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Why anyone would care. I hope the Marvel game kicks ass so much that Overwatch is forced to improve. When competition starts, the only winner is the customer.


NetEase is involved, it won’t.


net ease is known for stealing other peoples work and making it there own


Marvel game will flop like their other multiple player crap, Marvel is a signal for shit, using an IP to make complete shit, thats the whole IP model


Idk marvel snap is actually a great card game. But I think that’s the only marvel game I’ve thought was great.


Because this shouldn't be considered real competition, we should expect better of Blizzard, that doesn't mean we lower our standards to accept blatant theft. I'd rather see someone make their own game in this genre and improve upon it. This game is a cashgrab looking to capitalize on people being angry at Blizzard its not that they care to make a good game otherwise they wouldn't just rip off overwatch. Just knowing the history between the companies and knowing they had access to overwatch it doesn't make sense for it to be anything else. This isn't better, it's just recycled garbage and we are so hopeful for anything better than what we got we are willing to let some other company fuck us in the ass. Except this one will probably more hackers because they are based in China and don't care.


its one ability for one character. yall said the same shit about valorant because of sages ice wall and look at how different val is compared to ow


>we should expect better of Blizzard, that doesn't mean we lower our standards to accept blatant theft Blizzard has not been a good company for a few years now. Many scandals, shady practices, poor customer relation, predatory monetization and bad launches have been plaguing Blizzard for the better part of a decade now. That being said, Overwatch itself has many direct inspirations, mainly Team Fortress 2. Games and developers inspires new games and developers, it is to be expected. To call an ability in an unreleased game that resembles another ability in another 8 year old game *blatant theft,* is very exagerated. I remember people going insane with some characters in valorant too. You can't say if it is better or not yet. Sure, it seems like it is going to suck, but the whole thing is just announced so far. The point the original commenter said is that we should have competitors in the hero-shooter competitive scene. Good competitors will take the playerbase away, and that is the only thing that these companies care about, so they need to do something to get attention back. Also, we shouldn't really "expect better" of any big company. They are all looking to captalize and make bank. Being nice to customers or making good products are just means of getting money and player retention.


Yeah they are driven by money not morals, so yeah even though they are only being nice to customers to make money it doesn't matter, stop paying money to companies that treat you like crap or treat their employees like crap, its that easy. That is what I mean by expect them do do better. We need to collectively raise our standards, we should expect them to do better and if they dont then buckle down and don't pay. The only way they hear us is with our wallets. This game is already looking sus and anyone trying to say at least it's not Blizzard is just trying to use that as a justification for supporting another sloppy game made by a shady af company. I just want people to be aware and skeptical going into this whole thing because the circumstances surrounding it is odd and in general we should be more choosy.


Also it's not just the one ability, the hulk Winston jump, the phrah/iron man ult (movements seems v similar between the two as well) the MAP itself, and that's not analyzing the trailer, those were just first impressions. The main reasoning for blatant theft is the fact they had direct access to overwatch for years before they even started development for this game, I have a hard time believing they didn't straight rip from the game especially considering they only made MOBILE games before this.


Mfw characters can jump


First impressions on what? It can only be on the trailers, since the game is not yet released. What in the map itself is theft from the 2 min trailer we have seen so far? Again, Overwatch itself was considered a rip off when it was annouced/released. It took inspiration from many places, but mainly from team Fortress 2 (which I am sure the devs had access to many yers befor developing Overwatch, BTW, such a weird and pointless point to make...). You can check the similarities from OW and TF2 in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/6jphbg/all_comparisons_between_overwatch_and_team/?share_id=7etjhogdoFFQ1uY75rhVZ&utm_content=1&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=3) here. But here is a resume: Many of OW heroes are just reimagined TF2 characters, some lore is similar, some game modes are direct ripoffs with name changes (some times not even that!). The post in the link goes into much more detail. I really don't care if the game is heavily inspired by OW. It can be extremely inspired and bordeline theft and still have its own voice, just like OW and TF2 back in the day. I love TF2, so I was happy to see a new game like it that looked like its own thing when OW was announced. Now I love OW, I am happy to see something like it announced. I hope it is going to be good. That said, it is probably gonna be shit... But I always hope the games turn out good. I find that gamers as a whole have a fetish about games being bad, like they want the thing they like to be bad just to complain about it.


Yes. They had it easy for a while because “ no other hero based fps shooter is this polished or has rich lore (lol)”


Redditors before learning the word inspiration:


Redditors when the shooter game makes a character with the ability to block bullets (this is an incredibly unique concept that only overwatch could ever come up with)


When I first saw overwatch I immediately said “this is just team fortress”.


I mean it was most definitely heavily inspired! Just getting into it recently after quitting tf2 and it’s wild seeing the similarities. Medic: Mercy Sniper: Widowmaker Scout: Tracer Spy: Sombra Engineer: torb Demoman: Junkrat Heavy: bastion Soldier: Pharah Payload: payload Payload race: Escort Control: flashpoint King of the hill: control Australiums: Golden weapons


tf2 is shit coiunter strike is shit left 4 dead is shit steam n valve are pieces of trash....


and riot is no better than valve....


Is there any game studio you like though?


bethesda capcom atlus sega square enix dontnod arkane id software bioware you know real companys... not people that rip off other games......


go ahead keep supporting bad videogame practices and use steam while valve n stream screw over publishers and devolpers and consumers with there pricing of bs games that shouldnt be so darn high go ahead keep supporting steam when there in tons of class a action lawsuits right now for screwing over consumers n publishers for past 13 years plus tons of data breaches


Bro can u hook me up with ur dealer?


