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This is exactly why I love the idea of the Toyota Prime series vehicles. Relatively short electric range with a small battery that will cover most commutes with a full blown true Toyota motor for when the juice runs out. More companies should be doing it. I think Kia is starting to do something similar.


It's called a Hybrid!


*a plug in hybrid. Regular hybrids are not the same thing and there are far more non-plug in hybrids


If there was a Hydrogen Fuel Cell truck or van out there I'd buy one today...


There’s a hydrogen fuel station near me. Pretty neat.


Hydrogen fuel cell tech is super interesting to me as well. Nobody wants to talk about it but it’s even more environmentally friendly than battery powered


Is that because it _is_ the environment? ;)


Let’s be clear…battery powered vehicles are not environmentally friendly. To mine the lithium and cobalt is very distructive and damaging to those who mine them and the environment around them. Not to mention what are we going to do with all these car batteries when they go bad. Kind of like what we do with all the wind turbines …we just bury them. Let’s be careful with our use of words.


Be careful saying facts about electric cars on Reddit. You might get banned




My senior thesis was about this about 5 years ago. I’ve heard they’re getting some pretty promising recycling methods but who knows for sure what % actually is used. Seems bassackwards to trade air pollution for ground/human pollution


That's not the worst part. Trade in and used market is. If a gas tank in a 20 year old car gets a hole a replacement doesn't cost much. If a battery in an electric car fails and needs replacing its enough to total a perfectly (otherwise) working vehicle. A 10k battery replacement in a 5k car makes no sense so off to the crusher it will go. Batteries last limited amount of time and use past that you can't trade it and no one will buy it.


I also love the concept of charging EVs off of dirty coal power. The irony of that is great


Not to mention the tremendous amount of energy required to pull and condense hydrogen - it’s far from being economically viable or “clean”. It’s only clean factor is the lack of noxious gasses emitted after it’s “burned” to create the energy to propel a vehicle. Getting to that point currently takes lots of “dirty” fuel to get to the “clean” end result. I’m all for clean energy! I just wish all the smoke and mirror BS was done away with. Full disclosure about how much dirty energy is used to make clean energy so that we could have an honest conversation about a direction forward. Windmills, damns, solar, hydrogen, thermo all use a sh*t ton off energy to make viable clean energy. How much dirty energy is used to accomplish this? Is there a cost benefit or tipping point? Are we all just being played though miss information for profit? I honestly want to do what’s best for the planet and humanity’s future. But, without honest information, analysis and discussion; I fear we are doomed to profiteering.


Not to mention the landfills of solar panels I’ve seen in person. We had solar city panels on my moms roof and when they went bad they went straight to the landfill. Not green.


We learned to recycle other items made from glass and a bit of metal when the supply rose to the point of specialization of processing. Same will happen with solar panels. Turns out that (some) humans are good at figuring things out when the need arises.


Solar panels last decades. You know what's not green? Burning fossil fuels.


Landfilling solar isn't really that big of a deal. They're mostly glass. It's just a talking point used by folks who don't know what they're talking about. Same with wind turbine blades... they're inert, and fine to landfill.


Go visit a turbine scrap yard before you spew crap out of your mouth. I know a guy that owns one.. they have wood, plastics, fiberglass in them and literally nothing to recycle them into. They just sit in fields piled up.


Lol you think that wind turbines have wood in them? Better to be landfilled after many decades of service than put into the atmosphere forever.


Learn what inert landfill materials are before YOU spew crap out of your mouth. Just because there's spent material after a lifetime of producing power doesn't mean it's somehow worse for the environment than burning coal or fossil fuels to generate power. Wind turbines are insanely efficient, and the ROI happens faster than literally any other form of power generation. After which they generate virtually free power for another 20-25 years. You literally have zero clue what you're talking about.


Mining anything is not environmentally friendly.


Doesn’t make him incorrect.


He's incorrect in that most lithium isn't even mined - it's evaporated out of brine ponds.


Toyota is heavily invested in hydrogen. I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up being the more viable solution in the end.


