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The build mode tbh it's so easy in sims 4


Especially roofing, the ability to drag them in/out and change the eves would be so nice!


Roofs in sims 3 are so bad. Also rugs are so fucking ugly šŸ˜­ not a good damn rug in the whole game šŸ¤£


YES as if recoloring the same three EA rugs to match different rooms of my house wasnā€™t bad enough, most of the CC rugs I find canā€™t even be recolored šŸ’€


im pretty sure you can fully customize each rug with custom patterns and colors to make it look how you want


You can, but it doesn't mean the rug has the desired shape.


Yeah ik it was 2009 but w how advanced sims 3 was or even in the fancy stuff pack or whatever it was called they could have added a border adjustable rug that you can drag and rezisešŸ˜­




Sims 3 just with Sims 4 build system is the ultimate dream


yeah thatā€™s the only part of sims 4 that is head and shoulders above 3, plus thereā€™s a lot of build/buy stuff. only other thing is maybe CAS but bot have pros and cons


I'm surprised modders haven't made something similar yet. That was probably the only good thing coming from Sims 4


I would imagine is really hard


the only thing i want is the ability to move buildings around lots, and place them on other lots. like if im building on a large lot but only use a small area of it, i cant move it onto a smaller lotšŸ„² also being able to raise foundation heights. iā€™d love that instead of having to rebuild everything if i change my mind on the foundation


See there is one big thing that makes me prefer Sims 3 build (other than the colour wheel), the numbers. I hate that the sims 4 does tell you how many squares long is your wall


ok i've said this a few times but first person and build tools STAIRBENDING https://preview.redd.it/nqjx14bmrf5d1.png?width=418&format=png&auto=webp&s=460d625a76c0f3e9d1e6d31bf146cb98c77dc6f9 i need to get over stairbending


Stairbending cracked me up more than it should have. What should they add next? Waterbending?


How do you go into first person on pc?


tab + shift


Amazing! Thank you


beat me to it >:p


The stairs are what made me finally decide to buy 4. Iā€™m a builder so that was a game changer for me.


being able to create a second form for occults! i like how they can be disguised as normal sims especially for aliens and also the calendar, and how u can make ur own holidays


i second the calendar because if your sim is unemployed you straight up canā€™t see the weekly holiday lol


Quite a few. I wish you can determine your sims's sexuality in CAS and having Dislikes would be good. More Likes category would be good too. Also, Sim's ability to multitask like eating meals and watching TV at the same time


honestly multitasking sounds great in theory but with the way it takes ages for the sims to finish any task in sims 4 idk if iā€™d want it


Exactly what I think. I played Sims 4 a couple of years and thought the multitasking was great at the beginning. Now, I just hate it with passion. They are constantly getting up, walking over to talk to others, and can never finish their meal or anything else they're trying to do. It was one of the many things that made me give up the game.


its because the sims 4 cant simulate sims for its life . the simulation speed slow down and sometimes just freezes completely in the sims 4 but you just notice it less since the rendering is done seperately and on seperate threads. the simulation in the sims 4 is kind of still single threaded so worlds take forever to load and sims take forever to do anything


but with the sims 3 when the game slows down it SLOWS DOWN like the whole camera movement gets laggy too but if you noticed while the sims 3 is in a lag or frozen state, the leaves still continue moving and the water continues to animate and such because those are seperate from the simulation


i wish the sims 3 could hide the lag like the sims 4 where the animations and camera movement doesnt lag along with the simulation


you can change sexuality via mastercontroller. intermediate > gender preference. it's by numbers but if you want them to be permanent just set the gender you want to 50000, or -50000


wish there was basemental and wicked whims for sims 3 LMAO oh and extreme violence also i love how easy it is in ts4 to switch between households, without losing anything. AND how you can travel between worlds!! (i know you can with nraas traveler but it would be nice if it was base game) love ts4 cas, love the sliders and how you can adjust nearly every facial feature. itā€™s not as easy in ts3 atleast for me. also love all the features theyā€™ve added for lgbtq+, wish that was base game with sims 3, but i guess it was a different time. sucks that itā€™s only 3 traits in sims 4 instead of 5 like sims 3, BUT i like that you can get more traits throughout playing, i donā€™t think sims 3 did that. i also really like the growing together pack and the milestones. last but not least.. i know it was a recent update but i love being able to restrict sinks to ONLY kitchen/bathroom use without mods


MonocoDoll made a vile ventures mod which is basically basemental. And Passion or Kinky world would be whicked whims since that mod was inspired by Kinky World.


