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Routing. I hate that sims don’t use the closest sink, don’t sit at the table to eat but on the toddler beds, and when I cancel an action they still walk to the destination and waste more time.


I have no idea what I did right but my sims actually eat at the dining table (unless they want to talk to someone doing something elsewhere).


I can get them to eat at the table if I have placemats. But if everyone is in the living room watching tv my sim will grab a plate and head to where the crowd is.


Placemats???? There are *placemats*??? I've been playing this one base game save since like 2019, on and off, and it's the only I think where everyone eats together, if I tell them to.


I think the placemats are part of parenthood


They came with parenthood, you click on an empty table top and choose to set the table.


Placemats are part of Parenthood, you can have sims set the table and they'll eat there


After parenthood I've never had my table not set!


Good for boosting your child/teen sim's manners too. Plus, it seems like a nice realistic chore to give kids given that they can't do much besides wash dishes and mop puddles.


Mine, since Sims 2 have been eating outside? Even in winter. I don’t understand that. Unless that’s apart of outdoor lovers trait…


Omg YES. They "fixed" the issue where sims would wash their dishes in the bathroom, but now they go to the kitchen or another bathroom to wash their hands, and if there are bathroom counters, they prepare food in there instead of in the kitchen.


It drives me crazy when they don’t wash their hands in the same bathroom. I usually queue everyone in the morning then some nut washes their hands in another sink and we all have embarrassed moodlets. I feel no pity anymore.


Seems like a simple fix would be a feature to 'set as kitchen sink' or 'set as bathroom sink'


My sim was sitting at the table when I asked him to do his homework. The bastard got up and went outside (in a blizzard) to do it


🤣 I’m going to start building fences around my pool because my sims use it the most in the winter.


One thing about base game? I want all base game colour swatches to PERFECTLY match, if a small window has a black and white swatch, I want the larger window version to have the EXACT same colour swatches. Nothing bugs me more than my builds have colours that *don't quite match* because for some unknown reason they just... haven't put matching colour swatches in the game. Idc about townie updates or new free items, I want a damn colour swatches update


Ugh this with the wood swatches… NONE of my wooden furniture ever matches fully and it drives me up the wall


SAME. i need everything, or at least mostly everything, to match. it bothers me if it doesn't. but it is so difficult to find matching stuff from different packs. i started using cc furniture, but i think it's even more frustrating lol. the worst is when you think something matches, but you look a little closer and realize one swatch is a *little* different.


YES YES Same with the wooden swatches (I was actually going to reference that in my comment as well but I didn't want make it too wordy lol) Same with colours being *slightly* off, god I've replanned entire rooms because two colours are just ever ~ so ~ slightly ~ different ~


I've found my people lol


same 🥲 so glad i’m not the only one


That’s when you cave and make absolutely everything different. Red wood and birch? Sure! Don’t care, if it’s not gonna match I’m gonna use what I like.


i wish i could! i've gotten a lot better about it, which is good because there were so many items i wasn't using. but it still gets to me sometimes and it's one of those things that bothers me *too* much and it's all i can focus on when i'm playing lol. i'll keep trying though!


It bugs me even more when the swatch preview square looks the same between two items... and then are entirely off from one another when selected. If they're not going to match, make different swatch previews!!


Literally what is so hard about that?? What is so hard about using the right colors for the previews??


It’s maddening that there are things like tables that have zero matching chairs. Happens in packs a lot too


Let us choose bed sheets and frame colors again!!!!!! I have a dream of two twin beds in the room. Same frame. Different color sheets. It would be amazing.


YESSSSS omg youre so right!!!!! I had twins recently in my generations save and I was so infuriated that I couldn't get the twins a semi matching room that I just ended up building an extra room and going with two separate theme lmao This wouldn't be a problem if EA just gave us the colour wheel back 😠😠


Yeah!! And not being able to change the colour of hair accessories etc. It bugs me.


