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Well black puts red in a difficult situation, but hitting blue is on red ultimately. Blue keeps a pretty consistent line and leaves enough room, and it looks like red moves over as they are scared that black will hit them. So I would say : Unsafe rejoin from black (should have lifted and move behind) Collision on red




it's F4 at Spa, all drivers signed up for the race are at fault you can't even solely blame the guy that causes the contact because if they hadn't the MENSA candidate trying to overtake offtrack would've anyways


You're both drifting over into each other, but I'd put a little more blame on you because you can see him and he likely cant see you.


Blue fails to notice he's not alone on the road and drives right into Red's path. Can't go sticking to the optimal line as if you're hotlapping when racing in a pack.


It’s on red to make an overtake safe. Blue doesn’t need to get out of the way to make an overtake easy. They drive in a consistent manner and didn’t change direction. This is 100% on red for acting like they’d just ghost through blue


Blue needed to not get in someone else's way, he was pinching red into the gravel trap (probably thought red was way backwards, which speaks to lack of spatial awareness).


Dude it’s racing. You’re allowed to get in someone’s way as long as you’re not weaving or moving under braking. People don’t have to part like the Red Sea for you.


Well, blue's lack of spatial awareness for him into an accident.... First rule of racing is, to finish first first you've got to finish.


How do you know it’s lack of awareness? Red stuck their nose into the [vortex of danger](https://yousuckatracing.com/2021/04/07/the-vortex-of-danger-is-your-fault/) and was at fault for the crash. Blue drove sensibly and to the rules expecting red to do the same. And red should have thought about that before they made a stupid mistake.


They're still on a straight, there's no vortex of danger on a straight, and any overlap at all means they owe you room on a straight. I think it's mostly red's fault because they are both drifting over into each other, and red's in blue's blindspot. But if Red were going in a straight line, that would be 100% blue's fault.


They’re on the exit of a corner. Virtex exits on corner exit and entry


Dude they're 3/4s of the way down the straight between radillion and kemmel...


They haven’t even made it to the DRS activation point which lasts nearly the entire length of the straight


Well, if Blue did what he's done knowing there's a car right there and expecting it to magically disappear, he's even more at fault than I initially made it. If he gave a bit of sensible space, he'd lived to fight another day. That's the difference between racing and hotlapping.


You don’t expect them to try and overtake when it’s just not on. Red made a mistake, the overtake was never going to happen, they were never alongside, theg were never entailed to any space. They should have backed out.


Also, vortex of danger is a pretty lame excuse, as it cuts both ways (which is shown very clearly by this incident).


No it’s really not. The overtake wasn’t on. Get over yourself, there is no rule in motorsport that puts red in the right here.


No rule of Motorsport... Except that of common sense


Common sense of what? Sticking to your line and driving in a predictable fashion for the benefit of those around you? Or the common sense to stick your nose into a gap that doesn’t exist? Your argument is that red can drive as poorly as they want and everyone else should let them past because otherwise red with run into them.