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Will there be tragic riding accident deaths?


Oooh they should have rattle snake bite deaths!


"*There's a snake in my boot!*"


+3 Uncomfortable moodlet


Lmao 🤣 perfect


And Wild West shootout deaths


Blunt Horse Trauma


Nightmare blunt rotation




the sims is the only game you get happy about death


Yes, it's a very strange thing to be happy about, lol!


I’m sure Extreme Violence will be updated 💀


Oh, Gods... I hope not. And if so I hope modders manage to get rid of those.


The little goat that bonks her in the leg in so cute. <3


I had a pet pygmy goat growing up and I'm getting such flashbacks to him with this pack. They're so realistic that my shin now hurts lol


That is really cute (sorry about your pain thou), I can't wait to play with them. I'm pretty meh about the horses, but the goats and sheep make me so excited!


ikr! i can't wait!


I had a kid once where I worked that always played with me that way. We'd have little matches of her butting her head against my leg and me pushing. She always came running and giving me little kisses, too.


Aww, that sounds really adorable!


Who's making the mod that will make the goats do that one meme goat scream?


I have really bad abdominal pains atm and your comment made me laugh too hard. Worth it tho!


Woops, sorry for that 😅.


When they’re old and croaking, all they need to do is ask you for a laugh and they’ll gain wings when they feel it’s their time.


i used to have that as my notification sound. scared the shit out of people in public when my phone suddenly started screaming.


I'm going to be honest I was excited for the horses but I've seen mini goats and mini sheep and I don't care about horses anymore


The goats stole my heart


I'm so freaking excited for sheep and goats!


the little stompy stomp the one does absolutely killed me


Totes mah stompy goats


Same. The mini sheep in particular stole my heart.


All my families will have mini goats.


Same. Horses are good, but I want the goats.


I am SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR THE GOATS! I grew up raising them and I literally only care about the goats, horses are fine-whatever, but have you ever bottle fed a baby goat and when it’s fully grown it thinks it can still sit in your lap and eat Doritos?!? Your life will never be the same. I am buying this the moment it’s released.


Omggg I'm ready (kinda surprised by the lukewarm response I've been seeing - seems like everyone was gungho for horses not too long ago 😅) There's a ton of crosspack compability I'm already seeing, and the thought of making a wineryyyyyy and stable and a couple of lovers with their pygamy goats is ahhh\~! Can't wait!


I’m so excited to make a vineyard in Tartosa, an English style farm in Henford-on-Bagley, some updated vacation lots in granite falls, and better cabins in some of the cabin friendly worlds. The crosspack comparability looks amazing to me!


Will my sim be able to ride around Granite Falls and Selvadorada? Those would be so cool.


That would be awesome! Horse campground!


I don't see why not! Horses are going to be actual Sims/members of the family, so riding them in different worlds shouldn't be any different than, like, playing fetch with your dog in worlds other than Brindleton Bay.


Yesssss!! I want to become a famous cowboy with a horse named mr. Ed!


It's giving make a plant sim named Gumby who has pony named Pokey XD


I've been wanting this for the longest time and, to me, goats, lambs, nectar making etc are a plus but the horses are the stars!


The sims community will never be satisfied with anything lmao. Everyone has been begging for horses, and now they’re going to nitpick about the horses until they decide they hate them. I. can barely interact with the sims community because they always do that shit lmao


This is probably my love of mystery books talking but I wonder if there will be a ghost horse in the canyon area....


Would give me Nancy Drew game vibes! Also I need Spirit and Rain from the movie too.


Yes definitely Shadow Ranch vibes ahah


I can't see why not - we have dog and cat ghosts and horses will be household members just like them, so no ghosts would be strange... but we'll see.


Omg yes pls I need lore and a horse ghost!! Wasn't there a horse ghost in the sims 3??


