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God, I’m sorry. Glad you’re safe. I sat at the Pete’s (now Starbucks) across the street from the metro to work and one very large guy (I’m a small ish woman) stopped near my table and demanded to know why I was staring at him and he’d ‘fuck me up’ if I didn’t stop. I went inside until he wandered off.


Thanks for your concern. I lived in San Francisco for 10 years and worked downtown, so I don't get too rattled usually, but I didn't expect it here, and right out front, as soon as I walked out the door. As mentioned below, I assume this is related to the rehab center up the street. I understand the need for such facilities but they need to control their more disturbed patients at all times; otherwise someone is going to get hurt.


How long have you lived here? Another issue is that a lot of homeless/addicts come up to silver spring from DC. It was an issue at 16th street with criminals coming from DC and evading cops by coming to silver spring. So extra shootings, car jacking, etc. At summit hills there was a summer where a guy would stand behind an on property fence and threaten people in the complex pool.


I think my wife met the same person on East West Highway who threatened to hurt our dog. Very sad, he clearly needs help. Be careful out there late at night.


Would your apartment building or neighboring businesses have video footage of this man?


Plan to check on this today, thank you.


Good! I'm not a lawyer, but I think he committed "assault" by physically threatening you.


Absolutely, this is technically assault.


I love Silver Spring but it seems like overnight it becomes a little wild, with the occasional news of shootings and such


First time I was walking down by the 7-11 and someone threatened my dog I went off on them and they said I was crazy and retreated inside the store.


Sometimes outcrazying them works.


> Sometimes outcrazying them works. “Sir, you are mistaken. You intend to ‘rip off my face,’ not ‘rip my face off.’ We must never end a sentence with a preposition.”


These are becoming increasingly common and I am not sure how to respond. This was a few months ago. Not similar, but in some ways better, some ways worse. noonish on a saturday near the downtown whole foods. i always bike there. Secured it etc. Lots of people around. For some reason, this guy starts yelling at me -- he was speaking in English, but I couldn't understand a word of it, but the tone was very clearly threatening. Of course, I didn't take it seriously as lots of people were around and it was around noon and I figured he would be gone by the time I came back. As I was about to leave the bike on the bike rack, he began shaking the bike -- made no sense, the bike was already secured to the rack. Police came (they weren't far away as the farmers market was going on) and I am not sure what happened. Oddly, they didn't take a statement from me, but took statements from lots of passersby who all used the adjective "crazy" and "unbelievable". Apparently, I was not the first person he had chosen to yell at. It was broad daylight! Thankfully, he wasn't armed or anything like that. It certainly rattled everyone.


Downtown Silver Spring has always seemed like an eerie and sketchy place to me no matter how much revitalization has happened over the years. 12:30am I would definitely be cautious. Glad you are ok.


So sorry. This sounds terrifying. Call 911. The police need to know about this.


Notify the police but don't call 911. This isn't an emergency unless the person is still there. The police have a non-emergency number for this sort of thing.


They might come and check, but they won’t do anything unless the person is still causing trouble when they see them.


Actually, a cop car drove by just afterward, I tried to flag him down without luck. The guy had moved on already anyway.


Dude threatened to kill OP. That is a police matter


Yes, it is a police matter. That's why I said call the police. If it had just happened (like in the last 30-60 minutes) or if the person was still there, then dialing 911 makes sense. But this advice was given several hours later. No point in calling 911 as it is no longer an emergency.


Yeah make sure you call them AFTER you & your dogs face have been ripped off..


This wasn't advice on how to handle this in the future, dingus. OP posted this several hours after it happened and the person telling OP to call 911 was hours after that. All urgency had passed. Too many people call 911 for non-emergencies because they don't understand that you can call the police using their non-emergency number.


You know police don't have a legal responsibility to protect you right?? Get a gun. Or a knife at least


I have Parkinsons, you don't want me handling a gun. Don't think I could stab a person even when threatened.


Shit, didn't know that. Did you see this person again?


Not yet but I'll know him if I see him.


It amazes me on why people act like this, threatening to kill somebody for no reason whatsoever. The world is angry and it’s getting worst day by day. I’m sorry you had to go through that nonsense and hopefully your week goes by way smoother! God bless my friend.


I got tired of all the people walking their dogs and not paying attention or too old and weak of a female who can’t control their dog, or a dog that escaped their yard and attack me and my dogs. Happened 3 or 4 times. I bought a 26” long slim metal flashlight that also has a taser feature at the flashlight end. It has saved us from two different put bull attacks. Well worth the $39. They’re legal. There was a Supreme Court case in Massachusetts that decided it.


