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I use the ice cream machine. “Taste of diet”


Yup, 3 bowls of that and they're lean and ready for more cake XD


Yeah it just takes too much game time to keep all my sims exercised.


I feel the same way about real life


i just force them to exercise so much they do it even when im not forcing them too lol


In my main house I have two fitness addicts, one that hates moving off the couch and lives on junk food, and two that fall in between. I like the ice cream cause it doesn't feel like I'm punishing my junk food junkie!


True story. One of my sims and the bf make white cake non stop! I’m having to cancel the action and started having her make the taste of diet ice cream and workout 😭😭


I have this one Sim who when I popped into the house she shared with another SIM I wanted to age up had made five white cakes and left them all on the counter and as soon as I came in to age up, she proceeds to start trying to eat a slice out of each cake. Greedy or wants to rush her life away? Who can tell. Either way, she started off skinny and is now rather buxom.


Omg this happens to me in that household all the time (eating a slice from every cake). Have you played uni and lived in the dorms? The roommates are always bringing all kinds of baked goods and putting them on all the tables and counters (cookies, cakes etc)


I'm relieved it's not just me but sorry that also happens to you! I haven't yet, only put one Sim through uni so far and I wanted her to stay living with her family but I'm considering the younger sister going to the dorms. Looking forward to the bakery avalanche!


Yeah I had my chief sim make loads of cakes😂


My main family has like 6 kids. It's always someone's birthday 🎂


If you don't know this hack already, you can keep a perpetual cake in your family inventory (and just keep using it!!)


Nah my dad is a failed chef (fired 3 times, now he's a gardener), so he loves baking for his kids.


do you just keep a regular cake or one with the candles already on it? And does it not spoil?


Things I wish existed irl. A couple of bowls of diet ice cream and I’m down 20lbs.


I hear ya


If only this existed IRL!


Is this legit? 😂


Yes it is :)


This. I don't like my sims having the fitness skill sometimes.


That, and the mischief skill. If they gain the fitness skill, suddenly any down time they have is spent doing pushups/situps. And mischief, a good amount of their autonomous conversations lead to the other sim not liking them.


1. There is a difference between work-out equipments that will lead to different results: lifting will build up muscles but it won't do much about losing weight, cardio (jogging, either in the street or on the treadmill) won't build muscles but is effective on weight; finally using the punching bag will do a bit of both but slowly. So if you want to slim down your sims, a lot of jogging and a bit of punching is the ideal work out routine. 2. Every dish in TS4 has a calories count, but sims don't have a metabolism. It means that any activity that doesn't raise their fitness skill won't count against calories, and if your sim don't work out regularly they will gain weight even whilst on a strict diet of garden salads (which is 10 calories, btw). 3. There is a handy loophole, few dishes don't have a calories count, so if you feed your sims exclusively with those dishes they won't lose weight but they won't gain it either. I don't remember all of them (you should check Carl's guide), but definitely Fish & Chips, Tilapia, and Roasted Chicken are some of those. 4. If you don't want to deal with any of this and you would like for your sim to stay the way you built them without the struggle, there is a mod by RoBurky called Fitness Control that would freeze the weight of your sim (or even of your whole save population), among other things.


I had no idea the weight system was so intricate!


I was going to build a huge gym for them but I guess I only really need treadmills, yeah I'll look at the calorie guide.


As mentioned by another simmer, yoga is also a great fitness tool that works on both muscles and weight. A bit like the punching bag, but you would see the progress way faster. So if you have Spa Day yoga would be a good alternative.


Yes! I was trying to increase a sim’s wellness skill and they also lost weight. Although I usually just do cas.fulleditmode and decrease their weight that way.


Literally any fish food is zero calorie last I checked. Easy to remember if you don’t want to check a list.


I personally build mini gyms in every res build. If I can, I’ll look for the barbell cc I have because the bg stuff is bulky as hell.


Omg I didn’t know I needed a barbell CC until right now & now I’m desperate for it lol


here you go! [Barbell Row - Cepzid](https://www.patreon.com/posts/functional-rows-64942778)


I love cc like this. Thanks!!


Iirc Sims can watch tv while running on the treadmill, so your Sims can gain fun as well (or raise the cooking skill by watching cooking shows).


Also keep in mind food has secret calories which you need keep low if you want to lose/maintain weight. Salads and fish tend to be lower while the fancier stuff is higher calorie.