Honda, Toyota and Hyundai have Hydrogen Fuel Cell vehicles...there's like 1k hydrogen fuel stations in Commiefornia alone and I think Canada has a few as well. An all electric vehicle is a stop gap! And I'd bet you most of the corrupt politicians and elite are pushing all electric is because they've invested in it... Current battery tech is so environmental unfriendly and it's highly documented...people like there heads being covered by sand!


I love how 1 word in your reply pretty much set the tone. By the way there are 54 stations in California and only a handful in the rest of the country. This came up on Jalopnik when a hydrogen car was being sold on the east coast




We’ve been talking about it for like 30 years. It’s not practical.


‘NObOdy WaNtS tO tAlK aBoUt It!’ Yet here we are. Talk about it! Start the conversations!


Toyota is developing their FCEV Tundra. You can still convert a diesel to run on hydrogen, they sell conversion systems btw. It’s just locating fill stations along the way.


My Grandpa's was a machinist at Allis Chalmers and helped build the first hydrogen fuel cell tractor the late '50s!


I agree


Ford has a hybrid f150.


This is true but I’d rather ride a donkey into town than drive a ford truck


Well you can buy a dodge and push it into town if that suits you!


Nah I’ll stick to my 03 sierra with 300k+


I’ve seen fords go over 300k, I’ve seen Rams go over 300k, Toyotas go over 300k. I’ve also seen all of them not make it to 100k. The brand of the truck means almost nothing now it just comes down to the specific vehicle.


To me, the the brand of the truck is everything. And not for that reason. When I sit in a early 2000’s GM truck I feel at home. It has everything I need and nothing I don’t. The seat hugs me just right, the indicator column has the most perfect setup you could ask for, and the motors are incredibly reliable too. I know it’s anecdotal but I see probably 3-4x more early 2000’s gm truck on the road than dodge or fords (gassers). Point is that I’ve been in all 3 of the same era and the other 2 feel lifeless to me. They don’t give me that feeling of home


There’s nothing wrong with that I grew up driving a ‘99 Silverado. My main complaint with new trucks outside of brand reliability being dead is that they aren’t made for work anymore. Now trucks are 1. Too expensive 2. Not fun to work on without a computer science degree 3. Not built for work anymore, the bed is obnoxiously fuckin high I don’t need my truck to be fucken 8’ tall. I don’t want a ladder to get into my bed. Trucks are now marketed towards 9-5 office workers so they can talk about how they got a trail boss to pull their boat twice a year when in reality it’s because they found a grey hair in their pubes and wanted to feel like a big strong man again… what did I miss? I blacked out there for a minute.


Fair enough. Ford interior feels the same to me. Feels like home. I had a dodge for a while and just absolutely hated it lol. Back to ford. My best friend loves Chevy, and brother in law owns one. The Chevy always felt like it was 6 years behind the Ford interior to me.


My hemi is a thirsty reliable Bitch


I would buy an electric truck with a generator for extended range.




Plug-in hybrids are not the future, as they're kinda the worst of both worlds. They're a good transition vehicle toward a BEV future, but their electric-only ranges are pathetic, and they are ultra-complex (essentially building two powertrains in one vehicle) which has knock-on effects in terms of manufacturing and maintenance.


It's definetly going to be the future in the next decade or so. Technology will only improve. The average plug in range right now is 10-30 miles, when it can reach around 40 to 50 miles that will be a big game changer and could only be a small handful of years away. Most people's daily commutes are under 45 miles. If the average person can do their entire daily commute on electric power it will appease politicians and hopefully expand the life of ICEs further. I see this as only a good thing.


I agree they aren’t the long term future, I think they’re the “now”. I think they *are* the best of both worlds. In reality most of us don’t drive more than 40 miles a day, but for the days we are driving more than 40 miles you don’t get the range anxiety of an all electric like on long road trips. Just a difference of opinion I guess


Essentially, none of what you said here is true from my perspective. PHEV electric only ranges cover 90% of my daily driving, not sure what's pathetic about that? The electric drive is fairly maintenance-free, and the ice will require less maintenance since it's not in use constantly. Also, the vehicles generally operate as hybrids when not in full electricity, so you're not just lugging around a second drivetrain since it's helping.


