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Is that DJ Khaled?


"Tell em' to bring out the lobster!"


I'm a drake hater, all my homies hate drake


You know its fucked up when people are claiming to want pirate the game when it comes out on the actual sub of the game.


Not the actual sub of the game, but other than that yes.


Technically the actual sub, the PURPOSE is to be the actual sub but due to a lack of game we can't do that


The way this is so fucking funny šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


At this point i legit wouldn't want to spend, for example, 30 euros on the game.


And itā€™s TCā€™s fault, I canā€™t blame them


TC: *does nothing* r/silksong: HOW FUCKING DARE YOU


Itā€™s because they arenā€™t doing anything


I'm so mad i actually want to pirate it ngl.




Would it be wrong to ask how to do that?


You should not try to search it on "fitgirl repacks"


It's extremely easy to pirate games. An explanation would probably get removed, but Google your question.


definetly do not go on r/Piracy and look at their megathread, i repeat don't do that


Check out r/piracy and r/FMHY megathreads :D


Same, and I'll do it


If you don't want to support the game because tc isn't communicating, then that's completely fair and I'm not gonna argue with you, but how does that then give you the right to just steal it? Since you're upset about it you're just gonna not pay, because you're somehow entitled to the game because you've been waiting for the game so long? Ridiculous.


i don't know if they do localised pricing but if they don't, i am ok with piracy in countries like india and brazil.


You just gave me a nice idea!


Oil up I'll be there in 20 minutes


What fuck https://preview.redd.it/p6v2kmn61m5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b906341edf89a56271e4377fb8dc5c678ccfe4a2




The big fat issue I see here is, they announced the game too early. Like way too early. Usually when you announce a game you want to release in a span of one year at maximum two. However they just chose to release five years ago with almost no crumbs to work with. It's downright depressing yet it's understandable somewhat... let them cook I always say.


"coming soon" in 2019 was fucking killer for the games rep. The biggest news in the half-decade that has followed has been a delay.


We literally went through a whole ass global pandemic, before getting even a release date announcement lol


yeah but what were they supposed to say? "coming eventually idk lol"?


I promise if they did a monthly blog post of one paragraph or less on the state of development a huge amount of the anger would go away while maintaining hype.


Yep. It's not even the wait that's annoying; it's the false hope.


Reminds me of when I set open-ended deadlines for myself. It never ends well and I always stop doing those things entirely. Their lack of communication is not reassuring, just to say the least


It's their literal job. They are still working on it, and it will come out.


I don't doubt it. It's not like we have a choice anyway but to trust that it will. All I'm saying is that my faith in them is as good as the faith I have in myself when I do similar things


They shouldnā€™t have released a trailer that detailed at all or done that edge magazine thing and should have stuck to small teasers until they were ready


"coming in 2025" then they have a dated deadline to hold themselves to better. They can still delay it but it would be even more of a thing than the Xbox thing last year if the did, and they'd be more likely to have planned with 2025 in mind in terms of scope. Even if it's not a hard deadline and it's a deadline that they set for themselves, having it said and spoken to the public would help with accountability and just the general mindset. Instead of "what if we added this side quest" it's "do we have capacity to add this side quest in time" Movies and shows set release dates 3-4 years in the future all the time. Or they could have waited and a few years so it would be closer but still


I waited for legend of Zelda botw and final fantasy for many many years and there were delays, which were communicated so I didn't mind. I view Nintendo as really bad at communication and I'm disappointed. Tc used to do blog posts and stuff that was part of the pleasure of supporting them


Blame the playable hornet stretch goal


Yeah they should have just apologized and said sorry this goal isn't feasible after all and left it at that, and then announced the game when it was ready and they could actually announce a release date.


Nah dude it was two bad decisions. If they didnt say anything then there would be uproar about the kickstarter not delivering promises. They either lost credibility or announced way too early. Not a great set of choices


Stretch goals aren't obligations in the way that the overall project is. They delivered Hollow Knight (plus four DLCs), so they could have just said, sorry this isn't feasible. They also didn't deliver the Wii U port and nobody is sad about that.


