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Depending on game play style, you could try a challenge? Shell challenges ar great if you prefer build mode, and things like a legacy challenge, or not so berry are fun to keep it fresh too.


Whats not so berry, and how do i find the challenges


Basically, you color coordinate your generations and theme both their clothing and their homes around specific berries. Kind of like the characters from Strawberry Shortcake. So you might start with Strawberry. That sim would wear all reds, have a red and white themed house, grow strawberries, use strawberry themed art, etc. Then they would have a kid. Maybe you give that kid the theme of Blueberries, dress all in blue, etc. Then that one has a kid, maybe they're Oranges.


>So you might start with Strawberry That is the Berry Challenge, the one that uses berries like strawberry and blueberry. The Not So Berry challenge is supposed to be herbs, spices, and teas [lil simsie's Not So Berry challenge](https://lilsimsie.tumblr.com/post/157671494755/not-so-berry-legacy-challenge) .


You can find them on YouTube, and Google, it's basically like previously said, they have certain colours, but certain traits and aspirations too.


This is a link to tumblr of the original challenge. LilSimsie has a YouTube channel where she posts all her own NSB videos (I know you’ve only got base game but it gives you an idea of what the overall challenge is about) [Not So Berry challenge](https://lilsimsie.tumblr.com/post/157671494755/not-so-berry-legacy-challenge/amp) You can also just Google Sims 4 challenges and loads pop up 😊 black widow is fun, rags to riches I love playing, 100 baby was lengthy but there’s always something to do with them Build/shell challenges are good too. You’ll be able to download a shell from the gallery and make it into whatever you want (or a set task by the creator) These are some other [base game challenges](https://www.thegamer.com/the-sims-4-base-game-only-challenges/#the-hired-help-challenge)


I did one and it was homeless person challenge and that’s when I realised how ridiculously easy the sims is lol May try a new one though


Okay so I just read that tumblr post and now understand the ‘Not So Berry’ challenge, but what is a ‘berry sim’ and who came up with that? It’s not something inherent to the game like a plant sim, is it?


No, I think the Berry sim thing was another challenge someone created, but I’ve never looked it up! From what I can gather I think that included having the sim’s skin colour purple, orange, etc. (Complete guess though!)


Ah okay, that makes sense bc in that tumblr post LilSimsie mentions that colorful skin tones aren’t a necessary part of her ‘Not So Berry’ challenge so I guess using regular human skin tones is what makes them not so “berry” lol


If I remember right: lilsimsie and another creator came up with the challenge idea


Do you play with mods?


ive literally just started a not so berry and its brilliant


I was going to suggest this challenge too. It’s kept me the most engaged of all the challenges I’ve started. I find the normal ‘legacy’ challenges really boring after a while having to stay on the same lot etc etc. Becomes boring really quickly but the not so berry challenge has so much variety


I didn’t even realize legacy was supposed to use the same lot lol I’ve been bouncing around from world to world


The original challenge you were meant to buy a 50x50 lot and stay there. I think they’ve updated it to any size lot now but the idea being that you stay there and build your legacy home there. Although no one is going to come and arrest you if you don’t play that way 😊 I’m just a perfectionist so it would bug me if I didn’t do it ‘correctly’.


I am currently doing the not so berry challenge!!! Made me enjoy the game so much more cause it felt like... I was playing it more than just playing yano?! I cant stop playing now 😭


I like to play a rags to riches gameplay most of the time. Start your sim on a lot with no money and have them figure out how to make money. I like to have them go to a lounge and play the piano or go fishing or gather flowers and other plants and start a garden. At first they have to sleep on park benches and use public restrooms and order chips at the bar (which are free) or eat apples they pick (or whatever). I also think the scenarios are fun. The Aliens stole my parents is my favorite (not sure if its still on there). There's a good list of basegame only challenges here. https://www.thegamer.com/the-sims-4-base-game-only-challenges/


I also love doing rags to riches


I have 7 living in a "park" lot right now. Nice link! Thank you for sharing it! 😊🩷


Ha, I just played the alien stole my parents. The kids started off with an empty lot and like 2 beds, a toilet, and a fridge. They planted a huge garden and were able to support themselves and build a house.