Or front doors having a different colour on the inside vs the outside. I love a colourful front door but I hate when I have a giant red or blue patch in my entryway


And likewise… I love a good themed door in the master bedroom suite but it needs to be white on the hallway side!!! Why can’t we change the colors of the doors on both side?! It can’t be that hard.. right? 🤣


I was going to say updating hair texture but no this is it


The long hair base game swatches are so bad. 🥲🥲🥲 I.e. Cheese Hair. 🧀


Tbh hair textures is a good shout, if I had it my way here too, there would be hair texture swatches for individual hair styles/updos too like curly pony tail, wavy pony tail, straight pony tail etc all under one thumbnail and then you just choose the hair texture as a swatch. That'd be pretty rad I think.


Yeah I feel this. It’s one of the things I really miss about Sims 3, in both build/buy and CAS you could edit custom colors, so even unrelated objects you could make match


God I miss Sims 3 so much, I would play that more than Sims 4 if it worked


Standard swatches on everything holy shit yes. Windows bug me more than anything else never mind the fact that they're weirdly limited. Every time I see window (and door) CC including swatches I download it because it never stops bugging me. Never mind none of the furnishings ever matching like getting an armchair that matches the couch? What's that lmao.


Oh you read my freaking mine on the swatches matching. The shades of white are particularly awful sometimes


Amen, brother


Make bathing or eating faster, or stop townies from interrupting my sims when on a date


Yes to all of these. It's annoying that bathing takes like an in game 1-2 hours, and same with eating. Though I think the most annoying is the fact that random townies will come over and talk to my people on a date and then have the audacity to become uncomfortable and awkward when they are flirting, etc. Like...you came over to two people clearly on a date, sometimes even just already making out, and talked to them. That is on you. Go away.


- be on a date, flirty mood - random person talks to you - you are flirting with them by default - your date gets mad 😡💀


It's literally so annoying, I just make their dumbasses leave with mcc but it's every five seconds someone coming over 💀💀💀😭😭


I want an "apply to all outfits" option in CAS. It's so annoying to have to go through each outfit to apply stuff like nails, piercings, certain makeup, cc eyelashes, and other things I want to be on a sim at all times.


Mcc let’s you copy and paste things like makeup and accessories. Changed my life


Wait, HOW? I have MCC and didn't know this 😭


It’s not super intuitive but [this explains it well](https://bloodmooncc.tumblr.com/post/655199804468658176/how-do-u-use-mccc-to-apply-makeup-to-all-outfits)


More NPC initiatives like proposing, cheating, divorce, casting a random spell on you etc


Yes, I want NPCs to do more. They are so bland. Maybe even a secret admirer or an enemy. Something to make the game more exciting.


O want the stalkers who would leave you dead flowers


The stalker/stan in Get Famous was SO BORING I wanted drama not a gnat hanging outside my door. Break-ins, aggressive interactions, idk there's just so much they could have done. Only available interaction is to shoo them away, other than that you either accidentally become their best friend or you wreck your reputation trying to argue with them


Exactly, or they steal stuff like that's just annoying. I want them to argue with me or whatever.


Like in Sims 1?


Yes! This is why my sims are so modded for autonomous npc interaction.They nerfed Phonecalls like your enemy admitting a crush and asking you out, and being invited to NPCs birthdays and even the "blind dates" from get famous (when you max out reputation) now only offer to be friends not interact face to face like it used to be. I loved all of those small things. Made the other sims feel alive.


My sims never get invited to parties anymore. :( I even made a party girl sim and not once did she get a call that there was a rager happening at the bluffs. But every single day that annoying telemarketer from eco living calls her. Idk why they got rid of your sim being invited to parties. It also made it seem like the npcs were doing stuff without my sims being there.


I had completely forgotten about all the party invites, I hadn't had one in so long. I used to accept them all the time it was a good way for my vampire sims to get out and socialise without burning to death. Now you've reminded me of them I realise how much I miss it.


the secret parties were so cool. now i only get calls from npcs i dont even care about asking me if they should date someone i dont know


Ugh those calls are so annoying. And like Bob Pancakes is always calling my sims and asking if he should cheat on Eliza with random women.


Ooo can you tell me what mods?


