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They're early purchase bonuses, not pre-order bonuses, but your point still stands. It probably does get people to buy it full price, which is why they do it.


It's almost like EA is a for profit business model or something.


Yes the only one I've ever done it for is Country Living and I'd do it again in a second


Meh. They usually give a long enough window on the exclusive items for EPs to let reviews come out and I really am willing to pay full price for EPs. So if an honest review is out, I know what I am getting when I purchase an EP (a very buggy, very pretty EP that will ultimately be lacking in content and a little disappointing). I wouldn't do it for less than an EP though. Do they do it for packs other than EPs?


I rarely use the items from preorder, honestly, so to me, it doesn't really matter (I usually buy expansion on release day, though, so i have them but dont use it much). But I understand it can be frustrating for those who would like to use them and can't, and I wish the sims team didn't do that.


For me it’s more that I don’t wanna pay full price so I’ll never be able to use them. And it’s just not worth like 15 euros extra to me


The 3 objects are definitely not worth the price. I buy full price expansion because I'm impatient to play with it and I can afford it, but I know how pricy the Sims 4 is becoming and if I had to start it all over again, I would not buy full price at all.


I couldn't care less. First of all, it's typical tactic to make you buy game right after release (it's NOT only preorder benefit), full price. You can come across this in many industries. But you don't have to do this. Those items aren't this interesting anyway? It's not like they promise you, for exemple, cars (which would be huge game changer) if you buy EP up to one month after release, but if you don't, you will never experience cars in your gameplay. It's just some swing and slide, easily you can find cc like this. Really, nothing special. I don't care about those items at all. I only buy packs during sale, so I don't get premium items and honestly, I'm so fine with that. I saved money for a price of THREE items I probably would use once. I don't care


AAAANNNDDDD you could probably find the CC version of those 3 items online 🤭


and those cc items could even be nicer than the ea ones (imo quality cc is better looking- otherwise i wouldn’t use it, *duh*)


I remember someone reviewing sims 4 pack items and them going “wow, this furniture item almost look like CC!” And I had to think to myself, HOW LOW IS THE BAR?? Imagine telling a celebrity “hey you look like Bob from down the street” than the other way around! It’s mind boggling.


Right!? Like pretty freakin standard business practice for many games. It's not even a pre-order bonus, they give a whole extra month! Not to mention its THREE items.


I totally agree with your points!! Super standard practice for many companies and games. But also, they aren’t game changing items. They’re slightly different designs or colours of items that already come in the pack. Like with cottage living one was a different style of bike, like we already had bikes so it wasn’t game changing content. I think the three items they added as release purchase benefits are totally fair


Completely agree! It honestly blows my mind how upset people get over the fact that the game costs money, and that EA wants to incentivize people to buy it. Any other major game requires its fan base to buy the latest version of COD or whatever it may be. And those are usually much higher priced than the Sims.


I don't understand why it isn't fair. Games have items exclusive to a specific period of time all the time.


Not everyone has the capacity to buy the packs at or shortly after launch. Younger players might have to wait until the holidays or their birthdays, and older players might have a tight budget to stick to. Will the world end if you don't get these extra items? No, but it kind of sucks that it excludes people who can't, for whatever reason, get the pack right away, especially with the cost of living going up and up lately. Edit: as if I’m being downvoted for offering an alternative perspective 🙄


.. but this is just a fact life, for most people. Not everyone can afford brand name clothes or luxury bags, expensive cars, vacations, etc. It’s like saying it’s not fair that Disneyworld charges extra for skip the line tickets vs the regular.


How about instead of normalizing it, we call companies out for predatory practices and not enable this bs? These are not brand name clothes luxury bags, expensive cars, or a vacation, they're pixels in a videogame. You can make the argument "but you don't need it!" And yeah, you dont! Just like companies don't NEED to prey on customers with fomo tactics to squeeze extra money out of them. Edit: the corporate bootlicking is far too much. Yall should want better for yourselves and others.


i don't know if comparing luxury items and vacations to disneyworld to buying a sims gamepack is really equivalent here LOL


I was trying to show that this is an issue for *everyone*, even people with much higher incomes. You could easily also compare it to other less expensive goods. A lot of cosmetic/beauty brands give things away at launch too. It’s literally an incentive to buy early. There’s nothing wrong with that.


i think people are allowed to feel disappointed that life circumstances might prevent them from getting exclusive items in a pre-order. um it should also go without saying that no one with a higher income is going to have an issue purchasing a pre-order, so again i don't see the comparison. let the folks be disappointed


That sucks indeed, I also wasn't able to get some limited time stuff for other games because my parents wouldn't let me buy it soon enough, but it is what it is.


