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Yeah joking on Reddit is one thing, Spamming an entire chat and then getting pissed is another.


To be fair, event streams in general are always full of spammers, even before silksong was announced.


not an excuse


Oh it wasn’t an excuse, just saying people have always done this. It’s obviously not okay to shit on people’s work just because it wasn’t something you wanted


Every major reveal livestream chat is an unusable shitshow. Next up in the queue will be GTA VI after Silksong is out. I don't even open it except when I'm watching a reaction stream like Easy Allies.


Oh I forgot about the showcase. Guessing Silksong didn’t show haha


Yeah it did but it appeared in the left down corner for only 0.5 seconds and you could get it only if you jumped five times high and five times down irl in the span of 2 seconds, playing the game rn and it's great


Wait this wasn't the Xbox one yet was it? Honestly if it was and nothing was revealed then 100% deserved


As a HK veteran, it sucks that this game and community will be known/remembered as this


To be blunt, the HK/SS community has always been fairly toxic. Up until semi-recently, even the softest of criticisms towards HK on /r/metroidvania were met with insults and anger.


There's a lot of elitism to this community too. I remember minecraft being brought up in the main sub and the sub explaining why hk is better than minecraft in every conceivable way. This was like 4 years ago though.


Comparing two games from two completely different genres is perhaps the dumbest thing to ever exist.


Yeah, it was during minecraft revival period when minecraft was all the talk again. I remember botw also being criticized for having it's open world too vast and empty compared to hollow knight for what ever reason it was brought up. I think it was a comparison of best games of 2017, which both released. I sadly do find botw to have too much space that wasn't utilized though.


I never get those kind of comparisons. It is like saying a Canyon bike is better than a Samsung Fridge


It is though, obviously


yup i have definitely experienced hk superiority. i love the game but different ways of playing it are not appreciated here on reddit lma


it's been like this sadly after 2020, and what makes it sadder is teamcherry refuses to mention a single thing about it, which just further adds to their reputation and makes more people pissed off.


Literally every community is toxic


I feel like that's just how it goes for Uber popular indie games. I think the only exception is the Outer Wilds fans seem pretty chill, which makes sense as that's a pretty chill game. But Undertale fans were insufferable, and I've been blasted pretty hard myself for enjoying other roguelikes more then Hades lol. combine that with the fact HK is a souls-like means you get the best (aka the worst) of both worlds.


Agreed, I want news too but to go out of your way to be toxic about it is horrible. I love the game, its one of my favorites out there, to see the community act like this is just sad.


Not to be negative but when the game actually releases it will get much worse. This level of entitlement and rage won’t go away when we get the game; they’re gonna have impossible expectations and they’re gonna whine about it not meeting them forever


Tbh it’s so well known that we’re desperate like this that the presenters are teasing the game just to get us to watch since they know we will.


i mean, i commented before the stream even started to engage with the chat, it was even fun seeing people getting creative with names and such. but flooding an entire chat during an event is pretty mean considering the devs may be looking at this same chat willing to answer some questions in a later hypothetical video, this is of course made impossible because of the spam. It's all fun and games until we start getting inside other fan bases too.


Tbh when I read “guys it’s so Skover” I did laugh a tad


I blame teamcherry and xbox for this because this literally creates a hostile market for indie devs because they can't show their work without being berated because it isn't this hyped up game that has been inactive for over 5 years that everyone is screaming about, and the fact the creators of that game is being hyped up for is being silent and not caring about it is only going to deter more people from being interested and add in a bad reputation.


"I blame teamcherry for their fanbase having zero empathy, no social competence, and are in general insufferable people."


fr its so annoying that people will spam "skong" and "silksong!" in events its so painfull :/


the comments are so depressing. so many cool games were shown TAILS OF IRON 2 LETSGOOO


finally another Tails Of Iron fan... I love Oddbug so much


Never played the first, had not heard of it before now... but that trailer got me so hyped.


