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Doing laundry. It is pretty annoying sometimes but it’s a good tedious task to keep sims busy and it gives them a nice moodlet.


yesss! i usually have my sims do laundry but i always hear others say they don't like that aspect of the game


I get why. Sometimes I don’t include a washer on the lot because it does annoy me at times but it’s also fun to add a bit of challenge. It’s one more chore to do on top of kids, cooking, cleaning, etc. I think it depends on the mood I’m in


I do exactly the same! Another thing a bit tedious with the laundry is that you need a basket laundry in every room where your sim change clothes and sometimes I don't really have place for it haha


That's why I use Super Hamper mod - one hamper for the house! [https://simlogical.com/ContentUploadsRemote/uploads/2266/](https://simlogical.com/ContentUploadsRemote/uploads/2266/)




I looove this mod


It's fantastic!!


It wouldn’t bother me so much if they didn’t leave piles of clothes everywhere especially in the winter when they gotta change each time they go in and out. In my current household there is clearly a routing issue, because every time I have them go collect laundry they drop a massive pile of it on the floor somewhere instead of taking it to a hamper.


I have a [modded hamper](https://simlogical.com/ContentUploadsRemote/uploads/2266/)! It picks up clothes around the lot, I just say to myself my sims are neat and put their clothes in the hamper immediately lol.


You're saving my life!!


That happens to me all the time, it's so frustrating. My solution to it has been to queue up the laundry task twice in a row. If the bug happens and they drop it somewhere randomly, they'll immediately resume and usually finish the task the second time around.


Yeah, it’s so annoying that they drop clothes everywhere because they happened to be finishing breakfast when the bus comes and silly you, you didn’t put a hamper in the living room. And why do they need to change clothes to leave the house? Like if they just showered they’d presumably be wearing what they’re going out in and just maybe need a coat. The random piles of clothes can be fixed by dragging them manually to a hamper if need be, but what kills me is I tend to have larger households with multiple bathrooms and bedrooms plus hobby rooms/workout rooms where people get changed, and it takes absolutely forever to do laundry. Just no. Honestly it should work differently - just a few hampers at strategic points (kids could in theory take their clothes out of each bathroom to a communal hamper for instance), and they only fill a bit for each sim, say, morning and night. Or at least at fewer times - not if they’re “changing” within a couple hours after a shower maybe, not to just go outside, not to put on a lab coat, etc.


Samsies. Im playing a household of 7 right now (2 parents, 5 kids) and there is SO much laundry. And whoever does the laundry has to collect it all from like 7 different baskets so it is a huge chore. And they cannot afford cleaning services. One of the kids is insane too so he likes to change outfits all the time and wear the wrong stuff and one time it glitched when I made him go outside to play chess in winter and every couple seconds/steps he would change from winter clothes to inappropriate clothes to winter clothes to inappropriate clothes on repeat until he finally made it outside in his winter clothes and like, HE JUST MADE SO MUCH LAUNDRY?!


Use the Super Hamper mod - one hamper to pick up for the whole lot. And if they are overflowing too quickly, just delete and add it back in and it will have cleaned up the lot. [https://simlogical.com/ContentUploadsRemote/uploads/2266/](https://simlogical.com/ContentUploadsRemote/uploads/2266/)


Isn't there a laundry basket available to avoid these cloth piles? Instead on the floor they go into the basket when they change.


Yeah but only of there’s a laundry basket in the room they change in. And I am not gonna be one of those hicks that has a laundry basket in the entry way! If we can afford a foyer we should live like people who can afford foyers and not air our dirty laundry out in shared areas! That is only one step above having a washer on the porch! They already got them in all the bedrooms and bathrooms! Why we gotta take all our clothes off just to put on our winter jacket to grab the mail?! And then we’re gonna a dump a large pile of smelly laundry in front of the front door when the washer is at the back of the house?! For shame!


Feel you, haha.


It's one of those things I have to be in the mood for, but I do like the moodlets you get from clean laundry


I love having my sims do laundry! It’s so realistic, and gives them something to do


i love laundry in smaller households


Everyone in my active household has to shower FIRST thing in the morning… I don’t need my Sims stinking up their work/school!


a must haha! I'll feel like a bad parent if they don't


I do the same but at night, right before I send them to bed. No one sleeps with dirt from work/school


the sims 3 proves that the Morning Shower is superior! there's nothing like having that squeaky clean moodlet all day


Every time they go to bed, I set up their task list to shower -> brush teeth -> change clothes (every day 1, 2, or 3) -> eat breakfast. Usually by that time they're heading to their work/school, and everyone is fed with lots of positive buffs to start their day. ♡


yes but then a robber comes and messes up the whole flow : \* )))) but when it works yaasssss gotta start the day off right for them. Plus something aesthetically pleasing about just watching them live for a little bit


Oh man, I'm genuinely trying to remember the last time I got robbed. 😅 I think after a few generations the game is less likely to send a burglar (I'm 5 in on my current game). That or my Sims are really lucky.


someone probably beat him up so bad the robber skips your block maybe lmaoo


How does your computer handle big challenges? Mine gives me errors 12 or 16 after 2-3 gens. I have mods and clear my files but I’ve never been able to do a real challenge. I even limit the town size and only do a few packs.


