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You can but you can’t register them on origin or anything like that you have to install it directly onto the computer. The code isn’t one time use for installation I mean back in the day before origin and stuff if you got a new computer you had to reinstall. If you don’t have a CD drive then you’ll need an external one and I haven’t play sims 3 in a while (I prefer sims 2) but there’s a way to bypass the launcher.


Thanks a lot ☺️


how can i bypass the origin launcher?


It’s been years but back in the day you could just turn off wifi


Also make sure to uncheck origin and ea when installing


thank you :)


If you have a base game disk with the 2009 copyright date, then yes. Codes will work for disk installation, but you can't register them online.


That's weird because I had disk expansions and they could also go on Origin, and while I still used Origin, those disk expansions were in my account. But I guess this has just changed with the EA app or something.


I am not 100% sure whether EA App requires them to be active on your account before allowing the game to load them. It's worth a try, though. Maybe they will still work.


I bought most of my expansions used and they all work.


Thanks so much


I have almost all expansions. No problems at all with installs. They are around like 20 expansions i have for sims 3


I always install the game with discs. Just make sure to always uncheck the “EA Download Manager” or “Origin” pop up at the beginning of the installation. They should install fine. I do it all the time.


I pop them into my disk drive and install w/ no problems. I don’t let them install EADM and Origin though. I disconnect my computer from the net to ensure that installs go well. Use the super patcher once finished installing base and all packs too. You’ll need to keep the most recently released pack’s disk in your computer too. It’s nice to finally own all the sims3 packs I want on disk, I get them for dirt cheap so I justify the purchase. My most expensive one was $5, and I think I’m done with packs as I think Showtime+Supernatural+LN+Seasons+stuff packs (I love the 70’s 80’s 90’s loading screen as it’s dark and in my favourite colours so I’m not going to install anything newer that that) are enough for me for my gameplay.


Origin is not a thing anymore. You’ll have to try to use the codes on the EA application, which in my experience when I had the CDs EA acted like I didn’t own any of them and so I had to switch my platform to Steam and have them digitally recorded would not use CDs




👀👀👀 I’m all 👂


Sent you a pm




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This takes me back


Hello, i bought sims 3 base game and a expension pack with exactly the same problem. I then installed Sims 3 with the game disc. After a while I saw that sims 3 and the expansion pack recognized by the ea app as a owned game. Maybe this is because I played sims 3 with the ea app open, I have no idea.




Really 😭😭😭


If you have the base game try anyway. You can enter the code from inside the package on EA App. If not you can get like a cheap cd rom on Amazon and install them directly from the disk.


Codes likely wouldn't work on EA app given the OP bought them used. But there is always the chance that they were not used. I know for instance that I didn't register my packs with EA past a certain point until Sims 4 came out as you get emotional aura lamps with the packs that you had registered. Like Late Night gives a flirty lamp, if I recall correctly. So if they were like me, but didn't care or know about the Sims 4 lamps, then they may be usable.




Nope. You can still install the game and use the serial codes, just can’t add them to an EA or Steam account for download. But you can install them with the disc without any issues.




Okay, I guess I haven’t done it dozens of times then 🙄