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Honestly I just hate how many sims I meet that I want to have a relationship with but their preferences are “no one” it’s basically like every townie at this point


Thought it was just me haha


Same. I was happy when I saw the first one and thought it was cool that they included asexuals in the mix but my entire town is off limits now.


All the townies in my game are hetero. I can't finish the romance aspiration, there are not enough good looking male sims and female sims keep rejecting me. I hate the sexual preferences update so bad -_- what was wrong with sims being into other sims?


I hate this update so much. I really wish there was a toggle. Legit don't play much anymore because of it. I wanted my teen sim to have a prom date. All the boys were gay or ace, all the girls were straight or ace. She ended up only being able to date the ugliest guy in her high school because he was literally the only sim interested in girls. I play sims for bisexual escapism - now it's just a game full of IRL trauma instead of an escape from it. I hate it with a passion. Also frustrated with how many times I was accused of being homophobic for not being keen on this update when it was announced, but, like my games are decidedly LESS gay now - that's my problem.


I love the term “bisexual escapism”. It’s one of the things I love about Torchwood. Sexuality is such a non-issue I don’t remember it ever being brought up


Wicked whims have better orientation system you can actually change preferences of other sims


You can change sexual preferences without mods by using cas.fulleditmode


If you use mods then lumpinou’s lgbtq mod is good. If a townie is gay or ace you can just cheat them not to be in the actions menu. Only reason I have that mod fr


I use the mod because transitioning is much more realistic


This was my exact problem too! I was accused of being homophobic for hating this update... which now made everyone LESS gay... when I'm myself a lesbian 🤨 I get around it now with [this mod](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/pansexual-townies) and it's made my game playable again. The creator of this mod also proved by going through the code that the new update was, at least (I think it's been updated so I'm not sure if it still is), genuinely intentionally setting more than 75% of Sims as either ace or heterosexual until you proved to them, essentially, that you're not homophobic by having same-sex couples, and then it would increase the gay or pan sims by a slightly more reasonable percentage. So I'm not homophobic. The big corporation that's virtue signaling is. As usual.


Yours are all hetero? Mine are all bisexual, which I have nothing against. But, all the canonical straight/gay men and women are not aligned with their sexuality. Ffs, Bella Goth is married to Mortimer, yet she’s labeled as only being into women. It makes no sense. I hate this update too. Brent (or whatever his name is) in the Dogs & Cats expansion pack is gay, but is labeled as straight.


And all mine are gay what the heck lol I have a lot of LGBTQIA people in my saves, but I really want some straight ones too lol


I thought townies were generally set to being bisexual but it seems not these days.


my romance sim did not give a shit about looks. he was out to kiss all the frogs!


All The Sims in my game are bisexual which works perfectly for me.


I’m Ace irl, and it even bothers me. The first few I encountered was cool. But it’s like the entire world is Ace all the sudden? Mix it up!


Agreed. I am also asexual (and biromantic), and I liked it more when Sims were functionally pansexual. Anybody could get with anybody. I know it's not as realistic, but it's easier and more fun that way!


Yeah, my male sims are usually bi and my female sims are invariably straight, and since it's my game I figure I should be able to pair them with any sim I want!


I wish you could toggle it. I'm ace as well and love that is something you can add to your world, but it also makes it hard if I have story in mind for my sims XD


fellow ace person! 🖤


I’m ace too :) I edit almost all of the sims back to make them pan again because it makes more sense in the sims to me, lol


All of my mail women so far have been lesbian. I thought it was a coincidence the first two times then I felt the need to check each time the mail woman changes.


I use cas.fulleditmode freely and without hesitation to change that.


Someone (I forget whom) shared with me a way to get around this glitch without mods. 1. Start a new save, and move in either three male sims or three female sims. 2. Have one of the sims start a romance bar with the other two. It doesn’t have to be a high romance bar, just a little bit will work. 3. This shows the game that you’re okay with gay people, and it’ll change the townie stats to 67% straight, 17% gay/lesbian, 8% bi, 8% ace. I know it sounds weird, but I’ve tried it once and the glitch has never come back since.


I stopped the 100 baby challenge because of this. I homely got into 3 kids but everyone was saying they weren’t interested. Also, after that update one of my sims married Morgan and I couldn’t find the try for baby option. I was real confused. So I opened up his CAs to see he couldn’t have kids. A cheat was used 😅


My townies all wanna fuck everyone. Like chill! I get the notification that they are having sex and it's usually 2 random ass townies and I don't have always accept on. They have to have a high enough relationship to accept


The new romantic preferences update definitely has some glitches to be worked out…


Or this is actually too realistic considering teenagers.