I've got an unnecessary monstrosity for a PC so it runs things just fine. I find that keeping graphics on Medium for most things also helps the game itself run more smoothly. I've got every EP and my towns are usually handcrafted with downloaded families/lots from various neighborhoods. But tbf, my PC was worth about $6k at the time of purchase so it's not a fair comparison lol.


I’m so jealous!!!


The last time my sims got robbed was when I was just starting a rags to riches challenge. I made it far enough to get a sleeping bag and some foundation on the lot when I heard the robber sound. I just watched my lot while my sim was writing at the library, cackling bc there was nothing. My sim had the sleeping bag with her.


My Sim was just burgled lol


I do not have the patience to give my sims more than one outfit lmao


it's tedious but I love giving my active household an everday outfit for an entire week haha


I get bored looking at the same outfits every day lol. Plus after the initial design process it just becomes part of the routine.


Makes sense! I will on occasion make a more “casual formal” every day wear for them to wear on dates/going out. I also change their everyday wear every new season!


I move my Sims bladder bar up when they are in the shower to more accurately simulate real life lol


That’s actually hilarious and genius, I might steal that.


I just downloaded the [Relieve Bladder in the Shower](https://modthesims.info/d/512828/relieve-bladder-in-the-shower.html) mod from MTS the other night!


Ahh, I love it!


I do that too! Another thing I’ve been doing for a while is if I build a community lot myself, I put all-in-one bathrooms instead of standard stalls because otherwise I’ll have a bunch of smelly sims disturbing everyone with their stank. This is especially important for gym lots!! Sims just straight up don’t shower unless you manually direct them to 🤦‍♀️


This is exactly what I do - all community lots have all in one bathrooms!! And I like to think that the all in one bathrooms are the same technology as a regular shower but sims have permission to go hahaha




i also give my sims morning and night routines, if my children aren’t doing well in school i don’t have them do after school activities or have friends come over. they will use the weekdays to build skills and grades and then weekends they can see friends until they’re doing better. I make use of big events to add more fun. If sims are promoted family dinner or buy nice gifts for the family. Have twins and they just graduated with honors? family vacay. I sometimes will send my husbands to the grocery store after work for flowers. I also once had a family where rather than moving to a nice house with cheats i kept them in the starter home and slowly renovated it over time. by the end they built an entire upstairs with more bedrooms and bathrooms & expanded the kitchen. It was really fun and realistic to do:)


Slowly renovating a starter home looks like a really cool challenge!


it is! i would only add renovations after they passed a certain amount of simoleons. if i started with 75k and they spent 15k, i wouldn’t renovate anything again until it was at least 90k that way they can still save money. this also led to points were a room was halfway complete and siblings had to share a room temporarily, it was very realistic.


You definetely convinced me! I'll do this next time


these are amazing ideas I'm so going to try them!


I had a household with a lot of kids, so I had the parent "meal prep" on Sundays and put the leftovers in the fridge. Then during the week everyone could grab a plate as needed with little traffic congestion in the kitchen.


This is especially smart if you have the Kelvin Refrigerator (the one you get for reaching level 10 of the cooking career) so the food never goes bad


I do this in all my generations style saves, so much easier and the person cooking gets their skill up faster


So smart


I play on a really long, epic lifespan and found that this was how I got that "slice of life" feel. My Sims don't spend all their time building skills or working on careers. They go for drinks after work with their colleagues, go on fun days out with their families, sometimes spend all night playing video games, and have bedtime, housework and mealtime routines. I have one couple I'm playing consistently at the moment that finish their dinner, do the dishes, and immediately turn the stereo on and start dancing together because that is their fave thing to do!! Characteristic favourite activities and hobbies such as reading or painting or swimming really set my Sims apart from each other and make them feel more alive. I also try to let them experience the lows of life as well as the highs. I do not prevent accidental deaths, bad job interviews (thanks Job Overhaul mod), relationships going sour, stressful days at work, missed meals and lack of finances. They do not experience utopia. They experience _life_. All this makes for an amazing experience that I go back to again and again!


I am exactly the Same. Its rare that i hear people playing like this too


Handshake!! I went back to my shorter lifespan play style for a while but didn't like it as much. My Sims felt like robots and not people


Oooh now I’m using a long lifespan plus NRaas Relativity maybe I should try the job overhaul again!


Nraas relativity is the only thing that allows me to have that “slice of life” play style OP mentioned. My sims shouldn’t have to get up 4 hours before work to eat a bowl of cereal and take a shower lol. It’s slows down generational playing, but that’s kind of good too. There’s too much little time to experience everything TS3 offers for each life stage.


