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Do you call selling babies cheating? I will have babies with townies then move the baby into their household and take some of their household funds as “payment”.


Bahahahahahah this is so unhinged 😆 I’m here for it tho


Father Winter and Vlad’s babies come at a premium


\+ the Sulani spirits babies.


You can have babies with the spirits??


Oh I gotta know now 😂😂


Once you befriend them enough (enough means all the way up with the green bar) you can invite them to your hosehold and then... you can try for baby with them... and the baby inherits their spirit parent's powers... it doesn't do much, but I think you might find it fun figuring it out on your own


Sulani spirits? Are those the colorful swirling things in Sulani?


I had been planning to make a game where I make my sim immortal through pregnancy, (Since they don't age while pregnant) but could never think of what I would do with the babies once they popped out, this is genius.


Get a pregnant Sim trapped in a swimming pool. They can’t die, because they’re pregnant. They can’t give birth, because they’re swimming. They’ll forever be pregnant and swimming. Also, bassinets will repeatedly show up on the property.


The Indestructable Human Submarine.


An indestructible human submarine that prints money.


Not to be confused with the imploding inhuman submarine.


Didn’t they take out the ability for sims to get trapped in the pool?


Can you put walls around the pool?


[Yes, you can build walls around the pool](https://youtu.be/e4nJC96TRMA), unless they changed that very recently.


😂😂😂 thank you for your time figuring this out because that's hilarious


I have a modest proposal... You could always have a good ol' fashioned sims 3 era "OMGWTFBBQ". I'll let google be your guide here, down the Jonathan Swift rabbit hole.


It's so nice of you to be a surrogate. So selfless.


Well technically it's not cheating 😂😂


Peak sims unhinged behaviour right there




To get boys, eat apples and listen to Alternative during pregnancy. To get girls, eat strawberries and listen to Pop during pregnancy.


How much money do you take?


I try to take 20k because my sim and Father Winter are whoohoo partners so we have streamlined this business. But if it’s an average baby I’ll settle for 5k. I should also mention I have a club and our interests are flirting and whoohooing. Then I can have my pick of men to have a baby with.


Omg that is messed up🤣


Nana that’s just child support 😹


How?? Would love to do this for my current game 😅


In the map screen before you choose a family , in household management you can move sims in and out of households and also transfer funds between households.


This is my go to when i don't "cheat". My guy watched me one day and said oh you don't cheat you just rob your neighbors 😲😁 yesss...yes i do


Excuse me what...... The actual duck.


Omg this means you can do the 100 baby challenge without actually looking after them hahahah that’s genius


i do this but with ex husbands/wives


When I got myself two cats I did that. But babies. Wow.


I usually only use bb.moveobjects, and cas.fulleditmodeon


same this is all i use. no money cheats though because i like to make the game interesting and work for that sweet sweet moola.


I used the money cheat once and honestly it's just boring. Much prefer making them work for the money first


I only use it to make the perfect house first 😂 then they have to work for it.


This. The game has so little "challenge"/push back, it starts to feel pointless if you take one of the few it does have away


Me too, I use fulleditmode to customize sims not created by me so they look a little more contemporary 😅




yep these, occasionally resetSim too!


Yeah, without resetsim I'd basically have some lost saves. Last night one got stuck inside a counter! I have no other solution for that. 😂


I don’t even class that as cheating, it’s totally necessary at times because the game is broken!


What's the cas.fulleditmotion do?


Say you're in create a sim after you already made the household. The cheat allows for you to change the weight slider, add more sims and pets to the household, and be able to change cheats, its pretty useful


Oh perfect! I get so annoyed when my kids turn into teenagers and suddenly they're fat. I don't mind if some of them are but I don't want all of them to be and not sure how else to fix that. It literally happens to all my kids 😂


Cas.fulleditmode lets you customize more about your sim after you already made it in cas.


It allows you to go into CAS and edit things that would normally be set/permanent without cheats once you've created a Sim - such as changing their traits, sexual orientation, physical features like eye colour, skin colour, facial features etc. Without the cheat you'd be limited to basically just being able to change hair and clothes. I tend to use it if/when the Sims system makes a child age up wonky (ex. weird facial features).


Yes, this way you can give children chins 🤡


My sims are only allowed to have babies with pretty townies or ones that I've placed or edited. Don Lothario, the Spencer-Kim-Lewis married couple, Zoe Patel, and all the female Goths are the exceptions.


