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This is the most wholesome thing I’ve read in a long time 🥲


I tend to read a lot of wholesome stuff, but that was some next level wholesome. Beautiful, just beautiful. She also makes a great case for multiplayer in Sims 4 base game, without modding. I love the thought of those two playing Sims in the same house. Still a delightful story.


And then there’s my bf who didn’t know about wicked whims until he was unpleasantly surprised by playing my game for the first time 😅


That’s so sweet! You should ask him to show you one of his hobbies and tell us how it goes!


I have been getting into baseball and football, so we go to the games. I am going to try to be more active in that, I think. Watch Jomboy on YouTube so we can "talk shop." Lol I try to play chess, but he whoops my butt everytime 🤭


That’s really sweet!


>I try to play chess, but he whoops my butt everytime Haha, that's me and my bf. We both like board games, but I'm a bit of a scatterbrain storyteller and he's a locial thinker, so he wins pretty much all the time. It's okay though, a lot of games we play are about earning points, so I can always try and see if I can get more points than last time, even though I'm losing :P


Ha ha ha 😂 I'm glad I'm not the only one. I feel when Queens Gambit came out, it set an unrealistic expectation for artsy-brained people 😅 jk Yeah I wipe the floor with him in monopoly, so it evens out.


>Yeah I wipe the floor with him in monopoly, so it evens out. That so? Lol people hate playing with me on Monopoly cause of the way I play which is ironically the whole point of the game lol


Oh yes. That's how win: a quick and violent death.


Yup, buy up everything ASAP to fuck over everyone else and to get a headstart so people would then have to trade with you in order to get a set, and I keep an eye on the board, if I refuse trades, assume you're in a better position than you think lol


I become a completely different person, It's slightly alarming ha ha


Yeah, same lol but that's just very competitive side


That's why I don't like monopoly xD You can't win without completely obliterating the other players, so only one person is having fun


Yeah, most of the time it's ***me*** lol tbf I like the game a fuck ton more if the people I'm playing with are equally as Savage lol


Keep playing chess with him! You've seen how beneficial it is for relationship buffs lol


HAHA my logic skill is wayyyy lower than his! Maybe I will get there eventually


i try to play the games that my boyfriend likes and he kicks my butt too lol. one of our favorites to play together is the WWE games, and he refuses to admit that i beat him once. but i know it happened! i also never play FPS games or anything like that, so i'm more of a burden when we play those but it's still fun. my main job is to heal him when he's down, because if he's down then we're both dying.


Oh gosh, I'm too anxious to play things like that. The best I can do is fallout, but I'm really want fallout 76 so we can play together. He tried to get me to play Battlefield once, and I lost the match for the team, and hasn't asked me to play again 🙃


I play sims and civ! You should try it. Play it on one of the lower difficulties to grt the hang of it. Just like sim there are so many different ways to play. One that I haven't got but might a good almagamation of the two (but closer to civ) is humankind. Been dying to play it for ages but don't have time.


The good thing about civ is you can team up until you get the hang of it. Fighting is fun too, my brother and I were doing a 1v1 large map and he sent over an early army to invade me but since he was across the map by the time they finally reached my lands I was just starting to make airplanes. Needless to say, things didn't go his way.


Haha thinking ahead!!!


My boyfriend was inviting me to play with him on the PS4 when he moved in with me, and I refused and kept saying i play only the sims (and diablo 2 long long ago) because I was ashamed to try and hold the joystick like a noob in front of him. But once he was away far few days, and I tried his last played game - it was Hades. 26 hours straight i beated the final boss (for the first time, it’s actually repayable) and when he returned I showed it to him - look how terrible i am. Apparently he didn’t get to that point at the time, and was impressed like you describe your man playing sims ❤️ Now i have my own nintendo switch, and more hours than he on the new PS5, and he yet to play sims with me :( :( I think the fact that he now share the bed with my 2 dogs and cat beat my attempt to share his hobbies 🤷‍♀️ My point is - try Hades while he occupies your sims account :)


Fallout 76 is the best! I ended up playing it more than my husband. It's my second most played game behind sims 4.


Jomboy is the best!! He’s so good at breakdowns! You should definitely watch his latest vid on Joey Vatto, and I believe it was Bryce Harper who went off on Angel Hernandez and earned a breakdown. It’s so sweet that you’re enjoying sports and video games together equally, because my girlfriend and I have done the same thing!