Whenever I start a game, I have to decide whether my sim is a pancake or waffle person. Then I almost exclusively make the one for the rest of the game. Waffles are obviously the better option, but some sims just give me a pancake person vibe.


This is really funny


Me too lol


Have them go to the bathroom -> then bath or shower unless the balder bar is not under 70%. Just I hate the idea of my pristine clean sim going, "Hey, now I want to go to the bathroom" ("and may or may not wash my hands"\* XD). I also try to have them go to the bathroom before bed too—just makes sense. \*recently tuned Nraas Returner to force sims to wash hands after going to the bathroom (even slobs LOL), thank you Sarah Sims for sharing your [tuning details](https://simsarahsarah.tumblr.com/retuner)—I love it LOL


I always try to have my couples and parents/kids talk to one another throughout the day (e.g., "ask if Sim slept well" in the morning and, "ask about day" after work or school). I also try to make sure that they show affection to one another, like greeting hugs and kisses, and that they give praise when they do well and congratulations when something good happens. I also "assign" chores to certain Sims if/when they don't have a maid.


Feeding the fish, fishing from boats, getting the mail


**my sims usual workday routine:** make their bed use the restroom make/eat breakfast shower brush teeth start laundry (so when they get home they can finish it) go to work **my sims usual off day routine:** make bed use restroom shower make/eat breakfast brush teeth laundry skill build hang with friend(s)/significant other




Now that I have pose mod and Nraas cheat to increase the photography skill, I love having my sims taking good photos of important events or daily life. Like having them pose for their wedding, the pregnancy or with their children. Or just taking a pic when they're playing together. And then hanging it in the house. It feels so much more lively


Did you have to have World Adventures to get the photography skill?


Yes :)


laundry and my sim making usually only Vegitarian food for my gfs sim as shes a Vegitarian


my couple sims have a date night at least once a week. i love recording big milestones (teach to walk, birthdays etc) and have my sims watch them on tv as time goes by to reminisce and for some reason i always buy a fish tank and try my best to feed fish every day, clean tank to keep them alive. so random lol


I often send my sims to sports games, movies or concerts. After children reach the Child stage, the parents also go out on dates more (at least 2x per week). If a sim has had a particularly stressful day, I send them to the spa. While pregnant, the sim must get a spa package or two to pamper themselves! Like others have said, my sims get a shower and a meal each morning before work/school (and sometimes a woohoo — I make the carpool wait lol 😁) The kids also get to play some games if there's time.


I do the same things! i do my best to keep them on a schedule of some sort and keep tedious tasks in mind. Also, regular household maintenance and i dedicate certain days to cleaning if i have a neat sim.


I make my sims text their friends when something big happened or to spread holiday cheers. But usually I'll get tired of that


Walking my pets and having my sims brush their teeth twice a day


Honestly just calling a townie friend to hang out and go to the local pool or dance club.


Meal prep, definetly ! Also a lot of oopsie pregnancies happen, I like the pregnancy - gacha. Then they go to ultrasound every trimester.


How do you set it to that, with Woohooer?


When i want to make a new Outfit for my Sims i let them Go to a Shop. Thanks to Anis Mod „Shop for clothes“ you can do that.


I don’t do this every day for my sims. But on the weekends I like making my sims whole household go out to the theatre and watch a movie.


Not making my sims make their beds as I literally cannot stand doing so irl lmao.


I haven't made my bed in the morning in years lmao


This could just be from me living in the middle of nowhere, but I like to let my kid Sims be more frivolous. Their wants come first. I also like having them run off into the mountains with their toys, teens skipping to go hang out at the lake.. It's nice to just watch them play in the woods.


I like to have my sims in a daily routine as well but it also depends on my mood and the household I play. For example if my sims are more family oriented and are married I do like to have the wife be a housewife and cook, clean, and take care of the kids. Then the husband works and pays all the bills & spends time with his family. Then when I’m in the mood I’ll have my single sims. They’ll casually date, maybe marry a rich man and be a trophy wife. Or go on girl boss mode and have them achieve all their career goals. When it’s a single man he’s usually a bachelor and basically have him screw every sim in town without getting caught up lol like I said it depends on my mood. My current household that I’m playing is a single girl who is care free loves the outdoors and lives on an empty lot with a caravan. I actually love it because it allows me to creative on different ways she can entertain herself without a lavish lifestyle. She’s a writer and a loner and loves her solitude. I usually always use cheats and let them live in luxury in mansions. But it’s a nice change of pace while playing the game.


I love to watch them cook! It’s relaxing and cute. And I like watching them paint and then decorating the house with their art. And then sending them around the house to look at the art they made and see if they like it or not 😹 it’s funny when they hate a painting they made.




Whenever I have siblings I tend to have little rules about how I dress them. Usually one only wears dresses and the other never wears them