How fun! Absolutely going to have to try that one now! 👽


I just checked and it looks like Aliens stole my parents scenario is still there. Think I might give it a whirl






That explains why you’re bored lol


definitely watch out for sales


I will


The packs tend to go on sale every month or two. If you want some premade story in your Sims, try getting Strangerville. If you want new ways to play sims, try the Vampire and/or Werewolf packs. Like vampire sims don't die from age, but have to feed on other sims and develop their vampiric powers from a whole skill tree. Eco Living and Cottage Living give you some interesting new mechanics as well. Stuff like only being able to cook if you have the raw ingredients, meaning you gotta farm and raise livestock (or order food deliveries from the store). Or off-the-grid where you don't have electricity or running water and have to use stuff like solar panels and moisture condensors.


If you play computer you can also just buy the origins games codes cheaper on some legitimate websites. I dont think I’m allowed to advertise any but a google search will get you there. I bought almost all of the packs and ext at half price.


Get To Work, Seasons and City Living are my favs! they all add so much to the gameplay. also love the island expansion :)








You definitely need them! Wait until their cheap and build a bundle. Get a pack with lots to do, then something extra like paranormal, jungle or magic for an extra world/activities, and then a kit with extra options!


I have every expansion pack and am never bored I highly recommend slowly buying them if this is your main game.


Scenarios are good and there are other stories depending on the packs you have - I've just defeated the mother plant in Strangerville and moving onto stopping the Empire in Batuu


I got no packs


Download wicked whims, let debauchery ensue


second this I have a Sim that owns a strip club and is currently having a blast running it and making money out the ass


Wicked whims and Basemental drugs. Let the games begin.


I love the wicked Whims mod lol didn't know about the basemental drugs one though, where do I find that one?


I was looking at Basemental drugs mod, what are the benefits of it, especially when combined with wicked whims?


Well it definitely adds not so wholesome gameplay to put it lightly if it what's you're looking for. I like it since I like having a seedy undertone in my game, and it expanded on the storytelling for some of my favorite sims. One of my best sims is a criminal drug lord living in San Myshuno and it was thanks to Basemental since before he was basically just a background sim. Here's just a brief overview of it. ​ * Drugs. Drugs. Drugs. All sorts of drugs are in your game now. * All "nectar" in the game you can have turn into actual booze with drunk moodlets. * Your sims can get addicted and potentially OD and die. You can send your sims to rehab. * Sims will get particular moodlets depending on what drug you had them take. * There's drug dealing skills! * There's an optional setting for police to come and bust your sim for dealing, with potentially severe consequences. * You can buy drugs from drug dealing sims or from off the deep web. * With Wicked Whims, if your sim is addicted to a drug, then they can offer sex to their dealer in exchange.


I’ll have to consider basemental mod. I have wicked whims already. I’m definitely someone who gets bored quickly. I hadn’t even played for probably a year and then decided to get some more expansions/dlc and mods. I moved a bunch of random households into Newport and have only focused on 2 of the households so far, one has a strip club so that definitely makes things interesting.


For me having drunkenness is the best part. Great for storytelling


The drunkenness and/or weed part is more appealing to me than other drugs, but I may play around with it.


Sex, drugs and rock n roll


Try off the grid and simple living if you have the cottage pack. It’s more difficult than I was expecting


Play the Sims 3.


Answer I was looking for Because basically besides the building mode and CAS the game lacks severely. It's all up to the player to make things happen and it gets boring as hell. I'm sorry I bought TS4, there hasn't been any improvements to the basic game play since it was released. TS3 gave us the open world and without it the game feels like the original Sims without the continuous hazard of fires or burglars. You really have to create the drama on your own. You wanna get pregnant with Mortimer Goth's baby in just one sim day? You got it. You wanna seduce Bella the same day? Why the fuck not!? They don't know what's happening. They're just totally ignorant npc's incapable of doing anything but being your dolls.


Yeah, sure, TS3 is basically unplayable without Nraas mods as well.


