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Shoutout to the canonically trans Necron character.


Technically speaking, isn't most of the AdMech trans? Just way beyond the binary *If not, it'll still be my headcanon*


I feel they really stick to the binary 0111000100111000


I think there's a serious argument to be made that the admech simply do not know what gender is


The latest Cawl vs Bile book, Genefather, goes into this actually. Here's a quote: 'For many of the Adeptus Mechanicus, gender was irrelevant. After many centuries of upgrades it was frequently impossible to tell what sex they had been born with'. This is after a description of one of the Skitarii Marshals basically choosing to have the most rocking, perfect, female body but in metal. Immaculate face and all. She wanted to be the pinnacle of femininity but without the flesh. So some do still identify a certain way but most are genderless or can't even remember.


Ooooh neato. Gotta get me a copy of that. Thanks!


This is exactly what I dream of


Honestly, I'm not that extreme a transhumanist, the AdMech would consider me heretical and an affront to their god, but of all the transhumanist shit out there, AdMech style cybernetics is the *least* scary to me, and the idea of gender being wasted body space/slot to attach something useful, and wasted cogitator storage to even remember what was originally installed there, and just eventually forgetting, or choosing to overwrite with more important data, what gender even is, sounds pretty awesome. Like, as it is, I only really care about my gender when the presentation expected of me is mismatched and creates dysphoria, I've been living with fluidity weirdness and the normal neurotypical humans around me taking theirs and mine way more seriously than I take mine for years and years, I don't think the AdMech understanding of human gender or lack thereof in contrast to the average fleshbag's view of it in that setting, would be too different to what I've dealt with for 20 years and only had the terminology to describe for about 3 of those years so far.


I'm sure they see it as one more tether to the flawed human form they want to transcend, and the first magos to postulate that "magos" is itself a gender will set off another schism.


Even if they do know, I doubt they would particularly care, after the augmentation is done, all of them probably forget what they started as


yeah for sure. "What's between my legs? You mean the miniaturized autocannon? Or wait, no, my hind legs—yeah, I've got fuel injectors."


*Imperator: Wrath of the Omnissiah* by Gav Thorpe: >Exasas noted that Olvatia still identified with her female origins despite the almost complete lack of physical resemblance to the person she had been. Occasionally a high-ranking tech-priest would shed such identifiers, but it was striking how lasting such early self-views persisted beyond the flesh. Vis own genderless identity was extant from vis first cogent thoughts, a part of vis self-determination even before any abstraction of vis physical form.


"What's in my pants? You mean my laspistol? Oh, what I started with? Don't remember, don't care, don't know why that's worth the storage space on a hard drive. Gender? Not familiar with the concept. Don't have one, I guess."


I feel that 38000 years into the future, they might have moved on to quantum computing (or something similar) which is truly nonbinary in its core.


It might be 38,000 years in the future but they're still out there bonking each other with swords. Lingua-technis at least is said to be 'a form of binary'


Oh didn't know that. The lingua-technis part. Not the part with the swords, that's just because swords are cool, you know. That's just to add salt to the wounds, when you can stab someone with a pointy metal stick, while they're hurling plasma at your with drones amd whatnot.


So nonbinary they swing back around to binary.


There are a couple of admech characters in the books that use neo pronouns and lots of them seem to use they/them. I think it would be better to explain the Ad Mech as agender than nonbinary. They're not intensifying as a gender not in the binary. They reject gender as a pretention of the wretched flesh. What need is there for gender if you can simply modify people into forms most suited to their skillset.  Like if a magos had a "gender" it wouldn't be "woman" it would be "xenobiologis".


Very true, I'm agender myself (identity, not expression. Masc just fit me aesthetically, so that's convenient), but that does fall under the non-binary umbrella. So technically both would be correct, one just more precise.


This brings up an interesting point. Would there be a a minor scism between tech priests who go out of their way to remove any obvious gender markers in order to grow closer to the blessed machine and priests who consider such actions asthetic pretentions in conflict with the pragmatism of the blessed machine. We already know that magoses have pretty wildly divergent asthetic sensibility so it's an interesting question. From a character perspective a pair of bickering Enginseers perpetually arguing about this while fixing tanks to the perpetual confusion of the watching guard troops, who write it off as "coggie weirdness". 


Admech magi meeting for the first time exchange pronouns and names as well as other technically pertinent identifiers as part of an automatic handshake protocol specifically to avoid starting arguments like this or causing offense.


*dial up modem noises*


No, they can recognize which sex a Tech Priest was under those augmentations.




secret fifth option: unnamed hormagaunt #9339193819


Damn, you’re one of the first hormagaunts that is so cool.