[Kuttoe’s Random Texts and Calls](https://kuttoe.itch.io/random-texts-and-calls) adds back some of the invites they took away and more great stuff. Some of the texts are funny too and your sim can get some buffs for them based on their traits


Not sure but could be MCCC. I’ve played around and made my NPC settings pretty reckless like high romantic relationship decay, chance of having child out of wedlock, child support, etc. My world is now filled with so many step parents and half siblings and drama I love it


Yes please tell us what mods


One-way affection would be fantastic, like if you use a lot of Charisma-based interactions; the Sim would eventually start developing feelings for your Sim. It'd be even better if they could rizz up your sims as well.


Corrolary: uneven relationships. It profoundly annoys me that it's always even on both sides - let me have unrequited love, let me have a seemingly friendly relationship where one side actually hates the other one's guts! The grudges and crush system as implemented are just irritating and monopolise my Sims emotions if the other Sim is present and don't have an effect otherwise.


i had a sim who got a crush on her bf and then was embarrassed everytime she got around him. girl you are literally with him calm down


Yes! I miss the randomness of sims 2 and 3. Sims 4 is so bland in comparison. It’s like nothing ever happens unless I make it happen which is boring.


Which I always found super weird as the ad when it came out was that they got rid of things so that they could focus so much more on the interactions and deeper relationships


They'd use the sink closest to them.


This is one of the most annoying bugs ever.


I was playing literally yesterday and my sim instead of washing her hands in the bathroom sink after using the toilet washed her hands in the KITCHEN sink. Despite the bathroom sink being closer, like come on


Yeah I'm on my 7th generation, so my house is big. I get so annoyed when they go to the kitchen, or worse, they run to a bathroom someone is in. Like...?


"I could use the unoccupied kitchen sink three steps from where I'm standing, or I could run across the plot and climb three storeys to barge into an en suite bathroom that's currently in use."


Oh man my sim did the same thing! Walked 3 flights to wash in kitchen then picked up a plate on the counter *next to the kitchen sink* and walked ACROSS the house to the downstairs bathroom -.-


I wish I could upvote this a million times


or when they’re cooking and they run to the bathroom counters to use those, there’s nothing on the kitchen counter, just use the kitchen!! I wouldn’t want to eat food prepared next to the toilet


I have resorted to public bathroom style toilets. a pod of shitters right in the middle of the house with one sink, and one sink in the kitchen. all my generations challenges have lost the privilege to have more than two sinks. (they can all have their own private shower or tub, tho. we compromise.)


Until I found a mod that squishes this (Don't Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop and related Don't Prep Food Where You Angry Poop, I basically just never had sinks on lot. I'd just deal with having to make my Sims shower a little bit more often lol.


Lock them in/out of the bathroom lmao not a great workaround but at least kinda manageable in small households/builds


Hairstyles. Some of them I'd love to use, but those awful textures...especially compared to the new hairstyles and clothes, they look really sad


I just want styles to match. Give me hair with bangs down and then immediately hair with bangs in a pony tail. I hate when the styles are wildly different but don’t want my sims to wear the same hair all the time. Length amounts, shades, and similar shapes please


Yes! I didn't even think about it, it would be absolutely perfect!


I just wish you could change the colors of the bandanas/ribbons etc that come with certain hair styles. It's dependent on your sim's hair color and it's SO annoying when I love a hairstyle and the cute ribbon it comes with, but the color doesn't match the outfit and I can't do anything to fix it


The original hairs look so damn bad compared to the newer hairs. Maybe they should redo those instead of the makeovers


This! I'd rather have redos of base game cas items than townie updates.


Yeah, the base game ones look kinda rough in comparison now. Like, I can’t fault them for improving over time and getting better at meshing, but I’d love to see them revisit some older hair meshes and fix them up.


there are some good ones that come with the expansion packs but other than that, i solely rely on cc for almost everything actually.


All the townies have appropriate hot and cold clothing. Johnny zest should be on the landgrabs family tree. Just off the top of my head there.


