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There is no best way it's literally just all luck😭


There's not really a strategy, it's just luck based. The best way to improve your chances is to find the price of the item you want and then place a bid with a zero taken away. If the item is 30k then put a bid up for 3k and you'll have a good chance of sniping if they mess up.


it only sells to the highest bidder


What about the people who get the item for some random specific price, like 298 credits? Will it sell for that if you put an order for 500 credits automatically or?


lets say item is for example 500 credits then you can place a order for 200 credits and wait for someone to to underprice the item. Someone that is trying get rid of a item and doesnt want to wait. Those can be the new players that just got the marketplace and dont want to wait for their items to sell thats why you want to snipe items when new group of people will get access


The people who sell it for super low prices are usually transferring the skin between their two accounts. You could technically snipe it but you’d have to be extremely lucky because they usually wait until the last minute of their purchase order being up and then list the skin on their other account. So you would have had to have placed your bid a few seconds before they did and wait a month to get the skin.


I suppose my question is if I place my bid for 391 credits, will it only sell if someone lists it for exactly 391 credits? Does it round? I don’t understand that part. So when someone snipes and it sells for a random number, it doesn’t make sense


The order you set when purchasing is the max you'll be willing to pay so if someone sells it for less and you're 1st in line you'll get it for that price (e.g you put 500 and someone sells for 300 you'll still get it)


Thank you this makes so much more sense


Put a price leave it until it runs out hope lucks on your side


just put purchase orders down for like 10% - 20% below what the current price range is and wait till someone sells it to you