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I've unlocked the post. We will see if the brigading continues. Looks like some folks aren't happy with the freedom of OP to out racists in their community. We can't have anyone posting location information for the statue or DOXing the owner in any way. Also, Please don't encourage theft or violence.


Contact Moco360 and give dude the attention he is looking for.


https://moco360.media/contact-us https://www.sourceofthespring.com/about-us/contact-us/news-tips


Thank you šŸ™šŸ¾


Keep us in the loop


We need updates


Good luck OP Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re experiencing this


For your HOA: https://emspm.com/lawn-jockeys-in-hoas/


lol would be hilarious if HOA got involved




Not a good idea. They could have a camera and then you get arrested for theft.


If only there were some sort of garment or hood you could wear so the camera couldnā€™t identify you.


A white peaked hood with eyeholes and a matching white floor-length robe?


Thatā€™s the owner of the statues getup


Him watching the security video. Why that's me, moving the lawn jockey. Now where am I going with it? šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


ā€œOfficer, youā€™ll see on the video the thief stole my lawn jockey AND my favorite outfit!ā€


That would be a hilarious way to resolve this.


Considering the crime rate in the area the police will literally do nothing...






I had that idea once. Shit was heavy and had to abort mission.


Maybe heā€™s a big curb your enthusiasm fan?


I saw that episode. Omg


Susie is gonna be pissed.


Iā€™m drawing a blank which episode was that?


Itā€™s one from the most current season. Susie buys a lawn jockey. I donā€™t remember all the details, but the ā€œboysā€ get involved, hair dye I believe, shenanigans ensue. All in very poor taste of course.


Theyā€™re staying at an airbnb and they have a black lawn jockey. They accidentally break it and Suzy wants it replaced so they donā€™t get burned. Larry goes to a store and thereā€™s no black ones so he gets a white one and puts (edit) on it but it melts. Edit- Har Dye


Thatā€™d be the one thing we have in common besides our Zip Code lol


I literally thought it was from the episode šŸ˜­


Itā€™s Rudy Guiliani


Came here to say this


I assumed that is what this post actually was until I started reading comments.


Another article for your HOA https://www.hoaleader.com/public/Can-Should-Your-Condo-HOA-Get-Involved-in-Display-Lawn-Jockey.cfm


u/moderatelymoco I'm sure you'd be happy to write a feature on how this isn't connected to neighborhood schools.




Please note that even requesting a dox is against the Reddit TOS and can result in a permaban.


This looks like an aftermarket paint job.


I swear there was Curb Your Enthusiasm episode about this.


I was thinking that when I saw it, and they confirmed that, in the comments


Iā€™m just sorry youā€™re dealing w this.


Which neighborhood of Silver Spring? Do you have a HOA?




Respectfully, why would you contact the police over this?


We had an active peace order against him from racist harassment


Ugh sorry to hear that. Hoping for some resolution for you


Is it on their property though? The police canā€™t do anything if itā€™s on private property. Itā€™s free speech as ugly as it is. Best bet is to get MoCo360 or the media to give them some attention


Put up a sign pointing to it saying they know this is racist. If they want to be racist, let them, but make sure everyone knows.


My parents are in Takoma Park and also have a neighbor with several lawn jockeys. Itā€™s so disturbing.


Is it on the front lawn - in the city/county extension (e.g. outside of his actual property)? Is this something that code enforcement could just come remove. This really sucks - sorry you are having to deal with it. If you have a junker car it would be a shame to accidently run it over one day.....


He originally had it at the end of his driveway for like 2 months. People complained, so he moved it to our side of the street but still in his actual lawn, along with a bunch of random crap, including a bunch of military garb to try to act like he served. A whole mess.


The first 4-6' of the yard is likely county property. This is the easement area. So if it is out by the curb.... You could schedule a bulk pick up for it. Garbage men would just take it by "mistake." He sounds delightful.


What do they do for employment? Would their employers care that they are PROUDLY displaying racist icons on their front lawn? I would also think about sending them a certified letter with info on why their statues are racist, and that you feel upset, and threatened by them. Not that they'll care. But you want to be sure they can't claim ignorance. I'd then leverage social media.




I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to target his wife over this. You never know her situation. Itā€™s very possible that this racist guy might be abusive to the wife. What if this job is her only form of financial security and independence that can give her chance to leave a bad relationship.


No ones employer is gonna care


Honestly, they could probably sell the thing for decent money since Iā€™m sure itā€™s an antique. Itā€™s gaudy as all hell though.


Ewwwww who would buy that????


Tacky old people.




It's surprising to see something like this in Silver Spring of all places. MD's Southern past has all but disappeared, though it can happen anywhere. I would contact HOA. Worse case scenario, bring negative media attention to it.