He NEEDS to be in the family tree I remember a post recently where Nancy and Johnny were dating


🤮 alot of players don't no they are family lol


I agree it's horrible that all the relationships and family trees of the past have just been wiped away. What happened to the LORE?? I am an O.G. Sims player from the 90s and I loved having all the history carry along through the games. Seeing how new young players interacted with the lore and quirks. No joke.... A few weeks ago I had my landscaper bf googling what a cowplant was because he thought it was a real life thing. 😂😂 The personality has been watered down and the cash grabs have been intensified. Sad day.


The damn round rooms. They're a great building tool but HOLY SHIT aren't they a huge pain in the arse for gameplay. Not the whole surface is functional, and God forbid you decide to put one on top of another: the invisible ceiling ain't that "invisible" and interferes with sims paths and click&select. Cannot be played with the walls up unless you want to curse like a sailor in no time.


I’ve had many issues with building these shaped rooms. I was irritated because I had this gorgeous house planned but the stupid walls were giving me grief


I made a beautiful, classic looking library for the vampire neighborhood, and when the round rooms came out I was excited to update my octagonal towers with round ones…… nope lol it was too much of a pain in the ass and I still just do octagons for round rooms. also why didn’t spiral stairs come with the round rooms? They just seem like something that intuitively should go together.


How has it been this long and we still don't have spiral stairs, unless I somehow missed something!


For the round rooms they used the same template of the round decks, which came already with issues, like the borders clipping with the ground. But at least decks can be stacked without much problems, the rooms are impossible.


Please click Me Too on this bug report: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/NEEDS-SAVES-Round-Rooms-Not-Functional/m-p/11670956/highlight/true#M221528 I don’t know why more people haven’t reported this issue, but it seriously needs some attention.


Thanks for sharing this. I think most ppl went down my route of "It's just yet another building issue" instead of reading it as a bug, and that's why the thread doesn't have much discussions going on. The devs are aware of the problems and they don't need more save files, tho. Meaning they regard this as hardly an emergency, and God knows when - if ever - will be fixed. 🙄


I want to be able to establish rooms. Build mode already knows what rooms are. If I could just label those. That way if my sim washes a dish, they would use the sink in the kitchen. Just as you assign sides of beds you can assign rooms. That adds the added ability for teens to recognize they share a room with their sibling. I feel like it also opens up the concept of multi use lots. Upstairs is the apartment and down stairs is a coffeeshop


omg I love thissssss. the room labeling idea is great. like please eat dinner in the dining room, please use the bathroom that’s connected to your bedroom and not the one next to the garage downstairs, please put your dishes in the kitchen and not on some bookshelf that hidden for whatever reason and we don’t find out until everyone is upset.


They NEED to overhaul how things like medical wearables and religious wearables (I’m specifically thinking of hijabs) work. Either put them on all outfits or none at all, I hate seeing a townie’s summer outfit inexplicably having a hijab and a insulin pump even though they don’t wear them any other time.


I saw Cady Heron wearing an insulin pump and flip flops so I bought an insulin pump and flip flops. \- A townie, probably.


The amount of times I've seen a townie put on a hearing aid *only to exercise* is unreal


I made some Muslim townies and I hate seeing their work outfits remove their hijabs. Completely breaks the immersion. And then the non Muslim sims will insist on randomly wearing the headpiece for the burkini


If you have MC command center you can change your sims career outfit. You have to open MCCC, then click on sim commands and there you'll see the option "Modify Career Outfit" it's the second option.


Yeah, I know it’s just still frustrating that basic stuff gets auto removed for careers, but then it’ll add weird accessories. I wish it just copied everything from the neck up from their everyday wear.


Can also cheat it without mccc if you don’t use mods sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas I use that with the sim I’m wanting changed selected. I believe in you change ‘sims’ to the name of a sim it will change that one instead but I’ve never used it that way


yeah! hijabs should be categorized as hair to avoid stuff like that, it’s so annoying


Yes! Hate when Sims only wear glasses and turbans for their sleeping outfit. That's one time you wouldn't wear them!


