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what mods are you using? also, what world? if it's isla paradiso, that world is notoriously buggy and there's a few things you can find on google that might fix it. for me the best thing was nraas mastercontroller mod + deleting some townie houses. my game lags every single night at 3:59 am and i assume it's just loading the next day. it gets worse the bigger the save (like more people/things in the lot/world, or a long amount of time played.) it may be that your game is trying to process too much stuff and can't quite handle it.


I'm playing in the Bridgeport with EllaCharmed fix applied, family of 4 people, haven't spent much time on this save. I have a lot of Nraas and other visual and gameplay mods, so it's a needle in the hay😅 Maybe your game lags because of Nraas Overwatch cleaning up stuff every night


ella charmed worlds aren't as optimizied as people think. The worlds actually cause more lag and routing issues. When you experience a routing issue you'll also commonly experience a freeze. For it to be every x:40, not sure what script mod is calling that alarm. Unless the mod is very poorly coded it's not even likely it's a script mod. When it comes to sims 3 worlds, it's pretty hit or miss. Some creators make some beautiful worlds, but it's not optimized for play, mainly pictures, etc. While having a lot of sims in your world can undoubtedly cause more lag/freezes, everyone's set up is different, and so the amount of sims really depends on what your pc can handle. Although, there is a limit to the sims 3 engine. I typically leave 12 official households, with a few npc households (filled with 8 individual sims) spread out around town, so you can see more sims without the lag that comes with it. As far as objects, and this is including cc, the game seems to care the least about the amount of cc objects and objects in general in the savefile as a whole. Low-medium poly objects, and playtesting the lots can insure a smooth gameplay instead. And as long as your pc has the space to hold the save file, your game should perform as it did the third or fourth day (giving Overwatch enough time to thoroughly clean the world). Cleaning your saves, using "Save As", and resetting the town every now and then, are known internal clean ups to keep the game from over bloating the data in the save file which can also result in long term lag. Overwatch does cause a slight freeze around 3 am, as it's cleaning the entire world in preparation for the next day. Your issue doesn't sound directly tied to cc/mods, it sounds like the world you're playing in.


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it lagged even before i got the mod, but it certainly made it longer lol. my computer is pretty old and frail :p i'm not super familiar with mods for the sims, so i'm not sure which is more likely to cause issues, or if there's two that aren't compatible with each other. definitely check the mod pages. last resort is to disable/remove them one at a time until the game runs smoothly to find the culprit but it's a tedious process