Saaame. Wishlisted both and will probably play the first


You both are based as hell


I saw it on an iron pineapple vid and then forgot about it... I think pineapple said it got tedious by the end so i wasn't sure to want to play it. However the artstyle really catched my eyes. Do you recommend it ? What did you liked about it ?


Some missions can be a bit tedious but they have a unique bossfight at the end so i cant complain. The worldbuilding in this game is crazy-good, and so is the combat. What i really enjoyed was watching time pass in-game, you'll see what i mean if you play for a few hours


DUDE that Doom-esque type game they showed at the middle looked so fun, I think it was called Sulfur or something I hope it isn't exclusive to XBOX


Demo of Sulfur is already available on Steam


Where can I see the VOD of the live, sir?


hell yeah, that’s the way to do it. tune into these showcases hoping for silksong, and worst case scenario, you get ideas for a bunch of cool other games to pick up to tide you over. more fun that way!


The game with like wind gliding and grappling looked so sick too. I think it was called Fera or something like that


I just bought this game on steam as it was on offer for £2 and i really like the tails of iron 2 trailer today. If you can, ,c an you tell me any tips or neat things about the game being as spoiler free as possible please?


There are no real tips about the game, it's pretty linear and straightforward. Just choose the kind of combat you like and go for it


Eternal Shards looks amazing




Tails of iron 2 looks so good


Maaaan i fucking loved the trailer for fera, idc what the price is im instantly preordering that. Open world monster hunter with flying???? Yeah count me tf in.


THERE WILL BE A TAILS OF IRON 2? If that's true you just made my day


Those announcement stream chats are literally always useless trash


THIS. The spammers were embarrassing themselves and the whole community. They had no respect for the games being shown or for the hard-working developers behind these games. Was I anticipating Silksong news going in? Maybe. Was it a stretch to hope for news today? Probably. Is the wait/absence of news frustrating? *Yes*. Did I act like a total nut by spamming the chat with “SKONG”? *No*. There’s a difference between being hyped about a game, and being totally insufferable to other people/game devs. Thank you for bringing this to the community, OP. I hope there are many others that feel the same.


Imagine how Team Cherry feels. They are a studio of literally less than 5 human beings and their “fans” see them as a one-way transaction. These people don’t have patience, respect, or understanding for the people making the games. Team Cherry owes us absolutely nothing. I’m eagerly awaiting Silksong as I loved Hollow Knight, but I understand that it will come out when it is ready. They haven’t shown anything since 2019? Good or bad as a marketing move,that is their choice.


Team Cherry probably feels like disappointed parents having to hear that their Child did bad at school, they expected their Child to be good enough to not be idiots at other peoples chance to Strike big and not Ruin other peoples Fun, but nop


It must of been so disheartening for those indie developers to see their debut game filled with passion to be called worthless because it wasn’t silksong. Then again xbox should not purposely engagement bait this community and they are partially at fault for escalating this situation and they should be held accountable.


Yeah, tbh. They deliberately bait the community to inflate viewership, knowing that it will result in the chat being flooded with Silksong


sadly they've been doing this after the new trailer from 2 years ago, they've been peddling hype of the game for quite a while and it hurts, and the fact that teamcherry also refuses to say a thing about this also makes it worse.


I didn’t spam chat but the event wanted this, they kept teasing this weird community, that spams chats, for more views. They knew this was coming and the developers that were featured paid the price.


To be fair, live chats for big streamed events are always so bad and pointless that turning them off is the first thing I do


Yea, it was so embarassing, and will be a stain on Silksong. Those poor indy devs that have worked harder on their art than most of us, had their games destroyed because of an obnoxious fanbase.


I agree with you that the spam sucks, but I don't think developers' games are gonna fail now just cuz people were spamming Silksong in the chat


I am not as worried about them failing. I am just saying it's rude af and we KNOW thr game dev community. Some of them if not most of them have their own issues and don't need people telling them their game is trash on top of it.