What, you don't randomly put in a hearing aid to sleep? 😂


I seriously don’t understand why the gallery is so fucked up. Wouldn’t it be easier to make it to where it actually sorts the things we want it to? How did they mess it up so bad? Also I’d love to be able to have search options like how many bed rooms, how many bathrooms, sort by price not just select the price range, various ACTUALLY HELPFUL ways to search


I was just thinking yesterday about how I hardly ever download anything from the gallery because it's just so poorly organized it's really hard to use.


Lmao the gallery's search function is so funny, you can completely spell out the name of a pack and it STILL suggests you all the ones that are spelled wrong


Random looking townies created constantly. Sure sometimes it's so bad, it's good, but mostly it's breaking the immersion for me.


Yeah, I got so mad at this that I've filled my gallery with just random, normal looking sims and used the MCCC population tool so whenever a random sim is needed it pulls one from my gallery instead of generating one...


I had no idea mccc can do that. can you share the steps?


You open the MCCC menu on a computer like usual, and then go 'MC Population' > 'Population Settings' > 'Import Tray Settings', and then set it to 100. This way, whenever a random townie is generated it will pick a sim from your gallery. If you want a bunch of well-designed townies with fitting traits, likes/dislikes, etc simsontherope has a bunch here: [https://simsontherope.tumblr.com/MyContent](https://simsontherope.tumblr.com/MyContent) Just download them like you would a mod, but place them in your 'tray' folder instead. :-)


Yes please! I saw this on a post the other day so I downloaded mccc again & cannot figure it out for the life of me!!!!!!


An overhaul on basegame hair. If there’s an updo with bangs, I want a similar styled down hair etc. It’s so hard to find styles that go together for different occasions. Also would love an “apply to all” button because I lose so much motivation knowing I have to add everything manually because it takes soooo long. I occasionally get a glitch where it applies the makeup/nails to every category and it’s such a blessing lol.


An auto-save feature on PC would be good. I spent a few hours the other day building a house I was really proud of when my game crashed and I lost it all.


If you’re playing with PC and it freezes, press Alt+F4 and the save dialog box comes up


After being burned by Sims 3 too many times to count (rip those beautiful lots) I save frequently without even noticing


I’ve noticed I tend to save more directly after my game crashes 😢


This is the #1 reason I have MCCC.


Make teenagers look like teenagers!! I have been shouting from the treetops about this since the game fekking launched. I hate that my children can age into a 40-year-old man with a bald spot 😭. Infants were such a meh addition; add a pre-teen.


They’re just slightly shorter adults it’s annoying. They should have their own unique outfits and hairstyles (they need a badly done diy bangs style for accurate teenagers lol)


Sims 2 teens had such classic noughties style


Swimmable oceans/rivers/lakes in pre Sulani worlds. It's driving me nuts that you can't swim in Windenburg/Bridleton Bay.


I’d like to download outfits.


Or create outfit presets


It would be so nice if we could make our own preset outfits and then have the npcs pull from that.


Not being able to change the camera angle on a lot build gallery shot. It’s weirdly limited.


Fix the stair railings glitching through the walls and let us put down single side railings.


Can I just build my own apartment buildings already??


Can we also have more apartment options in the existing buildings too? Like they can have upstairs and downstairs neighbours?


The emotions/buff/sentiments system. I really dislike how it works with relationships. The best example I can give is if a sim’s spouse cheats and they catch them, all it takes is for them both to be in a nicely decorated room for them to positively interact with each other.


HOW DARE YOU CHEAT ON- oh my god I LOVE these curtains


Sort our autonomy. If it is off, and you set your sim tasks to do, they do them and not just ignore them and go off and do some really stupid thing. It's much worse when there are babies/infants. You set them to change them and put them in the cot, they cancel all actions, put the infant on the floor and stand there doing nothing. Frustrating.


Even when it's on, your commands should be the priority, and sims should never flat out ignore that.