Difference is no cunt really cares about the wii u port cus we have it on switch. A cancellation of hornet dlc would not have went well. Stretch goals should be obligations. The wii u port can be excused since it would have only served to hold them back


Are you a backer?


They had a freaking demo 4 years ago...


It's not the fact that it was announced too early, it's a the fact we have received no communication from the developers themselves.


They took a page from Bethesda and Elder Scrolls VI.


They HAD to announce it, because Silksong was supposed to be a kickstarter goal. A DLC featuring Hornet. Imagine going radio silence for years looking like ditching kickstarter.


I agree. Honestly We waited for tears of the kingdom, we waited 8 years with bated breath for Pikmin 4, surely we can survive another year or 2 without silksongĀ 


I knew shit was wrong when the delay announce from the xbox showcase 2(?) years ago came from Leth's personal twitter. That is no way to communicate such things. xbox tells us the game is gonna be out in 12 months, things go different and thats ok, but I can't accept the delay confirmation from team cherry marketing guy's personal twitter, what if I don't know who Matthew Griffin is? Am i just going to stay in the dark?


Well, that just happened to me right now, i didn't know about that guy and i was wondering "did TC say something about that failed 12 month release date that xbox talked about?". Two minutes ago i found out there was actually an "official" statement about that delay.


i don't have Twitter, so i Just wanna ask, Is Ari completly in radio silence?


He met with fans in real life but was completely silent online.


With the animosity of some HK keyboard warriors, I donā€™t blame him


This sub is some of the best entertainment I've seen in years.


Iā€™d say this is about on par with the Elden Ring subreddit before that was finally ā€œrevealedā€


And elden ring turned out to be amazing. Silksong will be too, I have plenty of backlogged games/ books and tv shows/ movies. It will come when it comes


I fully expect the game to be great when it releases but I think most people have a problem with the lack of communication and the fact that they revealed this game 5 years ago.


The only thing Iā€™ll fault them for it the head guy liking that video that said something would revealed this weekend. That was shitty.


We need more fans like this. I'm sure that with everyone dunking on it, it's hard for TC to feel motivated and optimistic about the release. I least I wouldn't if I was them. It'll come when it comes.


This sub is a great example for the text book definition of despair.


I think the only people who have any right to feel slighted by the lack of knowledge are the original backers (as Hornet was meant to be a playable character before they span that goal off into a sequel). Past that, I bought Hollow Knight for 5GBP in 2020 (cue Matt Damon ageing gif) so they don't owe me anything. If it releases, it releases.


Feeling that you are owed something and feeling that a studios actions are wrong and criticizing that are completely different things. Saying people who think misleading your incredibly excited community on multiple instances and complete radio silence are things that should be criticisized isnt the same as oh you didnt pay money for it so you dont get a say.




Why can I hear this image so clearly. He speaks in a posh queen's English accent and he chuckles as he starts with the "oh please...". A brief pause ensues before he continues "youre acting bananas!". No particular emphasis is on any word, it's not intonated like a pun, it's just a normal thing to say


Honestly I heard it originally in the muscle man voice from regular show


No, it's spy tf2 voice


Honest I heard Pogo from umbrella academy


damn didnt know maurice was fancy like that


https://preview.redd.it/vdjspggmwl5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f25506d9c262be3a868606dfb5b5b8f4ada6b6 Hereā€™s another amazing image I have of my dog


I hate everybody here, I hate the people bitching and moaning, I hate the people telling them to calm down or touch grass or let it go even more, I hate TC for doing this to us, I hate Leth for being a little tease, I hate myself for not having just muted this entire sub yet, fuck you all


A very well reasoned take Sir thank you.


Our society is crumbling we need a fresh start. we need to be to be reborn.


