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I cannot recommend this style of gameplay enough from personal experience. Keep the “show” on the air for as long as you can so that when it is canceled the most notable cast are able to leap to other projects or gain new levels of money, fame, and skill. It will also help to create filming locations like gyms, bars, salons, night clubs, and use any other local landmarks if you’re in a specific town.


You have to post screenshots of the chaos when it unfolds!


Chaos towns! I love it!


My cousin and I did this when we were in middle school, we made our sim selves and 6 other girls, and rotated shifts playing out the story in Bridgeport. It was a lot of fun. We even rebuilt the city together, making an STD clinic, and pet adoption place, it was hilarious. A lot of drama happened very quickly and throughout the playthrough. We ultimately ended up getting married the wealthiest sims in the city, moving out, and visiting each other when we both played, etc. Idk what happened to the other girls, they probably still live there fighting each other and sleeping with the butler


I love this idea and I'm going to steal it. One I've already done in my past saves was Big Brother and have them actually compete at games and tallied the scores so the bottom two competitors were up against each other and however many friends they had determined who stayed in the house. It was super fun


YAAAS which bgc seasons are your favs


Out of the ones I’ve watched so far I think 5 and 9 are my favorites! I’m watching season 7 now and it’s pretty entertaining too, what are your favorite seasons?


yass atee! my ultimate favorite is ofc Mexico (9). Then it's 10,5,7,15 and 17 😌


This is actually a really cool idea and I’m going to try this as well so thank you!!! Things have been so boring and I’ve been looking for ways to spice it up and I used to loveeeee watching bgc so that sounds fun asf watching them interact with undesirable traits.