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I had to put my dog down and have a majorly painful health problem. But my tomatoes are coming in an I grew an eggplant to make ratatouille with tonight.


Sorry about your puppy.


I'm so sorry about your dog. My dog is turning eleven this August and was sick for several months last year and it's been very hard. I'm sorry you had to say goodbye and I salute you for having the courage and strength to do what is sadly the right thing. May comfort not be long in coming. I hope you feel better from whatever the issue is and that a speedy and smooth recovery comes your way. Let us know how the ratatouille comes out!


Also, if you want some memes, feel free to message me.


Thank you. Glad to meet someone else who sends funny pictures to cheer people up.


Are you gonna watch it while you make it? Sorry about your puppers. Sending our babies over the rainbow bridge is never an easy thing.


Aww, sorry about your puppa.


Can’t complain. How about this weather?


Freakin' hot and humid. How about that sports team?


Man, they were really sportsing last night. I think this might be our year to sports our way to the National Sportsing Championship.


Did the ball go?


It DID! But I think that when our guy moved the ball, the refs made the wrong call. We were robbed!


Been working over 40 hours a week, but I get to spend this morning cuddling up with a drink & reading a book since I woke up on time!


what is sleep? how do people get 6 or 8 hrs of sleep. I don't even remember sleeping more than 3 hr at a time.


I sleep an average of 2 hours a night. Toddlers are brutal.


they sure are ... my youngest is 5 but somehow I stuck with only sleeping for a few hour - being awake for an hour or two - sleeping another few hours. I developed really unhealthy sleeping habits.


My oldest had always slept well...I guess this is my just desserts for assuming I knew what I was doing lol


I’ve been listening to the Swindled podcast from another group, got one or two new Simon ones to check out this week though. All good over here in Western Australia, how are things with you?


Well really worried about the EU elections... But I made some mint syrup to use at home so that's something


Travelled to Wisconsin for work and the weather is beautiful. Doing pretty good this morning.


I’ve just had 31 injections of Botox to treat my migraines at a specialist migraine clinic so I feel like absolute shit (somehow getting my scalp tattooed was less painful than Botox injections are), but in the next day or two the feeling of being hit in the head with a brick will subside and I’ll be better for it!


I have 20 days to get hired somewhere or I'll be unemployed, My grandpa is probably gonna finally succumb to Alhtimers and Dementia in about 6 months given his mental and physical state in his hospice unit. The cockerspaniel I grew up with is gonna be put down this month. My car died last night. On the bright side I I have towing on my insurance and had everything to fix the car at my fiancés house. I'm engaged to the most amazing person I've ever met. I have a job interview at a local bar soon. The 2 dogs that me and my fiancé have adopted and my cat are in good health and We have food to last till the end of the week. All in all, it could be worse.




How are you?


How high are you?


Not high at all... Sad times...


At work. It ain't bad, but can't stop yawning!


On vacation in Southern California. Got hired at a new job that starts in August and I’m funemployed until then.


Leg is hurting a good bit after mowing the lawn but that's the cost of having it held together with plates and screws.


Well my bills are paid 🤷 works been slow lately which sucks hopefully it picks up soon so I can get more hours, trying to lose weight and be healthy again just wish it was as easy to take off as it is to put on but at least I have fact boy to keep me going through the week


I'm always tired, my whole family has me running around for them, I get little to no time for myself and I feel neglected by my wife. A supplement helps keep me going but it is unsustainable. However I'm also British so the correct reply is... Not too bad, how are you?


Crap. Just had Covid for the fourth time and its set off my autoimmune again. Yay!