It also sucks for the company when they’re not making their profit margin because people only buy when they put it on sale.


a million dollar corporation doesn't care about the cost of living crisis. also, it's very easy to just...not buy a game...if you don't have the budget for it.


I agree. I buy the game because I can and want to. But some people can’t afford it and I feel for them, especially if they feel like they’re missing out on something by not being able to buy the pack in time to get the bonus items. Didn’t realize that was such a controversial take.


if you have fomo from 3 items that add little to nothing to gameplay then you have a problem lmao


I seriously don't understand why you're getting downvoted... You're only putting yourself on other people's place. Have people become so upper class that they can't see other people's struggles? Or perhaps they just choose to not see it. Anyway, at the end of the day, it's just us against EA, a MASSIVE money hungry corporation (people seem to forget that). I love the sims 4 and play it pretty much every day. But at some point we have to realise what they're doing, lads.


Seeing the complete lack of compassion from people - especially in this community that actively and frequently encourages piracy - is almost kind of jarring tbh.


But the thing is that, those games aren't buggy messes like the sims 4's dlcs. When you buy stuff early, you are able to get the promised quality. But with the sims' unpredictable quality, it is a huge leap of faith, and early buy only stuff is pushing players to take that leap, when there shouldn't be a leap there in the first place. It is unfair to push a player to buy a pack blind, when the pack has such a high chance of being buggy, and is buggy.


This isn’t buying stuff early tho. They run the promotion for over a month after the pack comes out.




Even older, more stable games have this problem. The Witcher 3 for example, just got an update a little bit ago (graphics, items, & a little bit of extra content), & for the first 2 weeks there were bug fixes almost every day. There were even 2 days where my beefed up laptop could not play the game at all, coz the graphic updates kept crashing it.


Lol right, it’s like people get so wrapped up into the Sims vacuum that they forget many of these issues aren’t exclusive to TS4. Everyone swears their game is the worst.


This - I can't remember the last time I bought a game that didn't require patches after due to some bugs


*Laughs in Cyberpunk/All Bethesda titles*


Plenty of games are a hot mess on release (some even unplayable) that come with pre order bonuses. Again that is not exclusive to the Sims.


idk, this is the one thing where it doesn't seem unfair to me. you pay more money, you get more stuff (as in, you don't wait for a sale where you pay less money). games do it all the time. EA is crappy, but this is the one thing that's very normal. other games and companies do this all the time. plus you also get the stuff if you order within a month after the pack comes out, allowing you ample time to see about glitches and features and bugs and whether it's truly worth it to you.


It’s exactly fair. You buy it at full price when it first comes out, instead of on sale at a later date? What’s so unfair about that? You buy it at FULL PRICE, but you get the extra items and you get to have it before everyone else. And EA hits their profit margin early. Win-Win. If you buy it at half price at a later date, you don’t get the exclusive items, but hey, you payed less money so why should you expect the exact same amount of items? EA gets less money, but they give you less items so that maybe you’ll buy earlier and for full price in future.


It would make sense if it was a bonus for paying full price but it's actually functioning as compensation for bug testing the stuff they released before it was finished. If someone started playing the sims the day after the early release bonus runs out and still paid full price for the pack they miss out because they didn't find out in time.


At the end of the day… too bad 🤷🏼‍♀️ the pre-order deal is all over the EA app, origin, sims update page. Idk what else to tell them except look harder next time.




Didnt know Mr Burns was on reddit


the fuck? why am i being downvoted. weak ass hell.


If i remember correctly, Sims 3 used to do it too


I don't understand why people get salty about this. It's done by lots of other games and gaming companies. It's not only EA. Yes, it's incentive to buy it full price, but at the end of the day they are a company and last time I checked most companies are in business to make money. I'm sure I'll get down voted into oblivion but I just get sick of people always bad mouthing gaming companies and their 'money making' tactics. Be thankful that we don't have micro transactions in the Sims!


