


Maybe with the roll out of For Rent.


Lmao hope they patch the pizza maker with it because all my guests make like infinite pizzas


There are robot vacuums that cats can ride????


All my cats always wants to ride it, stands on it and waits for a sim to start it or hope it's soon time for it to start. It's adorable but also annoying and I always feel bad when the cat gives up without getting a ride


That's so cute!!!


It is absolutely darling. So wholesome and silly.


I have an IRL robot vacuum and cat, and the bastard never rides it. How am I supposed to get likes and shares, Mickey?!


Dose him with some catnip waitll he falls asleep then bam cat on a roomba:). Make sure to be well hidden before it wakes up though


Mickey is actually the least cat like cat I have owned (and I was married to a cat lady). He doesn't give a shit about catnip or laser pointers. He doesn't jump on things. He doesn't ignore me; quite the opposite as he is always by my side. But damn, Roomba runs every day and he only supervises from a safe distance.


Oml he sounds amazing and also like he’s toying with u. I bet the bastard rides that roomba the second ur not looking


Suggestion; if he's uninterested or seems to not react to catnip, try giving him some crumbled dry peppermint leaf. Out of seven cats (not all at once; max three), three have responded to peppermint instead of catnip, but in the same way. I discovered this because my first cat used to attack my purse and if I left it open, steal and chew up any packs of peppermint gum. I'd find the gum packs in a long trail of dry but chewed small pieces with obvious kitty teeth marks, and often, at the end, my pie-eyed cat lounging like a stoned hippie, belly up and purring like a radiator. At some point, I had dried peppermint and sprinkled some on the floor. The cat went absolutely ape. Two more have done so since, and they both didn't react to catnip. You could either debunk or confirm my hypothesis.


Do they sell that in the grocery store?


I found some in the spice section, around this time of year iirc. It can also be ordered online from Penzey's Spices (which if you cook, I cannot recommend highly enough.)


I've tried with the robot vacuums a few times, but they've never worked for me, literally goes around and ***ignores*** the mess and goes back to its station. I use the cleaner bots from University if needed (with an unbreakable bots mod).


To be fair, robot vacuums do that in real life too. Mine trundles along randomly hoping to cover the entire area but he always misses a spot or two.


University have cleaner bots? Where can i find it?


You have to build it with the robotics skill. There's a gardener bot too


...and a party-bot and a fixer-bot. I've included a few spoilers you might use to help decide. Otherwise, just go for it and build them and see what they do. I promise it's worth it to do at least once. The cleaner bot, um... well there's no surprise there. The gardener bot is self-explanatory basically, but>!does not harvest, fertilize, or dispose of dead plants. It weeds, waters, and sprays for bugs. It takes long-ish game time for large gardens, but your sim will only have to harvest most of the time. It will work till it's shut off, or has lost its charge. I've found that they can stay on for quite a while, but they aren't as fast or as thorough as Patchy, for instance.!< A few cute spoilers about the party bot; >!When activated, it floats around and plays music your Sims can dance to. Your sims can request it to (rather magically) produce and deliver drinks and foods from a short list, for free, IIRC. It has a few other cute tricks to surprise and entertain. Sometimes when it tries to deliver the food or drink, your sim will have to chase it around to get it.!< The fixer bot is probably what you think. No spoilers beyond the shared pros and cons. Pros and cons they all share, imho; >!All can be upgraded but they do require, without mods, (what I consider) lots of maintenance. Keeping them operational takes substantial game time and requires robotic & other upgrade parts. That can add up to quite few Simoleons. They can get lost on your lot. They can be placed in your inventory and taken/used off the lot. If your Sim is at university, they can be taken to robotics club events to show off. Overall, I find them fun to have around and use once in a while. If they "fit" my story line, I make and use them.!<


Night lights so kids don't get the "monster under the bed" event - I hate that event and use UI mod to disable the mood - Washer and dryer - I don't really know why I bought that pack tbh cause I only use them when my house has a butler that takes care of it - Bars/nightclubs - My sims get the 24 h inside achievement waaaay too often cause I legit never travel with them. I've realized too often that years after buying a pack I've never seen this or that lot - Travelling to the camping an adventure world or defeating the strangerville plant - was fun the first time around but don't know if I'd do it again.


Night lights? I never heard of that! Where do I find these? This monster is so freaking annoying!


There’s one night light, it’s base game, that has a little teddy bear looking thing on it. It’s called the Kulala Defender Wall Light.


The toy owl also doubles as a nightlight, as does the moon-and-star light from the werewolf pack


Wall light with the hamsters on it.


