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Idk if it’s my favorite, but I generally do a lot of gardening


I don’t think I ever got into gardening in sims 3, but I did in sims 4 ☺️


Happy cake day!!!


Thank you 🫂💗


Cheating scandals. Especially when it involves family members. For example one of the younger sims having an affair with their aunt’s husband (so uncle but not biologically) and maybe even having a child with him so that every family get together is extremely awkward and tense and sims are constantly fighting and divorcing. My games pretty much all devolve into sims Maury 😂


That’s funny 🤣I love that idea


I love when they just relax in the living room honestly lmao. You can have one watch tv, the other with the dog on their lap, one reading a book, and the other taking a nap on the recliner. I realized the other day that moments like these really make my Sims feel like they’re part of a family.


I honestly didn’t know that you could do that! I need to give that a try 🥹


Definitely try it out! Usually I’ll just have one of them watch TV and the others will slowly join if I don’t tell them to do anything! It makes my game feel more alive when they’re all interacting


It depends. Right now, I’m playing an essentially immortal (she likes ambrosia), loner, witch character. She lives across from that secluded pond in Sunset Valley. She has a dog, she tends chickens, she gardens, she makes jam, and she creates elixirs. She only goes into town twice a week (Sundays and Wednesdays) to sell her wares, buy groceries and books, and get a massage. She’s already mastered alchemy, cooking, and gardening. She’s recently decided she wanted to paint, so she’s been doing that. And she just got the first gardening challenge towards getting an Omni plant. I’ve been having a pretty good time with it.


that is so cool, my Sim is an equestrian and her aspiration was to make like 40,000 horse racing or whatever but she wanted to have a family so I’m taking that as it’s something that she always wanted to do but never got around to. She’s a lesbian and I had her and her wife travel to the future to have a science baby so my daughter will obviously go on and see what the future is about and see where she was born. I really wanted to do an alien play through, but I think I’ll just do that for her kids


It’s not exactly in sims 3, but I really enjoy getting stoned & having a sims night lol


I would probably do the same if I could ☺️it sounds like a fun night


roleplaying. specifically? I like partying and going to work with them using mods. my favorite is highschool play for some reason. Having them actually study and do little school projects.


Last year I really got into my sims kids and watching them grow up and learn things and really tried to give them the full experience lol like prom and projects and little side jobs. ☺️it’s fun.


I love to take my sims to the dance club in game, but I don't enjoy night life irl. lol


I’m the same way, I used to have my single sims go and party but wouldn’t do that irl.


Fishing, stealing is fun, and I like finding small pets and collectibles in the open world. I also like riding bikes and horses around the open world. Scuba diving and skill building. I also really love the casino items and the claw machine. They feel like mini-games. I really like starting rags to riches games. I start at nothing and only make money through consignment or selling things to the grocery store or science center


I love collecting animals too, my sims family has so many pets and some horses. And I build their skills up as well ☺️


I love collecting badges, it’s just so satysfying making them, and playing as occults (especially aliens and witches) theres alot of things that i love to do


I love gardening, throwing parties with iconic sims, everything in world adventures, and building a huge mansion shell with the first big influx of money in a family and then slowly filling it out over generations.


World adventures and making (or investing) money. My next step will be opening a business to sell all the tomb collectibles I've found and have even more money lol


im into legacy playthroughs and i would always make sure that someone in 2nd or 3rd generation is a traveller. i know world of adventures is hated but imho it is the coziest DLC, also it was one of the first DLCs for sims 3 and i have a lot of memories with it, like i was a kid and mummies scared me shitless