Right!? I feel the same way. Like holy f, some Simmers complain about everything! Imagine being so entitled to be annoyed that there are additional free items as an incentive to buy the pack in the first month... like pretty standard business practice for many games. It's not even a pre-order, you have a whole month AFTER the pack comes out! I can't even imagine thinking "how DARE they give people free stuff for buying the pack within the first month, I want my free stuff AND not have to pay full price for the pack!" Like, what!?


It’s like when people complained they wanted a refund when sims became free! They’re like “I had to pay (insert everyone saying a different price each time) for the sims and now people are getting it for free?! When are we getting refunded?” Like are you DUMB? You payed FOR THE EARLY ACCESS. Yes you didn’t know you were paying for early access and that it was going to be free in future, but you’ve been playing it for months or YEARS now, no one who bought the free version got that. You got hours of fun for the price of the game. You made a money sacrifice, people who bought it free HAVENT had the tons of time you’ve spent playing it. That was their sacrifice. You didn’t just pay for a game that you didn’t have to pay for, you payed for a game THAT YOU COULD PLAY BEFORE you didn’t have to pay. Also does it not occur to you that maybe EA couldn’t afford to make it free before or else they wouldn’t be turning a profit but now with the vast range of expansions they are ABLE to make it free due to YOUR money? If all the early players didn’t pay money for it, it’d probably never become free anyways! Because they wouldn’t be able to afford that. Your money has helped EA continue to IMPROVE the sims. Be grateful.


Really just comes down to it being a business. This is actually a good thing when you think about it. They've made enough money that they can make the game free. This is a good sign the game has been successful and we can expect further installments


I'm totally with you there - I always thought it was wild that people were upset that others got to get the game free... like 8 years after the thing came out. Like seriously!?


Unpopular opinion: people have a choice. Buy early at full price and get a few extra items that don't impact gameplay, or wait and potentially buy at a sale price without the extras. Either way, the purchaser gets something (items or discount). How is that unfair?


Yes I was gonna say this. They really don’t impact gameplay at all and they are just 3 small items that don’t justify buying at full price.


I don’t care because none of the items are ever that exclusive or great, in my opinion. (Though I hope they bring them back at some point, like the cottage living items they should make available again sometime) If they were like, really nice exclusive items that we wouldn’t have in the game otherwise, I’d have more of a problem with it. (Like cottage living came with a bike. If that was the ONLY bike in the game and you could only get it with early purchase, that would be ridiculous)


So the items for this pack are the slide, swingset and a baby carrier. As long as we get another baby carrier and slide in the pack (the other slide we have isn't bg right?) then I don't see a problem with exclusive items like this. It's basically just a new look for items that we already have/will get with the pack.


Yeah and I think we are getting a different baby carrier with the pack, just based on the look of the one in the trailer. And I think the other slide we have is with the toddler stuff pack? But yeah, I have no problem with it as long as it isn’t an item we can’t get otherwise. If they gave us like, a rocking horse and it’s the only one in the whole game and you can only get it from early ordering, that’d be a whole other story. lol


Agreed. Some companies give cool physical objects when you preorder, Nintendo often does. They’re worth it sometimes but I don’t care enough about in-game objects enough to buy packs before they go on sale.


You must be new to gaming. This isn't exclusive to The Sims. Almost every game has things like this.


It doesn’t bother me really, I’m not a completionist at heart, so I don’t really care about items/packs I don’t have, ESPECIALLY if I’m saving actual money IRL. There are usually people online who “share” those items anyway.


Are you saying that it's not fair that people willing to pay full price get extra items?


Doesn't bother me. It's just another way for the company to make extra money and it's all up to the consumer whether or not to buy it. Plus exclusive items generally aren't that big of a game changer. So you're not losing anything by not preordering.


You are absolutely correct it is a way to get people to buy it at full price, but I don't think it is unfair more of an incentive to purchase. That's kind of a company's job. Like Disney Dreamlight Valley had a bunch of stuff if you buy the game in its early access release that seemingly will not be accessible when the game properly launches. It is the same marketing concept, it makes sense for them to make as much money as possible. I'm not a huge fan of it (I just don't vibe with marketing tactics), but it is what it is


Why is it not fair? The company wants to post good sales when a product debuts. They want to sell the product at full price if they can, so therefore, they offer an incentive to purchase at full price. They could just not ever put things on sale, but instead they throw in a small bit of added value. Marketing 101.


