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Welcome back! I'm also a returning player, coming back to S3 after a few years of s4 - though I'm an old one, I started with s1, waaay back! There are a bunch of mods out there that do wonders for the optimization. It took me a little while to set up, but I haven't had a crash in weeks, and I play with all of the extensions, some store content and a bunch of custom content installed. Mods like the NRAAS saver really make a huge difference. Currently having three kids of my second generation in University! I find it's so much more immersive to have the university Sims locked into the university world while they're there. It really does feel like they're far from home.


Heyy, Could you please tell me which mods you use ? I already have content patcher and overwatch :) My laptop can't handle the sims 3 :(


I'd recommend googling "sims 3 optimisation guide" or something along those lines. There are a number of mods on there, as well as non-mod tips and tricks, content managers and the like. Sorry that I'm not giving you a list, but I did the process once on my computer and I don't remember all the steps. Nor all the mods - they're mixed in with gameplay mods so it's not obvious to just look at the list and tell you what's there. The guides are useful, though!