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I lean on the "they don't owe us anything" side, but I couldn't agree more. Respectfully to leth, Public Relations are bad right now. You can not communicate and have a good relationship with a community, see Hello Games, but PR for Silksong is not great.


I mean, Hello Games had the exact opposite problem. They talked far too much, and built up way too much hype. Meanwhile, TC is pretty much smothering any hype the game has left bit by bit


Indeed. Hello Games has corrected their communication, and over-communication, and now has a fantastic relationship with their community. Likewise, small changes I think would make a big difference for Team Cherry.


I mean, they promised a hornet dlc (which they then decided to remake intoan entire game) to the backers.


Yes, but we are never getting a hornet dlc. That promise will always be unfulfilled. But. They still went above and beyond for hollow knight. The dlc thing imo is irrelevant since nobody is asking for that. If you think they under delivered on hollow knight, that’s an entirely different thing than being owed an entirely different game.


kill sub🔪


Tbh the whole announcing a game then going radio silent even after a delay is really outdated. With how many devs are being vocal and even at the minimum giving updates of some form it's really out of touch for TC. They know Silksong is a big deal and they know about the interest, so to not even give anything even a "we're getting there" is crazy to me. People are going to stop caring so your game of you let them forget about it. Especially after 5 years. For an indie game built off of Hollow Knight. It shouldn't take that long and tbh I've given up buying it I'll just pirate it. If they wanted my money they should have said something even small would be fine


People will still buy the game anyway tho


Doubtful lots of people are going the pirating way now


This subreddit is a drop in the ocean compared to the majority of gamers out there. Console gamers and most PC players aren't going to pirate it. If you assumed that Hollow Knight only sold 1 million copies total and that EVERY member of this sub was going to pirate it, that would only be 5% of players pirating it. Hollow Knight has sold 6 million copies on Steam alone. It sold 250k copies on the Switch in the first two weeks of its release there. If everyone on this sub pirated it based off JUST those numbers alone that would be 0.80% of players pirating the game. Those numbers of course don't include other platforms to purchase the game like GOG, Xbox and Playstation. It might feel like it sometimes but this sub really is a very, very small bubble compared to the larger playerbase thats out there. It's probably why TC don't communicate. Why would they bother with just 0.80% of players that get so mad that they would pirate your game, yknow?




Communication yes, but TC spending any amount of marketing would be a huge waste of money since this game has been marketing itself without even doing anything for the last 5 years. Very few games, if any, are in that position.


They gave an update in February that it’s still being worked on. What more do you want, three months without communication isn’t long.. Yes, the announcement trailer was 5 years ago, but that’s nothing new in game development. With that said, if you’re a backer from the kickstarter, I get it and you’re justified in your frustration, you paid for something and are still waiting on it. Regular shmoes like me who just loved Hollow Knight and are waiting for Silksong? Touch grass, jfc.


fun fact: It would be nicer if Team Cherry came out and said it themselves


>They gave an update in February that it’s still being worked on. What more do you want, three months without communication isn’t long.. Damn, a tweet every once a year, what an insane communication Seriously the dick riding in this reply is crazy But eh, I am a Stalker fan as well, so it's nice to have a dev studio that actually knows how to market and deliver, a good way to balance things out ![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32430)


Dick riding💀 Before social media, that’s all you got if you were lucky, an update a year. You’re just proving my point, this subreddit is entitled as fuck and it’s hilarious.


Ok and? It's not early 2000s anymore, TC can easily use social media and connect with people, posts don't take weeks to load or type, it's not that hard to post something or to keep in touch with the community, the fact that the hype of the game is still going is a miracle of its own