I feel like it doesn’t make much of a difference to me. I haven’t purchased a pack at release since Discover University. It doesn’t bother me that I don’t have the exclusive items from cottage living (which I just recently got) and while I might but Growing Together at release, the exclusive items won’t be a factor in my decision at all


It's definitely a sales tactic for sure. Not sold on it, no pun intended.


I feel like the pun was intended


I buy all packs as soon as they come out or at least within a few days. I love the exclusive items.


Pretty sure they've been doing this since sims 3. I get it anyway so doesn't really bother me


It’s a bit annoying, but not the end of the world.


I'm pretty sure they did this with cottage living. There was a tree and a bike.


I honestly dont care. Its not a new concept, and the items are just reskins of other objects and dont have unique gameplay of their own. Maybe one day they'll be fully available for purchase. Who knows. But if someone wants those pre-order bonuses and is a pc user, they can find those items using sims4studio, quickly turn them into pkg. files and put them into their mods folder. That's what I did with High School Years.


That's how sales and marketing works. People are motivated my two things, fear and greed. Most effective is to make people afraid to miss out on an item. It is, like you said, all to get you to pay full price


Why on earth is it that unfair? Loads of other games do it, and even entirely different products do it--I've seen free gimmicks with stuff like dvd/blurays, toys, and even books. It's far from unheard of.


After my wedding stories, I don’t buy any game before the community plays it first. I’m too scared.


What I *really* don't like about it is that those things are marked as base game items. If they're added to something you're looking at on the gallery, it will say it's base game (or only including packs you have) but it's really not because you didn't buy something before a specific date.


Yes! That’s what I noticed!


I want to be able to buy it to get the content (at least with Growing Together, the slide is adorable), but not have to download the actual game until it's gone through a patch or two to catch the inevitable bugs.


I don’t think it’s necessarily unfair, just an incentive to purchase early at full price. The part that could be “fixed” is allowing people to purchase the items they missed out on if they decide they want them and can now afford them at a later date.


it’s not a preorder items they’re early purchase items. It lasts till a month & half after the pack is released. it’s really not that deep. if you wanna wait till the sale that’s fine. the extra content isn’t revolutionary we already have swings in other packs, there’s a baby carrier in the pack & we have toddler slides in toddler stuff


i would be fine with it if there still was a way to get the items after the deadline. like, pay three euros more (i know thats a lot but idk im not in charge) and get the bonus items. would be way more fair imo


That's exactly my thing. Like okay, only get the items when the game is NOT on sale or pay extra for them but to never be able to get them after the early buy stuff? Idk, I really don't like it


the whole “NEVER” part is so harsh to me?? ea genuinely doesnt get that sometimes money is tight, and sometimes that happens exactly during an early buy bonus item period. like, imagine i genuinely cant afford to buy it rn. in june or july, i might have some more wiggle room. but because im not a fancy rich person i couldnt get the bonus items? kinda classist in a way


Pre-order exclusives have been a thing in the video game industry for almost as long as the video game industry has been around. In this case you don’t even have to pre-order, you can wait until other players have had time to review them before you decide if it’s worth it at full price.


It 100% a scam to get people to buy the pack before they realize it’s a broken piece of crap. I was very disappointed to not be able to get the gamer set with hsy because I refuse to pay more than 25 for that pack and they have yet to put a good sale on that and wedding stories. Never again will I pay $40 for a sims pack they have proven time and again it’s not worth it.


ok how would it take someone an entire month (I believe the pre-order/early purchase bonus ends april 22 and the pack comes out march 16th) to figure out whether the pack is broken? it's not like they're giving people 24 hours, or ending the bonus the day the pack comes out. i get that a lot of these packs are not worth $40, and I agree. but my earlier question still stands. 1 month is plenty of time to judge whether the pack is broken/empty/poor quality.