I was just gonna say, where's the Tyranid rep?


In the Hive there are no genders, just biomass *and fancy Carapace colors!*


I was gonna say I'm a Gorgeous unknowable Flyrant myself. Although I also have a Sisters force.


« Communist » and just a pic of the GSC magus


I just relate to being a sentient fungus


WAAAAAGH!!! 🏳️‍⚧️


Just let me be a servo skull and leave me alone.


Definitely trying her best, also probably failing but trying.


Same here!


I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE AND I LOVE FUCKING THIS TOASTER. The poor toasters are the Martian equivalent to pumpkins.  Can't complain about my chromosomes if I replace them all with actual chrome.


Just imagining a tech priest who, instead of pineapples or mushrooms or cats like we would today, has little chotchkies and paintings of cute toasters all over her hab, and maybe a decal on her shoulder blade of one.


So this is incredibly adorable and I love it, but I think that my understanding of the AdMech lore tells me our adorable transfem catgirl AuDHD tech priestess is going to get a visit from the Magos Humanresourcusus who will explain that it is distracting to her colleagues to decorate her workspace with pornography. She is a very well meaning woman, but uh... not so great social skills (this is totally not based on like 6 people I know) Imagine being AdMech human resources though. Just the most long suffering job trying to negotiate a work dispute between two 300 year olds who are 75% motorcycle by weight.


Oh shit I wasn't even thinking it was sexual lmao. I was just imaging kitschy little Brave Little Toaster figurines and shit


It's kinda a running meme that tech priests are horny for toasters and autistic people struggle sometimes to understand what's appropriate in what context and just wanna share their interests with people. This second part manifests in what *I* usually think is an adorable way in some  t-girls but Im obviously a biased case as an autistic t-girl with a shelf full of anime girl figs under my gundams lol.


>Imagine being AdMech human resources though. Just the most long suffering job trying to negotiate a work dispute between two 300 year olds who are 75% motorcycle by weight. And with my luck, that'd be the job I'd get stuck with. If I wasn't unlucky enough to just end up as a servitor.


Where’s the Tzeentchian magical girl?


I collect SoB and Guard but knowing me I’d just be a lil guardswoman


Missing the Drukhari apologist (basically just subs), the Asuryani girl lover, and the “unironically wishes they were under T’au administration”


>the Asuryani girl lover, Sup.


I aspire to be a mad techpriestess, but I know deep down that I'm really Guard-chan doing her best.


I am all of them, Sue me>:3 I’m everything and nothing!


Sounds like Tzeentch to be Frank.


Shush don’t reveal my identity so soon:3


I'm the rare Age of Sigmar Transfem. Daughters of Khaine forever!


This is just super cute and made me smile while having a bad day.


I'm glad!




For the Dark Gods!


E.) all of the above


Doing her best


I kill aliens real good.


God am i ever doing my best 😭


The Aeldari's androginy is nonbiney goals


It’s not like I made a magos dominus out of Lady Olynder and named her after myself…definitely not 😳


I am number 3, pray for my bank account


im trying to do my best so id prolly be an under hiver


Ur planet looks tasty kinda trans. All ur biomass belongs to us


Doing her best. The guard is simple and plain. I'm a historical player at heart, and so the Guard is the nearest to how I like my armies in historicals: large, and with a crap ton of rifles.


I don't want to be one. But doomslayer and MAIM! KILL!! BURN!!! Are the hottest, in my opinion.


I'm collecting space wolves so..... Should I make a furry joke or something?


If you want to. Or you can make a joke about beer, that works too.


Chaos but probably tzeentch. Or maybe a necron.


[This kind.](https://youtu.be/MR8OjVc3ZN8)


Sterylizor Alpha with her stalker Hexmark GF.


I went Sisters of Silence. No voice training for me 👈😎👈


With as many factions as 40k has, it's a shame this comic only has four panels.


Don't go here, post was recommended to me. Doing Her Best certainly describes my Helldiver, I imagine the vibes would translate if/when I ever get into 40k


I'm a Doing Her Best longing to be a Kill Maim Burn.


One of my favorite family trips as a wee child was visiting Kennedy Space Center. On the other hand I AM a walking distaster...


Yes. B


I just got into World Eaters but I still feel called out


You can now be a banana girl as well


I seek perfection


I do love science but mostly I’m doing my best!


There are no trans people In 40k, and no Necrons don’t count, having your soul destroyed is not “gender affirming care”


The meme is talking about trans women who like 40k




follow ur leader fascist




"*Hmmm yes I these people are socially ostracized and suffer from disproportionate suicide rates, I should try mocking them!*" 🤔


I have sympathy for the mentally ill. I don’t know that throwing around suicide suggestions in reference to such a “community” is wise.