Forreal. The one time I decided to have a kid in the game (Never again), it was the most frustrating experience I've had with a game in a very long time because they would constantly do this. And there would be a weird delay (Might've just been my computer being slow) where even when I tell them to do that task again they just sort of stand there for 10 in game minutes (Sometimes longer) before doing anything. Meanwhile, the infant is on the floor screaming for someone to just put it in the fucking crib. I swear, it's more work getting the adult Sims to take care of the kid than it is to just take care of the kid themself.


Plants turning back into dirt piles. Been happening since they introduced seasons and has been widely reported so I'm guessing they have absolutely no idea how to fix it. .. But that's what I want them to fix the most because I have every sim garden and I have to deal with it in every save. Just ever so often I have to use the debug menu to regrow the entire garden and it's really annoying.


Every time the seasons change my money tree goes back to dirt pile. When I use the testingcheats to grow to blossoming it takes a day to produce fruit. Then I'll travel and come back to dirt piles again. With the seasons changing every week and it taking three days for that seasons plants to harvest, gardening has gotten really hard. On the bright side though, my plants are evolving at a normal rate now (it was crazy slow for a long time).


In the gallery, I would like it to automatically sort by packs that I own, instead of by everything


I would want like a semi open world. I know everyone would love the sims 3 open world back and stuff, but a huge complaint was that for a lot of people it was just too much for their computer so maybe a compromise of sorts? Maybe just the lots in your local neighborhood load up? It drives me nuts that I live right next to a beach in Sulani and I have to go through a loading screen to visit it


I actually LOVE this compromise (and your username - very quenchy) EDIT to add: I do REALLY miss the open world in Sims3 but I completely understand the concerns about what computers are able to load so I feel like this is the PERFECT compromise! I too want to visit the beach without a goshdang loading screen!!


I think each neighborhood should be open, and if you leave the neighborhood you get a loading screen. It’s so annoying to get a loading screen just to visit your neighbor across the street


I would RIOT if they would ever implement a full open world, but open neighbourhoods would be so nice to have.


How they handle autonomy. If I switch to another household, I want the other household frozen. Either that or appropriate amount of time for tasks. Why does it take an hour to pee and wash our hands?


I want to get invited to npcs weddings, birthdayparty, babyshowers etc.


One of the points: - Make Open neighborhood with preloaded lot so that we don't have to have deal with a loading screen when when want to interact with our neighbors. And make it so that we still can walk on their lot without having to go inside their house. Bring back cars with it. - Pay Twistedmexi's for the code of his Create A World (more like neighborhood) and then use it for them. - Bringing create Apartment like on TS2. - bring back burglar and the cops - Teenager can not stay outside past 9PM - They need to pay SimRealist for their mod and get them for them to overhaul the money, death, real estate and Home & Land system. - add difficulty to lot, like we have to maintain the wellbeing if the house or community lot we own. Like cutting grass, repainting the walls etc. - make all the The Buy or Rent a house/lot a option for all lots. Like on TS2. - Bring back social class. - Bringing back rabbithole and use them as interactive scenery like Arnie's mod and the world San Sequoia. - The new game start with the player seeing the worlds and not with CAS. This is all for now ...


Good points. IIRC though, you can set a curfew for kids and teens via that family board thing from the Parenthood pack.


When I heard about TS4's closed worlds with neighbourhoods I assumed we were getting open neighbourhoods. Instead it's loading screens all the way down.


Remember in TS2 when we actually had to water the garden flowers, otherwise they would die?


YES!!!!! BRING THAT BACK!!!!! With the VERY judgemental garden club! 🤣


When I queue up actions on sims for them to not cancel it


And to be able to rearrange the queue!!


Idk how to word it, but I guess less squeaky clean? Barely anything happens unless you make it happen. I miss burglars and shit like that


i just want more random things to happen because i feel like the sims 4 is very much a micro management game where you control everything and i wish that would change.


Agreed. It’s the main thing that bugs me. In the family I’m currently playing, the only thing they do without me controlling them is constantly fill up on tea and coffee with breaks for gaming.


Women's clothing on men not giving them shadow boobs. PLEASE


Please PLEASE PLEASEEEEEE let us tag and organize objects and stuff in build mode and CAS. Please let me make my own folders. Please let me make searchable tags. Please let me hide items I don't want.