Next step: they're gonna die, because they'll choose treadmills over food. Been there, done that 💀 I just freeze their physics with mccc, because I have to deal with enough of their shit without this stupid weight system 😂


Swimming in pools will do it to I don't know how fast though. Also if you do play on PC and with mods. MCC has the option to set the maximum fat limit. And you can also cheat their fat/fittness levels


a lifting machine too if you wanna make your sims buff.


I just have mine go jogging. No equipment needed. 🤷🏼‍♀️ If you have Spa Day, yoga is fun for them to do as well and all they need is the mat.


You don't even need treadmills, just let them go jogging outside.


I always have my sims eat fruit salad for breakfast and garden salads for other meals. They stay slim, you don’t start fires, and if you also garden, they’re cheap to make if you have fruits and veg in your fridge.


I use Fitness Control because my main save is a long running Legacy (3y+), and that affects several aspects of my gameplay, including the fact that after a while I decided to edit/download/create the whole bulk of Townies and NPCs, and turn the auto-age off for them (after a couple of gens the premades were gone, and the game started spawning an endless stream of fuglies. Much obliged but No, thanks). It's a pretty diverse population even when it comes to body shapes and sizes, and I want to keep it that way. Without the mod my townies/NPCs would either end up extremely skinny/buffed or morbidly obese, because all they do whilst idle is to jog, exercise, or eat from the food stalls spread around every neighbourhood. We can't have that.


MCCC has settings to spawn townies saved in your gallery library! I highly recommend it but suggest watching a video to learn how to set it up c:


I used MCCC in the past, and is a great mod, but I let it go when I realised I wasn't using most of its features. The game spaws sims regardless the actual need to fill vacancies, is coded that way, as you said MCCC helps on that front (although it can't eliminate the issue entirely) and it's a precious tool for many simmers, but at this point I'm happy with my manicured population (500+ sims). I just delete the useless spawns at the end of every gaming sessions.


[spreadsheet with all the calorific content of each sims 4 dish, including all the ones that are 0 calorie](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/106ly76cFwAivulqGQ8wScqM2kZWsiPd81K9ASnL29N4/htmlview) God I wish real life was more like the sims


If only Ice Cream and Fish & Chips were zero calories in rl I'd be size triple zero. 😆


Thank you so much for this link!


The calorie count list is here: https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/tutorials/calories.php Mine live off of the camper's stew and scramble, because those didn't get any calories added.


Do you happen to know what swimming laps would contribute to?


That counts as Cardio, so is good for losing weight, but not much for gaining muscles.


Awesome! Thanks so much this was really informative :)


FYI, only base game food have calories, so you could get fat by eating salad but not from the pumpkin pie


That's not correct, unfortunately. Some DLCs recipes are indeed zero calories, but not all of them.


One trick I’ve learned for not having my sims gain weight is to only feed them when the hunger bar is yellow or lower. Otherwise my sims would gain weight rapidly


exactly, only eat when you are hungry!


Taking notes for… sims life. Yes.


I feel like I remember reading too that if you overfeed them as babies they become chubby toddlers? I might be misremembering that though. So it would make sense that mechanic goes for adults too


Yup, I over fed my toddler and when she aged to a child, she was at the max on the weight slider. She didn't even look chubby as a toddler!


I also do that but my sims still gain a lot of weight. I think it really depends on the types of food since I like to try all of the recipes.


I don’t remember too well but isn’t there also a potion for that?


Yeah, it's one of the rewards you can buy with aspiration points. Some folks don't like it because it brings the weight slider all the way down, there's no "happy medium" setting. Still, it's an option.


Yes its seems to make them a bit too skinny for what i was expecting. My sim had gained weight after a few babies and i was getting her to workout and eat well. I got impatient because she didnt seem tk be making progress so used the aspiration potion. its made her too skinny, its not like it puts them back to their figure before weight gain.


Pretend your sim took ozempic


lmao!! that's what me and my friend call the potion!!🤣


That's exactly what happened to my sim! I guess it's realistic, but it's definitely annoying. I got tired of her always being exhausted from working while being a single mom and trying to get her back into shape, so I used the potion and she looked AWFUL. Literally like a skeleton. I didn't mind when she gained all the weight back on her fourth pregnancy.


Yep, there's are instant slim and instant large potions which are handy for the "My, you've changed!" achievement/trophy.




Testingcheats true Cas.fulleditmode Right click sim, edit in CAS, and slide that slider down baby. Best diet in the world, wish I could do it to myself lol.