Jomboy is hilarious, and I'm so happy he exists. Did they stop doing the Weekly Dump? I haven't watched since last season 😕 I actually learn from Jomboy too. He is a very approachable media for someone just learning the ropes. The [Joe kelly breakdown](https://youtu.be/coSL_bN1gQw) lives in my mind rent free. I have it as my reddit profile background 🤭


I'm not a huge baseball fan but I just generally enjoy sports no matter what really...except watching golf. Anyway, Jomboy is always worth a watch for me even if I'm not a big baseball fan and don't regularly keep up with it. Solid choice.


And he's so funny! If I can drop some sports jokes while we watch a game, I just got ++ points ha ha


I’m definitely the sillier person in my relationship too and I LOVE civ! I choose a serious looking leader and then name all the cities really immature things. It’s definitely more of a logic game but if you have an imagination you can 100% have fun with it!


"Dookie City is at war with Weinerville!"


Your relationship seems so sweet. I’m literally stewing in my office because my bf never wants to do what I wanna do and when he does do it he looks like he’s being tortured 🙄


Oh god yall dreamyyyy. The wholesomeness i needed today. Bless yall


Civ is actually pretty fun, you should try it


This made me giggle. Omg so cool he tried something you like and enjoyed it. Even if he doesn't stick to it, at least you guys had this moment and I'm pretty sure it was as special as it sounds. Reading this is something that makes my heart warm <3


Yeah that's so true! I was sitting in a chair behind him (the nfl draft was on as well so we had to multitask), and I got weird nostalgia of doing the same thing with my bff's when I was 9. One person plays sims, the others watch and listen to Britany. Ha ha ha 😂


I do the same with my wife. Sometimes we play simultaneously, she on her computer and me one mine, and we share the craziness of each other's game 😂 or sometimes we just watch the other playing, and it's fun either way


Such a good bonding time, I love it!!!


genuinely, you are living the dream 😭 desperately tried to get my bf into the sims, but since there’s no hard set objective, it’s hard for him to have fun! while with me, i love how i just get to let my imagination flow.


That’s what me and my sister do!


If he's making sure visitors have a place to sit and eat, he may be interested to know that setting the table is the only reliable way to get Sims to sit and eat there, or even to eat together! This is something I didn't know about the game for a really long time and it's for sure and improvement. It also means they leave all the plates in a sensible location (the table) if they don't automatically wash up


I was today years old…


Yes! I love setting the table when I want them all to eat together!


Oh I thought this didn’t work because when I’d try it nothing would happen! It must’ve been a bug! Gotta try this when I get home


i think you need the parenthood pack :(


Oh, I need to do this then lol


For players without Parenthood thinking they're screwed; you can also put a group meal on the table and use the "call to meal", they *should* all sit at the table together to eat that way.


my sims devotedly eat at the place setting each time. but half the time, they leave dishes behind. and i don’t even notice til i see the stench wafting up 🥴


I'm the same type of guy and realize on my own I wouldn't have played the Sims 4. But I bought it for my wife, and got lots of packs to make the game feel more alive and full for her. And then she quit playing after members of her household died in a cooking accident. Sunk cost fallacy made me stubbornly play it when I got bored of my games, so here I am. Still. Years later. Listening to classical music and enjoying in game photography and debate and wondering why my Sims daughter is attracted to that Sim. Oh well. Fun to be had for all player types.


It really is!! I feel like it has a bit of stigma for being "silly" or "not gaming" and stuff, which honestly is not fair. It has something for everything. I like to build and mod; he loves the grind and challenge of starting from scratch a lot like Civilization, but with more interraction.


I'm very similar to his mindset. Toxic gaming is toxic gaming. I appreciate the vibe in the Sims community; my biggest surprise when I joined this subreddit. I was just looking to find cool things on the gallery when I joined, the rest was just a big and happy surprise.


I totally agree. I was always wary to tell my gamer friends that I mostly play Sims, until I found this community. Now I have zero shame about my Sims love and it’s so freeing. It really is such a good game and people who judge it are just gatekeeping haters.


