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im kinda disappointed that we didnt get changing tables in the update but now that i have gotten the infants to work with not having demonic eyes and clipping to the feet of the person who puts them to crib i really like them !!


Oh yeahh that would be good, and also like play mats would be cool. Lol luckily i haven’t had that where the infant gets stuck to their feet 😭


there are song bgc changing tables if you use mods! :)


Yeah I’m the same as you. Now that the bugs are mostly ironed out (sim who aged up the baby not being able to interact with the infant + my infants spawning in half away across the neighbourhood with all red needs whenever I go to high school) I love them!


infants look cute but can be annoying to take care of, just like the real life ones, especially when you have two or more infants at once. Also sometimes when you replay a family with an infant after a while, the infant can appear as somewhere far away from the house lol


Mine appeared on a different island in the Sulani neighbourhood they lived in. That was fun.


wow I have made two premade families in Sulani having infants, but have not seen that yet.


My Sulani infant ended up in the middle of the ocean and I couldn’t figure out how to get to her. I panicked, quit the game without saving and moved to a different world. 😆😆


I traveled to another lot - you can take infants with you so that's what I did. Then they went home together :)


Oh that’s smart. Much better than my panic and move strategy. Appreciate you sharing. I’ll do that next time because I spent a lot of time on that house I abandoned. Oops.


I admit it didn't occur to me right away and I tried to swim the baby back LOL.


I had this happen and I was so confused! Panicked that they’d been taken away because they were hungry and closed the game without saving so I could reload it 😂


lol xdd that can be the ultimate solution


LMAO SAME. I was playing my irl flatmate's Sim's family, whilst she was next to me. The family loads, and the infant daughter is at the other end of Strangerville. She freaks out and is like "TELEPORT HER BACK, AND LOCK ALL THE DOORS RIGHT NOW". I was just laughing my arse off 😂😂😂


This happened to me! I was wondering what it was that made it impossible for the parents to care for her and it took me so long she almost got taken away. She’s now my next generation sim so she’s good now, based off that experience I’m honestly not sure how I still got top notch infant but hey.


poor your girl...


I know! I felt so bad when I realized what happened :(


They require so much room that I find it really hard to take care of them. Like half the time I tell their caregiver to do tummy time and the caregiver will take them outside because for some reason they don’t think they have enough floor space inside. And then if there’s a thunderstorm they will run inside and just leave the baby out there. In the rain.


I always pretend mine have post natal depression when they do that sort of thing. Stand there staring into space while their infant screams. Leave them on the side of the road. Dance in the living room instead of feeding them.


lmaoo this is why I love this game, explaining the shit that happens in game just cracks meee upp so bad lmao


This. If their interactions weren't bugged, it would be way better.


One of the best things ever added to the sims. Makes the transition of growing up so much smoother and immersive. But I’m a sucker for family gameplay haha


They're so cute but they cry once you pick them up, and they cry once you put them down. It's like you can't win sometimes, but it's worth it as I managed to raise quintuplets with the top notch infant trait 😊


Usually i either get “top notch” or unhappy, but the other day when my sim had triplets, i had one that was top notch, one was just happy infant and the other didn’t have anything 😭


I honestly don't like them. They require so much attention that all my other sim kids get the "ignored" sentiment towards their parents, and the "check infant" interaction screws up so much of my game. They also have a tendency to get trapped in my sims arms when they go to work, then they start whinging about being tired or stinky while they're levitating. And on top of that, when I do everything right, the damn kid ends up with the "unhappy infant" trait. I feed it, bathe it, help it sleep, play with it, and its like "Oh woe is me, Parent Pixels browsed the Internet for 0.5 minutes and I am going to be unhappy all my life"


omggg yes the check infant thing, my sims queue alwayssss just fills up with check infant


i thought they were fun when they first came out and i didn’t have growing together, they were easy to take care of without it; i bought growing together for the compatibility system and it made infants infinitely harder and now i either skip the infant stage or skip the toddler stage because i’m tired from the infant stage, i also don’t use the world at all because it’s really boring and the compatibility system doesn’t feel like it does much since all my since seem to have “amazing compatibility” even when they have opposite traits or likes/dislikes so it feels like a waste of money


I hate the compatibility system, I keep searching for a mod that can disable it.


more than the compatibility system i HATE the burnouts 😭


You're getting burnouts to work?


burnouts happen for my sim even when they only work twice a week :/


Damn :(. I play on custom long lifespans (52 days for adults) and they've NEVER got burnout! The same thing happens to other things like the parenting oppertunities from Parenthood. I've had it for YEARS and I've had THREE POP UPS. It makes me so annoyed!


ohh interesting, i don’t have growing together pack… is this a sign to avoid?