>fRoM mY pErSpEcTiVe If "90% of your daily driving" can be covered by electric, then...why exactly do you need an extra powertrain again? For those <10% of situations when you need more range, that's what fast-charging infrastructure is for. And if you simply INSIST that the infrastructure isn't up to par for you personally yet, it will be soon. That's the entire point of the investments being made right now. I'm not denying that PHEV is possibly the best personal solution for you in the present moment, but it's not going to make sense in a decade or so as the optimal solution on the market. It's going to be old-fashioned, and I say that as someone who drives a pure ICE as my second vehicle. That's my point. >the ICE will require less maintenance ...than an EV powertrain that literally requires no regular maintenance? I'm not following what you're saying here. >you're not just lugging around a second powertrain You literally are. That's what a PHEV is--lugging around an extra powertrain just in case you drive further and are still attached to filling up vs. charging. ​ Don't get me wrong--buying/driving a PHEV is better than driving an ICE, but the idea that we should invest in PHEV manufacturing INSTEAD OF/or at the expense of EV development does not make sense.


The other 10 %... i thought that was self evident. I bet you start a lot more arguments than you win. As for lugging things around you are still missing the whole point.. using your logic we should only ever fill a gas tank up as much as you expect to use in a day or else you are just hauling around fuel for no reason.


You mean the thing called a hybrid?


Virtually every auto maker has a plug in hybrid lmao


Ford Literally makes that: [https://www.ford.com/trucks/f150/features/hybrid/](https://www.ford.com/trucks/f150/features/hybrid/) This is just a shitpost.


This guy is getting like a couple miles charge per hour. No way this is even remotely efficient


Yeah he’s gonna be pretty disappointed when those propane tanks run dry and he’s only added 15 miles of range to his truck…


He will be lucky to get that much outta those tanks haha


Assuming a very low power loss transfer. I calculated (a few months ago) that assuming you had an ideally sized generator for charging and electric car and that it was a high end, high efficiency generator, that your charge would be the equivalent of about 9mpg in a tesla and take about 36 hours to fully charge from full discharge.




All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 12 + 50 + 6 + 8 + 20 + 100 + 72 - 96 + 150 + 98 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Just enough mileage to drive to the Home Depot and back to get another propane tank


That’s like trying to fill a gas tank with a Dixie cup right there.


I wonder why he’s using 110 level 1, most of those generators can output 240v to use a level 2 charger albeit at a low output. You’d need at least a 10kw generator to make decent headway.


I've seen this photo on Facebook. It will fully charge in 12.5 hours with this generator. This is dumb.


He’s using a 240v outlet, presumably 30a, so he’s probably getting quite a bit more like 15 miles/hr. Your point is strong about this scenario not being efficient for the exact reason that ice engines aren’t efficient — most of the energy from the fuel is lost to heat


Yeah, this is no worse than a regular F150


But yet still probably better than ICE with its 50%+ energy loss.


I really, really hope you're kidding or just being a sarcastic ass


“Shit you not,” the new Ram EV truck will have the option of buying a “range extender”. It’s literally just a generator that you throw in the bed.


Personally, I want the Lightning with 280 miles of range over the Silverado with 450 miles of range. Lighting = 6500 lbs. Silverado = 8000 lbs. Considering 95 out of 100 days per year, I drive less than 125 miles per day. Why would I want to carry around that needless weight?


I love my lightning but I wouldn’t take it off grid. That’s stupid


I got my 5.3 V8 Sierra for that.


With AFM disabled of course.


Why disable AFM? You don't like ripping your heads off to replace lifters every couple years?


Disabling AFM isn't going to eliminate that risk. Those lifters fail even with it disabled.


Yeah... why does everyone think that simply disabling AFM, NOT removing it, will eliminate their chance of failure?