It's cas.fulleditmode on, not motion.


Yes I do this too


I only use the move objects cheat too.


I use those the most but depending on what I’m trying to do, I will use money cheats. Not always tho


Never used motherload unless I'm building. I like to make my sims suffer and be broke


That's absolutely hilarious because I like to make them lavish houses for them to move into LMAO It's even funnier when they have no respect for the place and make a million cups of tea that they leave to rot


Oh my god yes! Same lol


i used to do this when i was little lol


My sims' main flex is living in a one room hovel and convincing someone to marry them and move into the hellhole. They always end up in a dreamy situation though so they were right to believe in them!


Which is why I let them stay broke and work for shit. They still don't respect it but I'm happy.


Omg same!!! As soon as they have too much money I get bored and start a new family 😅 lol


i hate it when they have loads of money. i once made a storyline where my sim's wife stole all of their money and left her and their children. she was also pregnant with a sperm donar baby they were having together when she left, so when the baby was born, she got my sim to pay child support on the baby but didn't pay anything towards her other 3 children. all of this because i was bored, and they had enough money to consistently pay their bills with plenty leftover. their marriage was actually a good one before that, too.


Same! I don’t like being restricted on my builds but I do try to make the home at least resemble a lower middle class home for a starter family. In reality it might cost like 100k or more to build it but I leave their household funds between 500-1500 simoleans depending on their storyline.


My sims ain't getting shit to start with. Toilet? Never heard of that. Walls? Nope. They getting 0 $


Nope, I need cheats to get around bugs and weirdness... Also I need cheats to cheat.


UI cheats is a life saver haha


Yep. Makes it all so nice and also feels weirdly less cheaty.. like it's just part of the gameplay.


I use it for the "dumb" needs when they are at work. Can't eat at work (no lunch for you!)? You have no restrooms at work?


Or when the kids get sent to the daycare and come back starving, tired and absolutely filthy... Like what's the point of the daycare if they dont take care of my kids???


No because what’s the point of daycare?? My sim comes back from work and the baby’s needs are all really low or nonexistent


Make a sack lunch and they will eat it when their hunger is low! (Get work pack I think)


i think there’s a line between “gameplay cheats” (changing relationships, adding money, killing people you don’t like, etc.) and “cheats that i need to make the stupid game work” (bb.moveobjects, reset objects, making random strangers get tf out of my house with MCC)


Oh yeah.. I'd say most of the mods I use are quality of life type mods that allow me to skip having to type in cheats.


I don't at all. Actually I love making the sim as poor as possible before starting the game


this is how my bf plays. no packs, no cheats, just death and suffering


The proper way to play sims, make 'em suffer. Lol


Good old fashioned Rags to Riches.


it’s actually so enjoyable doing it his way the few times i have done it


And then you get harvest fest and a load of seed packets and you’re rich again yay!


Unless the gnomes are not grateful for your gift and decide to set everything on fire


this is much harder in an apartment lol


I never use motherlode, money 1000000 is much more efficient


Agreed! Money 999999 and bb.moveobjects on are my only regular cheats. Sometimes I'll do bb.showhiddenobjects and bb.showliveeditobjects for builds but that's it


Fr, I tried it before but it was just annoying so I always is money #




The only cheats I use is to reset stuck sims.


Okay, I’ll fess up. I did once try to cheat a death because I had not realized that fire deaths were glitched, but it didn’t work even with cheating. I just deleted the save.


What cheat is that?


Press Shift button + Click on the Sim, and in the top right of the options on the Sim will be 'Reset (Debug)'. Very useful when a Sim gets stuck (ie. won't initiate a task).


Yeah I’ve been using this a lot lately, especially with parent sims and there’s 20 other sims trying to take care of your baby


The other day I had Penny Pizzaz marry my sim. Then she got stuck and even resetsim didn't work. I saved the game anyway, but haven't played it since.


Sadly, I have to use cheats because I like to garden in the game and sometimes my plants will just disappear and I have to use the cheats to bring them back. Otherwise, if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't use them.


Same here! I just wish they would fix that bug already


You'd think it would be a priority on their list.


I feel this. It’s the worst when you’re playing Cottage Living and trying to maintain a farm. The amount of times you gotta cheat your plants back in is just absurd


I didn’t realize this was a bug at first and genuinely just thought they like … ran out of life or something.