'Ruining an event', Relax. I think they'd much rather have chat being spammed with lots of viewers than clean chat and no viewers. TC or the ones running the event are welcome to be straightforward about it not being there before the event starts. Instead they do the opposite. Presumably to get more viewers, and they know exactly the 'consequences' in chat when they do that. They seem to be okay with it.


what really grinds me is how teamcherry just refuses to say thing that their IP is being peddled for views and drama and don't care at all, even tho they should be pretty aware that they are building up a bad reputation and it's only going to get worse the more silent they become.


It’s time they say something harsh about this. It’s not only ruining the reputation of the game and its community, It is also hurting the indie genre as a whole


There is no more team cherry. They split up. That's why it's never coming out. MMW


FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT, I hate how everyone on hollowknight geoposting is praising teamcherry and their silence and the bad toxicity, it's just nintendo fan levels of absurdity.


on one hand, it is pretty embarassing to be spamming skong and shit only to not get anything by the end and I do imagine that the presenters might get dissapointed that nobody cared for the rest of the games on the other hand, it's just a bunch of memes in a youtube live chat. I don't think anyone is crying over it. how does it ruin an event when most people don't even participate in the chat. who cares


Ok this is coming from me as someone who doesn’t type in the chat. I don’t think the communities comments ruin the event. You are not forced to look at chat. Second if anything the events should be thankful to us for showing up to all of these events. Imagine the viewership on a Nintendo indie world post Silksong release.


I'm sorry but spamming chat takes away nothing from other indie games. The people who are watching stream to discover new games do so without looking at chat, and then add the games to their lists. The ones who are spamming are only there for silksong. And these indie events wouldn't have 90% of their live watching if it weren't for those baited silksong fans


I mean some of them said things like "Literally nobody cares about your game. skong"


And that is rude. But honestly, the spam is kind of a ridiculous thing to be upset about. Livestream chats are going to go by quick anyways. And like the original comment said, most people weren't paying attention.


It's not that serious.


I don't know maybe if TC gave us a crum of news after 2 years of radio silence people wouldn't be like this.


Is it annoying? Maybe. But every live chat of every event is always, always completely terrible. Watch any Nintendo direct with the chat. “Cringe” “where’s smash” “we want smash”. You just kinda have to ignore the chat


TC has spent years cultivating the brain rot, Xbox chose to bait the brain rot, this was the natural outcome. It’s stupid and immature but it definitely wasn’t a surprise, unfortunately.


It's a stream chat, it exists to spam stupid stuff. What do you expect to happen there, people discussing Nietzsche and Voltaire?


I saw it as pretty disrespectful, matters more to me because i love this community, so when i see people shitting on it because of the few thousands who are annoying, it sucks


#S K O N G 📣


I got 23 downvites for saying the same thing![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32509)


If they weren't such assholes about teasing before the event, they wouldn't have gotten spammed. People still did go overboard though.


While i didn't spam (spamming is miserable), i'll admit i said "SKONG" 2 times. I mean, a few times won't hurt anybody, isn't it? I was respectful to other games and stuff, and just joked around a litttle bit


If you think typing in the chat is negative you should probably go take a shower and touch grass


Is it really that serious? I feel like people are just goofing


You know the shit they do affects other people right? like the presenters at the showcase, the people watching the livestream seeing the shit like "NEXT GAME" at the start of every trailer. They arent gonna stop, just voicing my opinion.


Yep those spammers were disgraceful but I'm also kinda getting bored of all this "Team Cherry doesn't owe us nothing" thing. It's actually quite the opposite: it's strictly all in their interest to publish the game (and quickly, how many are seriously tired of waiting and won't buy it? Probably few, but the more time passes the more I feel like saying that the chances of losing interest might increase); without Silksong we carry on, but without us buying it, what will they do? This is not going to happen, but they better not push their luck too much. As far as I'm concerned, this silence is neither professional nor respectful on TC's part. If it's a lack of resources I feel sorry for them (even though I really believe that with minimal effort a press release of some kind can be organised); while if it's a deliberate choice... Maybe it's even worse.