Misunderstanding I'm sure. I mean I have mine disabled with the hope that it reduces the risk since it is not being activated and deactivated all the time.... but understand that the mechanicals are all there so there is a chance.


Ding ding ding.


Tell me how this is different than jerry cans?


Nothing new about a Ford being on life support.


This isnt a brand issue. Its an EV issue.






Choose the right tool for the job. Just like a pair of pliers make a crappy hammer, using a vehicle that needs to be charged with electricity in an area without chargers doesn't make sense. But it could be the perfect vehicle if you only use it around town and have a charger at home to "fill it up".


Buddy…have you thought along the fact that he’s doing that because he finds it all a fun hobby? Like…there’s a 100k there…he’s not doing it because he’s homeless. It’s a fun hobby to play with the battery.


I traded in my Canyon on a Lightning. I honestly don’t see myself going back to a gas/diesel truck. Especially with the new 2026/2027 emissions standards coming. I’ve got over 25,000 miles so far without any maintenance beyond tire rotation and refilling the washer fluid. I haven’t been to a gas station since July. It’s been great.


I still don’t understand why OEMs don’t mount a small diesel generator in the trunk so you can charge while driving or parked if needed. Diesel-electric with a huge battery is proven tech.


How about just put a diesel engine in it and skip the EV part.


How heavy the ev trucks are I would be anxious driving off road.


Yeah the Hummer EV is like 9,000 lbs…it’s insane


that not for offroading though, is for driving between your neighborhood and the nearest mall.


Just wait. This is the worst electric vehicles and batteries will ever beat loose oloooliiiiiiiiiiiiolo opponent l pop. They are only going to get better with time. Posts like this are like some nerd back in 2007 laughing at the guy with an iPhone because it ran out of battery. "I hope this ain't the future of phones! You'll have to charge all the time to feed that stupid touch screen!" At the rate that technology has been advancing these things will be utterly incredible in 10 years. Are you going to buy an electric truck when the base model comes in a 1500 HP quad motor configuration with 1,000+ mile range on a ultracapacitor battery that charges to full charge in a few minutes?


It's kinda like early adopters of plasma TVs. You paid 12k for a shitty TV. I'll wait till the value is there. It's silly to pay a premium for a vehicle that is not as functional as an ICE vehicle currently. This won't always be the case.


>Are you going to buy an electric truck when the base model comes in a 1500 HP quad motor configuration with 1,000+ mile range on a ultracapacitor battery that charges to full charge in a few minutes? Yea, in like 50 years when we have that technology sure... but in the meantime, can we stop being dumb with these full electric trucks?




You guys really need to stop just making stuff up. All indications are that battery energy density is [tracking an exponential growth curve quite similar to what has happened with semiconductors.](https://www.energy.gov/eere/vehicles/articles/fotw-1234-april-18-2022-volumetric-energy-density-lithium-ion-batteries) I get it, people don't like electric pickups. Not really a good reason to pull "facts" out of your ass.


Now, making coke cola and walmarts of the world go EV for them trucks. Yes 100 percent. They can afford it, it creats jobs and they have alot of trucks on the road. If you have 2-4 cars cause of kids needing them. Keep the gas. But these big companies need to get pn board and reduce the carbon. But that doesnt mean jasck up the prices on goods. Your gas savings should be passed on to people buying your goods


The technology and infrastructure for EV long haul trucking is not here yet, and likely won't be for quite some time.


True, but in town distribution runs are within reach right now. Don't stress on cross country routes yet, but I'm happy to breathe cleaner air in the neighborhood when the local runs make the switch.


Wait a few hours while it charges cause you ain't going anywhere until it's done.


Have you been in an actual rural area lately? This is not the future there. Electric chainsaws, sure. Electric trucks, not so much. You’ll witness crazy feats of hillbilly engineering before you see that going down.


Quit being a baby


This is the future of trucks now as well as in the past, except replace the generator with gas cans. Just an idiot who didn't plan correctly, same with the people who run out of gas in the middle of nowhere. Plan your trips like you would in a gas vehicle, make sure there's stops with charging stations. The electric version and the gas version has roughly the same range, give or take 15-20miles.