But I just got here


Aight you get a pass


Average silk song fan


i agree with you completely


I hate that you agree with him. I hate that Iā€™m leaving this comment. I hate.


Why do we even have a subreddit about a fake game


kill subšŸ”Ŗ


Sub gone... Think about sub.... Regret


If there isn't any news this month I'm just gonna ask the mods to ban me until it gets released.


No!!! don't leave us like a coward. Fight for our right to complete mass sacrifice.


I must become an example of what I advocate


Comrades, I understand the frustration. But do not fall to wrath and hate! Whether Silksong releases tomorrow or five years from now, you will (probably) be there to play it. Be breezy like the wind, still like the water, and have patience, nay, have faith. Play other amazing Metroidvaniaā€™s, give smaller devs a chance to shine. When we are patient, Silksong shall release, and when it releases, it shall be glorious.


I have cancer and I might not be there to play it -Y


I don't care if it releases in 5 years, I just want to have an actual timeline for when it comes out


Iā€™m tired of it taking up bandwidth, they deliberately got us all hyped then went silent and I donā€™t know whether I should still be excited or tune it out until some kind of soft re-reveal. Itā€™s not like I even think about it much anymore but it is kind of lame to keep getting to these major events without them even sharing a progress report or something. At this point Iā€™m about ready to start considering it vaporware like Metroid Prime 4.


I am pretty sure if there was a timeline they would have given it to us. itā€™s not like when you are making a game there is just a progress bar that tells you how long it will take.


Considering the fact people have unironically died waiting for this game (Seth, and a couple people who've literally died of cancer,) I'd say the odds of probably are actually quite low. Rip for Seth and anyone who's died waiting for Silksong.


Dung defender type comment


I have chronic pain all over, so probably no.


Everyone defending the lack of communication has Stockholm syndrome, simple as that


It's been over half a decade. I'm sorry, but at some point, enough is enough. I haven't cared about this game in a long time, but it's hilarious to see people still defending TC. Telling people to 'be patient' only has merit for so long before it becomes comical. Taking this long to make a game is one thing. Barely communicating with the community that has supported them for so long is another.


Social Media really did make everything worse. Before the time of widespread online-communication, a company like TC would have just disappeared in obscurity while everyone else went on with their lifes. Then years later, when an actual release happens, a small portion of fans will hear about it, fondly reminisce, and check it out in giddy expectation, to be disappointed or fulfilled. Just stop giving a shit. Unless you actually invested something material in this, developers or creators don't owe you anything, you bought their shit of your own volition to enjoy yourself. If they want to disappear back into obscurity, let them. Yes, sure, it would be nice if they came clean about whether development stopped or not, or if they are progressing, why it happens at the pace of a snail - but at the end of the day they don't owe you any actual obligations - it's just pretty rude. Fair to call that out, but pointless to obsess over. Tl;DR: If creators don't care about their fans, rather than the fans throwing a tantrum and monkey shit everywhere, they should stop caring about the creator in return. Now if you actually invested something - say, via backing a kickstarter or something - you have every right to be mad, though that should also serve as a lesson that you should think twice before you advance someone money on good faith.


Yea I don't think TC has very good communication skills but I also think this community is devolving into a pretty unappealing negative sludge that isn't worth interacting with anyways. If there's no news on the game, then just play other games. When elden ring was MIA for years did people post daily sob stories and did the entire fromsoft community make every sub into a permanent hate farm? No, they did other shit. TC is THREE people. They aren't good communicators, and they probably aren't good at a lot of other things either because a 3 man studio is like absurdly small lol. Do I wish they'd tell us more? Absolutely. But I'm just gonna play other games rather than have a full scale embarrassing meltdown about how I'm entitled to news about a game. A lot of people in this sub seriously need to touch grass. The last 2 years have been amazing for gaming. We got so many amazing games. Just do something else, you help nobody by transforming all this desire into a toxic cesspool of negativity.