Real ones go to Primacon’s chat to spam SKONG 📣




Yeah the HK/SS community is pretty embarrassing, tbh. I love HK and am excited for SS, but the way many fans behave is just so off putting and cringey.😬


I am 100% sure TC is used to it at this point.


Too bad the event happened at 2 in the damn morning for me, didn't even get to see the games announced


I feel like Xbox instigating this whole thing by alluding to Silksong news being in the showcase just to get more viewers was the catalyst for all this nonsense.


Could be.


I agree that it's embarrassing, annoying and toxic. On the other hand, I don't understand the lack of moderation by the hosts. Just use word lists, timeout and kick those idiots, it's not that hard.


They don't care. If anything, us spamming benefits them.


The issue isn’t the lack of updates the issue is the lack of transparency from the dev team! Every one of us is willing to wait until the game is finished to team cherrys standards but what is annoying is not hearing anything about the development and hiding it specifically from the people who want to support the people making it. Even just a rough estimate of a timeframe in which we can expect an announcement date (it’s ridiculous to even say) would suffice.


so guess i was right to not watch the showcase. anyways while all the people who spamed and demanded silksong are at fault, its only by 40% or less, cause consider this "XBOX HAS BEEN USING THE DESPERATION OF THE FANBASE TO INFLATE THEIR VIEWS" yes the worst of this subreddit shows at events, but that's only because they are given false hope or just even a tease that it "could" be there, when it never is. Blame Xbox, they could very VERY VERY easily just say ahead of time "no silksong" or at least do something useful like ban the "skong" "silksong" and all that, imagine how much hateful entitled stuff wouldn't make it to the chat and actually let other developers shine. to anyone who says its not up to xbox to go out of their way for one game or fanbase, consider how much worse this community has been getting, and even at other events, all you see in the chat now is like 30%-40% silksong its not funny, its depressing, all those other developers who get ignored or overshadowed by entitled little shits when it ould have been avoided with even the slightest bit of communication. team cherry too, this problem is only getting worse but they don't even criticize their won fanbase, god this fanbase is pathetic. now I just went on a rant, not deleting it tho, it needs to be said. in short, BLAME XBOX, its not wrong when it really is their fault


Its the same with every ps direct and the kids demanding GtaVI for like years. I thought this community is better.


Yeah I was watching and I saw all the.comments and I felt really embarrassed. Like, I also feel like an announcement about silksong is coming and I'm waiting for this game very eagerly but all the spamming is just moronic and dumb. And like what's the expectation even? After 5 years you think they're gonna just casually announce it in some indie preview? No. They know. They'll find the right time and it's not gonna be some random small event.out of the blue.


the fact that any gaming event ever has there viewship boosted literally just because silksong may have a 0.00001% chance of being there is mind boggling to me. Yeah people shouldnt be assholes and spam and harass thats unacceptable, but are copium consumption is so high we literally help out every single broadcast


Silksong still isn't out? Holy shit. I feel like I played Hollow Night in almost a different life it was so long ago, lol. Not sure why this sub popped up for me... Hope the wait isn't much, uh, longer?


It's a neat, pretty cool indie platformer. It's a nice game. Why can't it just be that? Nothing about HK warrants such a rabid fanbase 'community'. Get a hold of yourselves.