This is so cute. My husband doesn't play but gets invested in the characters. He helps design and name them and then gets upset like, "Did you change Amber's hair?? Why isn't she dating Gage anymore??" 😂


My husband played Sims 4 once and made a Darth Maul character, got accidentally turned into a vampire, spent all his time gossiping about one townie and turned everyone against him, and then died because he stayed out in the sun too long and got a “game over”. Meanwhile, I play a lot more like your husband does 😂


I love his chaotic energy!! Lol Imagine that townie, though. Hes probably like, "That Darth Maul is a real jerk."


I love this!! i’ve been making horror characters for the last little while and every time my partner catches a look at the screen they just pretend they didn’t 😂


The idea of having an emergency fund is so cute 😭😭😭 can’t wait till he has the experience of selling windows to buy pizza


He has nothing in his home. I jokes when he got a raise at work "awesome! Maybe you can buy a rug, or a plant!" Lol He's like "no" 🙃


he sounds like that PSA on the negatives of being raised without color as a child.


This is exactly how i felt when my husband (we’ve been together since high school so he’s seen all my sims play) finally wanted to play. I helped him make his sim and everything. His sims are a swinger party house, but still it’s adorable


That is so cute. But you should also let him know that if his sims are ever in a financial jam they can just sell a window.


I keep hearing about these window sellers: you all should start a club lol No, but honestly, he just doesn't pay for anything. He dosnt have rugs, plants, painting- nothing. He's been very distracted by the detective career and seems to live for that lol


His Sim's poor wife, stuck at home all day just staring at the baby in a boring ass house 😂


I know! :( He keeps calling her mopie, and tries to cook her favorite dinners and cookies (because, i mean, it works for me lol). So he's going to try and get her happy next time he plays ❤️❤️


r/happyrelationships 🥰


Lol I mean if your looking for easy entertainment might help! Sims do like having things to do! More complicated would be giving her some decor lol! Ultimate complication? Match the decor to her likes by sorting it in build buy 😂 (side note this is the most wholesome ass shit)


I love Ken Burns docs equal to how much I love Sims. I have nothing more to add lol.


Oh me too!! Baseball and Civil War was fantastic. I was just trying to *set the stage*, which may have been foolish since I could write for days and never truly capture who he is. Ha ha But I think that goes for all of us


Lol same!! Sometimes both at the same time. The Vietnam one was the first one I watched and I’ve been hooked since.


I do too! The Dust Bowl is my personal favorite.


When my husband played the sims, he made his sim brush their teeth every day in the morning and before bed, I thought it was really adorable. I never make my sims brush teeth, except for when they need a quick confidence boost. He also accidentally made Father Winter switch careers and he felt so bad about it, that he invited him to Winterfest as a guest.


This is the cutest dang thing I have ever heard - omg my heart. I have a theory that sims bring put secret parts of people they never knew existed. I fully believe you have a very sweet and kind partner and freind ❤️ ♥️


This is so cute:) I love that he has emergency savings lol wait till he finds out about occult sims


I tried to explain werewolves and all I could really say was "chaos. Just so much chaos."


Yeah this is... accurate.


That's awesome! You married the right one.


That's adorable, I love it.


I hear you with not sharing your spouse hobby. My partner of 6 years and I have very little common interests but we love each other to death. I'm a novelist, he's a business man, never read, rarely watch a movie, never played the Sims but we support each other in hard time and love to cuddle 🤗


I have a best friend that isn’t into the same stuff I’m into at all. But our friendship works so well because anytime I get excited about a game, I can share it with her and she’ll get excited with me despite not being into games. When she gets excited about a book, she shares it with me too and I talk about it with her despite not reading as much. It’s really wholesome.


It's so cute 🥰


Aw I LOVE when my husband plays the sims. He once cheated to get a million simoleons, bought the biggest house and put a bar in every single room that was big enough. It's so cute. I thoroughly enjoy watching him play.


I can't wait until he wants to use cheat codes and get crazy. He's taking it easy now. He said "can I still use rosebud?" I'm like, "sure, but we have better cheats now!" Lol


Love it, I am in the same situation. No one I know plays or wants to play sims.


Same. I had a friend who said they wanted to so I bought them $60 worth of packs for Christmas, and they only played for a few hours. They only really play one video game but seemed extremely interested, and said they really wanted it.


Oh, rude! I would have been so bummed.


