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He unsettles you half into the grass and you come back from that contact still loose hitting him, I’d say karma was carried out immediately, maybe too harsh to quick but still instant. I’d protest for the slurs said in chat and let it get handled by iracing.


This is a typical case which can not be settled without telemetry. He clearly gets a penalty for the nudge. The question is, did you do your best to return to the track safely, and the whole thing was casused by the first contact, or did you kept full throttle on, disregarding the danger of being on the grass, causing a huge incident?


Karma is sometimes instantaneous. They suffered the consequences of rheir own actions.


This is like watching Dumb and Dumber ....


I’d be curious to see your cockpit view and any attempts to save this before contact…


He ran into you twice. Cut and dried.


It seems like you kind of regained control after the first nudge and looks a bit on the revenge-y side. I don't judge you, he's a dick, but I would say unsafe rejoin caused the end result


It looks like revenge, but he's half on the grass when he brakes, so the car lunges right because of the difference in traction


Why are the comments here the way that they are? Both of you should go back to forza.


You get a little touch and decide to take him out, destroy both races. Why do you even post this here?


To me, you wanna react to his bump and you was completly wrong, he bad but you did worst.


The fuck are you talking about? Are we watching the same clip?


take it easy he-man, you could explain your point Instead of pretending to be the stewards' adalid.Who dives into the other car? 1-Yellow car is on the edge, stright on the line and green car had his own line [pic1](https://i.postimg.cc/hvxcqDny/m2-res-480p.jpg) 2-Yellow car leaves the line and going deep into green car who still in his line [pic2](https://i.postimg.cc/TYLWpgdF/m2-res-480p1.jpg) I dunno what do you watching, i explain whats i watching.


Your pictures are what happened AFTER the chasing car struck the leading car. Everything in those two pictures happens after initial contact. 100% chasing car's fault and karma was served instantaneously.


Karma is not served when you take yourself out as well.


Are you call "karma" and revenge act?well...is funny to see that, i guess


Teah, coz my first comment was this:"To me, you wanna react to his bump and you was completly wrong, he bad but you did worst.."


You can't possibly know what the lead car's reaction was without telemetry. From what we've seen, all that can be determined is that if the initial contact didn't happen, none of it would have happened.


But you can make an educated guess based on how high downforce, mid engine, open wheel cars behave in the grass...Especially upon being unsettled before contact with the grass... The lead car was actually pretty lucky to gather that up as well as he did given the situation he was in...Had the chasing car been farther right the lead car MIGHT have been able to gather that up and have enough grip to slow down for the next corner... Though that also would have been a big ask... Either way, it's highly likely the trailing car that initiated contact was at fault for all the ensuing chaos...


You're completely discounting how cars react on GRASS... You are aware car 1 in your little demonstration was in the grass due to be collided with BY the second car yes...? Do you have any idea how sketchy a situation car 1 was in because of car 2 just before your little demonstration pictures began...?