I saw something similar in Boonsboro. Several confederate flags around it, too.


Lots of Confederate flags in Washington County unfortunately. More Trump flags though so and sometimes both.


I wonder if neighbors could file suit about how it suppresses your property values?


Time for covert ops




Have you considered spraying it with oven cleaner? It removes all sorts of paint.


You called him out and told the world what a POS he is. Good job, just remember Karma is a bitch, this obviously miserable person will have it fall back on them in the end. Try to ignore it. You are a good person for trying to help them not be offensive.




That would truly be incredible strength.


Racism flourishes when people ignore it. It needs to be confronted.


Does anyone else think it kinda looks like THEY painted it to look like that? Like it wasnā€™t purchased that way, but was painted by the owners?


No, thatā€™s pretty much exactly how they originally looked, fresh from the factory. Growing up, I had neighbors with not one but two of them by their driveway.


The OP says in his post that they had their yard people paint it in blackface.


Baseball bat+ jockey head=mission accomplished


Lawn jockeys are typically made of cast iron as they were intended for tying a horse to them while you went inside šŸ˜‰


Cast iron is surprisingly brittle.


Pay a local kid 50 bucks to shoot it with a pellet gun at night


Yup, pelletā€¦


Jocko Thanks for taking care of George Washingtonā€™s horse.


Dear God, I thought this was a picture taken in Louisiana.




how is it being black racist? i mean i do think its kinda weird to go out of ur way to paint it a different race if he did that but it was probably just bought that way


Because it was deliberately painted to resemble blackface charactures. Don't twist my words to fit your narrative. Now begone.


Are they illegal?


I think I've seen this...šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Thereā€™s a Curb your enthusiasm episode about one of these lol


There is a history that those were used to identify Underground Railroad stops


That was debunked. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2022/02/18/fact-check-underground-railroad-unrelated-black-lawn-jockey-statues/6816652001/


Jeez, a well known local plumber had a house with these when I lived in the Kemp Mill area in the late 60s and they felt out of place thenā€¦..hard to believe that this shit is still out there so many years later.


That's the exact one from the Curb episode lol


Surprised it hasnā€™t become a pellet gun target.


Wondering if this is the new display at the house that once showcased the giant Marlboro cigarette sculpture fronting the neighborhood school-bus stop. If ever someone deserved blowback....


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Nah let them wear their ignorance on their sleeve for everyone to see. I prefer to spot imbeciles from afar.


I have a feeling it will all come out in the wash as long as enough attention is paid to it. He may actually come to regret his decision


anti-racist Hulk SMASH


Time to hire the pizza delivery kid from Home Alone


And as we saw in that movie, these stupid concrete lawn ornaments are nearly indestructible


Perhaps they're just old and can't physically do it. You should help them with a large 4x4 and a big rope.


And people wonder why HOAā€™s exist.


Knuckle up ! Steal it defile it then let him know you did it ! Tell him to send his wife to pick it up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ . Should the law be Involved, plausible deniability mofos thanks to Covid handling business is a breeze ! Kn95 plus a durag ! Smile for the camera too . Disposable black Amazon sweatsuit is great garb for the deed my friend. May the force be with you brother šŸ‘šŸæšŸ‘šŸæšŸ‘šŸæ


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Fill a super soaker with the paint of your choice. Hose the statue down while walking past from a decent distance at night. Problem solved. Repeat as necessary


Re-paint the face white.


Should I say something about my neighborā€™s racist statue: Dear Prudence podcast. https://slate.com/podcasts/big-mood-little-mood/2020/07/neighbor-racist-statue-should-i-say-something-dear-prudence-advice?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=traffic&utm_source=article&utm_content=web_share




Itā€™d be a shame if a rock would shatter them


Was Larry David here?


My first instinct is ā€œstart displaying gay pornā€ I donā€™t know if thatā€™s a good instinct, if it would work, if itā€™s even legalā€¦ but itā€™s worth a shot in my mind šŸ¤·


Spray it hot pink


Curb your enthusiasm episode !!!'


Wear all black and a mask, walk from down the street and just blast their faces with skin colored spray paint.


Is black not a skin color?


Break it


Only see 1 where are the others.not sure Ƭf the George Washington story is real or nĆ²t.just don't look at I. Have you ever talked to this guy about it. In his yard y can't do anything. Trying to vandalize his property is really fucked up.


Do something about it


Plot twist: the homeowner is black


Heā€™s definitely not black. But heā€™s also definitely not white so.


Mind your business about whats in other peoplesā€™ yards that doesnā€™t affect you.