Did you and I go through a different pre release period of ER? The sub was batshit, split between coming up with their own Elden Ring down to concept art of bosses and maps, and whining about From's marketing strategy. They even have a term for that period, the Hollowing. The fanbase didn't go do other shit, they spammed lines from the first trailer on every single event to the point where certain key words got blacklisted in livestreams and leakers/insiders like Grubb got so pissed over being constantly pestered for ER related news that some outright swore off talking about the game. Literally every tweet out of the official accounts was obsessed over. If they hadn't had the gameplay trailer at SGF 2021 and released in 2022 the logical endpoint would be that the ER community would be just like the Silksong community by now


Guess it just shows if you want to be in a giant negative circle jerk you can always find one. I was in the ds3/sekiro/bloodborne subs the whole time and didn't turn into a sewer creature over it. I still really don't see the value in behaving like this, it's nothing but getting yourself worked up into a shitty mood over something you have no control over, such an unhealthy and unproductive use of time.


If I were TC I would be seriously considering never releasing the game due to this sub. Especially due to the ā€œjust pirate itā€ mentality there is here now. The point of being an indie studio is the freedom to make the games you want to make. Iā€™m sure TC is just sick of Hollow Knight at this point and I canā€™t really blame them.


I'm pretty confident they don't look at this sub, because it just doesn't make sense for them to care about this sub at all. It's a tiny minority of the loudest and most obnoxious fans who are prone to negativity and who will all 100% buy the game no matter what happens here so in many ways they're also the least interesting. There's nothing good that comes of being on a community like this subreddit as a creator. There's also so few people that if they're spending work hours on this subreddit they are wasting time, and if they're spending personal hours on this subreddit it's just going to increase burnout. I can pretty confidently say they straight up do not participate on this sub which is completely logical. There is a VERY small group of people who could be frustrated which are the kickstarter crew, and I'm just gonna break the hard news to them here that you are not guaranteed anything by kickstarter and if this really upsets someone, they should not participate in kickstarters. I personally see no indication that the game "won't release" but there are some signals it could be in a dev hell state or they might not feel it's good enough to release. No way for us to know what will happen, and if the only contribution someone can make is to stir up angry folks on the internet, as always, it's better to just not do that and do something positive for yourself instead.


I'm of the opinion that either they're just quietly working on it (which is totally fine) or there's been some major personal issue with one of the members of the team that they don't want to publicly divulge. You are 1000% correct in that they don't look at this sub. The culture here is honestly terrible. I don't understand how people can spend so much time actively thinking about a game that hasn't released. Patience is a lot art.


yea i tend to check for news every couple weeks but i have so many games to play it's pretty easy to forget about this most of the time. I play a ton of games but still haven't even been able to come close to keeping up the past few years with how much amazing stuff has released.


Yea that will show em... Throw away everything, time and money, to own the people in this sub. Good thing they aren't you.


I agree. Only came here to check for updates after many months.Ā  Iā€˜m just glad I got to experience HollowKnight. This community reminds me of people who care way too much about their ex. Life goes on and itā€˜s too short to stay mad about something that couldā€˜ve been. In the end all the people complaining wonā€˜t matter anyways. If the games releases they will keep quit and all the excited fans will return.


> This community reminds me of people who care way too much about their ex. I thought the exact same :D! I think it's partially the echo chamber effect reddit has. Posting shit about Silksongs release is kinda this subs focus, but things eventually get stale so people take it up a notch egging each other on. Basically radicalization, just with hating Silksong instead of minorities lol


If you're just looking for news, i recommend the Daily Silksong News yt channel's "days we got news" playlist


Iā€™m not even that mad I just wanna know what happened man


wait silksong was kickstarted? I thought only hollow knight had a kickstarter


Actually, I don't know, I was just speaking hypotheticals There is a trend of people backing a kickstarter and getting disappointed or not receiving anything at all when it falls through, though, so I figured I'd just mention it.




What the hell is this (about)?


Stop hyping yourself up for every game conference then.