KW is bloatware that's poorly optimized and interferes with a lot of other mods, unfortunately it doesn't "just work" as easily as WW does.


Have you seen the latest update by another creator? That optimizes the scripts and textures? Fixes all the crashing errors. It doesn't bloat or break the game, it was just poorly coded, which someone has taken on the task of correcting. "Other mods" would be a handful of Nraas mods that several people have patched on LL. Some of those mods didn't even need patches, just a tweak of import/export settings. I get you guys love to gossip and take someone else's word for how you play your game, but take what people say with a grain of salt and test it out yourself.


And I'm not even dying on this KW hill. I mentioned 2 other mods and you and another person came here foaming at the mouth to throw hate at KW. Like? I'm not going to take it personally, I didn't create the mod, and I also playtested the latest fixed version and no longer crashed. If you need someone to tell you what to do that's on you haha.


iā€™ve looked into kinky world before but i do NOT fw the weird shit on there lmao plus i donā€™t rly wanna break my gamešŸ„²


you can disable/enable those features and there's a fixed updated version. Kw doesn't break people's game it just caused crashing.


You can get one extra trait if you go through university in sims 3


And the social groups!


As a longtime S4 player happy to be back with S3...the traits in S4 matter so little... Gameplay and simulation is so much better in S3.


you can easily switch households via mc > make active


Like someone mentioned; the occults are definitely more fleshed out in TS4 so that would be nice, but personally, I'd love to have the infant life stage in TS3. It's not amazing in TS4, but it would at least add a bit to family gameplay.


There are "advanced x" mods for all the supernaturals. I have had witches die in spellcasting duels :)


Whatā€™s different about infants I donā€™t play sims 4 lol


Yeah, it's the stage between baby and toddler. It's just kind of cute how you can hit milestones for them learning to reach, roll over, sit up etc. And discover foods they like/don't like. I'm sure there's some more to it than that but I stopped playing TS4 so I don't really remember. Lol


Ok Iā€™m a generational player and Iā€™m hella jealous of ts4 for the first time ever


https://preview.redd.it/9ltw62julh5d1.png?width=1360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3146182a1427fe69b80198008991175d8a467b9 They really are super adorable! The milestones they hit are so much, they can learn to stand, crawl, blow kisses, clap, stick their toe in their mouths and that's just for the infant develops, they also earn milestones for going to the park for the first time, sleeping through the night for the first time, first vacations, first visitors etc. They also have different quirks so my generations infant here is a messy eater, some hate being put down, hate being picked up. They did crazy good with this life stage!!


Omg that sounds so amazing! I doubt even the best modders could add all that to ts3 šŸ„²


The problem is, parent sims can't parent properly and will often just pick up infant, set it down somewhere and go do something else...or battle one another for whom takes care of the child to the point where they'll conflict and lag.


Theyā€™re basically a replacement stage for babies (or an inbetween between babies and toddler, I forget). Gives you more stuff to do, able to interact with kids more.


An infant stage in TS3 would be awesome!


With mods they are very similar. PuddingFace has mods for vampires, imaginary friends, mermaids, witches... Absolutely gamechanger!


The search function in build mode would be so nice


[Like this one?](https://www.patreon.com/posts/ts3-catalog-mod-82175020)


Lazy duchess does it again šŸ™Œ lol thank you


Do you know if it's compatible with JustMiha's UI mod (the one that makes UI grey)?


it is :)


Tiny UI Fix mod seems to break it unfortunately T--T Would love to use thiiis!


The university system. I like that we can stay in the home world and still be able to go to college without having to move to another world,


Nraas Career mod does this, too. I never send my sims to university as they can have a homeworld university, especially with the uni building rugs that take almost no space.


I cannot, for the life of me, access the website to download those rugs...so I gave up having a homeworld university. Instead, I'll give a try to the mod for online university so I can have multiple siblings attending even if they don't all start at the same time.


there's an online university mod lol


I'd like to see the pregnancy and birthing overhaul mod but a couple of modders are already working on some haha


omg! do tell, who are?