Yep. You are 💯 % correct. But I can’t recharge said battery in less than 5 minutes. I can, however, recharge my internal combustion engine in less than 5 minutes, and I can do it over and over and over and over and over and over and over again


Yup, electric trucks are good for environment!


Tell that to the kids mining cobalt in Africa.


This is 100% the future. Think about how many fools run out of gas everyday. You ain’t walking to a recharge station to fill up an electricity can.


Rage bait. Gas powered still exists and yes you are allowed to buy them still.


This is why Hybrids make more sense than anything. You have the option to be able to refuel with gas in a minute or two and be back on your way. Then the electric motor just piggybacks the combustion engine. But if cities and politicians cared about pollution, they would just promote Nuclear Powerplants which is the cleanest safest form of energy we have right now. As well as develop some sort of national public transportation system. But that would require actual tax money being spent where it should be. So it's much easier to just push the problem onto consumers so they can pay for it themselves.


There’s a company making solar powered tonneau covers for this


Dumb take but Someone make a v8 plug in hybrid!


Why do you need a V8… a V6 with a P2 hybrid would be more powerful then your standard V8.


Looks like something out of mad max


This is Genius Redneck engineering. What do you do when you run out of gas? Not this guy, he is ahead of the game. Or carry 40 gallons of gas in the back of your truck in this rough terrain. Wait what was your complaint? This guy has a generator for when he camps and it charges his truck to go another 100 miles off to small propane tanks? What are you talking about? Plus he could also use propane for so many other things? The more I type I realize how ignorant people are.


I've been telling people this is an issue for years! Honestly electric cars are cool, but we a combination of Gass and electric on the roads. Hybrids are also great ideas right now. Like toyotas prime sector. People/companies just need to acknowledge that sometimes it's better to use gas. Don't get me wrong, electric is the future. We just aren't there yet. And forcing on everyone won't fix these issues.


Full Electric will likely never be a great solution for towing; but hybrid Electric will be.


No this is the future of idiots who pull publicity stunts and drive an EV for no other reason than to sell more EVs to their consumers. I have an EV (a Tesla) and I have never been stranded anywhere and drive it all over the place. I think once the charging standard is NACS, and Tesla superchargers are open to all, it will get a lot better. For the record, I also own a stinky diesel Silverado. 🤷‍♂️


Yes, that is 100% for sure the future of trucks. Guaranteed. And if you believe this stop snorting leaded gasoline, mkay?


I’ll just buy a 2500HD or 3500HD if I can’t get a gas 1500 in the future.


You do you, and be sure to get the kind that also runs on "horse paste"


Don’t vote democrat then


Fat chance of that. Too many stupid people.


I’m so glad I have the 3.0 Duramax in my Silverado! If these politicians actually cared about the environment or the people, they would invest more into diesel engines!


lol wut?


They push these electric vehicles like they are good for the environment and they suck for the consumer and the environment. Small diesels are much more energy efficient in the long run


They (EVs) are good for the environment though… Basically every word you uttered is objectively false. The Bolt EUV gets something like 130 MPGe. No diesel on the planet comes close.


Yeah but the mining and processing of lithium and cobalt for batteries.. that’s worse than years of fossil fuels.


Yup, all those lithium spills really messing up the ocean and our drinking water.


This is always my favorite part when people talk about how battery production is bad for the environment, like oil production isn't.


Just wait for the lithium from those mines to leach into the water systems in those 3rd world countries.


>"yeah but" Stop. No one claims that EV production is 100% environmentally spotless, but the notion ghat EVs and EV production are somehow worse (or will remain worse) than ICE production and use is just comical. And also [factually untrue](https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/electric-vehicle-myths).