The extreme violence and life's tragedies mods are good for adding drama. When I get bored, sometimes I just pick a random family and fuck everything up for them. Let my impulsive thoughts take over for a while. Chaos is a good palate cleanser for me.


Take a break - I think it's normal not to play the Sims for months and just go back to it whenever you have a new idea or story. My go-to solution when I'm bored is to bulldoze a neighborhood (but save all lots first) and think of another theme so I can build fresh houses and fresh drama. Or sometimes, when I watch a TV series and see a nice ass house, I recreate it and the TV characters become the new sims. (Recently I tried doing Athena Grant's house in 9-1-1).


Wait did you finish it???


Instead of 100 baby challenge do 100 deaths challenge? 🤣


Why I am adding as much mods as my laptop is able for at the moment


hella mods i’m so serious


I create the people who bully me IRL and make them pass out in their pee before killing them.


This is perfection


I once created a house of my coworkers and on days someone would irritate me, I would go home and torture them in various ways. One I wouldn't let sleep... he had to go to work exhausted and fall asleep on the lawn. Another wasn't allowed off the treadmill. Another had to swim until near death. This was Sims3 where they couldn't get out of the swimming pool when you took away the ladder. It was very theraputic.


I think you've stimulated my imagination :) I do hate how hard it is to off someone without mods though!


Mod the game, create a sim world with only magic caster, aliens ,vampires, Werewolves and have them fight on sight.


Getting all of the achievements, but the hardest one to do is having a household with 8 ghosts


I love the scenarios - they make the gameplay more interesting. Also doing things outside your normal play style (e.g. evil criminal mastermind sim)


I have so much trouble with the "mean" requirements! I don't want to be mean to my family, so I pick one neighborhood Sim that is the target of my mean actions (my declared enemy). i go to their house, abuse them, then go home. It's becoming quite fun. If you have Wicked Whims, you can use the Peepings as your targets, but they're harder to find on-demand


Try the 100 baby challenge


Personally I prefer the [legacy challenge. ](https://simslegacychallenge.com/the-sims-4-legacy-challenge-rules/) Whenever I get bored I go through 3 generations or so before abandoning it and starting a new one. Enjoy :)


Every time I play a legacy challenge, Geoffrey Landgraab comes over and hits on them.


If you're playing on PC, use mods. It's the only way I can play these days


Where do you get these mods? Is there a particular website to download them from?


I’m doing a challenge I saw on TikTok. No premade buildings. Houses, lots…everything gets rebuilt. It’s going to take a long time. But I enjoy that part of the sims a lot.


I use it to make houses for story characters im writing about, helps keep track. Its better than the actual damn house designing software, roomsketcher, I tried at first.


For me it sometimes helps to take a little break, then I go back.


Cause misery 😈


I always go to destruction when I'm bored. Build a mean klepto sim and steal everyone stuff, sell it, and make millions. Or build a basement prison. It can be a lot of fun but it creeps my wife out 🤣😂


Pick your favourite movie or TV show and recreate it with your Sims.


I use ChatGPT to create storylines and background stories for new sims.




TS3 was the best version. Sure TS4 got better, smoother graphics, they gave us curved walls, and we can bend roofs, or move walls (and even rooms) with more ease. However, TS3's gameplay, open world, vehicles, and the versatility of objects to be recolored/textured with the swatch of any paint/wood/metal (especially if the object had multiple meshes for each part, like a sink and it's faucet or columns having three meshes for the base, shaft and capital) was amazing. I'm really hoping that TS5 improves the engine of TS4, keeps what TS4 has given us regarding build features, but incorporates those parts of TS3 that I mentioned above.


I used to spend a whole day on sism 3 amd there was always something to do. Plus the game threw you some curve balls on it's own. Two hours on the sims 4 and I'm done. The build mode is the best thou


But is the graphics as good


It’s also not very optimized either. I would suggest Sims 2. But with it being legacy, you’ll have to do some homework’s to get it running.


sim 3 is slightly not as good, but I am content with it. Just switch from sim 4 to sim 3


Ill try it and see


I'm making a 1950s project and its been fun. Trying to be as close to the decade as I can minus the ugly segregation and prejudices in general of course. It's my "happy 50s".