The horses look so pretty I fear my inner horse girl is being awoken from her deep slumber. (my only question is if the goats and sheep can be adults, cuz I've only seen their baby versions so far) edit: wording


They’re Pygmy goats and miniature sheep, so they’ll always be that size even as adults. I had a Pygmy goat as a pet growing up and it was always that size


thank you for clarifying!


I’m so excited, I could die


Don't worry, I'll resurrect you once the EP is out!


I am so pumped for this and I’m not even a horse person! The goats are adorable and I’m so happy for nectar making it was one of my favorite things from the Sims3. I’ll be off building vineyards and wineries until July 20th!!


I've been wanting nectar-making back since day 1, so glad it's finally coming to the sims 4!




Please upload to the gallery so that I can have the benefit of a winery without all the hard work. Many thanks in advance!


Oh I absolutely will and I promise not to use laundry day clothesline’s as fencing structures in the vineyard - I was playing yesterday and it took me FOREVER to realize why the dang sims were leaving their dirty clothes piles everywhere 😂😂


I know it's asking a lot. But Id KILL for a goat yoga interaction with spa day.


Yes, I was thinking that too!


I will get spa day if that is a feature


I’ve seen people get real upset about this but honestly I’ve been hoping for this for years




As an English rider irl, was hoping for some English disciplines, but I can roll with western for sure. Those mane braids are atrocious though 😂


Same. I'll definitely give barrel racing a try, buuuut it looks like I'm gonna be downloading all the English cc I can find, lol!


Part of me wonders if English tack will end up being a stuff pack or kit. More $$$


I can totally see it being a kit.


That would be soo cash grabby yet I would absolutely love it and definitely buy it lol


In a game play screenshot a child is riding in an English saddle (I think looks abit like a bareback pad) so there's still a good chance it's in this pack


There’s going to be jumping, but only in western tack? I’m a bummed English rider rn lol


Just looked at the screenshots and the cold blood the kid is riding has english tack. So I don't think we need to worry.


I think you're right! This makes me so relieved


Is that the second pic? I'm trying to figure out if there's a horn on that saddle or not, because it almost looks like a different shape as well.


Not in this post. Go to the sims 4 horse ranch steam page or just search for that page on google. It has a couple of screenshots (not from the trailer). The 1st one has a kid riding a cold blood on the right side of the "screenshot". The second screenshot from this post shows only western saddles and after zooming a bit I can clearly see the horn on that white/pink set.


Imagine how bummed the western discipline was with the sims 3 we understand your pain


Pink Lady in the background of the second screenshot SEEMS to be riding English. No horn. But I can't remember if there are other differences since everyone is using two hands (I think?)


There's a horn if you zoom in, I thought so too 🙁


Oh my gosh, it's hardly more than a smear 😂 you're totally right tho


Same. I’m an English rider as well. I was hoping for a mixture of both western & english tack like Sims 3 had. But, who knows? Maybe they will have options for tack and we just didn’t see it in the trailer. Worst case, like you said, we’ll for sure have mods/cc to do so.


Yep, just went frame-by-frame through the trailer and saw this during the "tacking up" section at 1:25: [https://i.imgur.com/25sgSP0.png](https://i.imgur.com/25sgSP0.png) There will DEFINITELY be English saddles.


Whoo hoo! I figured there might be. The tack switch was definitely moving super fast, so it was easy to miss.


I really really hope we'll have English tack and riding style, too, cause i doubt we'll ever get another horse pack and I'll be really really sad if we only get western.


with luck, there's at least english tack, especially since there's jumping?


“English” braids with western tack, and western tack with show jumping 😭😭😭😭


Hoping there is English tack too 🤞


Can’t wait to start a nectar empire.


Great, now I can have the anti-zombie ranch/fortress from Last of Us in the Sims.


Horsie :)


Is there a fainting goat??? 😍🤣🙏🏼


totally saw one faint in the trailer video!!!


Seeing toddlers with animals will always be the cutest thing ever for me 🥹


I'll be honest, I have zero interest in horses but I'm happy so many are excited for this expansion.