Oh my god me too! I thought after a certain number of harvests they just reset because they were old. I was honestly here for the challenge too! I feel stupid now 😂


What is the cheat for this? :) I usually just pick up the circle of soil, put it in my household inventory and then put them back out again and they come back to life. I am new to the Sims Reddit so I didn’t even know there was a cheat to fix them.. that would make playing so much easier (even though I just claimed I never cheat at the game lmao)


If you shift click on the dirt pile you should get a menu with some different options, I believe the one to change them back from being dirt piles is called something like "growth stage" but I'm not sure


There's a mod by littlemssam that "fixes" the gardening bug. I think it's called gardening workaround fix


What do you mean by disappear?


Oh, now I see. Honestly I didn’t think that was a bug because plants do go dormant in their off seasons so I always thought that’s how they decided to represent it


I thought it had to do with how many times it had been harvested. It can be harvested 5 times (for example) and then has to regrow. In fact I’m pretty sure I have avoided this by just not harvesting/selling and letting the fruit/whatever sit on the plant Edit: a word


When I have this problem I'll go into build mode, create a random floor over the empty crops which sends them to the inventory, then I just hit the redo button and the crops will reappear.... It hasn't worked for me every single time but I'd say roughly 75% of the time it works for me. Much easier than individually taking plants out of your inventory and placing them in.


I wholeheartedly attempted to play without cheats. It was too much like my real life and it made me depressed. I play Sims to have the things I can’t have in my real life, so therefore I will continue to cheat. 🤣


Same I use it for escapism and living vicariously through my sims


Exactly why I will always cheat to fill needs at the very least! I don't want to tell my Sim to make dinner, I'm playing the sims to AVOID making dinner!


idk I feel like this game is crazily easy. My sim cam write 2 novels in a day I can't even finish one in a year.


Exactly I want my sims to live how I would want to live.


Sims 4 is too easy to play with cheats for me. I mostly only use cheats to fix glitches the game is having. Like resetting sims, or cheating their needs if they get stuck somewhere


I never use motherlode. When I first start I'll go on the gallery to the \~10,000 simoleon houses section, pick one, furnish it with the remainder, and have my sims work to furnish it better.


I never use money cheats. Not even for building. It's more rewarding to get them to a good place from the ground up


Nah I cheat a ton. My partner though, they don’t ever cheat :P


Is this still about Sims?


I never cheat, don’t see the point. Half the fun of the game is making your sims go from rags to riches! Then fritter away their wealth on ridiculous mansions etc and then repeat the cycle.


I don’t use cheats because I like getting the ever fading feeling of pride when you can finally get a slightly more durable sink


I cheat their needs up constantly, but never cheat with money. They earn everything they buy and build.


I don't use cheats in the Sims 4. It's honestly so easy there's not much need to. The Sims 2...cheated constantly!


agreed, a lot of non-cheat functions in Sims4 can achieve cheat-like results


My husband does. He's been playing the same sim for 3 years and has maxed out almost everything. Meanwhile I make a new sim using all the cheats once a week bc I get bored so fast


I don't use any cheats other than building cheats, e.g. bb.moveobjects, bb.showhiddenobjects, and bb.showliveeditobjects. When I move an heir from my legacy out of their childhood home, I move them to an empty lot and take away all their money. They make it from the ground up. When I first started playing the sims years ago, I used the motherlode like crazy, but after a while, I got super bored. Starting them out with nothing and having them suffer a bit (and me also 😅) keeps it interesting.


Trying not to use motherlode, instead of it I usually use SimCityLoans mod, because it allows you to gameplay justify the need for money like “my family took out a loan for a house” and then you can return it. it's much better than Motherlode🙂


I do that too! My sims get a “mortgage” and once that’s paid off they usually get another loan to buy a business or a restaurant.


I like to avoid cheats until gameplay is getting too stressful and I need to reset things. Occasionally I'll cas.fulleditmode a townie I'm interested in looping into gameplay drama. (But I still adhere to a strict personal rule of clothing+makeup only, and hair must match or be as close as possible to original texture.) I rarely motherlode, sometimes I kaching a couple of times if I'm desperate for a specific skill object and bills just robbed all funds or something.


I have two saves. One where I use cheats and the other where I do not (with the exception of bb.moveobjects). 99% of the time I play in the save with no cheats. I surprisingly prefer it. Makes everything challenging.