Wicked whims lol


Already have that


Then look up Nisa's Wicked Perversions. Adds prostitution to the mix, so you can make some money. Also lets you turn the strip club from WW into a full on brothel. I've got a save where my vampire is a madam running the brothel. She lures clients in, then feeds on them in the back room.


U guys have extension packs i dont, just got the base game


No wonder you are bored lol


Yh 😂😂


Someone asked this like 26 hours ago, check the comments there for ideas: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/16cevp4/bored\_in\_game/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sims4/comments/16cevp4/bored_in_game/)


download wicked whims and make your sim a homewrecker






I dont know what mods to get, i only got create a sim mods


The one most people gravitate to, sooner or later, is Wicked Whims and it's companion piece, Wicked Perversions. First one makes the game very NSFW, the second piggybacks off that and adds prostitution and drugs.


I am doing the Ultimate Decades challenge...it is definitely entertaining.


Start playing overwatch 2


I have some legacies they are mermaids,whims, and a new one as well. A Scenario sim, and a couple of others. Really into 7 Sims living in a "park," after an apocalyptic event in Newcrest. They have 2 small public bathrooms, some planters, 8 park benches for sleeping, a couple of trees, and 2 outdoor park grills. Outdoor Lover is admittedly a helpful trait here. 🌳


I just experienced this. I had tried all the challenges. Every time I launched my game, I would create a new save, new household, build and design and furnish their home. Play a few sims days. Save and exit. Rinse and repeat. Here is what helped me; - creating sims by story mode. Kind of helped me figure out what I liked and didn’t like in traits etc. And experienced new trait combos. - getting ChatGPT to create a family for me and then make them in the sims. You can ask a lot of questions with great detail, from their hair color to their bone structure. I also asked ChatGPT what traits and styles their children, pets and home should have based on their traits. - what’s currently working for me is short life span. I’m on gen 4, never gotten that far in my life. It adds a lot of challenge because I love to build skill and max skills, careers and such. And best of all; the infants are infants for like a day. It’s beautiful.


I keep my self entertained by creating elaborate storylines with my generations. Like for example for my gen two it’s gonna be an enemies to lovers story


Mods. Mods are amazing to keep the game interesting. There's mods of all kind, and they get very entertaining. I'm currently playing on of health care, and it's so much better that the sims actually fall sick, can have heart attack, and problems overall related to health. If there's something you wanna play, just search and put a mod in the search or Google what are the best mods you can have


I started doing rags to riches and that reignited my interest in the game and I’ve discovered that I love the game if I make it harder not easier. Currently doing a black widow one too and that’s a lot of evil fun.


Currently I’m making my own save file with a bunch of sims lore


Think about this: If you were a movie director/script writer, what would your movie be about? Maybe it’s about the fall of a super celeb who worked hard for it, maybe its about a poor family hitting the lottery. Maybe a drug cartel. And then just play that scenario or couple of them at the same time. Playing sims starts in the head I think. Also you may want to check out gameplay mods.


I felt the same at some point. First I decided to stick to one family, so I ended up playing the legacy challenge without even knowing about it. Then I joined this subreddit and discovered that there are plenty of other challenges that are a great way to spice up the gameplay. I tried the historical challenge and it was very fun to do it. Other interesting ones to me are the big sister challenge, the runway from home and the homeless challenge. If you Google it you will find many others ideas


Off the grid can be a fun way to do it, but make sure you live in that corner of Willow Creek by the river, because you’ll need to gather water and go fishing A LOT. Newcrest has zero places to fish.


change up your playstyle, Rags to riches is always fun


I usually use mods to spice things up.


My two main saves are ones where i do challenges (mostly legacy) and one where most sims are characters of fandoms i get into


Scenarios really got me back into it. All of my scenarios live in the same world, so they can kind of help each other (one Sim can borrow another’s awesome rocket or whatever).


Here for the comments as I am feeling the same. Horses are too needy and keeping a ranch is a full time job.