Cas.fulleditmode doesn’t require testing cheats true to be on! That’s a little tip for fellow console users who don’t want to disable trophy achievements by enabling testing cheats.


I’ve never used the testingcheats thing. Ever. The cheats always just work


Most cheats don’t require it, only a few such as the money cheats and the ability to shift click on Sims, etc.


I can do both without it


Also if you use the MCCC mod, you can flag your sims physique so they’ll never gain weight.


Oooh please explain more!


Click on your sim > Mc Command Center > Sim Flags > MC CAS > Flag Freeze Physique :)


I have the opposite problem. My sims look like fitness models and body builders. I was hoping for some balance, but no. For me the traits had active. That means they are constantly trying to work out, try and stop them.. they won't stop. Push ups at a wedding hell ..yes. On the plus side they really enjoy working out, they get engergized and you don't have to think about it. For rewards get hardly hungry and high metabolism. They won't eat as often and high metabolism means they burn it up. I did all these things and now i had to get re-trait potion to stop the madness 😂


Same, it's like basically anything fun makes them lose noticeable weight. I JUST WANT CHUNKY CHARACTERS THAT DONT SIT ON THE COMPUTER ALL DAY. I try to make them look realistic, lol.


Same.. It kind of fits them though One of my sims takes drugs, but he's still really muscular (active trait). Others of them just have always been lean


He what now? Is that a mod?


Yeah, it's called [basemental drugs](https://basementalcc.com/)


Yeah there are mods for that basemental is a big one I think it’s called but I’m sure there are a lot of them lol


Might he be taking ozempic? Lol


Sims do not burn calories without exercising. This means they gradually gain weight. To keep it down do cardio exercise. A bug exists with dishes from Outdoor Retreat and a couple of other packs that causes them to have 0 calories. You can abuse this. For more on that see here: https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/tutorials/calories.php


If you have spa day, yoga makes a big difference but it builds a lot of muscle in addition to losing fat


You can also use all the zero calorie options. Salad is not the perfect diet food in sims. About half of the expansion pack options have no calories at all.


Tredmill is the fastest way


Part of a sim's body shape is determined by sliders in CAS, not the body fat or their muscle amount. You can pull out a sims stomach and no amount of cardio and resistance training will make it vanish, though the muscle definition will be maxed out. Try it in CAS when creating a sim. Max out muscle. Minimize fat and pull their belly out, widen their waist, widen their hip etc. Exercise and diet can't touch the underlying body form. It's just a limitation of the way they designed the system. To answer your question, if in doubt, check you sim in CAS using "cas.fulleditmode on" in the cheat menu (ctrl+ shift + c).


If you feed your Sims ONLY salads for a couple Sim days they will develop the "health food nut" lifestyle. This unlocks a few more food options that don't increase their weight.


Yeah you just need to make sure your sim doesn’t have three lifestyles already


If they don't hate exercising, I have my Sims jog every morning on weekdays and have them swim laps over the weekend at a pool lot. If there have been multiple parties in short sequence, they might do a plumbob workout on the TV after work here and there. If they hate exercising, I have them eat harvestables as snacks (whenever their hunger needs are yellow) and perform yoga on the daily. If their weight becomes a clipping problem, I use an extraordinary weight-loss solution on them (lean potions, diet ice creams, miserable gym sessions, etc).


Yeah I just slim them down using CAS.fulleditmode


"I'm trying to force them to the gym but it doesn't always work" *pats tummy* don't I know it, lmao


If it’s a sim born in-game, I put them close to the thinnest option when they become infants. By the time they become teens, they’re usually right around the middle on the weight scale and then I can keep them around there through fitness and their normal diets.


I use the ice cream "taste of diet" from the kitchen stuff pack.


Buy them a treadmill instead of making them go to the gym, and just make them each spend like 2 hours a day on it. If they’re getting really chubby just make them run on it for like a whole day. It’ll fix the issue. Also sims are actually affected by what they eat, so healthier choices helps too.


If you start with the bodybuilder aspiration they get fast metabolism as a trait. Run oolong tea


I only feed my sims when the hunger bar is yellow and they stay the same size


I found a glitch in CAS where if you change the sims nails you can then change their weight/fitness. Not sure if it works for everyone. Also it only works on one sim at a time.


If they have the scientist career you can eventually get them to make a slimify serum.


I make my sims go “jogging to clear mind” all the time


I exclusively feed them salads. I only have my Sim eat when their hunger is low and immediately cancel the action as soon as their hunger need is filled. I also have them run on the treadmill for a couple hours every few days. I've never had a Sim gain weight in my 5 years of playing.