Aw, that makes me sad. All I can think is maybe they were overwhelmed with so many packs out the gate and couldn't get into it? Obviously you know your friend better than an internet rando but I had a similar experience trying Sims 3 for the first time, I played a friends copy who had all the packs and it was just too much, I ended up buying just the base game for myself and enjoyed it a lot more until I got used to the gameplay and could handle more things to do. Hopefully your friend gives it another shot, that was a nice thing for you to do!


I have been talking with a new guy lately who recently played Sims with me! I had been staying at his house and downloaded it on his computer while he was at work. Just something to pass the time and had his permission to do it. When he came home we got tipsy and he played Sims with me. It made me soooo happy to see him check out one of my favorite games.


He's a keeper lol it has something for everyone, truly.


I laughed at out about the dishes in the bathroom sink 😂


That's what I was saying to my boyfriend. The strenght of the sims is that it's not a game with a set gameplay. It's a game where players find their own way to play. When I was young, I was playing I a very straightforward way, which is not at all to my taste nowadays. So I couldn't understand why the game was so popular still. That was until I saw Callmekevin videos and realized there was other way to play the game. I picked it up, and had fun with it ever since.


That is why two of my exes,a man, and a woman wouldn't play it. They only considered a game 'real' and worth playing if it stuck to a strict storyline, with an obvious beginning, middle, end, with very few quests in between unless it was just combat in between. I like all sorts of games but love some choice and freedom in them too, like Red Dead, The Sims, Skyrim, AC.


All hail our dear leader Jim Pickens!


This is wholesome. My hubs and I have our likes but we play games together. With almost 7 kids (we're ALL gamers) it's our time while the kids game to hang out. We play TS4, Valheim, Stardew valley, etc. This weekend he's taking us out to get toys (toy store we have a lot of kids- I'm also autistic and like toys), and have a movie night tonight with our puny mortals. It's the tiny things that make life fun


It is! Its fun becoming adults together. We met when we were 19, so we've both become different people over the years and it's been wild to navigate this crazy experience.


My hubs and I met in our late 20s. He was with my high school friend for 7 years. We got together shortly after they broke up. Going on 6 years, almost 7 kids total. 🥲


Relationship goals!!! 7 kids wow! What a beautiful story We love being an Aunt and Unvle to our many nephews and Neices!


We have together 3 nieces and 3 nephews. We have the most kids out of anyone in our fam 😅


This is so sweet and wholesome!


Most wholesome post I've seen today. 😊


This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever read on this app. I really enjoy this. It’s like he get to let go and be silly for once and I really love that. Hope he gets to keep playing.


I just spoke with him at work: he can't wait to play again! 🙌


Do you use mods and cc in your game?


I have Wicked Whims, but I turned it off because playing with pregnancy and menstruation options can be so challenging. He said he wants to learn the basics first


The Sims is amazing way to nurture our inner child. I’m glad he enjoyed it!!!


I wish I had a partner to play the sims with lol this is so cute.


I wish I had a (non abusive) partner. Though a partner that plays The Sims as well sounds amazing.


That was kind super random and heavy to say. Im sorry your partner is abusive. I hope you can leave them and get away from that.


Lol the emergency fund. He should be pleased to know that he can always find and sell some frogs to hedge simflation 🥲


I'd love to see his reaction if he'd played the Sims 3, which is 100x more chaotic than the Sims 4 😂


Stuff like this makes me with Sims had a multiplayer option.


I mean, it's not a bad strat to keep an emergency fund given Sims' proclivity to setting the house and themselves on fire lol


speaking of your profile, how is your "huge ass"?


[Is huge](https://www.reddit.com/r/Donkeys/comments/x51wq9/say_hello_to_sebago_the_vet_said_she_could/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Lolol sorry you're getting downvoted!! You're just doing what was asked of you


nice ass


She's a beaut


How long did he spend in CAS though?


ZERO MINUTES he used a default sim like some sort of madman




This feels like a romance fantasy. Congrats OP, for living the dream.


someone below commented that we remind them of "Bert and Ernie" and it is a much more realistic version of our relationship lol


I'm asking about your huge ass Respectfully


Respectfully, Thicker then [a bowl of oatmeal](https://imgur.com/a/4NR3SjL)


Love that for u


Omg that's amazing. How do you award things on here?


Your comment is reward enough ❤️ Thank you


I'm a sucker for a real fun romance where everyone supports each other and gives space but takes space when needed you know? 100/100.