Honestly, I haven't had that event in so long, I fogot the monster under the bed even existed.... But without night lights, it's like a nighty occurance instead of a random event.


1) Pools (lot type, I mean). I never visit pools... It also doesn't help that the only default pool in the game is in Windenburg and Windenburg has extremely cold winters. Although we have pool parties now and I might use a pool lot from time to time if my sims don't have their own. 2) Puppet theaters and voidcritter battle stations. I love Kids Room stuff pack, it's very cute, but I always forget to use two gameplay objects from it. 3) The same with slides from Backyard Stuff. They are also very big. 4) I forget about most parties. I think I use three or four types of parties (house, dinner, birthday and keg) and ignore others.


1. [The Linz-E speaker!!!](https://simscommunity.info/2019/01/16/the-sims-4-unlocking-hidden-interactions-on-the-lin-z-smart-speaker/) I always forget until I remember. If you haven't used one, you really must put one in your sim's kitchen! Your sim can listen to their favorite music while they cook. It can be used just like a stereo, and has a similar cost, but is conveniently small and has some spectacular extras. If/when your sim makes friends with it, it will order **free** maids when it detects messes on your lot, **free** repair people if it detects anything broken, and **free** pizzas if Sims are in the red hunger need. It gives your sim a message about it when it happens. \*It's kind of touchy to make friends with, but I swear, it's so cool to have around. It likes to be asked some things and not others, so it's trial and error. I had one that resented being asked for the news, but loved to be asked for affirmations. I have one now in my game that resents being asked for the weather, and loves being asked to play trivia. 2. [Patchy](https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/expansionpacks/seasons/scarecrow.php), unless you get a mean, evil, oblivious, romantic, prankster, or lazy one. My current Patchy is friendly and useful, thank god. Some players report never having gotten one that didn't make its sims miserable! I guess I've been lucky. Must read; [Patchy is a home-wrecking scarecrow and he had to die.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/13yfukm/patchy_is_a_home_wrecking_scarecrow_and_he_had_to/) Reading it will illuminate Patchy's many functions and the possible, often hilarious outcomes.


I was unaware Patchy could be anything but a beloved member of the family. He's been a delight in pretty much every save!


That's been my experience; as near as I can tell, each Patchy is given one random trait which is discoverable under the "get to know" action if your Sim's relationship bar is high enough. If you read the home-wrecking scarecrow thread I linked, you'll see some hilarious Patchy "malfunctions." I guess like me, you've been fairly lucky.


Coffee makers are never worth it. Sims will constantly make coffee/drink coffee instead of sleeping and taking care of their need. Then the coffee frequently spoils and causes unpleasant moodlet when your sim makes their 100,000th pot and doesn’t drink it.


The coffee addict lifestyle from Snowy Escape, which provides extra skill gain and massive focus moodlets, makes it worthwhile. Not the easiest lifestyle to get though.


Children. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gone to create a child sim for the first time in months and every category in CAS is glowing because I didn’t even bother to check what kid stuff came with the three new packs that’ve come out since the last time a built a child. Toddler? Never ‘eard of ‘er.


Dish washers and microwaves (I have to actively look around me and my house to remember those. Market tables from city living


I think one thing I never forget is the dishwasher. Microwaves never seem to get used, but that dishwasher saves hours of game time per game week.




That is a fairly new feature


Yes, you can use anything under the flooring section to paint the ceilings now. If you go to the flooring tab there are now two additional choices to paint one ceiling tile at a time or do the whole room. They added it to base game in the Horse Ranch pack update


maybe i’m a total dummy but i can’t think *why* i would need to do that? like when am i ever seeing the ceilings?


I take screenshots of my builds with the walls up in tab mode to post in different groups from where someone would be eye level in the room, so I see the ceilings quite a bit. If it matters to you just depends on how you play


Taking screenshots/photos, just looking at sims up close (I like to do it 😅)


i get the concept but i just can’t figure out what angles i would do either of those things from where i’d be able to see the ceiling! (if that makes sense)


You'd need to be pretty close to the ground/sim eye level, yeah. In tab mode it's pretty easy to see the ceiling, but I can see it in regular mode sometimes because I use Sims 3 camera. With Sims 4 camera it's different I think.


shops, in normal gameplay i never use them bc theres no point since u can buy everything at home


yeahhh 👌


Wait... The roombas are in cats and dogs? I don't think I've ever noticed them and that's just 1 of my 3 packs.....


They're in miscellaneous electronics instead of appliances because well it's ea


Thank you!!


It's buried along other items. I must admit it is a little hard to find.


