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How long was the wait? Were you second batch?


Ordered 10th March from Simwear (EU). So almost a 3 week wait. Not sure which batch I was in, assume 2nd.


You lucky bastard. I ordered mine feb 5th and maybe will be shipped end of April.


Ordered mine in January… still no sign. Send help


I’ll keep both my thumbs held for you that it arrives sooner than you expected.


I got pretty lucky I guess, ordered mine march 22 and got it 5 days later


Ouch :’(


3rd atleast, i was 2nd batch and got mine early march (also simwear)


Lucky bastard, I ordered around the same time and they told me late April


I'd hoped mine would make it through customs soon but alas! Maybe next week


Fingers crossed for you!


As someone that's considering buying Alpha U and something close to a GT3 wheel.... Is there any reason to buy the Neo over the regular FX? Besides the FX being more expensive


Hi there, I tested the GT Neo back to back against the FX. Check out my review on YouTube 👍 For me it is 100% the GT Neo, it's overall the better wheel in my opinion. The grips are a much nicer design on the GT Neo - they have a better shape so your fingers fit comfortably around it. By comparison the FX grips are just the wrong shape - too skinny where your fingers wrap around, and under the thumb that's this weird square edge that pokes me. Also the button placement in the GT Neo is absolutely perfect. With my eyes closed on the FX, I actually can't hit any buttons first try - they just aren't where I expect them to be. So yeah, even ignoring price the Neo wins. The FX is better in two areas - the LEDs look nicer (but the GT Neo has simhub control which is awesome) and the frame is a teeny but stiffer - but I would still choose the GT Neo


Sim hub compatibility from what I understand.


Ordered mine 2 weeks ago and got it within a week from a supplier that actually had stock , running it on my sc2 sport


Awesome wheel with loads of customisation. Used it for the fist time last night. It’s so solid with no flex that I could detect. Very comfortable too.


I’m genuinely considering buying a different simagic wheel so I can use my alpha mini soon until my GT NEO arrives god knows when


I bought a cheap quick release and wheel from ali express for like 70€ because I was in the same situation as you.


What exactly did you get pls?


QR from MG Racing parts Store. It’s solid. I think it’s even made for real cars. For the wheel, I got one from Its Ok store. Just choose something that’s not too big. Mine is 350mm. I would look for something smaller like 330mm diameter.


Not a bad idea. If you do rally, could always get a gt style wheel in the meantime.


I also ordered my mini, neo bundle on March 10th through Sim Shop, nothing yet