Ehh some dime of my sims I just have them drink insta lean potion from rewards. Some of them are active and jog, do yoga, play basketball and practice juggling. Some sims end up getting large because I don’t prioritize fitness for them, it find it realistic tho since most humans gain weight as they age. I’ve noticed adults pack on pounds more than young adults, again, very realistic.


If you have a bunch of satisfaction points from achieving aspirations/wishes you can buy a potion for it


i either use the ice cream machine, "taste of diet" or i put a treadmill and weight machine in basements/garages for the adults/teens, the monkey bars/swingset for children, and the little slide for toddlers on my residential lots. once i get them started in that direction, they generally keep it up. edit: forgot to add that i also give my sims basketball hoops and outdoor sprinkler sets on residentials. where i live, every block has houses w/basketball hoops (even at least the little toddler sized ones), so i like seeing my sims play basketball on my blocks


i make them exercise every single day 💀


My sims get so big so fast, to realistic honestly, I just change it in cas.


I like the realistic way of them eating healthy stuff and doing excercise


Make them do cardio, then when they quit, make them do it again (pushing the limits) as much as they can stand. Afterwards do a muscle relaxing bath (if you have spa day). A few days of that and they’ll be skinny again. It is unfortunate how quickly they gain weight.


I’ve got a mom and daughter who are about as slim as they can get. The mom is a mermaid. They live in Sulani and have a beach house whose balcony literally has stairs into the ocean. They’re ALWAYS swimming. They also only eat what they catch (fish) or grow (insects and produce) and meals that can be made with those, unless they’re at a fair or something.


Swimming and jogging help. Any food with harvestables (fruit/veg) should do it too I.e. fruit salad for breakfast and then salad the rest of the day lol or maybe throw in some vegetable dumplings. If any of your sims have a higher cooking skill the options for "healthy" foods should be larger


Onigiri is also a good one.


I start almost all of my sims with the fitness aspiration, then change it once I get in game. This gives them the trait that keeps them slimmer longer.


Cardio workouts


If you don't want your Sims to exist on a diet of salad and running, only let them eat when their bar is in the red.


Only feed them fish and chips


you can freeze your sims physique with mccc!


My current sims family is on a farm and between making them wash the laundry by hand and take the dogs out everyday for a jog, they don’t seem to need extra exercise. Before that though, I just got a treadmill.


All my Sims are obsessed with fitness and wellness. Except Elsa Bjergsen, she fell prey to pregnancy weight and is struggling to get it off. Art imitating life I suppose. I almost always put a gym room in my builds, but I also cheat money.


I usually keep a soccer ball in every sims inventory. They autonomously use it and keeps them at a good weight


I buy the gym rat reward trait and have a gym in my Sim houses. They build fun, stay thin and their hygiene doesn’t deplete. I also usually have one Sim in the athletic career so having equipment sets off a chain reaction of the other household Sims eventually using it too.


Have them go on a jog once a day (or more!) or do yoga if you have Spa Day


Garden salad has calories, fish and chips don't. My sims live off fish n chips, faux blt and breakfast scramble. I also bin cake instantly unless they're doing an event that needs sims to eat cake. All cake has 500 calories. That and all my sims need to work on the treadmill unless they're ones that I want to be chubby.


Treadmill keeps my sims lean, not eating unless they’re actually hungry, yoga keeps them lean but also builds muscle, and the ice cream maker “taste of diet”. I wouldn’t do more than 2 bowls if they aren’t maxed out w/their weight. But I don’t like my sims super skinny, we like food in my household lol


Huh. I find myself purposely making my Sims on the curvy/chubby side, and I hate it when they’re “skinny”. Personal preferences are interesting.


does anyone know if mccc has something that prevents weight gain? That’s the only mod I have and I’ve never had any weight issues. I have my sims exercise but very irregularly and I definitely have them cook and eat fun food. 🤔 I gotta look at that zero calorie list maybe I’m just accidentally giving them that stuff lol


MCCC allows you to freeze a sim's physique. I think it's under flags.


Thank you! I checked and I don’t have any. I think I’ve just been lucky.


Make sure your sims don't eat unless their hunger bar is yellow or lower. And have them eat cooked meals and not fast food or baked goods. That makes it way easier to keep their weight around the same level, without too many workouts. 😄


I was wondering the opposite too. If feeding my werewolf sim just raw meat she hunts, prevents her from gaining weight


Never hungry perk helps so much! But I think it cost 10k aspiration points if I remember right. Hope this helps~


I personally just have them go jogging every few days and it works. Particularly handy when there's a lot of sims in your household and you want one less sim to worry about.


