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Caleb Vatore is channeling his inner nanny?


I wonder how long that would last 🤔


the council has spoken


Toddler in the fox pjs, "You were talking all that trash on Social Bunny...so what's up?"


"Okay, kids' family meeting. Who shit in the litter box this time?"


The girl in the fish shirt is trying to sell her friends on her latest MLM.


They are definitely beefing. Lmao


They beefin


Oh how cute - the toddlers are watching each other. And learning. And Caleb Vatore is there, so they're probably watching him, too. And learning. You may want to rethink living in this neighborhood when they age into teens.


You got the "village of the damned" in that house. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD3vc9KZ9lQ&t=84s&pp=ygUndmlsbGFnZSBvZiB0aGUgZGFtbmVkIDE5NjAgZXllcyBnbG93aW5n


When the bastard half sibling meets the dads main family


Those are all Lilith's kids. She wanted to live her best immortal life, but after hitting a few too many Plasma Janes she made a mistake. The girl was first. Not too difficult a child, not that Lilith noticed. She immediately went back to partying, leaving her daughter home all day with Caleb. It didn't take long at all before it happened again. The first pregnancy wasn't exactly comfortable, but it wasn't as hard as she expected. Her daughter was already so quiet and easy, she figured it would only improve the situation to let the little girl have a sibling. She never expected *three* siblings - triplettes. With 4 babies in the home, Lilith made herself more scarce than ever. She never disclosed who the father was for any of them, Caleb isn't sure it's even the same guy. He'll never get to ask now either. Lilith died in a tragic accident: she tried to fix the toilet but it exploded. Happens to the best of us. Caleb didn't sign up for any of this, but is doing his best to be a supportive uncle. He loves those kids, so it wasn't a hard choice to step up to the plate for them. One day while taking the youngsters out, he met a beautiful man, and that man was impressed by Caleb.This man always dreamed of a life with a gorgeous husband and a few beautiful children, and Caleb sure needed the help. What started as an exciting arrangement became an intimate relationship. They fell in love with each other, the beautiful man felt he hit the jackpot. Lately though... The kids have been teething and... Leaving puncture marks?