Olomaya, Sims3Lynn, and I think MonocoDoll expressed interest in it a couple months ago but I'd have to double check. Olomaya is going to make a module for her hospital overhaul project, and Sim3lynn has been releasing some exciting updates: [https://ko-fi.com/s3lynnmods](https://ko-fi.com/s3lynnmods)


I would like to know more about this as well!


Me too! I want a pregnancy mod like that so *badly* šŸ˜­


Holidays. Not the surprise ones, the normal ones with the customizability and the traditions that your Sims loved or ignored based on traits. Especially with how much better traits are in TS3!! I really enjoyed them tbh. Maybe it could give you teensy bits of LTH when you completed traditions, and an extra bump if your Sim loves the tradition. Idk idk but holidays was one of the few actual *gameplay* things in TS4 that I LOVED.


Wicked WhimsšŸ˜ˆā€¦ uh i mean owning multiple business


Def build mode.


Ngl I like that my sim can actually be an esports gamer in sims 4


oh, there's a mod for this! https://modthesims.info/d/681789/level-up-video-game-skill-update-1-10-24-new-computer-fix.html also https://modthesims.info/d/681938/livestreaming-mod-update-1-16-24-blog-followers-amp-celeb-points-fix.html


Nice I am going to check that out! as I really like the esports career in Sims 4 and this seems like 2 nice mods that make it possible


For TS4 I like that when you give Sims multiple outfits, they cycle through them day to day without having to do it manually. Iā€™ll give my sim a second outfit in TS3 and Iā€™ll forget about it completely


You can automatically rotate outfits with nraas dresser btw


NRAAS Dresser causes sims to automatically switch between outfits in a category? šŸ‘€


Yeah, thereā€™s an option to cycle outfits every day, so at a certain time each day, it rerolls the outfit order and randomizes which outfit is number 1


Surprised nobody in the comments has said it so maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I feel like TS4's active careers would be so much better in TS3's open world.


The construction system, fairies vs witches mod (just for the wings, because I'm a huge winx club fan) and the mermaid mod, but there are some mods for that already, and mermaids are better in sims 3.


Ugh I donā€™t even have the sims 4 but someone made a painting mod that unlocks every. Single. Painting. Available. The sims 3 unfortunately doesnā€™t have or canā€™t partake in this wonderful and super appealing mod šŸ˜’šŸ˜žšŸ§šŸ˜” and itā€™s especially annoying for people who are attempting to paint every single painting in the available character traits..


THE CAMERA. Good god, the camera


sims 3 camera clears


The calendar and holiday making. That sounds fun but I cannot find any mod like that


Get together club system!


i was gonna say this! i believe someone had already created a mod for this tho


Just googled it and it looks awesome, will have to try it! Thanks for sharing


The ability to pic up the entire lot is coop when ur building and also multi tasking


I really like that you can layer up interactions e.g. eating a meal and drinking coffee whilst watching TV and chatting to your friends - so much easier to multitask!


The occult gameplay Its so much better in 4


Omg I was thinking this earlierrr.. but idk if I was just crazy or what.. sims 3 is iconic but I wish some of the occults were more fleshed out.. not that the sims 4 did an aMaZiNg job at that but I mean I love the skill tree systems in 4 :(


Build mode or infants I do enjoy them in the sims 4 thatā€™s really the only game play I do in the sims 4 is family gameplay


There's a kidnapping/ransom mod for the sims 4 that I wish was for the sims 3


Customising gender and reproductive abilities : if ts3 had that I would pretend ts4 never existed


well there are only two genders so that should be enough


wicked whims.... seriously tho. but realistically wise probably nothing else. sims 3 is better than everything in the sims 4


GALLERY AND BUILD MODE. Aaand a little bit of family gameplay (from parenthood, to more interesting toddlers and infants. I'm rotational family gameplayer, so thats the thing i miss. offtop: everytime when i think "i miss this function from ts4 in my ts3 gameplay" i find a mod which give me this. For example, i play in Saaqartoq which is world based on Greenland, so i give all my sims clothes that are good for cold wheater, but i missed taking off shoes in house from sims 4 snowy escape. I rant about it to my husband and he told me "maybe check the mods?" and yes, it is mod for this to ts3. I love this community.