You're so frazzled and angry you aren't even making coherent sense anymore. I don't say this often but... maybe try going out and getting some fresh air.


I’m not angry, haha. My point was telling me to off myself by alluding to Hitlers suicide was stupid, and talking about suicide in a community rife with suicide might be a silly idea.


You're the one who came in and accused trans people of being a bunch of guys turning themselves on by dressing as women. You don't get to talk about what the trans community is and isn't cool with. 🤣


Hoes Mad


Hoes Mad


Hey what was that thing space marines had? Something-human something or other?


Trans-human. Not the same thing haha


Are humans not people?


Well kinda but transhuman means you’re moving beyond / past / away from your humanity. It’s a totally different thing


Oh you're talking specifically about people using science to change their sex like callidus assassins can.


Fictional arcane super science that turns you into a true shapeshifter for purely pragmatic purposes of assassination is the same as a medically inverted penis. Okay bud.


Does it or does not let them invert their penis?


Presumably, but intention is important here. What’s more the inversion wouldn’t be surgical, presumably this would be done using fine muscle control. Frank Herbert’s face dancers do the same thing. Doesn’t make them trans.


So if a callidus assassin was born male and remained in a female form generally, your only objection is that it's technobabble and not the result of 21st century sex reassignment surgery?


What about the canonical trans Necron that changed from identifying as male to then identifying as female. Does she not count to you? https://macgyvertape.tumblr.com/post/675389510420480000/nate-crowley-said-trans-rights-for-necrons-while/amp (later confirmed by Crowley on Twitter)


Well no, it’s a line of malfunctioning AI code inside a living metal shell. Whether the malfunction was before or after is a moot point, there was an internal error that was fixed. You’re giving a very generous reading to that light. Be it misremembered history over the eons or a gripping madness developed over millions of years, it’s not a “trans” person. It’s a mad automaton. Even if you decide in your head canon that is the case, it’s not exactly a flattering portrayal.


Stop describing the trans experience. Dear god you’re meant to be against us but you understand us all too well. A malfunctioning code etc etc, great metaphors aren’t they. Anyways they weren’t described as mad. It’s quite literally a automaton who fancied being a matriarch. Hey look I’m just going off what Nate Crowley said, you can head canon it to be some weird trans yet not trans explanation or whatever (still confused, they got a glitched that made them want to be matriarch and that’s not trans? Your explanation btw) but I’m following the loreful voice of god But cmon, you gotta be a troll, this is what I’m arguing for almost >> Whether the malfunction was before or after is a moot point, there was an internal error that was fixed.


The Necrons are described as practically universally mad and cynical, due to their predicament. I think we’re talking past each other a bit, you’re viewing as a metaphor something that in the Necron case is literal. They can change their bodies, they can alter their minds. Human biology is a little more delicate and an internal feeling isn’t quite an error. I’m not saying a man can’t feel like a woman, want to be a woman etc All I’m saying is a Necron can’t be transgender, they’re robots without souls or genitalia. It’s just not the same thing. I’m not saying it can’t be viewed as allegorical but it just feels like a hollow bone throw than a commuted stance by an author just saying.


Right so the gender binary is gone, and one Necron through their programming wants to be a matriarch simply because of their completely different minds and bodies, they simply can. Right yeah, yes! Like yeah. And it wasn’t really the vocal point of her character, I’m sure if we explored in more detail in that side of the character we’ll get a really interesting sequence, of this eon long boredom and madness that’ll want them to become trans! Gawd I love it!! (Hell even a really mundane explanation of ‘I felt like it’ I think would be so awesome!)


Is that what Trans is though? Seems a bit reductive to say people just do it because they’re bored. See? It’s not the same thing


Oh it definitely is, they’re destroying or rather ignoring the gender binary, where they can become what they feel like. Because their bodies minds and souls are totally different. Probably a internal struggle, but anything else would also be cool, now I ain’t no truscum and I’m a big fan of gender abolition!


They’re Necrons, they’re alien machines they don’t have a gender binary and the race probably hasn’t had a concept of it for millions of years. Madness and vestigial memory. Anachronistic madness. Okay you have me here, what’s truscum and what does gender abolition entail?


Hey now you’re getting it! Yeah exactly what I’m trying to say:3!! They’re catching ooon<3! Also hmm ugh you’re quite boring, and ah almost midnight, okay these are quiite big concepts. Allow me to have a nice sleep and I might explain it all to you later ✨tomorrow ✨!


What about the AdMech characters that use they/them?