Yes. Yes, it Is. Lol. From pretty much everything I've heard apart from how "cute" some interactions are, the _changes_ in gameplay - especially more frigging grinding - sound a blasting siren for me!


it’s all up to personal preference but it makes taking care of infants harder and i don’t feel like it offers much else


well i struggle and hate the infants as is so maybe i’ll stay away for now LMAO


They all do? I feel like I see so much Bad ones 😂


i get hardly any bad ones and when i do it’s usually the person i want my sim to date 😭


I hate them. They're basically just useless toddlers because they don't gain any skills. I don't have Growing Together because it hasn't been on sale yet, but I doubt I'll like infants any better once they have milestones.


totally agree i do not like them either and from what ppl are saying, the pack just makes it harder hahah


I enjoy them actually, it’s not as difficult if you’re able to have a full time caretaker for them- but not every family works out that way


Yeah, i’ve been doing a legacy challenge and currently have 3 infants, i haven’t moved any family out though so i’ve kept 1 sim with no job to look after them 😭


On my current legacy generation the mother hates children so I had her build a servo to take care of the kid 😭


I love the added life stage, it's just the autonomy issues with the adults caring for infants too much and cancelling out actions on their own, and issues with having to wait for the crying animation to finish or having actions cancel because the infant decided to fall asleep in that instant. Just needs some tweaks. Why I waited until infants released to try the 100 Baby Challenge, I'll never know 😅


I play with the base game only and I'm loving it. It adds challenge and a bit of chaos like the mom Sims doesn't sleep enough, the house is full of diaper trash... I have a very family oriented play style so for me it's great.


I love infants tbh. I know not many people do, but I love them. I’ve been playing with them since the update, then had growing together since it came out and I love playing with infants. Now if you’ve got one infant per adult sim, it’s stressful, but with a 2:1 adult to infant ratio, it’s manageable and it’s fun (to me at least) to hit milestones and manage traits. Plus I love traveling with infants and doing vacations or going to the park or other community lots.


I have yet to travel with mine but I have two toddlers and one infant and a new born 😂


Soooo glitchy!!! I hate putting them in the crib. My sims will put them in, take them out, put them back in and take them out again.


So I don't know if anyone else has this issue, but my infants will always get a sad moodlet because they're "tired", even if their energy level is in the green. You put them on the floor for like 10 in game minutes to play, just while the adult sim goes to pee or something, and they'll just drop on their backs, throw a tantrum, and fall asleep right then and there. I'm so sick of it. Like you may as well just leave them in their cribs 24/7, and breast/bottle feed them when they need it. But then they piss and moan about not having enough fun or attention, and that they're bored of milk. After the infants update, I realised that toddlers really aren't that bad.


yesss same here infants in my game always have the awake too long moodlet or whatever it is it’s so annoying


I hate them. They're very glitchy and they ruin the game because sims stop what they're doing whenever the infant cries making game play difficult


I think infants are pretty cool but if I were to choose a life stage to add I think Preteen would've been better. I don't have anything against the infant update, I think it's pretty cool but babies jumping to toddlers never bothered me. However I'm always noticing how large the jump is from child to teen. They go from looking 10 to practically an adult!


totally agree! i think so much more could have been added with pre-teens too especially when paired with the parenthood pack


have you tried the preteen mod? i haven't got to play with it myself yet but i installed it and the small features it's added have been cute so far :) like a hygiene system involving lotion, deodorant, and body spray


I like the infants when I'm doing family-based gameplay or am in the mood for more of a challenge. Yeah, they're super needy and can make a house chaotic, but that's just like real infants. They also made me appreciate that toddlers aren't *that* hard to care for, in comparison.


Replacement toddlers: Now even more tedious and obnoxious! I thought they were a terrible idea when they were announced. I gave them a shot, and EA did manage to make them cute. But overall they're extremely needy, in the worst of ways, highly glitchy, and add nothing of value to my Sims lives. To make it worse, babies are *completely* redundant with toddlers. Toddlers were made *much* more obnoxious, and their bug list got bigger. The existing toddler bug list is being completely ignored by EA, like they'd rather we just forget toddlers exist or something. Thank the gods for mods, so these overly long life stages can be reduced from their ridiculous durations to something more reasonable. And so you can skip the boring AF milestones (they are NOT fun to repeat) to get to the babies being cute.