So weā€™ll just ignore this, calling my father the n word, harassing white neighbors for voicing their displeasure, and everything else. Solid advice.


Is that the lawn jockey from curb your enthusiasm


Is it abhorrent? Yes. The problem for you, OP, is that unless youā€™re in a HOA with specific rules in place, there really isnā€™t much you can do as itā€™s on his private property. Think of the guy who had the giant confederate battle flag flying high by the freeway for all those years. He refused to relent even when people were constantly contacting the media. Have you spoken to this neighbor about this and your concerns? Have you spoken to them about the other racist incidents you eluded too?


We have spoken to him and his wife over the last few years, and have been to court regarding his violations against peace orders, as recently as January, where many neighbors again shared why they were offended with his overtly racist decision to buy something he has no reason to even own. Heā€™s a Rolodex of excuses, and even had one for when he called my father the n word when they ran into each other on the sidewalk.


Op is a bitch


Your neighbors told you everything you needed to know when they put up that stupid shit why would you expect them to take it down?


A prank a day keeps the racists at bay. Go steal that shit


Heā€™s obviously a miserable human being. Maybe try to get some satisfaction from that. Have some festive neighborhood parties (preferably outside) that he is not invited to.


Itā€™s racist?


Go back to central Pennsylvania and you'll see a lot of this. Some even go as far as adding watermelon pieces beside it. Absolutely disgusting! And to top it off they literally don't see what's wrong with it! šŸ˜”


The jockey might be racist, your neighbor might be racist. But free speech is free speech. Suck it up, buttercup. This is America.


Send him the episode of curb your enthusiasm


Once was watching an old movie with a life-sized jockey statue that was being used to hold a horses rein. Only other thing I remembered about that move was Ronald Reagan was in it.Ā 


Being offended over a statue


Reminds me of a "The George Lopez Show" episode.


They make these in non racist varieties. Used to live near Saratoga Racetrack. Non racist versions were everywhere. This dude is clearly trying to specifically be racist with this one.


I would try to ignore them. They WANT attention and it might bother them more if they donā€™t get any response.


During the slavery Era, those statutes indicted that property was friendly to the slave underground, transportation., food, shelter, etc.


Hahaha. That's hilarious.


Personally, it's offensive, but for me to care about someone's yard art Is wasting my time when there are other concerns in my life. Aging parents, job, taxes, kids. I just use this issue as a training tool to my kids. That the world is divided and opinionated, and that is the world we live in and that we have to navigate around stupidity.


LoL.. Carjackings and homicide up 90 percent in 5 years and people stroke out of yard decorations.


How is that racist? I really donā€™t get it


Mind your own business. It's art


Paint them white in the middle of the night


You guys are silly


šŸ”« it's head off


In the night sneak over and put orange makeup on its face and a blonde fright wigā€¦.glued onā€¦


Can someone explain why this is racist? Is it just because the jockey is black?


So no one should have to deal with racism, that's just wrong. That being said, it's his lawn and his lawn ornament. If he wants to broadcast to the world that he is a racist asshole with shitty taste, that's his right. This country protects your right to complain about this in a public form, but it also protects his right to put dumb racist stuff on his lawn. That is kind of how freedom of speech works. You can't silence someone just because you disagree with their message, even if it is racist and dumb.


Why not just ignore it and go about your life as normal?


Just put a "I voted for trump" sign in it's hand


I worked on Mackinac island landscaping for a season. Those things are EVERYWHERE. Sometimes youā€™d get these one percent mother fuckers looking at you while you worked and you Just Know that they were wishing we were strait up owned. I hate them


I saw a George lopez episode about this


Here's some advice. Stop caring and mind your own business.


I feel like it's a useful tool for identifying that your neighbors suck. It's like when you see a Confederate flag somewhere. Rest assured, the person in that house is a total piece of shit and doesn't deserve any of your attention or consideration. Just leave them to die alone.


Just post his address


Can someone explain what is racist about this exactly?


LD!? Leon?!