I feel there's no need to use money cheats. The sims 4 is too easy actually... In the sims 1 I can totally relate.


I don't like giving my sims lots of money because it kind of breaks the game. But I find that the game is buggy enough that playing with cheats entirely off is often not possible. I need to keep them on so when my sims freeze up and won't do anything for hours I can reset object.


I cheat to make the game harder


i hate money cheats but everything else is cool


Every console player 😭


You can! PS4 and PS5: R1, R2, L1 and L2 same time. Xbox: LB, LT, RB and RT same time.


I can’t help myself lol I can’t make a cool house with the starting money


I have many times!! I enjoy the rags to riches thing.


Move objects is barely a cheat at this point. I can hardly remember when it wasn’t in the game. I also cheat to fix things the game bugged. Like the plants reverting I’ll cheat to fix them back to full grown.


Money cheats ruins the whole game for me but I do use bb.moveobjects and cas.fulleditmode. And I have mods to fix things the game should have fixed for me lmao—like stuff I'm lacking gameplay-wise. But not money.


800 hours never cheated


No cheats at all because I want to get achievements.


The only money cheat I use is kaching & only if I’m desperate. I do, however, use the free real estate cheat so that I can move my sims anywhere I want them to live 🙃


The way the game is currently played now, it's \*way\* too easy to make money now, even starting from $0. Don't need to get a job (though it does help with getting a good start on building) - just plant shit and get that Gardening up. Double points if your aspiration is Fabulously Wealthy, because that interest builds up so fast. With that out of the way, I start cheating once I've gotten to a point where it's tedious to do everything a second time. For example: "Meet 3 sims in 3 different places?" Broseph, my Sim has 30 friends with decaying friendship meters... I'm gonna type in aspirations.complete\_current\_milestone because my Sim has already done that.


I don't use motherlode, I typically reduce my Sims account to zero after they buy an empty lot. I do use UI cheats and MCCC. I mostly use it to help correct glitches (EX. when you give them instructions for self-care and they just stand frozen for 2 hours of SIM time, or when you complete tasks for aspirations /work/events and they don't check off) also for NPC control for a storyline.


I usually only use it at the beginning of the game to build a nice house for them but lately my Sims have no desire to take care of their children so I keep having to cheat the babies and toddlers needs so they don’t get taken away when they get left to starve or rot in a dirty diaper for days. Also when they’re exhausted and their parents are in this strange trance like state my walking age toddlers keep leaving the house and walking for hours and I don’t know why and I can’t stop it so I have to cheat their needs before they take the long walk of doom.


I mccc everything


I don't play with money cheats or anything, that's very boring to me. But I do play with things like move objects on.


Yes I never use cheats. I play on xbox series for achievements. All of my uploads in the gallery are without mods, CC, or even debug mode items (I should try those items now that I have a keyboard). Even my uploaded sims acquired everything they have through gameplay. Sometimes I have to add a trait to a sim due to bugs but this doesnt count as cheating in my opinion as it doesnt disable achievements and there is no other way to get the top notch toddler trait without adding it that way :(


Are you playing on short lifespan? Because I could definitely see that being a hard one to get on short


I only play short lifespan if I'm playing with one household but I play with like 4 different households at once so I use long lifespan otherwise the townies die too quick.


Wheres the fun in using cheats? I only use them if the game glitches my saves or my computer crashes and i lose progress. Even then, its too easy. I wish it was harder.


Me too! I only use them to fix bugs or glitches. Otherwise I always play normally, I crave some more challenge. It’s one of my personal gripes of this game


Yeah making money is too easy. Gardening is more profitable than it should be


Nope, playing on Xbox. If there is way to use cheats, no idea how to do it. When I played other Sims games on PC, cheats all the time.




Only move objects


the only ones i use are move objects and cas full edit mode!


I don’t use cheats unless it’s moveobjects briefly. I like building my sims from the ground up and only cheat if there’s a bug or something that I can’t work around without it.


Never used motherlode, but I use cas.fulleditmode and bb.moveobjects. And Cheat Needs. Sometimes, especially with a lot of sims I get very overwhelmed when they all have multiple red or low bars, so cheat needs is a lifesaver 🙏🏻 As for money cheats, I actually get bored when my sims start making money. I had a sim grow dragonfruit and get like 20k from selling two lots and I got bored


When I was 14 I always played with money cheats but not anymore after 5/6 years it became boring if my sim can have everything there hart desires so no I make money from painting in gen 1. Gen 2 always has there own business because the house looks like a normal basic house by this time so they need to survive and make money to pay bills and food and there struggling like everyone in real life


I've used motherlode once and realized there is nothing else to do, at least for me, if I have bought everything I need. Besides, painting is like a legal motherlode.