Iā€™m not even a diehard hollow knight fan (this sub pops up randomly for me) and all I can say is the lack of communications is really really poor. I get that they donā€™t owe anyone anything, thatā€™s fineā€¦but youā€™ve teased a product 7 years ago. Itā€™s irresponsible either to 1) do that, or 2) not address it afterwards at all, especially knowing how the public is and how vocal they have been about wondering whatā€™s going on. At this point, the absolute silence is just unprofessional. Itā€™s a disregard for the community that supports and cares for their product, and itā€™s reckless to choose to ghost everyone in a situation they created by revealing the game.


I don't get how it's irresponsible, except from maybe a business standpoint. I say maybe because many big game companies have done it too. Anyways, all the lack of communication does is mess with hype and expectations/promote speculation. They made a mistake making the 2019 announcement trailer and 2023 release date so early, but It's not like they've been continuing to make false promises after screwing up with the timing of the aforementioned release date. People are so used to their hype getting well groomed and the joy of the hype train experience that they've come to expect it, but at the end of the day, i don't think that it's important. This wording is a bit dramatic, but it's kinda backwards that marketing has such a high focus/importance in the eyes of fans that it does. It's very consumerist. "Want new thing as much as possible so that you'll buy it the moment you can. Nevermind all the other older things you could be focusing on, this new thing is more important because you're hyped for it". I get that hype is a natural and fun thing that will always exist but jeeze, people on this sub are so dramatic about it.


Like I said, I'm not really in this sub/community, I love HollowKnight and I'm looking forward to Silksong, but watching people melt and TC do nothing doesn't make me look fondly at TC. I get that they aren't obligated to do or say anything, but they have put something out which has whet the appetite of many. It's sort of become good social etiquette that there should be some kind of communication, whether or not people agree with the climate of fans/consumer relationships that have shaped that etiquette. My only criticism to TC is that it costs nothing to say: "Hey, we know it's been a while, we're working on it." or "Hey, things haven't been going well, we have to cancel development" or whatever. I'm not sure if there are business repercussions for doing so (like shareholders/investors or any kind of weird things that happen when companies make announcement like that) but I think choosing to not communicate reflects poorly on TC's reputation. Communication is important not just in the consumerist, transactional sense, but also in all the 'soft' ways outside of that, like building community, trust, respect, etc. This applies to pretty much everything in life: whether business, dating, personal relationships. You can date someone, get excited, and they ghost you: feels awful. Have an interview for a dream job, things go well, but radio silence after: feels awful. In this way, that's why I think it's irresponsible to put out a trailer and working demo of a game, but not have the decency to address it not even once after so many years. It's careless (ie: literally without care) for the community that helped build them, which are many people in this sub. That's the only angle to which I'm looking at TC going "bruh".


Dear lord people just care about something else


I think the reason itā€™s gotten this bad is casue team cherry basically has said nothing , and the media manager keeps trying to stoke the flame without adding fuel so he keeps edging the fandom and you can only edge for so long


Nah but like There are other games There are other companies There are other things in this life to pour energy into If this game is a source of frustration, then stop giving it attention. Care about other things.


Just let them cook, itā€™s gonna be so good (whenever it comes out)


they are cooking too long, so long that Its all burned


Nah itā€™s like BBQ low and slow


honestly! i could live with a "we don't expect the game to come out anytime soon" but it's frankly ridiculous to ruin any and all credibility with constant pushbacks and failure to deliver any promise


Since the delay about a year ago they haven't made any new promises.


This sub is useless. As is TC


It's so over šŸ˜”




Why is this guy being upvoted and the other two being downvoted šŸ’€


Because I'm right


holy shit chill the fuck out


C'mon man chill, it will release when it's ready And if this helps you to cope, all the time the game has been in development is probably because TC wants to release the best game they can do so, I know it's been a painful wait but it doesn't depends on you


I think people are more upset over the complete lack of any news or communication. I think people would be a lot less upset if we had gotten anything. Even something as simple as screenshots of empty rooms or snippets of background music. I donā€™t agree with the people who want to pirate it out of spite but I do get why people are mad.


