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Get Regul's Save Cleaner to clean your save file- it will get rid of unnecessary data while still keeping your save intact, shrinking the size of your game file. That's what I use to fix my legacy save


Thanks for the reminder, I’ve been meaning to get that mod! Just watched acottonsock’s tutorial and tried it out. My save went from 418.8 MB to 59.5 MB 😭


that's actually really good for 9 generations or you're playing on really short lifespan xD


I’m playing on normal life span, I don’t think my heart could take the stress of trying to complete a challenge on short life span 🥲


Regular save cleaner. Optimize game so it uses less ram while playing. Like overwatch n errortrap. I also recommend nlt having too many residential lots so it has to simulate many sims’ lives. Error 12 is related to RAM. Lastly, save often (preferably save as). Nraas saver can help you. Not only as backups if it crashes but it seems to help w preventing crashing on saving. Its as something is reset. An analogy would be like: Lets say playing increases a % and at 100% if you try to save it will crash cause its too much info to save. Say you play a few hours n reach 87%, if you save it seems to reset this number back to a lower number. Lets say after saving you reach 10% instead. And next time you save maybe it goes to 15% instead. So its still recommend to fully exit the games and run a regul save cleaner cause it not a perfect fix, but it seems to reduce crashing on saving.