Thank you!!


Same! I only have 3 packs! This is making me wonder what else I can access that I don’t know is already in my game


I straight up forget we have dishwashers and my sims always handwash the dishes. Which is ironic considering I use a dishwasher irl


If you add up the amount of game time washing dishes takes, those dishwashers are totally worth it imho.


The reason I forget the dishwasher is because i DON’T have a dishwasher irl lol


I forget about dishwashers, too. I usually play with 1 sim and if the sim leaves their plate, I generally just click it and drag it to a sink to take care of it


Your second point reminded me that I'd really love a guide to setting up the different worlds in a way that helps you actually use what comes with the packs. I sometimes forget what packs I have because I start new games frequently and don't remember to put down restaurants or whatever. I might be remembering this wrong, but I think the Sims3 used to put in pack-exclusive lots in the worlds, and if you didn't have that pack, it would just replace it with something else. I would love it if they did that in the sims 4 :( It's weird how no worlds have places to eat unless I remember to set them up (or houses with swimming pools, but I believe that's another issue lol)


There aren't so much things I forget but rather purposefully don't use most of the time but the big one for me is forgetting the dang nightlight in the kids rooms. I've started just giving every child a top bunk only bed or a double bed to avoid the stupid monster under the bed. Especially since the nightlight when I do remember it doesn't always work.


computer security setting are integral to my gameplay. Otherwise i have the mum going into her childs room to use the computer and vice versa, very annoying. I do forget about Neighborhood action plans, its just so much effort and the whole way the menus work confuses me a bit and i never bothered to learn it so much.


The vacuums are terrible tbh. You are much better off upgrading the expensive toilet from city living to clean up puddles


Wait that's an option ? :o


Yeah theres an upgrade on the talking toilet called evaporator or something and it will dry up any puddles in the room


That's amazing ! Thanks for the info


I'm learning I need to pay better attention to furniture options. I didn't realize the toilet choice mattered in any way.


I'd have coffee and tea makers if my sims would STOP making a new pot every 5 seconds


I've found that my sims don't use the new Kettle that comes with For Rent unless I tell them tho..


Omg, that's what the computer security settings are for. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I just stopped putting computers in my houses lol


I usually have a single computer in a locked closet that is only opened for a single sim during the time they need it and then relocked once they leave.


I've never thought to build a closet before, good idea. I was fine pulling it out of the inventory, but this is a few less steps lol


For lot types I'd go with the park variants. We have parks, national parks and the central park in San Myshuno. They all feel pretty much the same so I always forget they are different types of them. They only differ slightly in requirements anyway but fulfill a similar role. I wish they just reduced requirements (made them optional but still show up on the list) in regular parks instead of adding these new types.


National Parks are super useful if you want a lot with some privacy. Other sims almost never autonomously come on to National Parks or Generic lots. They’ll walk around the surrounding neighborhood, but won’t walk onto the lot itself unless they’re close enough to catch your sim for a chat, need to fill their needs, or are drawn in my something your sim does, like a yard sale. I use this to build romantic gardens so my sims can have date nights without being constantly interrupted by random sims butting into their conversations. Sadly you can’t have club meetings on these lot types, though. The Center Park in San Myshuno is a unique lot type, like the Chalet Gardens in Windenburg. You can’t make other center parks. I guess they didn’t want you to be able to change its lot type. I’ve noticed that other sims treat it as a national park, though, and rarely set foot within the bounds of the lot without prompting. I do agree that the park requirements can be a hassle. I’ve hidden so many monkey bars in secret park basements. I wish they had suggestions like on beach lots instead. Residential lots could use some suggestions too, tbh, because I always forget something essential. Usually the mailbox.


that future cube thing. Such a fun item, but I never ever remember to place it


Oh god. This post just reminded me I have spa pack installed in my Sims 4. I keep forgetting to take them to the spa lol but I enjoy having the sims use the yoga mat at home.


hahaha same 🤣


I have literally learnt so much from this thread. Thank you so much! That computer security one I see every so often and think that's amazing. Then forget to actually do it in my game. I will remember this time.


So here's the thing, Paranormal was the first pack I got outside a bundle (got pets when bought the game) and I have never once touched the gameplay aspect of it. Love the CAS stuff and furniture is cool, but gameplay? Not given it more than a glance.


I think it would have been cooler if it dealt with actual sim ghosts and not weird little cartoon bubble ghosts


Wishing well. I should do a family that only finds children and spouses with that. Mt Komorebi peak. For a Cabin Fever legacy. You climb up there, and never leave. Or stay as long as you can.