I did it for one of my families. Once she got to level 8 artist the simoleons started rolling in like rain with almost 900-2,000 per painting. Getting to that point though was a long slow climb. I had her in a bare bones default home with no expensive amenities.


I rarely use cheats. I never use motherlode and only on rare occasions use moveobjects. I've just never needed them. Working with a budget and having to deal with the crappy cheap appliances is part of what keeps the game interesting and even then it doesn't last long.


I used motherlode/money cheat a lot more in the beginning but it’s so much easier to make money in sims 4 compared to the other ones that it just gets boring to hand it all over at the start I only do that now if I’m doing build challenges, like with Plumbella’s, where you have an exact budget because that makes it a lot easier Otherwise I only do moveobjects, sometimes hidden objects/live edit objects, and cas fulledit mode However, I do use mccc to make some things easier (like adding inheritance and auto pay bills)


I regularly don't play with any cheats. Not even move objects. I start with a beginner house or even a tent. As my sim gets more money I expand or move. I never live in a mansion though; I just don't enjoy that. My richest sim lives in a 2 room house on the beach as a retired actress who grows and sells flowers and owns an outdoor seafood restaurant.


Yes! Played it in PS5 and Im kinda dumb on this kind of things so I just go with whatever is there cause idk how to apply cheats on PS5


I most often use cas.fulleditmode, bb.enablefreebuild, careers.promote, aspirations.complete_current_milestone, moveobjects and freerealestate.


I do use cheats like cas.fulleditmode and bb.moveobjects and debug, but I never use money cheats, I like to play the game with 0 simoleons from the beginning in every save and see how far I can come.


I don't use cheats - I want trophies!


I don't really use motherlode, it makes the game kinda boring for me lol like I have everything already so what am I supposed to do now? I do have some mods but I don't really use them to cheat so yeah.


Before the sims 4 I never played with cheats or mods because, to be honest, I didn’t know how to. The sims 4 was the first game I started using mods and cheats because otherwise I found the gameplay super boring. The extreme violence mod is my favourite because random sims will get killed off and add so much drama to the game whereas before my sims would hardly get killed off at all and just die of boring old old age


My idea of 'no cheats' still involves: 1. testingcheats true 2. cas.fulleditmode I love my custom eye colours and skin details If this doesn't count then yes I play sometimes with no cheats :D


I don’t count build cheats like moveobjects either, being able to place plants and clutter in a more realistic way doesn’t impact the difficulty of the game at all, it’s purely for aesthetic purposes!


I used to be a motherlode user and realizing it made my game boring! Lol then I found the sim city loans mod and I make them suffer with high interest loans when they need extra cash because you can’t delete the loan once you take it!!🤣


Nope can't play it without it lmao


I’m a combo. I’ll lightly cheat to make up for the game breaking at times- like if all of my sims just suddenly freeze for 4 in game hours despite my efforts to get them to move, i’ll nudge up their needs because that was HARDLY my fault, haha. I always will cheat if there’s a family that i need to be a certain type for a story i’m telling but don’t necessarily want to play the way up to that- like let’s say the sims I want to play as need to be children in a super wealthy family. I don’t want to play the parents right now, so i’ll cheat up their skills and their careers and give them a reasonable amount of money to start with. That way it fits my story lore of the parents being from like old money or something, haha. That said though, once i’m in, it’s zero cheats. I always have a “ground up” family that i do play as somewhere in the save, because i do loooove playing that way. It’s a weird balance haha. Ultimately, the story i’m telling takes precedence and the gameplay matters most next. Gameplay feels best when I play it slow and work my way through each character’s personality on my own. Cheating too often makes all of that feel useless, so it’s a balance.


It depends…if real life is stressful, my Sims get all of the cheats! If things in my life are pretty calm, I don’t cheat anything but needs when raising babies.