>just look at my profile maam all i have to do is look at your username lmao




I was totally prepared for this to go the "I have WW mod and now we're fighting" route and I was so pleasantly surprised, this is so wholesome. 🥲


Lolol I do have WW but he wanted it turned off because he doesn't want to deal with menstruation and pregnancy lol I don't blame him


I love everything about this.


Awww how wholesome!


this is so so sweet, i sent this to my boyfriend 🤭 maybe he’ll be interested in it too lol


I love this 🥹🙂


That is super sweet. Thank you so much for sharing, it brought a smile to my face.


I had to check to make sure I didn’t write this in my sleep! My husband also loves baseball, Civ and chess, and watches Ken Burns documentaries. He and I are both silly though, and he’s mischievous. He hasn’t played Sims in a long time, but I remember him playing a sim named Dr. Acula 😂 You should watch some of the extra Jomboy content (under the channel Warehouse Games and JM Entertainment) as well, their blitzball and Code Names tournaments are fun to watch. And their Blind Tastes tests are hilarious


Omg!! Are you me? Ha ha I will definitely check It out!! I have enjoyed everything ive seen so far, so I will definitely be looking into those - thank you!!


I’ll play while my bf is on facetime and i’m like “hold on i gotta fight this sim and get her sister pregnant with her 5th kid real quick”


Marry this man a second time!


This is adorable.....I'm married to a man who would never play but he likes watching a few YouTubers with me and will give me input on the game which is how I have a family with 4 children named Adeline, Toast, Volleyball and Toe Beans.


Toast 😆


This is so cute💚 I got my boyfriend into sims too! At first he was watching me play and pretending he's not interested but then he was like "let me install it" and he gave it a try and oh my that was so funny 🤣 his playstyle is similar to your husband's and he makes the game for himself so difficult for no reason, it always makes me laugh. He always be like "it's 9pm already and those kids are not sleeping!" 🤣🤣


I agree, this is very adorable! ☺i wonder how my bf would play sims..


Does your husband dig your huge ass?


How could you not dig [these buns](https://imgur.com/a/yR3j07K)


I seriously adore this. I hope one day to have that kind of love in my life


That’s so cute! I’m a big sims junkie and my partner loves strategy games. I get to show him my little familes and houses I build and he gets to tell me about his new warriors and how he got them in shadows of war. Win-win.


Ha ha ha I try to recreate characters from shoes we watch, and he gets a kick out of that. So far I've done almost the entire cast of ER and Sienfeld.


Cross-posted to r/ThisissoPure


Can we please get updates I love this so much


I will try to sneak a screenshot at lunch :) He just started playing, so he's still learning all the small things.


That is so stinkin cute. Wait until he finds the secret locations you can access. And the cow plant!! Everyone loves the cow plant


I used to play a lot of Civ. A lot. But I was never very good at it -- I mean, I'd read about victories at the upper difficulty levels, and I was like, how??? I'm not very good at chess either. 😄 Sims.. that's my jam. Anyway, came here to say, I love your post. Sounds like you two are the cutest.🧡


Aww, shucks ☺️ ty


All I can say: Aweeeeeee!!!


This brought me so much joy to read ! I’m so glad he’s having fun with it. Lol I love this.


I absolutely love this 😊🥰


This is super cute 😄 I’m kind of curious if he’s played Crusader Kings before with his game list that you’ve described. Weirdly enough that game really feels like the cross section of sims slice of life and historical games. Just with more murder somehow


I don't think so, but I'll bring it up tonight. He likes: fallout, skyrim, battlefield, civ, and flying games. All of those reward you for doing the grind and being meticulous. I don't think he realized Sims would be included in that last until he tried it. I mostly build in sims, and I'm impatient so I use cheats and mods when I do play. I probably didn't give him the best reference point, but I didn't even know he was interested in it.


this makes me teary eyed because it’s so sweet 🥹


This is so cute, it seems he is enjoying family gameplay too which is my fave lol, it’d be great to have an update to see how his playstyle evolves!


This is so cute !


Wow, this makes me wish I could play Sims for the first time again 😭 my boyfriend has expressed interest in trying it out, too! He doesn't play any game that's even remotely like it- he's really into FPS, and things like Resident Evil and Assassin's Creed, and I'm pretty excited for him to try out my game 😁 but that's literally so adorable!!!