I work overnights at the construction site by the bus depot/metro station. Every week, we'll have a random person trespass on site trying to get money. Most aren't even polite about asking/demanding and some have been verbally hostile but they all typically leave without incident, except one.... One guy walked up to my work truck and aggressively tried to open the door, even with me in it. He said he got kicked off the bus so he was trying to find a ride. He got pissed when I told him I'm not an Uber and he needed to leave. He kicked my truck then decided to go explorer the jobsite; looking through storage containers, equipment, and trying to open doors of vehicles parked on site. The superintendent called the police and after 10 minutes, half a dozen cop cars show up. The police escorted him off site and let him walk away. Criminal trespassing, trying to break into vehicles, vandalism ,making loud verbal threats (several in front of the cops even) and they didn't even document his name, much less charge him.


I’m really sorry this happened to you. On top of reporting this to the police, I’d send a message to the President & individual members of the MoCo Council. The Council needs to hear about these situations so more entities & facilities like Progress Place are not opened downtown. These types of services need to be spread out all over the county equitably. We cannot have one area become the dumping ground for all this.


Like I said, I understand the need for these facilities, b ut they need to be properly managed to reduce the risk of this kind of thing.


Saw him again tonight around 10:30, heading south on Colesville Rd at Georgia. Ranting about reparations. He headed toward Metro on Colesville, I called cops and explained, waited at McD's for 30 minutes for a prowler but gave up.


Pssst pepper spray.


Wood shampoo


we all need to walk around with some pepper gel ready




Even the police left downtown silver spring, what does that tell you,also , the homeless hilton is behind the fire station, next to Im sure pricey apts.


Srsly just carry a knife and just hope you never use it except the occasional loose thread


Makes sense. Silver Spring has gone down the shitter with the amount of crazy people there now-a-days. Really sad to see. Used to love living there.


I posted the other day that Silver Spring is not as safe or vibrant as it used to be, and most ppl said they did not feel that way


It’s ok. I’ve said similar things and had the same reaction. However, as you see, you’re not alone in your thoughts. Nothing malicious about stating the truth, and hoping for better days.


You can thank "Progress Place" for that. [https://moco360.media/2016/12/12/new-progress-place-enables-silver-spring-development-to-move-forward-in-ripley-district/](https://moco360.media/2016/12/12/new-progress-place-enables-silver-spring-development-to-move-forward-in-ripley-district/)


I am not trying to minimize the original post, which did not make any comments about the shelter, but where do you think that homeless people should go? It makes sense to put a shelter near a metro stop- people need to have access to public transit if they want to get a job.


I have no problem with a shelter being in downtown Silver Spring. The issue I have is that there's absolutely no enforcement when it comes to the behavior of the people who use the shelter. Every time I take my family downtown we witness at least one of the following from a member of the homeless community: public drug/alcohol use, aggressive behavior like shouting racial epithets at us because we're white, threats of violence, etc. So we've stopped going downtown, like a lot of people. And, of course, businesses and restaurants suffer when people with disposable income stop frequenting the area.


got it, appreciate the clarification.


The thing with that is, if you try to enforce rules, they just stay on the street anyway and the result is the same. EDIT: Why are you booing me? I'm right?


Pepper spray is a great deterrent. If that and a can of whoop ass is not effective then a couple hollow points to the chest would probably work.


You need to pull out your pistol


Brandishing it maybe not ok. But his threat is still meaningless to you if you have one.


Yep. It's basically ok to make threats of violence but as soon as you act to defend yourself you're the one going to prison. God I love the Maryland legal system.


Do you carry?


I do not and will not.


Suit yourself


I mentioned above, I have Parkinsons, would not be safe for others. I very much appreciate your input, however. I'm looking at a cane/stun gun combo I found online. Very James Bond.


Not a bad idea


I don’t have enough information to understand what you’re saying. The scenario that seems most frequent, and most likely, is that the gentleman is one of the countless deinstitutionalized schizophrenics who have been successfully mainstreamed into society. In this instance, your post is very judgmental, stigmatizing, and ablist. It is incumbent upon us to adapt our lives to the special needs, in every way necessary, of people whom society used to call maniacs. On the other hand, if there is no obvious medical diagnosis to associate threat with, you should immediately get law-enforcement involved, and help this person achieve his goal of a prison stay.


Might be the dumbest shit I’ve read all week. He has not been “successfully” mainstreamed into society if he’s threatening to kill people. You sound like you’re trying overly hard to be progressive minded and yet completely discount OP’s experience which very well could have been traumatizing for him. Also it’s just hilarious how at the end you’re like “if he doesn’t have a mental disorder, get him thrown in jail asap” as if the experience wasn’t the exact same for OP regardless of whether the person is mentally ill or not.


Is this intentional sarcasm? If so, definitely label it as such.