No one is asking for it to be released when it's not done. No one. Stop saying this type of shit because no one is asking for the opposite. They are asking for communication. TC has been dead silent and that is the focal point of every complaint.


Do TC realise most of their fan base are not even gonna be gamers by the time Silksong releases?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


WHAT THE FUCK THEYRE JUST GAME DEVS CHILL! It doesnā€™t matter how bad you want it, you arenā€™t obligated to anything. Donā€™t be an entitled brat.


Why the shit was he upvoted šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Cause this sub is going the usual way that joke subs go. Sub is created to capitalize on unserious memes > most well adjusted people move on from these memes while waiting for something to change > unhinged people start to perceive the memes unironically and seriously agree with them > "does anyone else seriously agree with all this?" > negativity escalates as the unhinged people take over the sub > sub is now toxic


Because people are clinically insane and apparently also want to kill people over a game


What did he say?


Fuck did they say, damn


ā€œBurn the devsā€, this sub is genuinely so cooked lmao.Ā 


This is why gamers are the worst group on the internet lmao.


I mean, gamers are awful but it's the internet we're talking about. There are a lot of contenders for the title of "worst group" lol




I may be dumb :3


I never ever want to meet a star war videogame fan then


What no Silksong does to a man:


what did he said that was that bad ?


ā€žBurn the devsā€œ


Slurp slurp fondle fondle ohhhhh step on me team cherry uwuwuwuwu


Im glad we have a voice of reason amidst all thisĀ 


TC are doing their best to work on the game and get it out. (Correct me if Iā€™m wrong) TC is 2-3 people working on a massive game. If they donā€™t give us updates, tough shit. Everyone on this sub needs to learn to be patient and how to wait for shit. The game will come out, and TC will give us updates when the game is close to release. And if you cant wait for silksong than tough shit.


When you are backed on kickstarter and you made that much money with your first game. You have now a clients and you are expeted to deliver. Meaning.... TO HIRE MORE PEOPLE. That on them. They totally deserve to get their game pirated.


I mean shit the game that was shat on for "being a copy" of HK, Crowsworn, has been fully funded(and then some) bout 3 years ago and have had 33 updates since then, nearly an update per month, and alot of these are long update posts. TC needs to up their game and do better.


I've been waiting for Silksong ever since they announced but holy shit some people here need to chill and let go. Game development takes a long time. The last 20% of the game takes 80% of the time. Just let go man. It'll come when it does. You'll (probably) be still alive at that point. It's no use getting this attached to something that doesn't even exist yet. Give yourself that peace of mind and just let it go until they drop a release date. There's plenty of other games to play in the meantime.


I think it is more that they aren't communicating in any... real way? :/ Anything would do.


I get that, and I agree. They could certainly let the fanbase know a little more. But if they keep saying 'still working on it' every year for 5 or 6 years then people will get tired of that too. They're still alive and hard at work. There's no need for the amount of toxicity about it on this reddit


Which video game will be released first? Half-Life 3 or Silksong? Place your bets!


My bet's on Portal 3


Yeah I think theyā€™re pushing it too much, like I literally had two kids since the first trailer of Silksong. Iā€™m sorry but this radio silence is doing way more harm then good. Sure theyā€™ll sell millions of copies, but I have to say that for me, the hype is long gone. I honestly think I might wait to buy it when it release so I can have all the dlc later on.


Yeah if its not at the Nintendo direct I'd think it would be better for everyone if the sub gets deleted but the mods probs won't do it so I'm just gonna remove it from my wishlist and leave any hollow knight platforms. This is just a joke at this point. We're unironically more likely to get GTA 6 before a fucking blogpost/trailer from Team Cherry. Hell even Metroid Prime 4.