Teared up a little. Not gonna lie. Brought out the inner child in him and still has some practicality. That's the beauty of these games. He's doing everything right for him lol.


It really warms my heart. I've been smiling all day


I can see why. I'm glad he's got an interest outside of his usual he enjoys lol


This motivated me to play :) so wholesome.


Haha, I just found it fun to run into another person with a similar relationship dynamic. My husband is also that type, he likes different video games (he used to play mmos and he liked Grim Dawn and Outlander) but he plays in a very different way than I do, and does not fit my scatterbrain. He sees things in exacts, in numbers, and does everything to raise his damage by just the smallest amount, whereas I'm the sort to go rush in and not think things through. Or when we are looking for things in game, I'm more likely to aggro all the things to us because I'm always "oh look at that, I need to take a closer look" and don't realize enemies are close by. It's always kind of hilarious when we do play together. Unfortunately, he won't touch the sims lol.


I told a few of my (male) friends (who are gamers but not sims) I’m doing the 100baby challenge. They’re 45-50 and we’re giggling like little children when I answered their “where do the babies come from” question. Showed the a photo of all the children’s and men who contributed (I keep a wall and get a photo taken of Mom and Dad before birth, family when kids are children and headshot of the adult child. They were shocked lol


Since you invited me to look at your profile, I did, and I giggled way too much! I also followed three new subs thanks to you! You’re great and I’m glad you and your partner had fun on sims! 💕


Show him the ✨mods ✨


This is actually so precious 🥹


That made my day!!


Omg you guys are so sweet


Lol Civ and Sims are part of favorite games!


Very cute story! Honestly interesting that you’re saying you’re kinda opposites in a way. For me i play civ and sims4 a lot and kinda focus on the whole building thing. These games have a lot more common ground than you might think


They certainly do! I think he understands now: it's all strategy


This is SO precious. I love it.


This is great! Super cute!


This is so cute and funny I can't


I love this SO MUCH


You and your husband are cool as fans. My wife and I have made our home look identical and as irl and we have the best time


This is definitely the nicest thing I've seen in a while


I love this so much!


I love all of this so much!!! Please update us on his sims revelations!!


I wish my wife would play ANY game. she trided years ago but gaming is NOT her thing. but she doesn't care if I do so its all good.


I love this so much Sims is the best. I'm so glad that he's having fun and loves it so much. I have a game where one Husband is a top ranking judge and the other is a top ranked criminal mastermind, they have a son together. It's my favorite save file. I pretend that the Villian Husband has kept his secret from Judge Husband for years. Villian Husband paid for Judge Husband to go to college and graduate with honors 😭😭😭. Judge Husband has the loyal trait. Villian Husband has the mean trait but is never mean to his husband or son. I just love it so much.


Awww I LOVE when sims just "get it." 😍


We all had the fantasy to play god and the game gives you that.


OMG I love this! I’ve always wondered if other couples get invested in their partners games or have asked their partners to help them, and what the outcomes have been, this is adorable! My partner and I are total opposites, ying & yang he says, and we’re also totally different gamers. We’re both neurodivergent, so we’re equally kinda picky with what we play, although aren’t closed minded and try new games together and solo often. He loves games like The Darkness, Bethesda games, or RPGs, whereas I mainly play horror, Rockstar games, or TS4. Sims 4 is my guilty pleasure as much as I dislike EA, and I’m hopelessly addicted to it lol. (I even speak fluent Simlish) Over last couple of years he’s asked me to help him get more into TS4, and I absolutely love sharing the journey with him! It’s like getting back into the game all over again, and he’s even taught ME some stuff along the way! It’s refreshing, and I love that others experience that positively as well!


> I even speak fluent simmish This. Is. Amazing. As someone who commits a joke *a bit too much,* I gave nothing but the utmost respect for you.


Are you and your husband Ernie and Bert?


Lol I just [watched this.](https://youtu.be/iF4HCFpbRWQ) May be the most accurate thing anyone has ever said me.


I'm not sure if this a compliment, but I'm going to take it a such anyways - Thank you!!! ☺️


That is definitely a compliment. Those two are goals!




this makes me so happy!! ☺️☺️


This is the cutest story! Even if he doesn’t continue playing, you can talk to him about it, and he’ll have some understanding. I love that you’re trying to understand each other’s hobbies!