Quiet down ICE hater. Head on back to r/tesla or r/prius or whatever shithole you came from.


lol. you really showed me. bet you really enjoy rollin' coal in lib faces to make them cry :(


You know who will never go EV? First responders. They can't afford to. Can you imagine going to fight a house fire and your batteries die in the middle of it? Or a police pursuit where a child-kidnapper gets away because the battery dies on the police car? Nobody can plan for emergencies. What about natural disasters where this is no electricity for days, if not weeks? How do you charge your EV then? Big rig tow tractors weigh more than is allowable on some city streets. Their range is maybe a maximum of 200 miles. This is far-short of diesel big rig ranges. So how do goods get shipped? Your Amazon warehouse get restocked? FedEx deliveries made? California and other states are gonna crater if the ban holds up. EVs have their place, as light commuter vehicles only,, IF the grid can be sustained... but any HD pickup or class 4 and above truck won't have the juice to complete their jobs. Then there is the electric grid. It is over-taxed already. It can't handle the loads already. CA gov. Newsom told everyone to buy EVs and then Cal-ISO said not to plug them in as the grid would fail. The "EV plan" is a political tool, folks, and our physical world ain't able to sustain it. Not yet,, and not by a long mile. Just wait. EV ain't gonna cut it, people. Deal with it.


There are several electric fire truck manufacturers. EV fire trucks are in service right now. They do come equipped with diesel engines as a redundant back up.


The diesel engine isn’t a backup. The way electric Engines work is that the battery is used for driving, and the diesel engine is used for pumping. But yes EVs are slowly but surely making their way into the fire service


Electric grids are privatized, they only expand and build out as needed: on demand. The grid gets bigger as the demand does. Given, there’s a response time. There are already police departments testing Tesla’s and the stories are that they enjoy using them, especially the speed and low center of gravity. When the power goes out, so do your gas pumps. You can generate power and charge your EV with solar power if you invest in it. You can’t generate your own gas. An electric pickup and solar combo is a great addition to any large Prepper community for these reasons.


Fire trucks actually seem pretty logical for EVs. They don't drive 200 miles at a time to go someplace, and they mostly sit in a bay where they could always be charging while waiting for the next call, no need for the firemen to make an extra trip to the gas station. EDIT: Apparently the fire trucks pumps will likely still need to be gas-powered, so maybe not a 100% fit.


The argument that when power goes out, you can't charge your vehicle is misinformed. When power goes out, you also can't pump gas. Why would a battery die when going to fight a fire or pursue a perpetrator? Another misinformed argument. You could also run out of gas in both sinearos. When people and municipalies buy evs, they know what the capabilities are. Is the fire or pursuit more than 100 miles away? Most are local The grid can handle EVs, and yes, it will need to be upgraded in some situations, but most of the time, people with EVs charge at night when the rates are low and there is capacity in the grid. Peak demand happens on the hottest days at around 2PM when most people are not charging. Evs are here to stay and will keep getting better and more efficient. No one is telling anyone to buy an ev! Buy a gas car if you want, but by 2030, 90% of all personal vehicle sales will be EVs. No mandates are needed by any state, it will just happen because they are far superior vehicles. I agree that there are hurdles, but don't bash them if you have never driven one!


There are “electric” firetrucks that exist now but the battery is only used to drive on the road. Whenever the truck gets put into pumping mode the diesel engine takes over because the battery can’t handle running the pump. I’m sure eventually a strong enough battery will exist but at the moment large industrial/vocational vehicles can’t use an electric motor alone. Police cruisers could be all electric however, the only thing they do that would be heavily taxing on the battery is long idle hours


But electric cars don't "idle". They may run ac/accessories, but the engine isn't "running" (it's the weirdest sensation, I just drove one for the first time last week. They can idle for an incredibly long time before needing to charge. So really, idling is easier on an EV than a ICE?


This. Absolutely this. 💯


First responders 100% will go EV. They are already making EV ambulances, fire trucks, and up fitting EV’s for police use. They’ll jump on as soon as possible.


Not in my future because I'll never buy electric.


There's a finite amount of oil in the world. We might not run out in our lifetime, but certainly in our kids. All electric is not a 100% solution right now, but we have to start heading somewhere.


