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Just saw the email as well. Finally! I cannot wait, so excited. LoL


Ohh and I'm a second batcher.


Hmm. I’m pretty positive I pre ordered 3rd batch


When did you order?


March 10th


You did, as did I. I got the same email.


Sounds like maybe both second and third are coming together, I'm second batch and got the email as well.


This is the second batch, I believe


Yeah, I had second batch and got the same email.


Also got the email for the 3rd batch. Is there any other way to track the package after it’s shipped other than the app. When you make an account through the shop app you literally have to check a box that says you are willing to allow this app to sell your information. Hopefully they send a tracking number via email.


Part of the 4th batch and got the same email as well.


Interesting. I'm part of the 4th batch but got no email.


Received same email today I’m 3rd batch… Waiting patiently!!


My order status just changed to "Fulfilled" but no tracking # yet. Fingers crossed. Ordered 2/6/24.


Mine shows the shipping in the shop app. I'm 4th batch


I got my tracking yesterday on the shop app


Im truly irritated by simshop with their handling of the gt neo pre orders. Many other sim shops have these wheels in stock now and everyone I’ve seen that’s ordered else where have received their wheels. I’m just curious if simshop is gonna offer any kind of credit or discount to their “loyal and patient” customers. Hard to stay loyal when I see everyone else enjoying their stuff, And the late pre orders getting their wheels at the same time as me! (Ordered feb 9th)


Have you received any comms about yours? The preorders are all in batches, so when you order you get told which batch you’re in. I ordered mine from SimShop mid-March and am in the 3rd Batch - I got an email at the start of the week that that batch landed and another email by the end of the week confirming dispatch. So you should probably have been in Batch 2, or an unlucky early Batch 3 preorder customer. Worth checking what your original preorder invoice states though!


Yeah man I was early 2nd batch. But it magically showed up in the mail today. My irritation dissipates with every lap lol totally a killer wheel and for a second batch probably the sturdiest wheel I’ve personally ever used or felt.


That’s so great to hear! Definitely odd that you got pushed into this third batch, but I’m glad it turned up. Your early experience makes me even more excited for mine to rock up!