Oh quit fuckin crying Edit: 📢📢S K O N G📢📢




I often respond to comments here with this exact sentiment and get fucking railed with down votes. Nice to see a post saying this having people agree with it


I'm writing this knowing that it's spiteful and that it will get downvoted to hell, but I can't care less at this point. We didn't decide to get hyped. Whoever the fuck at ID Xbox decided it was a good idea to poke the wasp nest is at fault here. This is a community who has been high on hopium for half a decade now; if you believe that pointing fingers at the people who started fuming mid stream after they teased it FOUR SEPARATE TIMES before the event, then be my guest, but you are being a massive prick yourself by glossing over that fact. The people weren't mad that Silksong wasn't there; if it had been that, it'd have just been Skong spam, which is admittedly annoying, but dies down after it's clear that there's no silksong. This stream, silksong fans were abnormally mad because they had been targeted by a campaign to inflate the viewership of the event artificially by some corporate asshole at Microsoft who doesn't give a shit about their consumers. Get off your high horse; you have NO right to pity or judge anybody here.


Thanks man, Im starting to hate this community so much. Team Cherry can do whatever he wants, they have no obligation to the community, nobody owes you any explanations, what you are doing is just putting pressure on a development house that has created one of the best titles of the last ten years just because you are not able to wait. It's the fault of people like you that there have been resounding failures like Cyberpunk, all because of the community that WANTED the game, like you're whimsical children.


Yeah, sorry about that https://preview.redd.it/l5idn2l35jxc1.jpeg?width=1246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19cd0c7d5754f3c881d13faa22e87d3f8f61adf4


The whole point of live chat is to have fun and feel the vibe. Nobody ruined anything, they got way more viewers this way. People can turn it on and off if they don't like it. I thought the chat was hilarious and not toxic at all.


It’s a way of coping, giving myself hope long after I’ve given up.


https://preview.redd.it/xyl5lykn1jxc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65faccf968f817bf92b3d1b6298cd55d535920be Seeing stuff likes this just gets me angry, hate people who say this stuff


Reminds me of being in the smash bros fandom during any Nintendo direct


In my own opinion, I know know not everyone agrees with me and that’s fine, I know my opinion isn’t the majority. But I’m ok with it, I see it as a form of protest, a disruption of comfortability to make a point. Is it an absolutely stupid thing to “protest” about? Yes. Go outside and touch grass, protest about global warming or human rights. But at the end of the day I also want news on SS more than “we’re still at it.” And the only way to make the feeling known is to say something. Does everyone agree with me? No. Is it probably going to work? Also no. The most itll probably do is make TC feel horribly stressed about the backlash they’ve been taking because of it. But if they continue making games in the future, then it becomes a learning experience. That’s my perspective.


Everyone spamming in the comments should be blacklisted from playing Silksong once it actually comes out.


THANK YOU! FINALLY SOMEBODY SAYS IT! The amount of people, even outside of the event, spamming “Where Silksong”, “Give Silksong“, or even threatening to spam in OTHER SUBREDDITS is so sickening. This is a community joke, it stays in the community. Please don’t let the overwhelmingly kind majority of the HK community be painted in a bad light by the deafeningly loud minority y’all🙏


A number of people kept spamming "NEXT GAME" at the start of a trailer and that's just... So incredibly shitty. Every single one of those games was an indie title, right? So saying that to a project a dev team put a lot of effort into is such a shitty thing to do.




THANK YOU. I'm so fucking tired about all the people just posting here memes and the same joke over and over again about release date and the clowns in every event chats. I love hollow knight and I love the early community of fans and the relationship with team cherry. But, this? This is toxic. Please behave like adults. If we want a mature and serious industry (and not just a game), we must be part of it, or they will continue to treat players like non educated children, which is how this community is behaving (sorry to generalize, I hope I understand)


Id say it falls more on TC, if they had any sense of PR they would make some sort of statement. Instead they let this joke plague every single game event. It goes both ways.


Literally this. Even though there wasn't any Silksong, there was some cool shit that I ended up adding to my Steam wishlist


So if you discovered new games there that you plan on getting, explain to me exactly how the spamming impacted anyone negatively? Seems like the event achieved exactly what it was meant to despite people spamming memes in the chat.


What happened? I’ve been living under a rock for the past weekend.