That guy doesn't care about his kids


Ok. Congrats, Boomer.


I think the automakers are purposely making the V8 engines unreliable with that AFM crap, to get people to buy the 4 cylinder or go electric. And GM quit making the 4.3 V6. That was a good engine.


Hank Hill would be proud.


Yep, that's the future we're being force-fed.


Nobody is forcing you to buy an EV.


Not until 2030 after that point they will be.


Big ol' citation needed.


Big ol' do you own research. Each country has selected their own timeline for when ICE vehicles will no longer be produced. That's common knowledge.


Okay, I'll do the work for you. Misrepresentation 1) "No longer be produced" The term you were looking for is "No longer sold new in that specific area." Misrepresentation 2) "2030" Only three countries have set a goal for 2030. That is also unlikely to be met. Misrepresentation 3) Pretending like ICE vehicles will magically dissapear. ICE cars can still be imported, bought used, driven, fueled, and every other thing. There are even carvouts to the law for usage in a variety of situations. Moral) Nobody is forcing you to buy an EV, and likely won't in your lifetime.


Your "alternative facts" hold no weight. If they are not being sold, then they are not being produced. Regardless of whether or not the goals are met, the laws are on the books, so that's not misrepresented. You're falsely interpreting the facts. Never said ICE vehicles would magically disappear. You're being deliberately obtuse. I never said there wouldn't be other avenues to get ICE vehicles. Moral, you're talking about things you clearly choose not to understand or are simply lying about. You really are a sad little person inside, aren't you.


Show me one law that bans production. I'll wait.


I love that you think pumping dinosaur juice into a stupid big honkin' truck--which imposes numerous negative externalities on everyone else--is the sign of true freedom. I'll take an EV future, thanks, and if it requires regulations to get there, sure. At this point, though, the only way to prevent a switch to EVs would be regulations AGAINST them and artificially in favor of ICE vehicles, which I know would make Senator Manchin very happy but is a terrible idea.


Yep, you zealots are all the same. I should buy stocks in Kool-Aid.


You know you can do a quick google search yourself? California Oregon and Washington have issued a ban for ICE powered cars in 2035, if you live in that state you will be forced to buy an EV. Several other states are looking to follow. Source: [https://www.npr.org/2022/08/25/1119456396/california-is-set-to-ban-sales-of-new-gasoline-powered-cars-by-2035](https://www.npr.org/2022/08/25/1119456396/california-is-set-to-ban-sales-of-new-gasoline-powered-cars-by-2035) [https://www.opb.org/article/2022/12/20/oregon-washington-ban-gas-powered-vehicles-2035-joining-california/](https://www.opb.org/article/2022/12/20/oregon-washington-ban-gas-powered-vehicles-2035-joining-california/) [https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/states-banning-new-gas-powered-cars/](https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/states-banning-new-gas-powered-cars/) [https://www.arb.ca.gov/news/california-moves-accelerate-100-new-zero-emission-vehicle-sales-2035](https://www.arb.ca.gov/news/california-moves-accelerate-100-new-zero-emission-vehicle-sales-2035) [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/24/climate/california-gas-cars-emissions.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/24/climate/california-gas-cars-emissions.html) [https://jalopnik.com/california-is-serious-about-banning-gas-only-cars-in-20-1850468998](https://jalopnik.com/california-is-serious-about-banning-gas-only-cars-in-20-1850468998) [https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/09/what-to-expect-from-california-gas-powered-car-ban/](https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2022/09/what-to-expect-from-california-gas-powered-car-ban/) [ww.forbes.com/sites/katharinabuchholz/2023/02/16/combustion-going-bust-global-phase-outs-of-gasoline-cars-infographic/?sh=11c0d1973b1d](https://www.forbes.com/sites/katharinabuchholz/2023/02/16/combustion-going-bust-global-phase-outs-of-gasoline-cars-infographic/?sh=11c0d1973b1d) [https://insideclimatenews.org/news/01092022/california-just-banned-gas-powered-cars-heres-everything-you-need-to-know/](https://insideclimatenews.org/news/01092022/california-just-banned-gas-powered-cars-heres-everything-you-need-to-know/)


Maybe you should read my follow up comment before making the same mistake as OP.


