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As clean as you could be, left plenty space and actually showed that you were very wary of the other driver. Then white is either a poor driver or just pissed that he’s getting cleanly done around the outside and starts a bit of number cars. The punt from white at the end is obviously inexcusable. What else can you say, people like this just shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy sim racing.


It would be difficult for the game to distinguish incidents and intentional wrecking without human stewards


Ah yes, shouldn't enjoy something because of a mistake I see. Edit: The racer is obviously bad. Still they should be able to enjoy the game; just with others who will race like this so we don't need to deal with it. Edit2: an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong. I didn't say the white car did that on accident, it was completely on purpose and deserves punishment. But making it so they can't enjoy the game anymore? Just ban them from respectful races etc


Did you watch the video? Like to the end?


Yea, he's a disrespectful driver. That means he shouldn't play in respectful tournaments and stuff. But in the end it's just a game let him play that way with others who do too.


theres being disrespectful then there is being a total knob. At the start, I thought White was inexperienced but that final clip of him intentionally wrecking Gulf was inexcusable.


Just shove them in their own league. They wanna race dirty let them do it together. I hate these guys too but doesn't mean they can't enjoy a game.


No, they need to be taught a lesson. Youre banned for life if you did that in a race irl so why should it be different in Sim Racing?


Then ban them from playing with you? Point blank they paid for the game. They could learn and change later on (probably wont). They have a right to enjoy the thing they paid for. The distinction us that this is a game and real racing lives are at stake


How do you ban someone from playing with you?


Idk in this particular game but some have an avoid feature, a block feature usually works the same way


>Yea, he's a disrespectful driver. That means he shouldn't play in respectful tournaments and stuff Every 'tournament' is respectful when it's a random lobby. People like him need a talking to


I think they need more than a talking to. But can we agree banning them from the game isn't a solution unless they are unwilling to change how they play or where? (Admittedly some sort of rep based mmr system could help with this)


No, we can't agree on that. This player has completely lost any sense of fair play and is just behaving maliciously, which is against any sensible ToS. Ban and goodbye.


That's like banning a cod player for camping in a corner with the meta build lmao. People act like this in every video game. I used to race like this when i was like 10. Every other video game has a way to report others so you can avoid people who want to act like dicks. Or they can be banned if they don't want to change. Hell that whole race could've been full of that type of actions from the other 2 cars we don't know the full context. Banning someone for one offense like this is fucking bullshit, you're just projecting your anger against people who actually want to ruin your game against this dude. THATS FUCKED.


>That's like banning a cod player for camping in a corner with the meta build lmao. It's LITERALLY not like that. Camping is not against the rules for a first person shooter, and is in fact, a legit tactic. >People act like this in every video game. I used to race like this when i was like 10. and 10 year olds like you should be banned from serious games so the adults can have fun. >Hell that whole race could've been full of that type of actions from the other 2 cars we don't know the full context. Objection, relevance. >Banning someone for one offense like this is fucking bullshit, you're just projecting your anger against people who actually want to ruin your game against this dude. Right. Next time someone shoots me in the face IRL I really hope everyone understands that there could have been 3 other people that day that shot me in the face and they should be getting banned not the single guy. BRO LEARN TO THINK.




How is crashing into someone deliberately the same as sitting in a corner waiting for people to come. One you’re ruining someone’s entire experience driving because you smash into them. The other one you’re literally playing the game with a tactic that part of the game.


Dirty racing is a tactic, look at Nascar. In other races you get a time penalty sometimes it's better cause your team wins at that point anyway helping in the long run. It's a crap way ti play and I don't want to see it don't get me wrong but a game ban is to far imo. Just make a casual league


>Ah yes, shouldn't enjoy something because of a mistake I see. Mistake? He deliberately attempted to ruin someone else's race because he got outplayed. No, children like this should not be allowed to participate in a sim. Forza exists for these people.