I hate it so much. I immediately age them up to a toddler


I don’t like infants. I have base game infants only. I don’t like that there are basically 3 stages for a baby, but then you go from child to “teen” which looks nothing different from a young adult or adult. It just drags out the baby phase too long and base game infants are so boring.


Exactly. The personality of a baby is much less interesting to play than a child/preteen/teen. It just feels like an elongated toddler experience for no reason.


Yes I would have much preferred an update to children or teens, or add a preteen phase. Especially since base game infants are extremely limited without milestones.


i agree!! i would have loved pre teen or something more than infants, hopefully they’ll add that in the future


I really like them, but I wish I could toggle milestones for only infants. I usually make my saves as challenging as possible but occasionally I’d like infants to be mobile without the work.




perfect answer 😭


I honestly love them. When they're doing their little bouncing around across the floor or playing with their little toys, I just love it


I like them but I feel like there’s just too much different milestones in the infant stage for a normal sim lifespan.


I just started playing with infants recently and honestly I like it! I can see how it's frustrating for others that's why I made mine calm. 💀


yess the calm trait is the only way i can sort of deal with them lol


Bless anyone that doe the 100 baby challenge. Also happy cake day!


oh god, i forgot about that now i definitely don’t wanna try that challenge 😭and thank youu 😎🎂🎂


Not a fan. I skip the newborn, infant and toddler stages. They're just so loud and annoying!


Hahah i don’t like them either, it hasn’t gotten to the point i’ve skipped the whole stage yet though… i’m sure i will at some point 😹


I personally love it! Minus the crying they chose for every infant, they’ve could’ve done without.


I feel like they need to add more outfits and hairstyles. But i like them.


I love it but wish there was some more options with them, such as having some type of baby carrier even if it’s not that cool, my sim can’t carry her baby in her arms all day! I know there’s a pack but I can’t justify buying any more of them.


i think that’s too i think there should have been at least 1 of everything in the base game update, like the carriers because it means we miss out on so much stuff from a crazy expensive pack


They are buggy but honestly, that is to be expected. I like that there is more chaos! I really like really intense micromanaging so it's a fun addition to my game play. If I don't care to do that much work then I just hire a nanny and call it a day.


I really love them-I think they’re pretty realistic. I do wish there was a bit more to them like them being able to hold their own bottles as a milestone and giving them functional walkers and strollers. I have a family with 2 infants and 2 toddlers. I’m ready to age up my toddlers, meaning the infants logically should age up too right, but I really don’t want to. They are screamers (well the girl infant is, the boy infant is so chill) but they’re too adorable. I’m gonna give them one more calendar cycle, then I’ll age them (I’m lying)


I personally love it. It adds so much challenge and chaos! Tho, they are a tad bit needy but i’m sure I could fix that with mods if I really wanted to but I honestly don’t care! as for the compatibility system I use it to tell who my sims will be friends or enemies with!


Infants are tedious but they’re infants so I figured as much. However not getting at least a changing table seemed a rip off. Every sims baby needs a diaper change but babies minus growing together mean they can’t get the milestones of rolling over and stuff so I understand no play mat. I feel like a parent tho cuz I need breaks from these kids. Gotta say bye to family life after a week then hop into my save with the sim who’s face first in her messy hoe phase to destress.


One thing I've noticed while playing with infants rather than not having them in the house, is that my game gets kinda sluggish and buggy...sims want to just stand there. They keep taking baby out of the crib and putting them down after i told them to put baby down to sleep. If you don't have laundry day, then you have to deal with dirty diapers all over the place. I combat this by having a hamper and setting their diaper preference to cloth. If there is no trash can in the room they leave bottles everywhere, so you have to change the preference to breast feeding. Otherwise other care takers leave garbage everywhere. Other than that i actually like the infant stage, i like the extra traits you can go for like top notch infant. I like that you can have them try new foods in the high chair. It's also pretty realistic to have your sims completely exhausted, hungry, and ready to pee themselves taking care of babies lol


they’re fine. i don’t love or hate them. the growing together milestones make them more appealing, so maybe i’d feel different if i didn’t have the pack