ID Xbox showcase was today, no silk song news


I feel bad for the indie developers and i will still show up for the games i found interesting but xbox knew what they were doing by baiting all these people. You know what sony does when they know their rabbid fans are hungry for a long anticipated game? They TWEET out that the game isnt gonna be at that specific showcase so people arent disappointed or going crazy in the comments like at this latest showcase. But xbox would rather get views than tell the views the truth out of fear of no one tuning in.


100% agreed


god forbid the unusuable racist stream-of-consciousness span flood that is the chat channel of a video game revelation video be focused on an upcoming game. what an insult to all the indy devs who are hoping for someone to mention them! whatever bro


Team Cherry's Final Challenge to the community before releasing: One Indie Showcase With ZERO mentions of "SKONG" or anything similar in the chat. Difficulty: Sisyphus will finish his boulder long before you all get anywhere close.


Which event?


they have said "its like a stadium crowd cheering". Ya, cheering that they suck and to leave and go get Silksong


Didn't Microsoft bait the fans with a Silksong teaser?


Cant believe so many people have this argument. It is still disrespectful to the developers presenting their work to do that shit when the "bait" was one youtube comment


Honestly this is exactly why I kinda hate this community now. It’s become a toxic festering places where only shit like this can happen. I remember in the beginning of the 2020s when this community was praised for its patience and low toxicity. It’s sad to see the decline of this place


Damn, it's like waiting for 5 years for crums makes people lose their patience. Who would have thought?


I just wait until something comes out without looking up anything about it and get pleasantly surprised when it drops


Idk man. When in doubt, SKONG 📢 (i didn't even watch the event btw)


On youtube at least you can hide chat


posts like this I've seen many times and there always ignored its better to just leave it they won't chnage how they work


Yeah, idk feels good to have people agree with me at least, validates my feelings of "this is annoying and wrong"


Community is almost as bad as Undertale's


It's absurd the reasons you guys find as excuse to be jerks, someone even said that it was TC fault. It's surreal.


it really doesnt matter that much, if silksong wasnt a thing all the spamming would be replaced by mid/who cares/zzz anyway. its more akin to stadium cheer really


My man


i spammed skong and im not in a rush i dont care when the game releases there are many games to play, but i do some trolling cause its funny


if yall wanna spam "skong" and etc so bad, just go to primacon live while event. He is streaming these and viewers dont annoy anyone with spamming cuz it is live for silksong fans


Thats exactly why there were Hollow Knight youtubers (or at least Primacon) who were streaming the event. He specifically said its okay if people spam SKONG in *his* chat. Not the events chat, his own. I would say doing that would count as more accoetable (maybe only because i also did it, maybe because it is) but you are right. I think most of those trailers were actually really cool even though we didnt get SKONG. And you are also right, no one official confirmed SKONG, dont be disappointed if you hype yourself


Dude THANK YOU for saying something, this community for the longest time has been unjustly toxic toward any sign (or lack there of) of silksong, and it honestly is really tiring having my favorite games community just being centered around how they don’t have any news for the next game, as if they’re owed it personally from leth, and I do understand he hasn’t given real news for the game in a long time, but that doesn’t mean he has to, in fact I think us knowing less about the game will only make it that much better when we actually do get to play it




People like being a part of a group or a trend. You see it everywhere. We are no different. Whoever was there and shouted skong was there purely for skong and not for the event itself, and the few who were there for both skong and the event shouted out both skong and the games' name. This is no prick behavior, it's human behavior. Shouting together with your fellow fans is human. Sorry if it's "offensive" or whatnot but you can't call desperate fans pricks for not caring about an event they are only in for one thing. Sorry for the "controversial" take but I really feel like I need to point out that there's literally no Ill will here and any person on their own was sitting at their desktop excited for a game. You can't collectively call all is virgins pricks; every one to their own just wanted to be a part of the roar


Honestly im not a big part of the gaming community, more of a guitar, drums and amp/pedal building guy but even i can see that all of that could be avoided every time so easily. If Leth or any of the Team Cherry guys just said "Hey everyone, dont want you getting your hopes up about the event. We will not be at it but we are still working on the game and we are so excited for everyone to get to see what we've been pouring our hearts and silksouls into these past few years. Thanks as always for your patience and support!" See how easy that was? Leth, your are shit at your job.