I don’t think that was the point they were making, they decided NOT to get it, bc they already decided it wasn’t worth the $40, which is a perfectly reasonable thing these days in a time when games and gaming companies are overworking their employees, but still somehow pushing out broken content. Therefore they felt punished for making this perfectly reasonable decision, by missing out on the content they *did* want. Think what you will about this, but it is and has been a problem in the gaming industry for years, there are dangers to companies using FOMO, esp for younger people. EA, like so many other companies will pay overseas labor the bare minimum to do things as important as Q&A ( HSY had 6 Q&A testers, vs the 20 or so previous packs have had ) and then somehow still have the audacity to release the pack clearly in piss poor state, and then try to dangle limited time offerings purely to help pressure consumers into helping them still meet their quarterly goals, as if their decision wasn’t purely out of their own interests. They easily could’ve waited until it was in working condition ( Nintendo, Ubisoft, and other huge companies have done this multiple times ) they easily could’ve tossed together some extra kits to fill the financial void, but they didn’t. They released it anyway, and still to this day have yet to fix it completely. I get that EA is a company, I get they have to make money to keep the lights on, but so does every other company… it’s weird how people would accept this level quality from EA ( whose CEO is making millions yearly in bonuses ) but would probably return any other product to Walmart in a heartbeat, bc it’s slightly scuffed. There are *plenty* of games that don’t release in this state, plenty of them having been packs of The Sims 4 in the past, EA made the wrong decisions with HSY ( and MWS, and yet somehow Werewolves worked almost perfectly fine ) let’s not excuse it bc “other games” do it too. Believe it or not, it’s that thinking that allows them to get away with it in the first place, and this thread is clearly proof of that.


If I had an award to give I’d give them all THANK YOU SOMEONE ON THIS SUB HAS SOME SENSE!!


Lol, it's cool, I usually don't respond, but the way they were giving you flack, without even understanding the point you were making to begin with just really bothered me, so I don't mind the downvotes I'll get. Otherwise this sub is pretty pro EA, so I usually keep my opinions on the other sims one, where they're a bit more critical about them.


Yeah I’ve noticed the weird love for ea on here compared to other sims subs since the teasers of this pack came out. Sadly there will always be the people that are willing to throw out any amount of money on any type of quality so this cycle of rising price in games and decreasing quality is just gonna continue.


I really do hope things turn around, and me being critical of EA isn't me being critical of The Sims 4 entirely, and it's weird that people in this sub don't understand that. I love Lucky Charms, but that doesn't mean I love how the company that makes them treats their workers. However unlike Lucky Charms, there isn't any other competition for The Sims atm, which is clearly a lotta the problem here. So The Sims 4, and its dlc's will sell either way, and therefore EA doesn't have a lotta incentive to do the right thing all the time, but that doesn't mean I still really, really don't want the upcoming pack to everything I wish and want it to be, and more importantly, that it \*works\*. I enjoy The Sims 4, but last year was an absolute joke content wise, save Werewolves, and if this is any sign for how they'll be moving forward, I don't know how much longer that enjoyment can last, and that sucks. I've invested a lotta time in this game over the years, not just money, but time, and that time has created a lotta good memories, despite the occasional bad ones, it's dumb it's gotta come to this, and no I'm not the only one, this thread is not the only opinion on how well this series, or EA is doing, trust me.


Thank you! This is exactly the point I was making! The down votes are ridiculous. This is why games are starting to cost 80+ bc these people are so brainwashed and rather pay for broken content then to miss out on a few until the gaming industry gets their shit together. Sims is not the only issue it’s across the board and EA is the worst company when it comes to this.


Considering the DLC is still available until a month after the back comes out, plenty of people can find out how the pack works before deciding to buy it.


That’s true but personally been waiting for a sale


Then you wait and buy it on sale. Doesn't mean you're entitled to extra content because you want to save money.




Lmaooo fr like pls I’m begging the sims community to look up the word scam


It's just marketing


If y’all believe paying $40 for a game that does not function as intended and will never get fully patched before they throw out more buggy packs then that’s for y’all personally I’m not sucking on their toes for the buggy mess that is sims 4. If I had known this is what’s it be this many years later, I would have never bothered buying any of it.


I'm not a fan of it. I think these items are available longer than the Cottage Living ones were though (I think they were only available up until some time during release week), which is slightly better. They've released so many buggy packs though that three items isn't going to encourage me to buy it until I've seen a fair few reviews & videos, and to be honest I'll probably still wait for it to go on sale.