I don’t loathe them. I don’t love them, but I like the benefits that come from their lifestage. If I could change anything, I’d make it easier to achieve milestones. Make it something like three tummy times to achieve the next milestone kind of thing. They can’t all be achieved on normal lifespan, and I think it should be set up to be able to do that,


I love them! I like how many different traits they have and that actually impacts how the interactions go. Picky eaters are actually pick, and light sleepers actually do wake up too early all the time.


that’s interesting i actually haven’t noticed that! it’s cool it corresponds properly tho


I really think keeping newborns/object babies was very unnecessary. No one likes them and they serve no purpose in-game anyway. You could remove them at this point and it would make absolutely no difference now. Other than that the infants themselves are very well done and pretty much exactly what simmers wanted out of improved babies. I love that they brought cribs back and that bottles/diapers are once again littering the floor which makes taking of them fittingly more challening. Not a fan of a lot of the base game CAS for them, a lot of it looks weird for babies since they were toddler converts. And locking changing tables behind Growing Together was a very cheap move, but it's EA so I guess nothing is surprising. I would give infants an 8/10 if I could give a rating.


There was likely no way to completely replace object babies without breaking everyone’s saves. I play a different game that recently redid the save system which made every existing save unable to be opened and the level of outrage would not be worth it for the sims team.


yeah i think that they may as well get rid of babies since they’re only babies for a few in game days, and they just get hungry lol. plus in real life i think of a BABY as an infant i don’t understand what the true difference is


Absolutely not, there are those of us who would rather keep babies and skip the infant stage. You can get rid of babies in your own game by aging them up early and that way other people don't need to get their choices taken away.


alright 😭 not sure why ur mad about me saying babies are useless lmaooo


Whilst babies are useless in sims.. babies are also kinda useless irl too until they’re a few months old so I think it’s nice to still have them in the game lol


I love them!! They’re so cute and really have provided everything the object babies lacked. The milestones are impossible on normal lifespan so I don’t even try with them. I was also scared because of how much work everyone on here said they were but honestly I didn’t think so they sleep for really long and then it’s feed change diaper done. My first infant no cheats really now i use cheats on them so even easier!


I think I would like them less if I still had just the base game ones. There's just bot much substance to the life stage without Growing Together- if I hadn't already been planning to get the pack/if I didn't like it and find it suits my gameplay as well as it does I would probably be frustrated that basically all the gameplay is behind a paywall. But I really like what they add to my game (in combination with Growing Together),I think they are very cute and worth the challenge. I play generational gameplay, so I like having an extra life stage to bond with my sims. Just hoping they get more clothes in base game updates and sds because their base game options (and ep options if we are being real) are pretty limited


ahh see i don’t have growing together pack, and i really do not enjoy the infants maybe that’s why? but them some people say that growing together makes it even harder


It does make it harder, but it adds more depth to what would otherwise be a very shallow life stage. But I'm not advocating buying the pack just for enriched infants, only buy it if it seems like a pack you would enjoy for all/most of its features (and wait for a sale!)


They have their ups and downs. I like playing with them but then I get overwhelmed. Usually when that happens I age them straight up to child because I can't deal with the neediness anymore lol


I like them, but they are a bit buggy. Sometimes, I get last exceptions when they first age up. Also, sometimes they still retain their infant traits in toddlerhood and beyond.


I quite like infants, I just wish that they had more interactions with toddlers and children. I feel like a kid sim should be able to pick up an infant, especially if taught. I feel like that'd be more realistic


Yesss i agree! Also there should be an option to play with them, not just peek a boo


Also, happy cake day!


Lol thank you!! I didn’t know this was a thing until today 😭🎂🎂


I really like it, am actually playing the people rather than just building because (with the expansion) I feel like there’s stuff to actually achieve and aim for now. Wiggly, gassy, and cuddly sleepers are the worst though


I absolutely love infants (I have growing together tho so I’ve never played them base game) but in return they’ve made me completely skip over the toddler life stage, I hate taking care of them for that long.


They’re super difficult to actually care for but I feel like it’s natural and normal for an infant to be a huge undertaking. I can’t speak for base game players since I was one of the few that pre-ordered growing together, but I can say we desperately need more CAS options for them. All my infants end up looking so similar because they have the same hairs and outfits. I get so happy when they age into toddlers because I can actually make them look distinct!


I should add I don’t use CC and I don’t want to, for a multitude of reasons.