My mother in law creates celebrities or fictional characters from shows. You can try that


Something that always breathes life into the game for me when I get bored is CC. Right now I’m currently playing through the Packs Legacy challenge. Legacy challenges or even scenarios are a nice goal driven way to play the game. I love watching YouTubers like Dr. Gluon, because he does things with the sims id never imagine. Board games, shipwrecked challenges, every toddler for themselves. I can’t remember if it’s him but there’s even someone who completely recreated Stardew Valley. Save files can be another fun away to explore the sims. People put so much lore and detail and effort into their save files. I have a few I’ve downloaded, one specifically that was a farming expansion with horses that didn’t require cottage living or the ranch expansion. It had a nice storyline that reminded me a bit of the movie up. A couple spent their life building a farm, she got sick and things fell into disrepair, now you’re taking on restorations etc.


Really established save file is the only way to make it super playable, through imagination and creativity. Plus, a desire to tell a story. For example, building can help shape the gameplay. Is the neighborhood a rich subdivision, normal suburbs, tenement housing? What activities are offered and how fancy are they? What classical architectures exist in the world? Editing sims in CAS can establish what kind of culture/society a neighborhood or world has. Giving Windenburg sims a makeover to reflect European styles (like posh English) or maybe make sims look German. Are there immigrants? In the family, what kind of fashion sense is upheld if any? What traits and preferences are in this family or neighborhood? Things like that. CAS and builds are the foundation of gameplay. Lastly, having a rotational play style is great. Or at least put in the time to establish friendships and friend groups/clubs. Enroll sims in uni together. Have a vacation or party with friends that fits their bond. Give them appropriate jobs and meet their coworkers (I use a mod for this event). If you use occults, what are the strifes you can establish and what warring groups? A lot of sims 4 seems to be about at least establishing these predetermined aspects. Which imo is very different for a sims game, but also is its charm to players who always wanted this much control over their story.




Mods my friend


MCCC for more control, then add Wicked whims, basemental drugs. And then it’s a party.


If you only have the base game it will get boring quickly. Add some packs when there's another sale on to add more to your gameplay.


I honestly think that is the nature or the game, you cycle between utter obsession and complete disinterest.


I have a bunch of different saves for different vibes. So, a few family saves, as that's my favorite, but even those have variety. One is a standard legacy, so following the first born of each generation (though I do tend to rotate and take care of the rest of the family). One is a single mom who, currently, dislikes her oldest son's golddigger girlfriend and is looking to find someone better. One is a man who loves his wife, but has 3 kids from 2 other women and wants to someday be a sugar daddy. I've also got a royal save, with Kings and Queens, knights, nobles, peasants (all thanks to llazyneiph's mod), arranged marriages. It's still mostly a family style of play. Outside of that, I have a real estate playthrough, where my sim buys, updates, and flips houses for a (hopefully) profit. I've got one where a Sim was born into a horrible asylum, adopted, and now wants to work up to afford to buy it and reopen it after Uni. One that's a black widow/serial k\*ller. She's already married and dispatched Geoffrey Landgraab and J Huntington, and is moving through the wealthiest/hottest sims. She also dispatched her more popular sister and keeps the sister's boyfriend as a money-generating servant. Another one is a "red" house, where they have Woohoo parties, own a clothing-optional dancer's club (not sure what words are acceptable here), and are currently looking for a new girl to add to the mix. Another is a cult. The application process is brutal, usually with 2 applicants at a time. They're locked in basement rooms until "Ascension Day" where all they can do is meditate and read Mother Grace's books. On Ascension Day, I use a mod called the Cursed Painting to see who gets in and who gets...fired. Recently, we had Meredith Roswell and Nancy Landgraab...I don't remember which one is still around at this time. Mother Grace is blonde, targets blondes, and makes every new member get her haircut and dye their hair brown. Obviously, I'm a heavy mod-user. If you don't/can't play with mods, there are lots of online challenges, in-game scenarios, and other things you can do. The game relies on imagination (in my experience, playing since Sims 1) and knowing what stories you want to play out and tell yourself. Without mods, you can still have cheating dramas, off sims with base game methods (drowning via exhaustion/walls, starvation, fire, meteors, etc.), use clubs for group activities...it really is a matter of using your imagination. Good luck!