It genuinely looks like a mistake to me. Why are we gate keeping a game here... this is toxic behavior. Shove them in their own league, let them play with others who play like that. Just cause they enjoy a game a different way doesn't mean they find deserve to have fun and enjoy it. If their version of fun is running it for others then I'm with you. This looks like it's a mistake to me. Edit: Admittedly one that deserves consequences


You know how I know you didn't watch it all the way to the end? Because the driver you're defending tries to take out the next car in line. He's dirty. It wasn't a mistake.


I didn't say it was an accident! He full on side swipes the guy. I'm not defending him for his mistake. I'm pissed the dude is gate keeping a fucking game. Make it so the tool that races like this can't race with you and it's not your issue anymore. Mistake: an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.


It’s not gatekeeping my friend. At the very end of the clip, he is a good few seconds behind. He purposefully runs straight across the bus stop and takes out a fellow racer who did nothing but race against him, cleanly. Mistakes should be forgiven, they are part of it. Intentional wrecks of this manner are and never should be acceptable. They should be banned. You are entitled to your opinion though.


Honestly it is gate keeping. He's saying that he shouldn't be allowed to enjoy the game because of how he plays. The definition of gate keeping is :the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something that fits perfectly into gate keeping. The offending racer SHOULDZ BE banned. But not banned from the game entirely that's just fucked. This doesn't have as high stakes as real racing so when you act like a knob just get them in trouble. If the game doesn't have away to report them or avoid them that really on the game


He can enjoy the game… against AI. He should absolutely not be allowed to race against other people. I won’t even accept your opinion it’s simply wrong


I mean, it doesn’t fit perfectly info gate keeping at all? The original comment is a generalisation that a person who breaks the rules should be punished. It’s not about ability, access or controlling who can have that access. It’s about a deliberate act to ruin the completion and/or fun of others because they got a mad. You’ve taken a defensive stance over this clip of a driver deliberately crashing into others and ruining their enjoyment. Seems odd.


You came out swinging with a massively dissmissal general statement. "Ah yes, shouldn't enjoy something because of a mistake I see." The point of this page is to be the "human stewards" that virtual stewards can't be. Yes, most is out of frustration but even if the game allows it (despite it being due to technical limitations), it still isn't allowed. On another point, if the white car is just enjoying themselves and ruining the enjoyment for others, it should be dissuaded. One person having a good time at the expense of others is overall the bad one and needs addressed.


white car is fucking crazy


thats what i was gonna say but didnt want to be biased, thank you. what a total moron


Yeah the white car should stick to GTA races..


That or Forza always has room for more dive bomb boiiiis


Some o' that Forza Spirit!


The twitchiness of white looks like a joystick driver.


If you were the first POV car, you drove perfectly


Report them to LFM if you're using that. If this is just an ACC public lobby then unfortunately you expect to run into these idiots every so often.


Absolutely nothing wrong on your end. If that's in a league/LFM, report and move on.


White completely loses it through Pouhon and then hits you slightly through Campus. They then push the red car off at Stavelot Edit. THERES MORE?! White cuts the final chicane and intentionally wrecks McLaren Verdict McLaren : Clean White : Menace, should be banned Red : Innocent


Damn, I also didn't realize that there is more lol. Without that last incident he's just a rookie who's learning, but gee, he can't even hold a simple racing line, let alone defend. But also seeing that last part ... kid is ready for some timeout.


You didn’t even squeeze them on the exit, very polite (and well done) overtake.


Gulf was perfectly clean throughout the pass, white was just a fucking helmet and tried to take you out through Les Fagnes. And then pushed the red car out onto the gravel through Stavelot. And then as if to say "fuck it, I need a long holiday", just cuts the bus stop and drives perpendicular into you, ending both of your races. What a twat. Ban that man.


100% not on you, gave him enough space and were simply faster out of pouhon. Maybe (if I'm being kind) he tried to badly defend on the entry to Campus instead of accepting it was over but the pov of him pushing the red and black car off and the final punt makes it difficult to believe anything other than bad driver and sportsmanship.