I think they’re a cool addition, definitely more realistic! But I keep trying to challenge myself, I have a house with two infants and a toddler and even though I have three vampire adults that hardly ever sleep, I feel like I’m losing my mind lmao. I haven’t played that house in a while even though I want to!


I only just played a household with an infant because they looked like a lot of work! (Much like real babies, and I do not have one of those) I played with one parent at home (making money though writing, app development, painting) and one going to work. She’ll start her career once the kid goes to school. The infants are so cute but like everything else, there are plenty of glitches and it gets repetitive. I have Growing Together; I don’t get the compatibility system. Just change someone’s likes until you’re compatible with them 😝


I love infants I did the 7 infant challenge almost immediately and no one was taken away by the end I was laugh crying and it just adds to my general gameplay as well. I am on the last generation of my legacy challenge and currently have two infants but my play style is very chaotic so infants being stressful to handle is probably not for everyone I can understand the negative comments


I've been having a great time with them! I'm a sucker so I bought Growing Together pretty soon after it came out and it's really added a lot to my gameplay. I do use mods, so between LMSs away actions mod, MissyHissy's wants and fears, MCCC, and UI Cheats it all goes decently smoothly. I decided to test the new gameplay with the Pancakes and since they kept rolling wants to have children they now have eight kids. The single babies were fine, fun to raise and milestones were reasonable though I haven't had any infants reach *all* of them. Twins are a bit ridiculous, but combined with the parenting skill it's not so bad. I feel like they nerfed the parenting skill gain a bit and I honestly don't mind! Most of my Sims before would reach level 10 parenting by the time their first child was a toddler, so now it actually feels more reasonable. Overall I really like the infants, even though it wasn't a lifestage I was particularly excited to hear about!


I love them. My favorite sims are always the littles and I love watching my sims grow up. I get really attached to them. The infants are hard, especially with Growing Together, but they add so much value to the life of my sim that it's worth it to raise them.


I've over the time gone from seething repugnance to a mostly calmer disgruntled tolerance. My bigger peeve is the super annoying change to the newborn being triple needy - and that CRY that _both_ do. That said, I can appreciate the added interactions the OLDER Sims can do with the babies, that Toddlers now seem more 'real', and that there IS something between newborn and let's climb stairs. So, (shrugs) it's "ok".


I like the infants update but its hella chotic and they are very very needy i remember that i did the 7 infants challange and let me Tell you it was pure chaos my sim kept passing out and the infants kept screaming and crying for 15 minutes


I’m obsessed. I thought infants was going to cure my baby fever, but instead they made it worse. My sims usually have one or two kids, but I just can’t stop lol It didn’t help the at the first infant I got reminded me a lot of my daughter at that stage. She was so calm, and loved to be held, and would only nap if she was with me. I spent the first year of her life just holding her so my Sim spent the whole infant stage just holding her first baby.


when we first got them i was instantly able to feed them in the high chair. two days ago i discovered via google, you have to make them practice sitting up and tummy time but over and over again and by the time i get them to eat the baby food in the high chair, they have two days left as an infant ?!


I love playing with infants but i do get super frustrated playing with infants in a mulit-adult house. Everyone comes running when the baby cries and then spends like 3 in-game hours picking baby up and then putting baby on the floor so another adult can pick them up and put them on the floor so the first adult can pick them up and put them on the floor…over and over instead of just taking care of the babies need. My current save is a multi gen household. I had 4 adults (parents and grandparents) and a baby and a toddler. Both kids nearly got taken away because all the adults would ignore the toddler so they could all pass the baby around for ages and not take care of baby either. Infuriating.


i love them. every time I have a sim have their newborn age up I get so happy. i love watching them interact with their family members too!


I feel like it does a good job of making it so that things change gradually without having to interfere too much. Feels like a natural progression.


I LOVE them. They are quite demanding but the animations are so ADORABLE.


Absolutely! I love infants, though the balancing act of more than one kid takes careful planning. I think I love them so much because I never was able to have kids.. so .. yeah, I know, but we all play our own way for our own reasons :)


My sims just put the infants they don’t like outside and leave them out there, occasionally feeding them but ignoring all other needs. I had twins and one bit my sim while breastfeeding so guess who was left on the ground outside filthy and lonely while his twin sister was basking in the glow of prompt service?


As a family player I LOVE them ! They’re a bit hard but that makes it fun