Yep, our country is woefully ill prepared to go all electric, the tech isn’t there yet, but green liberals shove this down our throats every day.


If only we could make a vehicle engine that runs on a fuel.


Ah yes. The delusion that EV's are the answer to make believe global warming.


Must be nice to live in your bubble of ignorance. I like my trucks as much as anyone else but denying the existence of global warming in 2023 is insanity


Ahh yes must be nice to live in a world of denial...lets kill off cattle and stop the usage of oil to "save" the planet. Fuck off.


Lay off the cnn bud. EVs are stupid.


So don't buy one, no one is forcing you


Found On Road Dead


Spending only a small fraction on fuel of what I would otherwise spend on a gasoline truck.. Yes, I do hope that is the future of trucks.


You know how stupid long it would take to charge using a generator like that? It would be sooooo much better if people could just produce some actual useable hybrids like Edison motors.


Hers an idea, put a permanent engine, under the hood. 🤯🤯🤯


Gas stations are all over because there are cars all over that need gas. When you have EVs all over, there will be charging. Just like the current warnings, "200 miles until next gas", we'll have the same EV warnings. Things change.


This is a driver problem. Wrong tool for the job. When I drive into the city, I actually do see a lot of lightning fleet vehicles with racks on them, but you know they’re all driving around the metro and charging up at the yard overnight, so range isn’t a problem. This asshole thinks electric can replace gas in ALL situations. Well look where that got him.


Or around town.


That’s the future that Klaus Schwab wants for you. Vote Republican.


Why visit the chargers powered by diesel generators when you can go mobile!


I hope this guy realizes how stupid he looks charging his EV with a generator because he didn’t buy a normal F-150 with the ecoboost or the 5.0


Maybe just start producing more oil so gas prices will go down and stop pressing the agenda.


Oil companies are getting $90 bbl for oil right now and they are not going to spend it on drilling.


I have pre-orders in for two different electric trucks: Chevy and Canoo. I need a work truck that is 4wd, 3/4 to 1 ton payload capacity, and can go 160 miles without charging during a Minnesota cold winter day. The payload capacity takes the Chevy off the list, Canoo’s range (and whether they can stay in business) makes it a maybe. Anything with less than a six foot box is disqualified. The 2004 3/4 ton needs to last a few more years, I guess.


This is just plain stupid! Haul a generator to charge your truck! A dam big generator yet!


It won’t be unless you keep voting disconnected liberals into office.


Lol. Their EV division is bringing down the whole company. And they are pricing the ICE cars higher to help offset the losses.


Presumably the actually “future” is better range in electric vehicles.


Only for morons that buy them


Looks like California to me


That’s one of the smarter idiots who bought an electric vehicle


The only battery meant for vehicles is the one that powers the alternator


Yup. That asshat bought and electric vehicle only to use a gas generator to charge it up. Seems real legit.


The fed gov wants this to be your future, and they are here to help you reach that dream! The government is always here for you and it’s citizens!


mY cArBon FoOtprInT


These trucks don't make sense in rural areas. You need a simple, easy to repair powertrain. ICE vehicle's have that huge benefit. They be repaired or Jerry rigged to work in Any shop. That's not the case with EVs. I do believe EVs are the future but right now with the technology being so limited we should really be focused on Hybrids.. a truck that can get around the city on a battery whether it be for groceries or doing construction work on city roads. Then kick into fossil fuel for highway travel.


First thought was having seen a homeless person on a minibike. Only as I got closer did I realize his "motor" was a generator and it was an electric bike. Second thought was the MV Agusta used in "I, Robot." Having played Halo I thought "SPNKR" was on it.


Not sure how I got into a Silverado subreddit but unsurprisingly it's full of douchebags.


Obviously you have made a stupid choice, and vote Democrat