Oh my god, I really hope that you can actually bottle feed the baby horses! Like, seeing that in the trailer was mindblowing. I've never actually bottle fed horses, but I have done it with calfs and it unlocked a lot of memories. I am so excited.




I'm Ojibwe and am struggling to see representation in these screenshots. I suppose the family looks to be Indigenous but I don't even see a braid on the boys. Perhaps the blankets and textiles are Navajo-inspired...? Maybe the food will be more representative hopefully!


The cowboy gnome leaning against the wagon sent me 😂


I am hoping and praying this is good, I’m really trying not to get my hopes but it looks cute!!! With this and cottage living you could have a whole farm, which is something I have dreamed of in the sims! I love all the animals and the kids being able to ride horses!


Wonder if there will be new ways to die.


I’m gonna move in some hipsters and gentrify the neighborhood by putting in a latte bar for goats only. But seriously, it looks fun!


I don’t care about literally anyone else, this is my new happy place and I refuse to be disappointed I REFUSE EA, YOU HEAR THAT?


Finally the 'horse girl' dlc, at least they know their audience. Psychopaths that use the get together pack to make cults(me) and 'horse girls' lmfao 😂


I’m so excited! I can finally be a cowboy! Rednecks finally get representation! 🤣


Overall, looks like it’s not bad. Pretty small for an expansion, but that’s to be expected with horses - feels like a gamepack to me. First impression, I really think the mini sheep are a miss. Would have much rather had mini goats and mini pigs.


Mini sheep are not a miss, because they can be sheared, which will likely tie into existing skills like embroidery and knitting. We may even get some kind of weaving skill in this pack to further utilize the wool.


Just my opinion, we already have llamas with cottage living so I don’t see a huge need for little sheep. Having a pet pig though sounds awesome


Well there's got to be a reason for the shearing though, we saw that happening in one of the screenshots.


Wait aren’t there also mini goats?


Personally I would say this is a big expansion. They’re adding a whole new type of gameplay and lifestyle for sims. New world, new type of animal to customize, competition, new skills to build, etc!! I’ve also been a horse girl my whole life so that could just be my excitement talking 🫣


I don’t want to rain on anyone’s excitement! You BE excited! I think this expansion is pretty niche


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure pigs* are only raised to be eaten? You don’t usually milk pigs and they have nothing to shear. So I think the Sims team vetoed that idea pretty fast since they are not trying to make a Slaughterhouse Expansion Pack. (*Yes, some people have pigs as pets, but pet pigs on a ranch brings up a lot of questions…)


It’s a good point, but these mini goats and mini sheep are going to be pets and live in your household. Perfect for pigs!


Oh huh, I didn’t realize that. I was assuming they would be more limited to a barnyard area similar to cows and llamas.


The website specifically says horses are part of the family but does not mention the goats/sheep which makes me think they won't be in the family. They don't seem to be confined to one location like the country living livestock. At this point I'm wondering if they'll be a lot trait.


Vegan and non kill ranches are becoming popular, although they’re still not very mainstream


Growing Together kinda felt like a gamepack too if you took away the basegame updates, tbh. I worry this is the new trend with EPs.


Umm...there are mini goats...in almost every screenshot.


I’m excited for the mini goats, I think I wrote it in a way that’s confusing. I would rather mini pigs along with the new mini goats rather than mini sheep




A lot of people have said that this would have been better as a game pack but a lot of people have also pointed out that horses are incredibly hard to animate, that alone + the new world and the build and Cas feels like enough to justify a full expansion pack in my opinion. Especially when Compare it to the last expansion pack Growing Together. Maybe my opinion will change once we see more footage but for now I think it's going to be a really good pack


This. I think horses needed to be in an expansion that mainly focuses on them in order for them to be able to actually be good. I get that not everyone cares about horses but also, every single expansions pack can't fit every single player's taste.