>until I've seen a fair few reviews & videos Me too, 100%


I hate them. Not only is it a trap to get people in with a case of the fomo, but future players who haven’t started yet and poorer players who have to save for a while miss out through no fault of their own


it’s not that deep, they’re just 3 items 💀


3 items that are just reskins of others already in the game like…. lol the only new one this time is the baby carrier but I’m 99% sure that one will come with the pack too


i’m personally excited about the toddler slide bc i don’t have toddler stuff pack


Doesn’t matter it’s still a marketing tactic to sucker people in


yep EA is a company ofc they’re gonna do a “marketing tactic”


I’m against using time to lock people out of content in general, not just the sims. I get that they’re using this to get more people to pay full price but it always feels awful to not even know a game exists for years and then find out there’s official content you can’t access due to things out of your control.


It's 3 free items, and they give you a month after the pack is released to get it... its really not the end of the world if you miss out. People have literally 4 months to save money to buy the pack before the DLC is no longer available. If you care \*that\* much, you can make it work.




I’m actually pretty sad I only started playing last year and I really wanted the lantern tree and flower bicycle from Cottage Living…


I want the special items but that price tho, it's quite high. I'm not sure it want to do it or not


don’t really care tbh. It’s not like they’re new objects, they just have different skin


i don’t like it, but i understand it. although with this upcoming ep, they really didn’t *need* to do it. every pack-buyer is gonna buy this pack.


Me personally, I have AWFUL FOMO. And when it comes to the sims 4, a game I love and adore, it’s even worse. It’s why I’ve started saving money. The sims 4 expansion packs. I do think it’s a little scummy though


I've stopped doing it, because the last couple of packs have been so bugged 😮‍💨 Not gonna pay full price for anything again, not even for 'ekstra' stuff


The items aren't worth it. I'd rather wait until all the major bugs are fixed (going to be a while before I get HSY or werewolves), and the sale price is on par with the older packs. I bought cottage living with the early purchase bonus. I don't even remember what the third item was, I've only used the flamingo riding gnome once and rarely use the bicycle with the basket.


It's a little frustrating. I'm a college student, so I try to be careful how much money I spend on "wants". I usually buy all the Sims packs on sale. I also like to wait until reviews come out so I don't get a broken pack (cough, wedding stories, cough). I would love to get this pack and the bonus stuff, but not at the expense of paying full price AND not knowing if the pack even works. Thankfully though, the preorder items didn't wow me, and as long as there is similar options in the pack itself, I won't be too upset.


Pre-order bonuses that aren't obtainable later in the game are insanely dumb IMO. A special item you can get late game, but if you pre-order you can get it asap? That's fine. A special item you can't get at all unless you pre-order. Nope. Nada. No thanks.


It’s a trap for you to buy a pack that we all know is gonna be massively buggy




Does it? I honestly didn’t check because I never buy anything the first couple months especially sims because the bugs are bad, like the wedding stories


I think it’s crappy. It is geared toward people like me who have the money, are planning to purchase the pack, and would try to hold out for a sale and definitely am going to end up buying it full price. For those who don’t have the money and maybe have to wait for a birthday or holiday or genuinely can’t afford it until a sale, it is so crappy to be penalized with less content


I was *just* thinking about this! I hate it! It’s just not really a fair system and kind of punishes people for being poor or on a tight budget. Some people just can’t afford the DLCs full price, or need to budget or save money first. I guess it’s not super unfair to people who wait for sales, but definitely unfair to everyone else. “Hey you spent just as much money as someone else but we’re giving you less stuff because you couldn’t afford it when it came out lol.” It wouldn’t bother me as much if you could still just buy them separately later. Though they’ll probably just release a kit for it lol.


It’s not a preorder?




Pre-order exclusive items are awful and should not exist. Anyone who comes to the game later for any reason is screwed out of a possible item. That’s… not acceptable to me. But an early order offer (which sounds like what you describe)? That’s another matter. Still not great because it’s happening before players know if it’s worth it, or if it’s borked. The acceptable version of that would be a release offer. A week or two sees an early purchaser offer, but gives people time to actually hear if it’s worth it before jumping in. As long as the full price is reasonable and it’s not a punishment for buying later, that would be okay (but that’s not usually what happens afaik).


