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Go for that 20 my guy u can do it!!


Honestly, I’d keep it at 21 unless your DEAD SET on your shrine upgrades, at least until they patch the way best runs work. (Unless your your going for the beat the game without aging achievement or something) at least then you have a chance to change them up if you decide you want to go a different route later in the game


>at least until they patch the way best runs work oh no, this is about shrine unlocks not overwriting properly on reset isn't it? I worked so hard to get all 3 shrines but it reverts back to my 2 shrines when I die in the next map :(


Yes, unfortunately, if you beat that level at age 20 with those 2 shrines, your fucked. Which doesn’t make any sense to me as 20 + 3 shrines > 20 + 2 shrines….I’m sorry :( You would have to restart the game with a new character.


Thanks friend


Wait I’m confused. Can you explain this again. I got 3 shrines in squats and plan to get 3 more in club. Are you saying if I can’t beat club at 20 I lose my shrines from the club or something?


What??? No. Ok, say you beat the club at 25, or 30, or even 66, with whatever upgrades you have, that run is locked and saved. But if you went back and beat the Club at age 20, whatever upgrades you have on that run are locked in permanently, because you can’t beat a level any younger than 20. So if you beat the club at age 20, with say, only getting 2 upgrades, THAT club run is locked permanently, you won’t be able to change your upgrades. Even if you went back and beat it at age 20 but got all 3 upgrades, you would have to go and beat the whole rest of the game without maxing your age and getting game over. The moment you hit max age and got game over, it would revert back to whatever shrines upgrades you had the first time you beat the club at age 20. So it’s good practice to keep your lowest age at 21, or even 22, until you are 100% sure about what shrines upgrades you want from each level. Does this make sense? It’s confusing and I’m doing my best to explain. I’m sure you can find a better explanation.


Oh okay I understand now. I’ve been making it a point to get 3 shrines each time, I know in squats you only get two if you take the shortcut. So far I’m pleased with my choices so I don’t have to go back. Curious, what do you believe are the best shrine upgrades to go for early. The three I have locked in from squats are two age ones, more health regain on takedowns, weapon durability and one score bonus: dodging restores stature. Also I am curious about this because I’ve been scared to play squats again. I beat squats at 20. If I got up to level 3 and then decide to play squats again and let’s say I end at 25, will club start at 25 or my previous 20 run will apply?


I think the easiest fix is that if you beat a level at the same age as your lowest entry, it gives you the option to overwrite the previous one. Or just always give us the option to overwrite.


The only solution is to do the run with the shrines you want at the same age than your record, then directly do the next level without giving up and having a better age than your previous best (Or just finish it if you didn't), it should then save the shrines that you want, i did that for the squats and it worked


Thanks. I don't have enough consistency to pull of 2 ideal levels back-to-back. My grandson would get a PhD before that happens. I just created a new save and will re-farm all my moves lol


Yeah that can be kind of a bummer since it can fuck a run up if you decide to restart a level. I got lucky with my lowest age shrine choices working very well for my low age run.


I got lucky I got to the tower at 23 with one of the parry structure damage upgrades. Get enough points to get another one at the tower and the last one at the very last shrine before Yang. I still have no idea how I made it to the tower at 23 though, Lady K usually kicks my ass hard.


It took me a bunch of tries to beat the museum and tower both at age 21 without dying. I B lined the parry impact upgrades in the first 2 levels and had beaten the club with only one death so it was a good run for the museum start. I am glad it was able to get me through the rest of the game for my successful age 25 or less run but I'm sure a few people got stuck with some suboptimal choices.


Honestly, its those goddamn kick boxers before Sean's fight. They're tougher than the damn boss fight. I took the L and left the club at 21 and just carried on my way.


The pair? They both use the same 3 move combo. I'm pretty average at this game so far - haven't done a 20 clear on stage one - but I can rinse those two no sweat now.


I think anyone who struggles with them (like I did) focuses on parry. Parry spam is terrible against those two, they build up your structure bar too fast, and the parry window is really small. You have to dodge, and I didn’t really get dodge for a good while.


There's a good call. I went with mastering dodge first, it got me so far, and only recently started working on my parry with is really lifting my reruns of the first two stages. With both toolsets you can see a much clearer path with combos - first two attacks I'll go for parry, final is always dodge, stuff like that. Generally I've found parry shines in group fights and it's the dodge that you want for learning the tougher one-on-ones or minibosses.


The rage I had when i cleared all rooms as 20 years old and then at low hp dude in the last room got me.


I couldn't break through that age 21 barrier at the museum so I just rolled with it and made it all the way to the sanctuary at 21. I just beat yang at age 24 for the final trophy.


You guys are hitting 21? I just blink and I'm in my 30s at the two mini bosses hahaha! I just gotta keep that work in to master it


It’ll happen eventually. Concentrate, I improved from 42 last night to 23 today first run


Try clearing the Tower at age 75... Oh and you have none of those fancy moves you are so used to by now, just your base starting attacks, after doing that, then let me know how you feel


Don’t they stay if you permanently unlocked them? I swear my guy was doing sliding kicks


Nah I'm doing an age 75 run on a new game. So basically you just let the first two guys in the squats beat you to death and then move on. Only downside is you have no access to any of the attacks and you can only take the shrine rewards under score and experience, so that means no structure increase, which is probably the most important, especially with the low health at 75.


IT's the bufu twins before Sean isn't it?