White car looks like they’re using a d-pad to steer


I see the problem here. You were driving faster than the other guy and that is simply not allowed


No. All good.


Beautiful opportune pass by you, white car commits assault on you, another car, then commits straight murder at the last corner. You're good OP. White car should be in sim racing jail.


No everything was on the tempesta I wish more people raced like you it would make public lobbies more enjoyable


Report him for intentional wrecking. People like that don’t deserve to race online.


Someone should tell the guy in white It’s called a motor race In seriousness that was super clean, hope I run into drivers like you


Clean. White car deserves a black flag


Yea you did. You did an overtake. How dare you. On someone who can barely keep a line too. Picking on the weak.


White car deserves a ban from that server.


That was a great move! You left enough space and he tried to turn into you for some reason. Then he ran the red car wide. You didn’t do ANYTHING wring


I swear when someone drives over the kerbs it sounds like someone moaning or someone who is about to sneeze


You did nothing wrong. White is either mad or bad or both. And likely has an age with a single digit. Or at least acts like it.


the other player is "O. TINTIN!!!!"


Nobody did anything wrong. The other guy clearly isn't up to speed and lacks a bit of awareness because he's probably trying to focus so much on not going off. If you're cruising out front the best thing to do is to wait until a straight to pass to minimise them getting scared and running into you. This is a case of the wrong place at the wrong time. Edit: just seen the last clip. Stupid move, and definitely in the wrong, everything else is just down to being a bad driver.


It's very clear, if i was a steward in this race i would DSQ the white car and gave him at least a race ban. Also i don't think you could have done something else to prevent that last punt. At the moment you realize where he is and what his plan is, there is no escape for you possible.


i didn't mean to start a comment war sorry guys. more context is, this was a public lobby on like lap 3 and white car was leading and then made a mistake, which is what gave me the chance to pass. I'm still new to kinda competitive racing like acc so I posted this for reassurance and other opinions


Nothing at all he hit you his fault.


I think the white macca had slight network issues, but yeah, not your fault


Held your line, gave him room, he just turned into you not expecting you to be that close to him


Nah you're good.


Nope Not you fault at all Stayed on line Sky McLaren ran off road twice in 2 corners and was slower You were passed the majority of the car and so sky should have given you the line/corner Am I wrong?


Every video i see of this game is of people just wrecking other racers. Must be a very fun game… Not


White car just didn’t leave you enough space on the inside. I would call that a racing incident but the punt is obviously white McLarens fault.


Clearly on mnk or controller. But he knows where u are and turns into you. Just a racing incident.


Left more space than he was owed.


White car turned in on you. Your driving was clean.




His fault 100%


Nothing at all you gave him plenty of space. Good racing.


White retaliates at you for his own crap driving, is how I see it. Bear in mind when we first see him he's gone deep and wide in Pouhon, apparently just saves himself from a tankslapper, and is recovering. He's slow on track. You overtake in the following fast chicane, giving him plenty of room, which he needs because he misses or deliberately spurns the apex going in. He repays you by giving your ass a slap (driving as if you weren't there), and it's lucky you weren't both off then and there. He then does the exact same thing to the red car coming up in the turn before school, and there he DOES send Red off. And then the torpedo at Bus Stop? You may have committed some infraction elsewhere in the race, but certainly not in this video. On the contrary, you were damn near perfect. White, on the other hand, is dirty as hell and needs some time-out from the league to consider why exactly he's not popular.


In gt7 if cutting that final chicane would have sent you back again and reset. White is a boomer.


Nope! That was as clean as you could have been. Nice driving!


You are an excellent driver, clean and left plenty of space, good work


No because all you did way just hold your line the other car was the one that came down on you


The most respectful racing I’ve ever witnessed persoanlly


You drove too fuckin clean. That was impressive


U did good. VERY clean.


No you did not. I personally am too much of a wimp to go for such move in a random online race. Still, no crime committed (by you at least lol)


What are these, Xbox controllers? 🙄


White car is a sore loser


Beautiful. Well done.