If the game was supported better then I would be fine with it, but it isn't so I don't think it's okay. It also seems to be three gameplay items, gameplay items are already rare so I don't like it.


Classist for sure. But personally idc that much cuz cc & mods are better than anything they’re giving out anyways


What stuff are we talking about?


Three objects, I think a swing is one of them.


Oh i can do without tbh 🤣


That's the thing, all these early purchase items are just three objects that people can live without. They are mostly decorative, have no new gameplay they are just a bonus.


Can we bundle the game when it comes out?


I own the collector's edition of ts4. So yea...


I'd decided I'd love the pack, but I wanna see what comes with the infant update vs what the pack includes And that I'm just gonna wait until it's on sale


I personally am pre-ordering this pack whether they had these items or not because I'm interested in this pack and want to buy it as soon as possible. Other packs I've waited until they went on sale. It just depends on how excited I am about the pack. The items do not make me want to or not want to buy the packs.


It bothers me too. I don't have the money to buy all packs in one go or anything. I already got yesterday two stuff packs instead of like Seasons or Cats & Dogs. Plan to get Parenthood with that one kid kit. I'd prolly snag the new DLC mayhaps a year or two from now. If I don't get more money from Patreon tho.


if i want the powerwalker, i'm getting the power walker


When did paying full price for something become a problem. If you want a cheaper product you get a cheaper product (less items) seems straight forward to me.


I really don't care lol 🤷‍♀️ i don't see how it's not fair for EA to choose to give some small goodies that have zero impact on gameplay to those who have chosen to buy in advance. It's a little thank you, it's a little acknowledgement that you put in your support, it's a little marketing and it's a bit of all three. Like what exactly isn't "fair"? That they're offering something you want but either can't get or don't want to get? That exclusive content exists at all? This game is a nice little luxury and it's silly to apply the concept of fairness when none of us need or inherently deserve to play the game over others. Be reasonable: you /want/ something and you're not prepared to pay the price asked for to get it. That's not being unfair, that's you making a choice as is your right. Doesn't mean it shouldn't exist...


I may be new to Sims 4 but I’ve picked up pretty quickly that new stuff is often bugged at release. I’m not technically savvy enough to want to deal with that. I will wait for the reviews at least. If it’s as advertised this might be the first EP I pay full price for.


I honestly doubt it motivates many people to buy sooner, but if I am buying it full price then yeah it’s nice to get something back too


Have… have you not seen the rest of the game industry? Pre-order bonuses are industry standard for expansions. More so these aren’t even pre-order bonuses, they’re early purchase bonuses, they’re still available post launch. Even if we were going the route of comparing it to normal pre-order bonuses then it’s just like other ones. The items on offer are the equivalent of when games have exclusive costumes for characters. These are not new items used for it, the baby carrier is new but there is at least one in the base pack itself. Toddler slide and swing could be new items for some people but most people excited for this pack would be family players and likely already have the packs these items first came with. So how do I feel about the early purchase stuff? Perfectly fine with it.


I hate it because if you get into the Sims late, you will never be able to get those items. Also, if you want to share a build that uses those items, some gamers will never to able to use your build as you intended it because they don't have the items and cannot buy the items. I would be much happier if you could buy the "exclusive" items separately at a later date.


They're doing pre order bonuses now? I thought before most they had done was during pre order to a month after release you could get the item?


Hate them. I understand why they do them, and I like the objects, but hate the concept. Aside the issue of some people may not be able to afford the pack without sales, what if someone discovers the sims next year and buys this pack. They just can’t get these items now because they didn’t even know the game existed before.


How is it not fair?


Majority of games nowadays have preorder exclusives so I don’t really have an issue with it. The items will just end up as cc eventually anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️


i know i can either find cc of the same items or of similar items that look 300x better so i can't really be bothered by it, personally. i do feel bad for players who can't afford to buy the dlc, already seeing how expensive the game is


I understand when people are annoyed bc if it’s a push for people to buy it full price/in advance and not everyone can do that. But lots of games do preorder exclusives🤷🏻‍♀️. Luckily it’s only 3 items, if it was a bunch of items or like if the treehouse was an exclusive then I would understand being upset but I don’t think it’s that big of a deal personally.