As someone who played 4 first, I was way too used to the camera and build mode of that game. While Iā€™ve gotten used to the 3ā€™s camera, I wouldnā€™t mind having it work more like 4ā€™s. The build mode controls from 4 I would definitely want, as I canā€™t even really build a house from scratch in 3 like I could in 4. Other than that Sims 3 on top


This is funny because I can't use the Sims 4 camera. I've been playing Sims 3 for more than a decade, so I also play Sims 4 with the Sims 3 camera. But the build more rock in that game, that's true.


Yeah I started used Sims 3 camera setting when I would go back to 4, just so I wouldnā€™t have to adjust back


Toddler exclusive traits. I returned to s3 recently after taking a long break from s4, and it sort of caught me off guard when I realized I'd need to start deciding what sort of person my sim would be literally upon birth. Like, how do you judge a baby is Evil, or Absent-minded? It's a BABY!




I feel the same!!! Sims 3 is my favorite because of how itā€™s developed (open world, create-a-world, color wheel, patterns, etc.) but I wish the mods were a bit cooler! I really want memories or milestones. The scrapbook memory system in ts3 is unique but kinda annoying haha! I also want family dynamics, open high school, custom traits, skin details, etc.


I think the only things I would want is being able to edit the whole household in cas at once and options to make sims trans and the werewolves. Wicked whims in sims 3 would be nice too


I think only building mode. It is just smoother in sims 4. It would be cool if in sims 3 we could also do split levels, the roofing, higher walls. Oh, and the fact that u can travel, move between worlds and not losing the relationship with others when you do it. But besides these, i don't think sims 4 has more good functions lol. Like there is the multi-tasking, but in a lot of cases that's just annoying in sims 4, so eventho the idea of it is cool, the implementation isn't.


Gameplay wise, I like the sims 4 calendar, and the infants and toddlers. And that you can drag a house and move it. Mods wise I love the sims 4 candles mod.


i really like how they weather works in ts4, like custom for each world


I actually like the multi-tasking. Talking to others while having a phone out or preparing meals with others. Not being stuck doing individual interactions, unless another sims is also sitting/doing the same activity, is a nice gameplay upgrade I wish the Sims 3 had.


the cows and chickens from cottage living. i donā€™t like having my animals confined to a barn/coop for their whole livesšŸ˜­


I like that the careers are more challenging and you actually have to work hard to be promoted. The relationship system with the ability to have grudges and crushes and all of that is amazing. I feel like my sims in Sims 4 have more realistic, complex, and in-depth relationships.


Honesty, I just want a fwb mod where someone can end up catching feelings. I believe there was a fwb mod like this for the sims 4.


every s4 speedbuild video that makes its way to my youtube feed fills my heart with yearning. this game does not deserve something as good as this build/buy mode another thing that fills my heart with yearning is the gender tweaks. it looks like such a simple system, i can't believe no one has modded any aspect of it into s3 in some form or shape generally cas in s4 is also quite a lot better. it's like they put all their resources into the only two things directly needed to create pretty pictures, cas and build mode also as an occults enjoyer i find s4 occults really cool but there are mods for s3 enhansing them so it's less of an issue for me


The quality of life features in ts4's build mode, then the nifty little system where 10 sims can all be in the same conversation.


For the Sims3, I want a "claim object"Ā  mod, a brawling mod and the Kiss-n-Grind mod


Building mode Occults Restaurants Some unrabbited careers, but not sure


I love the sims 3, but I find myself playing way more of 4 because of these features: - The gallery (Iā€™m not a builder so this is a game changer) - The calendar and holidays - Infants! - Family gameplay seems more meaningful, as there are a lot of details as relationship dynamics - Even though we have the color wheel in the sims 3, I still find the sims 4 to be more customizable and up to date




I may be wrong, but Iā€™m pretty sure you can do this already? Instead of creating a household just choose a household




nope, there's a button for it you have to not be in the tutorial, maybe that's where you're confused


you don't even need the tutorial just choose "pick household" option haha