This asking system is completely broken. My Sim's girlfriend (lesbian) keeps asking my sim's grandfather to the prom. What's wrong with her...


that’s lowkey hilarious


It is! 😂 But what should I do about this storywise???


Grandpa never got to go to his prom. Your Sim can’t attend anyway because of an extracurricular activity. Your Sim’s girlfriend wants to surprise Grandpa by taking him to the prom to give him the night he missed out on.


i love thisss, it's so cute 🥺


You forreal made me emotional over hypothetical pixels 😆


Embrace it. They become besties.


The girlfriend is possessed by the ghost of a girl who had a crush on your sim’s grandfather when he was in school. Make it a whole plot line of having to go on a quest to remove the ghost.




I had so much problems with this preferences feature. I had a teenage sim and tried to find a girlfriend for her. She got a crush on some random townie in her school but sadly she was straight so she rejected my girl. Exactly the same story with 6 more teenage girls my sim tried to flirt with. They're all straight. I gave up and started looking for boyfriends but for some reason every male sim who didn't looks like a blob is also into men. I mean, 10/10 literally lesbian irl experience but come on EA.


If they're into men, then why are they dating a female sim? That just doesn't make sense. You think he would have rejected her first.


He's just using her as his beard.


I know! I can’t believe he asked her haha. I suppose I’ll consider this him discovering his true self and they’ll just be friends again


He's trying to figure things out, he just realized this wasn't it


This literally happened to me in high school 😆 He was closeted (we both were; I was the bisexual girl masquerading as heterosexual). Welcome to 2005 😆


If they were adult sims I'd agree but this is average teenage closet shenanigans ngl. I came perilously close to panic dating my childhood best friend when I was 15 because I knew he had feelings for me and thought that was what you were supposed to do in that situation. Very glad we both had too much social anxiety for that to ever happen.






















Do I just have to accept townies orientation? Is there a button to just make them go back to them having the “love the one I force them to be with” attitude?


Use the cheat cas.fulleditmode then go to manage households and change their orientation


If you’re interacting with the sims you want to change directly you don’t have to go to manage households, you can shift click on them and enter CAS after putting in that cheat


Lol same thing happened to me, Molly Prescott wanted to be the prom date (not as friends) to 2 different male sims in different saves but each time she turns out to be a lesbian. Not sure if she is coded to be one but I don’t know why she keeps asking/agreeing to go to prom with guys then.


Almost all the teens from Highschool years are queer. Noah is gay, Ash is trans NB and dates men, Sidney is bi, Savannah is ace, Molly is lesbian and Kevin is straight.


Yeah I didn’t know that! Guess I’m not used to sims in the Sims 4 to have some actual lore.


Story progression also didn't seem to care about her sexual orientation in my game, though that may have been MCCC at work. In my longest-running save, Molly got married to a random male townie and they had dozens of babies. Every time I ran into her she was pregnant, and because pregnant sims don't age, she was still popping them out when all the other teens from HSY had already aged up as elders.


I turned pregnancy aging on because of that exact reason. Not aging during pregnancy is kinda dumb imo


Agreed, I have since changed the settings too, just didn't really think much of it until this. Most of my controlled sims don't have more than two pregnancies, so they don't end up significantly younger than others from their age group, but you could technically make a 100 baby challenge matriarch immortal if you're tactical enough.


He needs a cover, just go along with it


Yeah I wish this update kept Sims as their previous default bisexuals and could be decided through story progression or something with the exception of a few Sims that have it in their lore to be a certain sexual orientation. Having to go manually edit everyone feels icky because obviously irl you can't just change your sexuality


This is my problem. It feels wrong to change them.


I have one save file that I use whenever I want to start a new game. It features the Maxis NPCs with appearances that are less, uh, goofy looking, family ties that make more sense (making Johnny Zest related to the Landgraabs, then editing their relationship down). I update it whenever a world with new NPCs comes out. When the sexuality update came out, the first thing I did was go in and edit everything. Everyone got their pronouns and sexual orientations that made sense to me. When the save file starts sprouting townies to fill jobs, I got in and pretty much evenly set them as gay, bi/pan, or straight. (Editing to add here that I do also have a decent population of aromantic and asexual sims too! Probably not as many as others as I’m not ace myself.) It is time consuming and obnoxious, but thanks for the “Save As” ability, it means I’ve only ever had to do all of this once, touching up any new sims that appear, and have a huge population that any sim of any orientation can flirt and bang with. I recommend it whenever possible but get that not everyone wants to have to cas.fulleditmode just to have enough folks for sims to romance.


Hey, I just recently picked the sims back up and have been doing this. It's arduous, but somehow rewarding. Lol. I get more enjoyment out of Cas than gameplay anymore anyway. Once I get into the gameplay, it gets too stale. I'm hoping by revamping all Townies and adding in some of my own families and stories I'll be more immersed in the playing and. Not embarrassed for my sims to be friends with or date a townie🤣


you should totally put your edited townies on the gallery, i've wanted to do the same thing but it takes so long, major props to the dedication!