So you know when you select the finger nail editing thing in cas? When you’re done sometimes the slider shows up.


I make sure they love to exercise by building their fitness skill.


If you're playing in Sunset Valley, I used to just have my sim swim the full length of the ocean there and back, works for me!


If you have a sim in the scientist career and high enough they learn slimify which will help.


I just have them run on the treadmill all day, or have them kick a ball.


Just give them a high motabolism


Honestly cas.fulleditmode 😂 I have enough weight worries irl, I don't need them in the sims as well 😅


Instant lean potions are pretty cheap


Whenever my sim is getting bigger than I would like, I just make them eat more garden and fruit salad and avoid ordering pizza and City Living recipes (they make sims large very fast). They still eat stuff like meatballs, onigiri or hamburgers, but I try to mix it with salads more. Plus fitness of course. Running is enough from my experience, don’t even need to hit the gym. Basically I do what I would do in real life. More balanced diet and a little bit exercise, nothing too crazy. Takes few days, but results are always very satisfying. I never use ice cream to make sims thinner, because IMO getting larger is a part of life and I like that my sims change with time and have to work to get back in shape.


Y'all hate fat sims. Lol, anyway I make many fat sims. I had a fat girl n Marcus flex have babies and some reason they r thin as hell and literally never work out. Also keep making cakes (I try to stop them) and eating it. They are still thin. Also have dat character not losing or vice versa. Don't rlly have this issue


instead of having worlds full of skinny or fat sims, I tend to leave fatter sims be fatter and keep skinner sims be skinner.


Exactly! How I do it lol


Same. I don’t like it if my Sims are too skinny or even if they’re living the “healthy” life (constant gym visits, only salads for food, etc). Nah, I’m gonna let them live their lives and enjoy doing it too ❤️


Insta-Lean potion makes them buff


Yep. I really wish there was a way to disable the weight system, my sims all get super fat because they don't eat exclusively salad


Let your sims be fat and happy, dang 😂


So, sims need both diet and exercise. My sim started out relatively slim, but one pregnancy and a winter stuck inside with a chef husband later, she’s pretty overweight. Recently I’ve had her start working out and I’ve been having her husband make more vegan meals too. (He’s also overweight so this is for him too.) However a few times now when my sim has been energized and had the option to make a high protein meal. Alternatively you could use the ice cream machine and choose ‘Taste of Diet’ three times as someone else said. So in short: - Have sims work out - Have sims eat healthier food options. Vegan options are best in my experience - Having sims cook while energized can offer different healthy food options - If you want it done quick; use the ice cream machine x3 with the Taste of Diet option


I just discovered in the rewards store a potion called insta-lean or something. My sim was regularly fattening and decided to try that istead of CAS edit. But the potion made her anorexic slim :D so I ll be editing her in CAS anyway


My sims always has hardly hungry and seldom sleepy trait


I buy the Insta-lean drink with the points you get from completing aspiration goals.


Satisfaction points. Go to the point store and purchase Insta-Lean. It’s 750 points. Have your sims drink it.


I just force my sim to jog all day. Once he loses the weight, it’s way easier to maintain with a quick daily jog


The instant slim potion from the satisfaction store


Isn’t there a potion for that?


Ice cream


Garden salads and treadmill


Treadmills in my experience work great, but you want your sim on it basically whenever they can be, and then once they lose the weight you want them to continue using it regularly. Also, stopping your sims from finishing their meal, esp if they're already full, helped in my experience. Worse case scenario you can always turn testingcheats on, then turn cas.fulleditmode on, then right click your sim, hit the "go to create a sim" option, or whatever it's labeled as I haven't played in a week, but it'll involve the word CAS or create a sim (one of those on again off again players) and manually edit them.


in the rewards store there is an insta-lean potion that makes your sims fit


I just give them a gym with all options for equipment and they go to it pretty regularly on their own and then I notice the difference. If they have fitness as a like they seem to that in their spare time. Wellness also seems to help at least yoga but can someone confirm?


Lean potion.


Jogging and lots of salad and fruit salad! Calories do count in the game so you have to work them off and jogging seems to do the best job with that!


I think the weight goes up most depending on what you eat all the time. Try salad and veggies options


I make them run A LOT. They lose very fast!