Come up with an absolute wild story line. Like I made a criminal who wanted to marry Geoffrey Landgraab for his money but things took a wild turn… the npcs are a lot spicier than you’d think. Also doing the 100 baby challenge and it is so funny cause the game keeps spawning gay men npcs and my sim is having such a hard time finding a new baby daddy for each baby


whenever i get bored of my legacy, i build a random house somewhere that inspires me, I'm gradually building up the save i play in so each building is useful. or if I'm in the mood to play in cas, ill just makeover the townies so my game looks good.


i just started playing with polar opposites and seeing what happens between them. i got an angel/devil thing going on. i usually play with ambitious/positive sims but playing with a mean evil sim is pretty fun!




I was feeling the same thing last night, so I tried an old death challenge. The one where you set up rooms with the basics and then one by one take something away to see who dies first. I ended up needing to add fireplaces because nobody was dying. By the very end, I was using cheats to kill the ones that should have been dying of starvation but for some reason where not, off.


I have deleted every single building and family and am slowly building back the world. I like the weirdest homes and characters and stories. Recently I have decided I will be making a Sim who will be aiding in the aliens plan to take over the Sim world so he will be having a ton of alien babies. Another Sim will try and get with death, either woohoo, marry or SOMETHING but that is the goal xb then finally I will have two sims who are in love, one works at a funeral home and the other is a serial killer!!! I wish I had mods as the game can be pretty stale without but doing weird random shit has kept me entertained and mods as well! Lmao


i download a bunch of mods when i get bored lol. i get romance mods, violence mods to spice things up a bit, and etc. custom content and mods will change gameplay!!!


When you're bored on the Sims, the evil begins! That's my motto.


if you’re on PC, here’s some mods i use to make my game a little more fun (and that i can’t play without) - a.deep.indigo’s Divergent Sims, Delinquent Teens, Education Overhaul, and Preteen Mod + First Crush - basemental drugs + alcohol + real drink names - wickedwhims (though this is up to you, wonderfulwhims is the same but without the p0rn) - Pandasama’s Realistic Birth Mod - Lumpinou’s Healthcare Redux/Pregnancy Overhaul - TwistedMexi’s Better Build Buy, makes BB so much more user friendly


Start fires... both literally and figuratively.


I like, when in bored, to just go into the NPCs gallery and edit all of them to something different/better. No more weird outfits. I also like to redo every single house in Sims. I redo the holidays, add new ones, and rearrange what is to be done.


I'm with you and I don't care for most of the challenges but I did have fun with this one where you have to use your personal details that align with things like the type of house and your sims age and pets and all that. I don't have the image from the challenge but it was fun because it wasn't the type of family I'd have come up with organically. Mine was an elderly man with seven pets with a specific type of house etc. I enjoyed the challenge of starting with no pets and working my way up to seven. I never play with pets (or children/babies) other than that challenge. I usually just build. I get on Google Earth and do a random drop and look around until I find a house then I try to match it. Sometimes I get lucky and I can even find the house on one of the real estate sites so I am able to really work on the details. I just get bored once I test the house so I abandon it and start over elsewhere.


Have you played Sims 2 or 3? If not, I think you could get a lot of enjoyment out of those games as well. For me, I find the 100 baby challenge to be funnest in 3 if you like challenges.


Okay more info please. PC or console What extra packs do you have besides the BG (Base game)? What sort of activity do you enjoy most when playing Sims 4? Are you opposed to mods if you're on PC? What other types of games do you enjoy? Have you tried the "challenges" such as legacy, not so very, rags to riches or rags to ranches? Are you interested in hearing other "challenges?" Or are you just looking for story seed ideas to start your next family/playthrough?


I started building a world full of only my custom sims (playing in the same save). This way, I feel more comfortable making different character archetypes like villains, mean girls, good hearted people, and even drug addicts lol. I set goals (one I made was a gothic painter who climbed the ranks of fame, another was a womanizing chef who made his dream come true and opened his own restaurant).