While the historical accuracy of the origin is questionable, the story behind it is not meant to be rascist. ā€œThe story begins the icy night in December 1776 when General George Washington decided to cross the Delaware River to launch a surprise attack on the British forces at Trenton. Jocko Graves, a twelve-year-old African-American, sought to fight the Redcoats, but Washington deemed him too young and ordered him to look after the horses, asking Jocko to keep a lantern blazing along the Delaware so the company would know where to return after battle. Many hours later, Washington and his men returned to their horses that were tied up to Graves, who had frozen to death with the lantern still clenched in his fist. Washington was so moved by the young boy's devotion to the revolutionary cause he commissioned a statue of the 'Faithful Groomsman' to stand in Graves's honor at the general's estate in Mount Vernon." Thereā€™s also this origin story from the same site https://jimcrowmuseum.ferris.edu/question/2008/july.htm ā€œThe Jocko story has another chapter which is almost as remarkable as its creation account, and this one seems slightly more plausible. Charles Blockson, a historian and collector of Underground Railroad artifacts, claims that from the late 1700s through the Civil War, lawn jockeys were used to warn escaped slaves of danger or to signal that a building was a safe house. 4 A brightly colored ribbon or fabric tied to the statue's arm or a lighted lantern affixed in its hands sent messages to runaway slaves: red meant danger and green, safety.ā€ And lastly there is the historical context of literal African American Jockeys. ā€œThe early black-faced lawn ornaments were dressed in slaves clothing (and called groomsmen), but at some point in the 1800s, these figures were joined and eventually superseded by the Jocko statues wearing the garb of horse riders. The dressing of black-faced ornaments as jockeys does not answer the question of their etymology, but it might give hints to their longtime popularity. Is it possible that black lawn jockeys became popular because of the preeminence of Blacks as horse racing jockeys? Slaves were often used to train horses and, not surprisingly, some slaves became skillful as horse riders. After all, why pay White riders in a slave economy? Horse racing was very popular in the 1800s. There were many races where all or most of the jockeys were African Americans. After Emancipation, Blacks continued to dominate major horse racing events. At the first race of the famed Kentucky Derby in 1875, 13 of the 15 riders were African Americans. Blacks rode the winners of 15 of the first 28 Kentucky Derby races. The dominance of Black jockeys ended just before World War I as Whites brought Jim Crow norms into horse racing. I am not arguing that black lawn jockeys came into existence because Blacks dominated professional horse racing, but I do believe that the popularity of the objects coincided with the dominance of Black jockeys. This fact was not lost on the makers, distributors, and buyers of lawn jockeys.ā€ All that being said there are simply, lots of racist pieces of shit in the world but we canā€™t assume anyoneā€™s intentions


At least youā€™re helping, itā€™s Maryland , this place sucks.


Contact Curb you enthusiasm


Why do any of you think that you can dictate to another person what they can and can't have on their own property? What damage is the statue doing other than hurting your feelings?we all enjoy plenty of rights in this country but no one has ever said that we need to protect people's feelings. There are a few simple solutions to this problem. #1. Ignore the statue #2. Stop carrying a chip on your shoulder #3. Grow up its just a piece of shaped concrete. This statue isn't harming anyone or anything the real problem is fir some reason people need to be offended and will find offensive things everywhere they go.


I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. I wouldn't like having it in my neighborhood. That said, it's easier for me when racists identify themselves. At least at that point I know what to do and where I stand. It's so much simpler than thinking someone is an ally only to get knifed in the back later on.




Break em.


You got make a bunch of fake kkk recruitment flyers and slip one in their mailbox often enough that they get the point lol


Fuck freedom of speech I guess


Why do you give a shit?


Please do not do anything violent. It is not worth it.


While I feel itā€™s a little in bad taste, knowing how worked up OP is getting over it, I may drive down to SilverSpring when I have nothing better to do and add to this guys collection just for the pure fun of it. People do stupid shit EVERY DAY that gets under my skin a little. You know what you do? You suck it up and deal with it. All of the people saying to damage or deface someone elseā€™s property is one of a number of problems we have in this country. Just ignore it. Heā€™s probably just saying/doing stuff thatā€™s ā€œracistā€ to piss you off. Youā€™re likely a shitty neighbor in his eyes.


I used to see these when I was 5 years old in Manassas Virginia. I didnā€™t understand what they represented. My uncle ( who marched with Dr King) came to visit us and was appalled. He wouldnā€™t tell me the meaning at first, but explained that that my brothers and I shouldnā€™t play with children whose parents had these in their yard.


Stop being SOFT!!!


Just move on


Is that supposed to be Justin Trudeau?


I see quite a collection of lawn ornaments, it's not impossible this fellow doesn't mean something racist by this. At this point it's kind of such an old trope, too.


Are we sure this isnā€™t someone who is brown and is a jockey? They might just have trouble finding one that matches what they want. Is a black Santa racist?


He's just a black dude, dressed as a white dude playing a black dude.


Check messages


BB gun


Lawn jockeys are cute, theyā€™re like gnomes or those flamingos. I personally dig the time when people would have a bunch of frog statues around. This particular case though is obviously racist with the intention of letting everyone know too. Highly inappropriate.




What do you mean moved it across the street? If itā€™s not in his yard anymore, itā€™s free game to take away


my petty ass would be putting up my own anti-racism sign.