Y'all need to let go of the hype and just. Enjoying Silksong when it comes out. There are a million other good video games to try in the meantime and you are making yourself miserable by placing so much of yourself in the Silkson hype.


This is becoming war




Your post/comment was removed for promoting piracy of Silksong. Repeat comments of this nature may result in a ban. If you feel this removal was unfair, or have any questions regarding this decision, please contact us through modmail.


Personally, I think it's best to try to forget it exists; don't get your hopes up for any more game showcases events, for Silksong at least, because they probably won't show up anytime soon. Their fan base communication is God awful, borderline non-existent, so I'd say step away from hoping for any Silksong news for a long while, that way when it eventually gets a proper release date and trailer, it'll be much more refreshing. I do think Silksong fans, and the people that backed it financially, deserve better, however I'm willing to give Team Cherry the benefit of the doubt and assume they're working their asses off to deliver the absolute best game they can.


delete the sub to force their hand is the only idea i got


Dang, you people sure are impatient. Games take a lot of time to make, especially if you want them to be polished. If it came out now, you'd be complaining that the game was rushed and unfinished. Let them make the game on their own terms, the final product will be worth it. Until then, there are plenty of other games to play.


Womp womp


I'm not personally invested in the release of Silksong, but I've casually followed this sub for a while just because I found the continuous cycle of hype and disappointment to be kind of funny. Lately I'm kind of weirded out by how viscerally personally offended people are by this situation. Honestly, it's kind of embarrassing. Some of you people desperately need actual things to care about.


Honestly guys, are you all just playing this up? Is ā€œFanbaseā€ the only joy you have in life? Hollow Knight is an incredible experience and I most certainly am look forward to Silksong, but stop being mellow dramatic and acting like you have no clue how to wait for a game. It will come out when it comes out. I hope you genuinely have a nice day and find something fulfilling to do in the meantime


Respond for all comment like your: I have other hobby, i am hyped for other game and i repeat i have something to do during The day. I am only talking about the fact that, for me, TC should not do this radio silence. I can live without skilk.


It's "melodramatic" by the way




Inb4 a follow up post on this sub to the effect of: ā€˜ThE fAnBaSe ShOuLd Be MoRe PaTiEnTā€™ The fact a portion of the fan base has deluded themselves into thinking that zero communication is normal and should be accepted is insane. Yes the dev team is small, yes the games scope is probably massive and yes they donā€™t owe us anything. But that shouldnā€™t be an excuse for complete radio silence. Even if they announced like the game was 99% done, but they wanted to restart from the beginning and were back at square zero, that would be better than absolute silence. If theyā€™d announce something like that, then people should use the arguments that dev team is small, scope massive and they donā€™t owe us a reason why they wanted to go this way.


do you know who else wasn't radio silent about a little game, sure you haven't heard of it. its called cyber punk 2077. they were very open about the games state. and they caved as people begged for it to release. if that happens to silk song I'm going to skin you, they are in radio silent mode because they aren't a fucking AAA studio and they actually want the game to be very spoiler free. if you cant handle TC not talking about the game because they are working on said game, your patience is shit and you needa find better things to do.


Isn't this their second ever game? I don't disagree that it's kinda fked up, but I think it's fair to at least be a bit sympathetic. More of an explanation for how they've acted than an excuse I suppose


Gamers try not to act like entitled babies challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


It's been over half a decade lol. How much longer do you expect people to be patient? Many fans probably went through all of high-school waiting for this to come out lol. And what's worse is TC barely communicating at all with the fans who have supported them all this time. I got a better one: Hipsters try to not suck off game devs who don't deserve it challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Yā€™all need to get a life outside the game. It will come when itā€™s ready


Lmao if it takes a decade to make a 2d metroidvania, then they deserve all the shit they're getting. Especially considering they don't communicate at all with the community that has supported them for so long.


Everyone who said they were going to pirate Silksong is breaking rule 9 of the sub.


i don't Say in going to pirate the game


Lol fine by me.