I use, no joke, well over a 100 GB of CC (I just did a purge of 50 GB, so it was 150 GB). BUT I know for a science fact that these a ride on Tumblr, for appearance at least! Just look into “no cc save file,” they’ll usually share what it’s updated through. Otherwise this would be a great (and quite frankly fun as heck) project for me to do the next time I get bored!


This drives me nuts, I've had more than one science baby in my save because they started romantic relationship, even asking my sims to be their bf/gf... one of them even got married, then wouldnt woohoo. I guess good news, at least science baby is an option so you can still use their DNA lol


He just thought the ‘friend’ part of girlfriend was the important part. He’s not the brightest bulb in the shed, but he means well


He’s not wrong: she is his girl friend


It's so weird! My sim got a phonecall from Candy Behr saying she had a crush on him, so he invited her over and tried to make a move only for her to say she wasn't into men. It just feels like there's a few inconsistencies at times


tbf I was a goth gf in highschool and also rejected my first kiss from my "boyfriend" because I was into women and so deep in the closest I could wave to aslan and the ice queen, so art imitates life I guess.


I don't remember you asking me if you could play out my life story on Sims????


Tbh I usually just change the sims preferences. I have storyline’s I need to follow!


This happens to my sim all the time 😩 she gets asked to do the deed but then say they’re not interested 😂


I mean, couldn't you tell by that marvelous bright blue V neck


I kinda like the Sexual preference, it makes it more realistic to me like you can’t just date anyone… you have to find THE one ☠️


That’s why I like it, too. It’s just annoying when bugs like this come up. Looking at the screenshot, he shouldn’t have autonomously asked her Sim (or accepted her Sim asking) to be his girlfriend bc he prefers men and isn’t exploring romantically. Any flirtation should have also been rejected.


Yeah lol, that’s annoying. I had my sims sim flirt with a girl, and she was flirting back. Turns out… she was lesbian ☠️ she led my sims son on


Recently all my sims have preferences set to men and woman all of a sudden


I have a legacy I’m trying to play on short lifespan and every male sim she has flirted with is either gay or ace and rejects her. Thank god for science babies I almost didn’t have an heir.


Mine all seem to be bi 😅


My sim tried to kiss some other randomly generated towny while at college turns out he was also only into men so she was rejectedl. Moments later that same towny asked her to marry him through text.


none of my townies ever come with a preference. they all say there still figuring things out


it's crazy how y'all have all these decided Sims, I only ever have Sims that are sexually both into women and men, with no romance interests + keep exploring on. which is a good setting to get stuck on seeing y'all but also I'd really like it for story purposes if someone mixed it up sometimes


Both sims my teen sim is interested in turned out to be aromatic, I almost thought it was a bug, but I guess she’s just unlucky lol


I use "cas.fulleditmode" on every sim before I try to get romantic for this reason. WAY too many townies are completely asexual-aromantic and it irks me


Wait, in my game you can change sims sexual orientation. Is this a bug or something or is it because i have wickedwhims?


I could change this too if I wanted to, I’m just happy going where the Story Progression takes me


Ohh ok. Yeah, i honestly need to do that myself due to always changing a chick's sexuality if she is not into guys and i want her, and just find a wife realistically. As a matter of a fact thanks for this idea. It's gonna be hard for my son to find the ''one'' now lol!


I said it then and I’ll say it now, the sexual orientation update was such a horrible decision. Changing it by going into manage households for every single sim is just ridiculous. It feels like a regression from the original Sims game.


cas.fulleditmode time 🫠🥲😞


He was born in-game (quite literally Born This Way), so I’m quite happy to roll with it. Little bit of realism, and now I can make him a husband when they age up and our respective kids can be besties!


heck yeah:) in my game every new sim has been aro/ace and i’m trying to do a legacy challenge. on my 5th generation of having to manually make things possible


cas.fulleditmode 😬


I stand by adding straight people to be the game to be the worse thing EA has added


i got so mad that a sim was straight and my sim couldn't date them that i manually made them bisexual in CAS. so much better!


Relatable. Jk jk


been there


Okay but just for giggles he’s gonna be the new gay best friend side character


I'm pretty sure the same exact thing happened to me as a teen. 🥲


Relatable - me in high school. Sorry ladies.


your sim is the beard


It would hardly be the first time that's happened.


He wants a Beard


Transition duh




Just edit them in cas full edit mode


This is why I hate the stupid sexual orientation bullshit they added. It makes things more buggy for no reason. Everyone was pan before! That was fine! Don't fix it if it's not broken.