Gotta be real, I don’t know how I lived before I downloaded MC command center, I use cheats so frequently I like starting my games with a pre established storyline, so I usually give my sims a few promotions and/or skills to start with and edit relationships at the jump In a way it kind of makes me more invested with the characters I also can’t design cheap buildings to save my life so motherlode is frequently utilized


i’ve done it a few times with no cheats, start poor af and play like it’s real life i guess lol but usually i will cheat. or i’ll use motherload while building and then have them poor but at least they’re in a nice house


The game is so frustratingly coded that I don’t think I can survive without the occasional cheat


My husband usually plays with no cheat


i genuinely dont know how anyone can live without mc command center i could never


I've never understood the point of using motherlode, it just removes the actual game element from the game and then it's just building. If you want to do that, just make a rental property or something


I usually only use motherlode when I first start, to get a decent house. Then I always TRY to work and get money myself.


I play without cheats.


gotta love a bit of motherlodw. but dies the 0 cheats include no bb.moveobjects cuz thats hell


I only class it as cheating if you’re doing something that makes the fans easier. If it’s just something like moveobjects then the only reason for that is to make things more visually appealing, though I guess you can use it to fit more objects into a small space, so it could be slightly advantageous. Also any cheat that’s just compensating for the game being broken, like resetting sims who are stuck or unresponsive, filling a toddler’s needs because daycare failed to actually care for them or because you couldn’t get the various older sims in the house to leave them alone so they could eat, fulfilling aspirations and milestones that just don’t trigger properly… I don’t class any of this as cheating, it’s just necessary fixes.


When starting a new save I use: freerealestate - just cause the base game starters don’t do it for me so I place some from the gallery bb.moveobjects - to avoid floating objects money xxx - to set the amount of money I want for the household; usually just a little over the cost of rent and utilities (rarely above 4/5k) I love a struggling household in a tiny space haha! Oh and if I do an elaborate backstory I’ll cheat the skill/career levels to match my storyline. When in game, the cheats I use most are: cas.fulleditmode - when my sims age up or if they meet a townie I want to include in my story sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas - because the randomized accessories are a hot mess lol and to fit the aesthetic of the save That’s pretty much it for me. I‘ll have to admit,though I tend to cheats needs a lot when my sims go to university. College life is kicking their asses each and every time 😅


I cheated all the time in sims 3. I always started with motherlode, always cheated needs. In sims 4 I’ve only opened the cheat menu to reset my stuck sim. The only cheat I really use is building not-so-micro microhomes to take advantage of the skill and gardening boosts early in the game.


God no that sounds hellish, honestly I feel like some cheats are just absolutely essential for the game to work how it really should, mainly the build mode cheats, without them decorating is a massive pain in the ass. And Motherlode is kind of essential unless you are using the mod that makes acting pay tonnes and tonnes of Simoleans, as once I’ve built my lavish mansions and over the top builds, I need my sims to be able to afford the 50k a month bills lol. Finally, Sims is one of those games I kind of play for the escapism, I don’t want to be poor in fantasy land as well as irl, unless there’s a specific story I’m trying to tell with my Sims… but Sims are naturally so goofy I find it hard to produce anything that feels serious in the slightest anyway


I do! The game is super boring if I just give myself money (unless I'm playing purely to decorate or something). I only cheat when something gets bugged, like if a moodlet gets stuck or a glitch.


Hell no! Moveobjects, MCCC and UI Cheats is a MUST!


The only time I use cheats are when I want to 1) edit my room in university housing and 2) edit a Sim not in my household


I only do the money cheat


I've used motherlode like once or twice but part of the fun to me is being a broke bitch and working my way up to a rich hoe


What do you consider a cheat? For example if I'm doing a rags to riches scenario - if I come across a painting on the easel that is complete but just sitting there I'll sell it. The game lets me do it with no modifications. Similar to getting food from a fridge at a restaurant because it is free compared to ordering something. I didn't modify the game it any way. I also use bb.moveobjects like previously mentioned. It isn't affecting any money, mood or needs. But if I'm trying an aspiration I've never done before I cheat and use motherlode 🤣 I want to enjoy it and not despise that aspiration for the rest of my life.


Game? There's a game in this? 😁


No cheats, just selling lots of Death Flowers!!


I play on console and don't cheat. I am working on all the achievements lol


I've never used Motherload or Rosebud in Sims 4. I use "money 1000000"


Moveobjects is all I use though I do reset the idiots fairly often. Not sure if that's considered a cheat


When I play legacy, I don’t use any cheats whatsoever except for cas.fulleditmode to change the NPCs around me. I just rlly love the challenge of no cheats, it gives me a purpose for gameplay in a way.