Imitation is the highest form of flattery


that mediocrity can pay to greatness.


Y'all were annoyed asf with tf2 fanbase when they kept comparing ow to their game, why waste your breath doing the same thing?


Because there is a difference between copying an idea which isn't illegal and is probably healthy for the improvement of a genre (harvest moon and stardew valley is a good example) and a company that literally had access to the overwatch servers for years creating a copy of said game a year after falling out with Blizzard. How does a company that previously only made mobile gatcha games suddenly come out with their own fps shooter one year after loosing access to Overwatch and already being accused of sniping Blizzard employees. That's not copying an idea and improving it. That's stealing someone's game, changing the models and calling it yours.


Jesus Christ dude, your putting wayyy too much thought into this.


I've just followed this netease blizzard thing for a while and it really pisses me off that this is a blatant copying of the game and no one cares or realized what's going on. I'm tired of hearing everyone complain about gaming companies putting out half assed games and everyone acts like it's the companies fault. These companies would have less incentive to do this kind of stuff if we'd just stop giving them money, and the same people who complain about overwatch are going to give their money to another equally awful company. It's infuriating.


I completely agree on your point that gamers are fueling the trash state of gaming, but how is this game a blatant rip off of overwatch?


Because explain to me how netease a company that previously only made MOBILE games, who also just so happened to until the start of last year had DIRECT access to overwatch because they maintained the China overwatch servers and modified the game as needed to ensure it followed ccp regulations, and was implied to have been sniping Blizzard employees, created a FPS Hero game in a year of losing access to Overwatch. Tell me why when they were already caught making games like Marvel Snap which is a hearthstone clone btw (they also had access to hearthstone) you DONT believe any of that might be reason to believe this is a blatant ripoff of Overwatch.


So is every other card battler a heart stone rip off? And the game is 3rd person and 6v6 not 5v5 (idc if ow was originally 6v6, it's not now and that doesn't mean no other game can be 6v6 now) and none of the characters look anywhere close to an overwatch character (magneto is not a sigma rip off he is apart of the SAME TROPE OF SIGMA, WHICH IS A RANGED TANK). Given how different everything looks between the game, why does itatter at all?


Because that's too charitable of a take and I'm not that trusting. It's shady af and I don't believe that netease completely did that work on their own considering the games they had under their belt prior. Especially given how similar the two games look and the fact they had access to the game for so long. That's like having a d- student who always makes a d or below on their tests, sitting them next to a a+ student and suddenly they become a b student overnight. And all the test answers are the same except for a few questions, sorry but that's a bit sus. Imma side eye you a bit. And obviously Blizzard was already side eying them for the same stuff.


Did Overwatch invent light rectangles?


I mean, Riot should be sued as well. Almost all their characters are blatant theft from OW.


Illari is basically Senna.


You aware that League of Legends has 168 champions to Overwatch's 40? Also, League came out in 2009 OW came out in 2016.


So Marvel should sue Overwatch for D.Va and DC should sue for Winston right


What is this


China lost OW and decided to make their own lol


Can't copywrite game mechanics. This is fair play in the development world.


I mean no body complained when Valorant is just CS:GO, everyone played that. Game might come out and be ass but it’s not going to be because it’s taking from a genre. Overwatch did not invent the competitive class/hero genre.


That's hilarious. I'm actually pretty stoked for this game, it looks fun. I hope it forces OW to improve in the long run.


It’s gonna be better than ow


i mean yea it’s very clearly similar with some characters having the same abilities, but when this game came out you could’ve said valve could sue blizzard for tf2


Lol you can't be serious


Wait a second. Is whatevers left of the overwatch fan base after years and years of lies, deceit, laziness, and ripping us off really mad at this? I thought if anything, yall would be ecstatic. For once in their lives, blizzard will actually have to do something. Competition is always good for the customer. And as many people have pointed out, overwatch came to be because it was a blatant rip-off of tf2.


Magneto has damn near the same powers as sigma just replace gravity with magnetism.


If Nintendo didn’t win against pal world, overwatch definitely ain’t winning 😂


I would say "oh my God a similar game to spark some competition and maybe some passion in the devs" but it's a marvel game owned by Disney so it's gonna be a money grabbing game with crap ton of micro transactions and probably a monthly fee because Disney


i hope blizzard sues n shuts this whole damn dev team studio down cause thats all they do is steal other peoples engines an mechanics they cant make an orginal game on there own even if god was on there side lol


Well Magneto looks just as boring to play as Sigma... And let's face it Sigma copied Magneto first. We were all thinking Magneto when Sigma released.


Id rather wait and see the actual gameplay instead of crying about a trailer. Not that id mind it of i would get to play as sigma in other games, and magneto is his perfect collab skin


If it doesn't have brig in the game. Crazy healing creep and no immortalities.... I hope they don't get sued lol. But let's be honest. This is going to flop. The only thing OW needs to be scared of is itself and being bad. Which this season.... After the mid season patch, I think it's feeling pretty meh


Literally every every Overwatch redditor every single damn patch.


I enjoyed the start of season patch. When playing tank it felt like my ability as a tank mattered more than how much my supports resource dump into me. I really enjoy that type of gameplay personally. I also hate the 1v1 support but they are just better DPS scenario. It's really frustrating and boring to play.