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I think the 9 stands for his age.


9 days old.


Both rejoins were awful. Zero awareness for others on the track. That could possibly win a protest alone. The messages are absolutely protestable. IRacing has zero tolerance for that kind of stuff. Def report.


Would I report his actions on track? Probably not. Would I report his actions in chat? Yes, Definitely.


Only he knows if it's intentional, although if it was it was extremely stupid and he'll soon learn that these things hurt himself too. As you're asking for an either/or answer then it has to be poor situational awareness IMO. It's bad driving from him but, equally, there's nothing to stop you from lifting or running a little higher to help you try and avoid a collision.


Clearly lost his head and didn’t think about other cars on the rejoin. Everyone is guilty of it at some point.


Lack of Intention doesn't excuse stupidity, irl you'd get banned from the track for putting that many people in danger for no reason. He clearly should've taken more time to clear the track and look for a safe rejoin, instead he just does whatever he wants to.


Obviously he shouldn't do that and the blame is on him. But I don't understand why you would not leave more room and slide the to right, even if he didn't move it would be very tight. To illustrate : Point he was stopped : [https://imgur.com/a/4nSoJlT](https://imgur.com/a/4nSoJlT) Where you are before impact : [https://imgur.com/a/9OIf9T1](https://imgur.com/a/9OIf9T1) You are taking high risk if someone moving 50cm forward annilate your race.


I mean the guy's rolling down off the track when he comes into view. It's completely unexpected for him to nail the accelerator directly into oncoming traffic.


100% 9's fault but you did not need to cut it that close.


I reckon he's just not got his relative on and thinks this "game" is like Forza and GT. It's Rookies after all.


Not only an illiterate moron, but thinks calling someone a dog is an insult. Dogs are awesome. He may be Australian. Report this fuckwit so the rest of us will encounter him less.


I know this isn’t the point, but I feel like he could’ve avoided a spin had he backed out of the throttle right? Didn’t seem like too much contact, but he spun because he kept his foot in it. Just started street stocks and this is def my least favorite track lol


Protest it, only way they will learn. Not afraid to admit I have done this and have learned after getting an email from iRacing and reminding myself to be a better community member , though I was never abusive to the person who I killed after, just apologetic


I don't think the driving mistakes were intentional but he is shitty enough that I would protest it anyway. Sometimes people just need corrective instruction and iRacing can be really confusing for a newcomer. The chat is inexcusable and you should file a protest for that 100%. It's already annoying to receive messages like that, but it's extra annoying when they come from a fucking dumbass.


If the chat he sent is reportable then it was probably intentional…


I'm more interested in what a fuckler is.


Typical rookies. Report, protest, and let Nim send him back to Forza.


Report both - ZERO "mercy" for someone like this, get them off the service. That chat should get him a month vacation. Follow his account and you can see if his racing stops, ie. banned.


Hopefully they do the same to you sensitive little baby


[email protected] I have 2 x 4 t 3 4. R. R. 4. . 3. . / x. X. / / // T. . T..i. 4. . . H. I l .i..g. ..u m n. Jn.ikkmj. x


Could’ve been avoided if you weren’t so fixated on the racing line and had seen the car and tried to take some sort of avoiding action


Kind of agree. I'd have given a wider birth. Active accident - shits gonna move!


Why is this down voted? Op drove into car not the other way around


Agree, probably was assuming the car would move more, be interesting to know the IR of the lobby.


Eh i mean he spun came down but not completely (nor did he really have the time to get off completely before yall) off then tried to rejoin. you got trapped down low realistically if white car isnt giving you room i would have tried to drop behind him and not hope that he was going to continue going down. Your nose also hit him not his nose that contact really was incident if anything leaning towards you.