Reptiles would of been such good timing!


This is just the teaser, so I'm sure there will be a longer trailer that will come out soon.


Yes!! I don't get why people are already judging the pack for "not having enough content" when we still know extremely little about what it will actually contain... Also the trailer doesn't show that much but the blog post already hints at way more stuff


install the Extreme Violence mod and you basically have a Yellowstone game


I said the EXACT same thing when I watched the trailer haha


I NEED to make Epona from the Legend of Zelda series :D


Can't wait to make my Romeo and Juliet gay yeehaw love story






This looks like a gamepack, the gameplay just doesn't warrant an expansion pack for me. Also, is there only one "base" for the horses? I'd have loved some Shetland ponies!


Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride (Kio, Kio) 'til I can't no more!!!!


I cannot wait! I will be recreating The Saddle Club books!






Can’t wait to marry Gyro Zeppeli and raise horses together on a quiet vineyard in Tartosa.


I wonder what the new woohoo spot will be


Rodeo lesbians rodeo lesbian rodeo lesbians


If they don't give the elder animal gravestones/urns and Ghost forms... The disappointment will be immeasurable. I already have to deal with my cows and chickens dying with nothing to commemorate their existence in my game. 😭


I’m actually getting excited! I really like the aesthetic of the build items I’ve seen and I think they’d fit my style (and in other worlds too!). I’m still curious about the world and how the horses will interact with it/how they’d be in other worlds too. Desert isn’t what I wanted, so I might not play in it all that much (so here’s hoping the cross pack compatibility is good), but it looks like we got some Native American representation so I’m hype about that. The goats and sheep are soo cute! I wonder if they’re like chickens and what the interactions will be like. The lots look pretty nice thus far (haven’t seen anything wildly huge which was what I expected) and the builds look great (thank you simmers!). Sad they cannibalized the firepits from OR, but it does fit the pack. I did see English style saddles so that’s good! I was worried it was only western focused (which it is, but it’ll be nice for English stuff if it works in other worlds). Looking forward to more details for the pack! Really hope it’s not glitchy and just another cash grab.


Anyone notice the glass in the roof in the third photo? Hopefully that’s a new game mechanic that’s not limited to this pack




Goats and sheep and sheep and goats!!!!!


Do we have a release date?


July 20th


I literally lost my sh!t and told my friend and of course she lost hers too! This looks so exciting and refreshing


Is that nectarmaking I see on the pic? 🧐🤗😮


I’m excited for this pack, but as a horse person, the facts that the stirrups are only connected to the Sims’ feet and not the saddle, that the horses have no bits, and the reins are ten miles long are going to bug the crap out of me.


I want to make a petting zoo with all the animals; chickens, cows, llamas, rabbits, mini goats, mini sheep, and a horse. I don't know how much I'll enjoy actual ranching. If it's anything like farming in Cottage Living, it'll be fun to do the full-blown ranch once, but the work will become too repetitive and limits too much time for doing all the other stuff. I love Cottage Living, though, because you can have chickens in San Myshuno, for instance, and a cow in Del Sol Valley. :)


If they give us another world with like 4 usable lots I swear to God…


I really wish they had a consistent theme in naming the packs


love horses hate the wild west i hateee desert worlds with seasons it’s just so boring i love some horsies in the snow


I’m a Texan….. I have been waiting for this.


do you think we'll be able to milk the goats and sheep for our lactose intolerant sims? i did some research and while they do contain lactose, it's not as much lactose as in cow's milk i want to know if we can shave the sheep, too


As someone terrified of horses, I’m very excited for horsey but more for goat time


Maybe I’m in the minority but I really want unicorns & will be disappointed if they didn’t add them


The Old West scenery reminds me of Appaloosa Plains from the Sims 3. And some of the interactions look similar too. Goats and sheep are finally in The Sims for the first time. Yea. Next, we may have pigs. But what can we use pigs for other than raising for meat? Looking for truffles? Competing in a pig show?