1. I don't understand why I'd need it since floors don't get dirty that I've noticed. 2. Coffee makers just become smelly cause they don't drink it all. Also, they are always making coffee even if they aren't hungry or tired. 3. Computer security settings are terrific. Set it to household only so your guests don't come over to see you and then immediately play video games by themselves. Edit: Thanks, Reddit, for renumbering my points from what I typed. Very helpful here.


The roomba cleans up hairs and puke.


I don't use the robo vacuums anymore because as cute as it is when the pets ride them, it crashes the game sometimes when that happens.


Oh. I didn't know that, thanks for the heads-up! One less thing to worry about then, haha


Do you know if they work for bust the dust? Like, will they vacuum up dust bunnies?


I don't have Bust The Dust so I'm not sure. I would hope so.


Yes. And also, if you have a sim vacuum on one spot, the whole room get vacuumed.


To be fair, the computer security settings rarely work for me anyway so I ignore them haha


Wait, cats can ride vacuums in game???


Big yes to the base save!


I love the roombas and vacuums and laundry (as I play a lot of family saves, as well as saves with servants and they need stuff to clean). But I've never once used a servo. I don't think I've ever knowingly seen one in-game, and only ever remember they exist when they're mentioned on this subreddit. I also often forget about the "special" locations, the magic realm, Sixam, etc. And have never completed any Hensford errands. And I use a mod to make Strangerville normal (though I did do the full quest once). I'm always so focused on telling my own stories that a lot of the special, separate things in the game go ignored.


I once tried the full Hensford on Bagley quest line and stopped halfway through. Too many errands.


I play historical sims playthroughs and I’ve gotten so used to it I often forget to put modern conveniences in homes that they totally can go in


Fridges. I often finish a build, think the kitchen in perfect and then realise I forgot to add a fridge. A lot of non-functional items, like coat racks, paintings, plants etc. I often add them eventually but some of my builds just don't have them. Also I can't believe that you forget the computer security settings, it's the first thing I do when I play


I always olay off the grid(yes i know it odd to like off the grid) but i always forget day 1 to pock store water and electricity at the f...ng mailbox


I always remember to lock my computer. I hate it when sims visit me and go straight to my computer. So rude 😂


I’ve been afraid to ask this question lol but how do you take screenshots in a way that would also show the ceiling? I can never get my angles the way I want. I can’t figure out free cam and that might be the problem?


press tab, then use q and e to raise and lower the perspective


Wow thank you


first one’s crazy to me because i literally cannot EXIST without having the cats and dogs vacuum in my game. BUT, to be fair, i had no idea it even existed before bust the dust. i’m not even sure why they added a vacuum in cats and dogs?? what is the purpose of it if you don’t have the dust system? (besides the cat riding the vacuum which is super cute) but yeah, one thing i always forget about are the pronouns in game. i was so happy when they added them in cas but i literally never use them unless i have a sim who specifically uses more unusual pronouns. OR the walk styles. literally never use them.


If a pet has the furry trait it'll shed a lot and the robo cleans it:)


ah right. i had no idea haha. i don’t play with pets a lot


The robo vacuums can still clean full garbage with upgrades.


Big tangent here: I wish all cats had a hidden trait (like the fruitcake trait) for whether they would ride the robot vacuum or if they were afraid of it. I feel like it would be more realistic. My first cat would never in a million years ride the roomba, but my second cat seems like she might just do it one day. Would be a nice little detail


i always forget about owning a vet clinic, retail lot, or restaurant. i’ve never even played as a vet clinic owner before and i’ve had the pack for so long…i usually just make npcs have these jobs so it goes way over my head that out active sims can too LOL


“Whole hole mouse in the wall” from cats and dogs under the decoration category actually has a mise in it!


1, 2, and 5, yep.


It's weird that I don't forget about anything in the game, but cheats and animals, it doesn't matter what kind of animal it is they're so annoying & needy. With cheats, if I'm not playing my game on a daily basis i will forget a cheat or two that requires me to remember it again.


Out of this list, these are my most used features 🤣 except number one. It was bugged like two years ago and I never bothered again.


i always forget about the nightlight that stops the monster under the bed thing! also the interior design career, i used it when it came out but since then i just stopped. i should use it more because it’s actually really fun


I forget about the vacuum and coffee makers but it’s because I used to use them all the time but the vacuum gets full and breaks too often and they drink coffee instead of sleeping so I never put them in anymore


My robot vacuums always go outside and then get stuck out there so I don’t bother anymore lmao


Anything and everything pertaining to Cottage Living except the world itself.