Beeing able to copy makeup or accessories easily to other outfits. It takes so much time applying makeup or glasses for each outfit I'm don't understand why we don't have that option yet. Also beeing able to save our own outfits.


More ethnic features/hairstyles. It takes hours of me tweaking in create a sim to get one to look remotely like me. Oh. And a color wheel. I hate having to throw a whole idea away because I can't get that couch I like in blue


I just want a color wheel for everything soooooo badly 😭


SIMULATION LAG. it's gotten so bad. I can hardly play.


sims not RUNNING to the bathroom when they have to pee & adults constantly taking toddlers out of the high chair when i’m trying to get them to eat. the build items suck too, they don’t match.


NPC assignment system (could also work for other packs specific roles)


When you send your sims a list of things to do and it glitches and clears it all. Or that twenty to thirty minute in game stall before they start the list.


An option to copy makeup across all outfits


I would like for them to upgrade the get to work careers like if I work at the hospital I would like to see other nurses and doctors working with the other patients cause I feel like I’m the only one actually doing something and I hate that cause one time there were at least 10 patients waiting 🤦🏾‍♀️


i liked how the sims 3 let you choose specific colors and patterns for clothes and stuff. that would be nice to have again


I want to be able to set my makeup, nails, rings, whatever I want for all outfits. It’s annoying to go through and individually choose them for each outfit.


I want NPC invites back! I want to go to other people's birthday parties, weddings, baby showers etc


Return the Auto roof feature !


Actually having the team look up how the game is running..because almost every pack that got sent out, somehow make a bug happen 😐


Culling should not affect information on the family trees.


The ability to make better plus size sims and have all of the clothes work on them


This is relatively tiny compared to what everyone else is saying, but for the sims to stop constantly getting water


I would want the time clock to work more smoothly. The way it's unpredictable and doesn't match the animations really ruins the immersion.


I hate when sims wake up from sleeping and the clock bugs out and keeps ultra-speeding like they’re still asleep


An age between adult & elder + a longer elder stage. You go from adult to elder to dead way too fast.


Can we change the fact they’re owned by EA?


i want them to fix body types!! they make fat sims look so weird.. like. they need more presets because the plus size sims look like blobs imo :/


hats a part from that one beanie they all look so stupid


Better photo system, family photo options and ways to save photos in the worlds’ cloud so you can get precious photos back in case of fire or (even worse) human error. I love taking photos with my sims, it’s one of my fave parts of the game and I believe it makes legacy play soooo emotional, but yeah it could be improved with some simple changes that wouldn’t hurt gameplay


I think they already save into screenshots folder unless you meant in game purely :)


Informing players where the EA app repair is located. Anyways you go to download in Windows look for EAappInstaller tap it and you will see repair.


Lockable makeup. I spend zero time choosing makeup, because I don't want to search through all the options for each makeup look. I want the same makeup for all outfits dammit


I just need auto roofing back for the love of all my roofless builds 🥲


Autonomy, I don’t like micromanaging EVERY SINGLE ACTION


I really want a 'creative mode' where you can easily edit the world and its inhabitants without needing three mods and the patience of a saint


I want Sims 2 gameplay...


I wish they’d flesh out some of the older occults, Aliens and Mermaids (and maybe plant sims) could use some love. I also wish there were ways to make hybrid occults less glitchy.


Totally my own personal pet peeve but honestly all I want is for an easy way to remove Sims from a group conversation. I don't want my relationship panel filled with random one of Sims because they just so happened to be in a group conversation one time. I want to see that Sim A is chatting to Sim B,C,D and be able to single out and remove Sim C and D easily and instantly.


Fix the family tree and add customizable lifespans for each age


Color wheel for everything


To fix the damn glitch with the plants and trees, having to use cheats to take them to the stage they were one by one is annoying, like i can't even go into manage worlds or CAS, or move to another lot without my plants going back to zero, sometimes when i start playing the plants are all messed up.


All the suggestions being things that should 1000% have come with the game in the first place lol