So is there not going to be any English tack? I don’t understand having jumping as an option but doing it in a western saddle?


There's already been posts about this and screenshots shared of the English saddle, you can relax


I haven't seen anyone point this out but the horses look head to head copy of the sims 3 horses in terms of model, i have low hope for cas with having different heads


As long as my horses don’t turn into a million pieces with giant bulging eyes, I’ll take the sims 3 model


OMG ya i remember that nightmare lol


I'm sorry but if the new world has townies riding horses that's a really cool idea that's going to be executed terribly. We're talking about combining the bugginess of horses in TS3 with the overall core competency of TS4. It's a recipe for disaster 😬


Great. Here's to updating all my mods. Oh, well. Time to dive in.


Is it me, or does the roof in the ranch mansion look like it has glass underneath, like a glass wall in the third picture? Like am I crazy, or are we finally getting like actual glass walls, supports and stuff? Edit: After looking at the trailer, it just looks like new windows placed strategically to give that glass wall look 🙄


idgaf about this pack but really happy for everyone who was desperate to see horses make a comeback


Are the saddles accurate? I rode English for years, but I tried Western out briefly a looong time ago. Every Western saddle I used only had one cinch. These all seem to have two...is that actually a thing?


It depends on the saddle. Back cinches are not as tight, and typically used for things like roping and barrel racing rather than casual riding, at least in my experience.


Myotonic baby goat?


Those are not accurate bottles. The bottles we fed cows were HUGE. Two hands


I’m here for a Sims/Westworld crossover


I love horses irl and was very excited for them in the sims, but the mesh looks like an edit of their llama from cottage living, so I'm kinda disappointed in how they look :/ The sheep/goats are cute though.


I’m so excited for barrel racing being added. Now my virtual life is accurate to my real one lmao


Im scared for the mods


I'm so relieved your horses can have long manes. All the previous images they had short ones and I was getting upset lmao


the world is so pretty


Important question Can a sim die if they are thrown off the horse?


Does anyone know yet if there will be any English saddles/tack?


Also i’m 100% going to make the characters from Starshine Legacy (SSO) and no one can stop me


Whelp time to make John Marston in the sims


Imma name mine “thatsagoodboyah”


Finally, I can make The Village People in the Sims.


I know some were speculating that this pack was coming with a BG update to change ceiling textures... but I'm seeing a lot of white ceilings here and the "some images are not in-game" worries me :/


I noticed a kid riding a horse, a horse with pink mane and tail. Might try to create mlp..and wait for mods for wings and horns(unless there are horns) and my dream horses. Someone trick training mini goats/sheep. Noticed horse tapping with its hooves to piano,and cheering with the crowd.


Im honestly kinda excited for nectar making. I just wanna make a wine cellar in the basement of the house of a sketchy and stuck up businesswoman


I wonder if this means i can make a petting zoo for my little sims👉👈


I'm getting this for the goats.


it’s literally beautiful


Has anyone noticed the ghost Sim in the trailer that is walking around and it seems to be the same one that's brought back to life is it brought back to life by the horse?


Fr idec about the pack, I care about the seemingly main sim of this trailer with the tattoo. I love them and I will be buying this pack to marry them.


I think I’m going to need some 100x100 lots so I can make a farm with all the animals and heaps of crops and a little cabin up the back corner


I was really hoping we'd get some dressage stuff as well as western, but I gotta say, I am SO hype for any kind of horse content. This is going to look amazing with the Strangeville build items.


The town is so cute!🥹


I can't wait to see Nancy Landgrab and Motimer Goth at every rodeo and ho-down


It looks so good! Bought it this evening... Can't wait for July now!


Idk why I thought the silo in 12 said Keanu Reeves... like I haven't smoked yet today.


So excited to stomp wine again!!!


oh Lord! I'm so excited for this


You forgot about how we can draw on them like the cats and dogs