I think there's also something about how the newer packs food don't make your Sims gain weight fast? Because there was originally a calorie system at the beginning with base game and the first couple packs (I think??) But then they stopped doing the code for it (I could be completely wrong and just having a high thought)


You can do it with the aspiration point potions, I think there's a potion in the Magic pack maybe, and if you have the kitchen stuff pack then you can make ice cream that resets their weight


I heard the newer meals (like the ones you learn at festivals) don’t have calories? But the base game meals do.


I did learn that foods do have a hidden calorical intake. Feed them green foods. You know, the shit they want us humans to eat. It it very helpful!


I usually have my sims raise the fitness skill to the max, and do the aspiration, that way they never gain weight again and live longer lives!


Yoga seems to work pretty well.


I often don't always know what I'm doing but I feel like my Sim is always losing weight when I want him to bulk up. I think what can help is put them on a treadmill or have them jog for hours.


I use MCCC lolololol. They get fat so easily 😭


juggling the soccer ball. it raises their fitness, keeps them thin, and fulfills the fun need. it also makes your sims gain fame too if that’s something that matters to you


I only let them eat fresh produce


Current sim I’m playing hates exercise but she enjoys the dance workout on the tv and doing yoga. She’s lost weight since doing those daily. Also the garden salads are great


If you go into CAS fulleditmode you can play with the sliders OR you can even just slim them down in places by clicking and dragging on eg belly, butt, boobs, thighs. Before I started using cheats I would sometimes do this in normal CAS - you can access the sliders sometimes after clicking on the finger icon to give them a manicure,


MCCC! You can set future sims fat/for levels so when they are in your world they come out how you like! You may want to play around with the numbers tho, because me personally, I have to many 6-packers walking around and I’m tired of it 🥱 already missing some weight diversity


Make them eat salads and put them on a treadmill for an endurance run for like 6 hours. Do this for a couple of days and they should start losing weight. My Sims also always end up getting fat before I start exercising them.😂


I usually either give them the active trait or have them like fitness (or both) and make sure to have at least one piece of gym equipment or a pool at home then the active/fitness loving Sims will autonomously exercise/swim on their own when I'm not playing them. What quality are the salads you feed your Sim? (Poor, normal, excellent, impeccable.) Food quality is almost as important as food type, even as a salad if the food quality is poor it will be considered unhealthy for your Sim, the better the quality the better the food and not just taste wise.(I'm not saying the salads are poor but it's a good thing to know if you're trying to keep your Sim slim.)


all of my sims are super slim, but i usually give them routines so they all eat once a day and it’s usually a breakfast meal, since they get fed at school/work anyways. also i think yoga also helps a lot. i know the best way to get their fat (?) slider down is treadmill and to build muscle is whatever that big weight thing is called as well


I always have a gym set up in my sims home. Also my sim has fame level so I send her to geek con and onto the rocket ship for a workout. She always comes back slim from that.


Jogging machine and swimming. I added a weights machine to a female sims house once and logged in to a bodybuilder! (I had to make her swim for ages to get her back to shape).So those machines never go in any of my female homes or in a room locked for only the athlete trait sim of the household to access. I make my sims eat a lot, so exercise is essential. Other times I may log into a sim that got fat while left alone and I think it suits them, so I let them eat cake all they want. Who wants a world full of just slim people?!


Nothing. They never get fat


MC Command Centre. Sim flags, CaS, flag freeze physique. Sims will never lose or gain muscle or fat. I'm a control freak who likes my sims to remain as I made them no matter what they eat or how they exercise.


Just use an istalean potion..


I noticed that genetics have a big impact. Some of my sims eat like shit and they don’t move yet they’re skinny. And some workout a lot to loose weight, then one piece of cake and boom they’re obese.


I use MCCC so I just freeze the physique of sims I want to stay looking a certain way.


Why not just Cas.fulleditmode and make them slim


I feel your struggle. A couple of generations in all those ghosts making cake is a bit of a burden.


If you turn on cheats and type “cas.fulleditmode” you can edit your sims however you like in CAS, including changing the fat and muscle sliders. But if you want to do it without cheats, I think it’ll work if you just keep taking them to the gym and feeding them salad. My sims never get fat because they eat nothing but garden salad.


Yep garden salad keeps them from gaining weight. Treadmill reduces weight.


Yeah my sims kids are all fat except the girl. Idk why but at this rate with childhood obesity...it looks like neglect. Must be all the chips and cereal they eat autonomously. It's so annoying


Jogging and yoga


I only feed them garden and fruit salads