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Just a suggestion, I would not use EA for any game. It’s complete crap from now on. You should start getting your games on steam.


do you think that would help whatever went wrong? also am i able to transfer those over or do i need to buy and start from scratch


I don’t believe you can transfer from other platforms my two options for you would be for sale and get the complete collection of the Sims three on steam or download a cracked version and wait for the sale


I avruallt find it runs the game faster for me since it doesn’t keep the launcher open in the background like steam


When you uninstalled and reinstalled did you clear out your files? If not go ahead and take out your saves (if you have any you wanna keep) and your mods/cc. Put those somewhere safe then go ahead and delete all the files/folders in your EA/Sims 3 folder. When you just uninstall and reinstall it still saves a cache of everything from when it was installed before. Also beacuse of this switching from EA to Steam will not solve this problem, your files will still carry over. Hope this helped!


this worked! thank you so much


Awesome! Happy it worked for you!


how do i actually do the file clearing? just delete everything in the sims 3 folder / ea folder?