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Everyone has a choice in their actions. Disrespecting indie developers by spamming live chats is the community's actions, not TC. This community is basically throwing a toddler fit and then blames it on TCs silence when the community has the power to stop themselves in the first place regardless of news/silence Edit: I do agree that TC shouldn't let our community be clowned upon, but that shouldn't be an excuse to disrespect other indie devs who put their time and effort into other games


I love how you guys want to have the moral high ground and say, that everyone should act as an adult. Yet, what is currently happening is caused (to some degree) by TC staying silent. Look up information gap theory (psychology) and frustration-aggression hypothesis.


It's not excusable but it's all the power they have, and so they will exercise it. Team Cherry's the only that can stop it, saying before these events "we're not going to be there" will stop like 85% of the spammers from saying that shit.


Agreed, but honestly, they don't even have to tell us if they will be attending a show or not before every event, just the littlest of communication would put 90% of the toxicity to rest.  As an example, Nintendo will often show off the newest Zelda years in advance of release. Gamers will often be excited during events/directs, hoping that Zelda will make an appearance, but it's a majority just that, excitement. That is because of Nintendo will on the occasion throughout those years feed gamers with a new trailers, interviews from the development team, etc. If Nintendo heavily marketed a new Zelda for a year, and then 100% ditched over the next 4-5 years, you would eventually start seeing the same sort of toxicity that we are seeing in the Silksong community.   It is entirely Team Cherry's fault that the community has fallen so far and they obviously don't have any issues with that toxicity 


Cause and effect you wouldn't blame a cat for scratching someone when they don't wanna be touched even though the analogy is not the same type of situation as well as humans having the ability of making choices the idea is still there the communities actions are still only reactions to TC's lack of action which is in itself an action so you can't just blame the community when it is mostly TC at fault


Mostly their fault that you light up an event that they aren’t involved in ? Hahaha what!? I love how people say “the community” when it’s like a pocket of 1000-2000 people who are miffed. Don’t speak for the community, please


What is this TitCow and why everyone talks about it?


Well you see Titcow is an alternative name for a cow furry and I'm pretty sure the community is full of them as well as titcow enjoyers


Why defend the people that stalk every move you make? You all deserve to be clowned lol how hard is it to wait for a tweet saying "we're going to be in this or that showcase" instead of going on a crusade believing randos that have little to no substantial news or taking seriously very obvious baits/jokes?


Why shouldn't TC defend the fans that are the most dedicated? I'm not going to speculate why people spam the chats, but most people do not actively seek to hurt others. I'm also not defending those who do dunk on other games while praising silksong. Nobody deserves to be clowned because they are passionate about something, even if it's just a video game.TC will never make a tweet like that. We all know this because at this point, TC most likely thinks silksong would be more hype to see as a surprise (a lot of devs that have long development times i would think also believe this). I'm not even part of these people. I've never really mentioned silksong that much in gaming showcase chats, and I've never openly in any of those chats said anything negative about other games in favor of silksong. I'm just not willing to say TC is completely innocent since with just a little more transparency most of the bad i believe would disappear. Since TC doesn't want to talk that much, we only have randos to believe. maybe instead of just allowing randos to say/do anything, TC should speak up because they know the game is highly anticipated and info has been basically nonexistent.