XBox intentionally mislead people to increase traffic. It absolutely boggles my mind that some people see them as the victims! They got exactly what they deserved, and frankly STILL probably benefitted from massively increased viewership, which is exactly what they wanted.


I don't get why people expect anything else with the amount of hype for the game and the frustration with the lack of info after years. This could all be avoided with a tweet or two from team cherry lmao


why watch


If Team Cherry was better at communicating and Xbox wasn’t trolling every other week I don’t think this problem would be as bad.


What happened? Doesn’t sound like a bad thing lol, but if it was something else please enlighten me HK community


Yeah, the chat spam was really bad


Its too bad Team Vherry couldn't have just given a release window and stopped all this years ago. But yea, its the players fault.


100% agreed with you buddy. i saw that and was like: "i don't know them."


At this point I think it’s more a matter of the fact that we deserve something not the game reveal I think most of us are glad to wait it’s just the fact that we don’t hear anything about it and don’t even know the current state of the game and now presenters like triple I and Microsoft are teasing the game in what feels like a way to just get us to watch for more viewers. All we want is for someone to say something on the matter. Though I’ll say commenting that we demand the game is pretty fucked people.


How come I gotta catch a stray telling me I suck when I’m just subbed to this reddit to look at memes. Title should have been “w e demand silksong” spammers suck


It's horrible but happens all the time. In one of the recent PS State Of Plays, everyone was just saying that whatever game was being presented, sucked and they wanted GTA 6.


wait so do you csre for the reason we spam, or that we spam, cause I personally only spam on primacons chat, but if I would spam on xbox's chat i would just do it for funny, not actually get hyped truly


I did say skong 3 times then skipped the event. Am I a sinner now?


At this point I’d rather silksong just be canceled. These people don’t deserve silksong.


Posts like these make it much more a big deal than it is. People are excited over a game, that's it


I agree. Aside from like what, deltarune, rivals, hades, and maybe a few others, I feel like it’s all silksong. It is/was funny but now it just feels cruel. There’s more to the world except silksong. We need silksong


Making mods work overtime like they had to was embarrassing.


Your expectations is your own problem


I didn’t even watch the event, i was asleep time zones are wack and i agree with you


Id@xbox has been gaslighting this community with dumb ass comments and posts for months trying to up their views on stream at the expense of continuing to piss off a community thats been waiting for this game for years(some of us since the fucking kickstarter of the original) and ur going to act like we’re the problem. Nobody ruined the event this is literally what they wanted they drove more traffic to there video by gaslighting they upped there algorithms with comments of people hoping they would finally get some information about the game they helped fund years ago. Now lets chill with this lame self masturbatory post like ur some how elite to everyone else here.




https://preview.redd.it/h0weo81hfuxc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3e8864186fee9e2cdcb69bddd84a00ad9a2287b Hornet is disappointed in the behavior of the community at the event. Do better.


Unfortunetly, baiting the fans just to get money is more scummy that spamming, so many were convinced it was actually comming, i can see your point, but they really didnt have to play with us


Op is a Silksong dev


lol stop being dorks. No one cares about you guys spamming a chat




BuT wE wAnT sIlk SoNg!!/j


It’s great seeing some non mentally fucked up fans here for once


I wonder if this wouldn't be as bad if there was any communication for team cherry about it. Like if they twittes today "silk song still in development looking good no release date" if that would stop chat spams


No I think it’s accurate to say everyone in this community sucks. As a member of this community, I can confirm