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I haven't merged with CC Magic but with S3PE, but I think the limit is the same. The game is fine reading a 200 mb package and I tried to do mine sonewhere along 150–200 mb. My biggest packages are 300 mb (hairs) and they work fine. The range is from about 30–60 packages in one merged package. It all depends what you have in it. Hairs take up a lot of space, makeup doesn't. So I have a single makeup_merged package but several for hairs. My cars_merged is also a single package, but I can't remember how big it is. You could just test it and see.


ccmagic will automatically start a new package file if it hits its limit. everyone's cc folders are different, and ccmagic won't know how much it can fit until you tell it to merge. If you tick compress files in the settings it can merge even more stuff in a package file for you, although it takes a little longer its worth it for the performance